1 minute read

Developing Weaves

In our architectural proposal, much like Hindu temples, we have made use of different dynamisms to express the notion of a living world. When letting various processes determine the design of a structure, the question of what particular shape or form to apply these processes onto is very important. In Hinduism the dynamisms are often applied to rather well-defined architectural elements, the most striking one perhaps being the latina shape which when subjected to the dynamisms evolves into the fractal shekhari superstructure. In the generation of the structures presented here, however, the dynamisms that we have used are applied to something that we call “threads.” The threads are in turn combined to create “weaves.”

On the images depicting 3D printed PLA models of various structures, some of the results of our investigation into various dynamisms can be seen. Out of the dynamisms that we used the most frequently, one of them, “staggering,” comes from Hindu temple architecture, and two of them, “radial array,” and “mirroring,” we came up with ourselves through experimentation.


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