AIESEC annual report 2008

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

AIESEC in Switzerland 2008-2009 Annual Report


Day one

is where you make the job your own Day one. It’s where you put the theory into practice and start to stretch yourself. Where you’re encouraged and supported to succeed. Where you can start to make your ambitions a reality. From the day you join us, we’re committed to helping you achieve your potential. So, whether your career lies in assurance, tax, transaction, advisory or core business services, shouldn’t your day one be at Ernst & Young?

Letter of the Member Committee President


The Member Committee




AIESEC, a trulyglobal organisation


Local Committees in Switzerland


The Global Internship Program


Internship Stories


The Nestlé-UNFPA-AIESECpartnership


AIESEC Competency Model


Leadership Stories


Learning Environment




CareerDays 2009


Message from the National Support Group President 2008-2009 Seems


The National Support Group


Advisory Council




Financial Report


Financial Statements


External Audit Report




Take charge of your career. Now. Impressum Contents AIESEC in Switzerland Eigerstrasse 55 CH-3007 Bern

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Annual Report 2008/2009


Letter of the Member Committee President

The Member Committee

Dear partners, students, members and alumni, The purpose of the annual report is to show you what happened in the national organization over the past year. Which developments and successes have been achieved and where AIESEC is going in the years to come. In order to drive results in the last year, we have been focusing on three different areas. The first one of them is growth in internship opportunities provided to both students and companies. We have been able to grow 21% in overall

The Member Committee (MC) is the national leadership body of AIESEC in Switzerland. It consists of six members who

exchange over the last year. This has been achieved due to a new marketing cam-

are working full time for one year to support all the members and local committees as well as the general development

paign, which attracted more people but also through the simplification of many

of AIESEC in Switzerland. The MC also is the inter-link between the local members and the international organization.

processes. We built a sustainable pipeline of students wanting to go abroad on an exchange and therefore increased by 69% compared to last year.

The work on the national level is split into functional areas, same as on a local level. This ensures more efficient coaching and provides the local executive boards with a national leader in their specific functional area.

In the area of incoming exchange, this means foreign students doing an internship in a Swiss company; we have been able to grow slightly compared to last year, despite the economically challenging times. Amongst others we achieved this due to our second focus of the year, which is sales and external relations. This includes a better relationship management and a focus on sales. But we also provided the members of the local level with more training, so they

The National Team

The Vice President for Exchange is

The Vice President of Finance is re-

could sell the internship program and other products in a better way themselves. Worth mentioning here are also the

The President is leading the national

responsible for the global internship

sponsible for the financial manage-

Career Days fairs, which have been very successful this year. Additionally we were able to increase the number of

team of five Vice-Presidents as well

program. He is in close contact with

ment, bookkeeping and audit of the

partners in the National Support Group.

as the entire national organisation.

his peers across the globe to ensure

national organization.

The third focus is strongly linked to the previous ones and treats the development and contribution of members. Under

The Career Days Responsible is

the umbrella of member excellence we improved the skills trainings for our members with the help of the newly devel-

project manager of the Career Days

oped member education cycle, which consists of a set of trainings conducted on a local level. Another part was a clear

fairs, which happen across several

The Vice President for External Relations

ment, selection, retention and skill

definition of the roles and responsibilities of members, so they could directly contribute to the growth and development

universities. He is also coordinator of

is the main contact of Partners of

development of the members of the

of the organisation.

the marketing and communication of

AIESEC and is responsible for sales of

national association.

the Career Days.

different products of AIESEC.

a smooth delivery of the internship experiences for our students.






Management is in charge of recruit-

Those developments will be continued in the next years in order to build on them. The newly constituted Advisory Council that consists of highly qualified individuals who mostly are former AIESEC members will supervise this direction.

The Team of 08/09

We wish you all a pleasant reading of our annual report, in which you will be able to find more information to the

Jih-Ming Chen

above-mentioned topics.

Exchange (Switzerland/Taiwan) Tomasz Szczerba

We would also like to use this space here to thank everyone who has been supporting AIESEC throughout the past year.

Career Days (Poland)

Without you, all our successes would not have been possible.

Regula Marti President (Switzerland)

Regula Marti, Member Committee President 08/09

Sara Enstedt Talent Management (Switzerland/Sweden) Marcel Sprecher External Relations (Switzerland) JosĂŠ GonzĂ lez Finance (Spain)


Annual Report 2008/2009

The Team of 09/10 Philipp Heller Joanna Krawczyk Iolanda Trandafir Dave Netley Salome Risi Nan Zhao

President Exchange Finance Talent Management Career Days External Relations

Switzerland Poland Romania United Kingdom Switzerland Switzerland/China

Annual Report 2008/2009


AIESEC gave me a great opportunity to develop my leadership skills. I was a member of the Executive Board in Basel and I also had my own team to manage. Due to this experience I’ve learned a lot about myself and gained professional experience, which will help me a lot with my future career. Eszter, 23, University of Basel


What we envision? Peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential. Our Impact Our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership potential for them to have a positive impact in society. The Way We Do It AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience (The AIESEC Experience) comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a global learning environment. See more about the AIESEC Experience here Our Values Our values provide a way for the collective leadership of AIESEC to encourage common norms of behaviour across our global network.

What do you do besides your studies? Create your own story!

Activating Leadership

Living Diversity

Striving for Excellence

We lead by example and inspire lead-

We seek to learn from the different

We aim to deliver the highest quality

ership through our activities.

ways of life and opinions represented

performance in everything we do.

We take full responsibility for devel-

in our multicultural environment.

Through creativity and innovation we

oping the leadership potential of our

We respect and actively encourage

seek to continuously improve.


the contribution of every individual. Acting Sustainably

Demonstrating Integrity

Enjoying Participation

We act in a way that is sustainable for

We are consistent and transparent in

We create a dynamic environment

our organisation and society.

our decisions and actions.

created by active and enthusiastic

Our decisions take into account the

We fulfil our commitments and con-

participation of individuals.

needs of future generations.

duct ourselves in a way that is true to

We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.

our ideals.

Why I love AIESEC so much? The people are great fun, there is no limit for exploraAIESEC is the world’s largest student-run organization, present in over 100 countries with 28’000 members and has over 60 years of experience in developing young people into globally minded leaders. We do this by offering over 4’500 international internships, 5’000 leadership opportunities and 350 confereces worldwide every year.

tion and learning, and there are endless amounts of opportunities to take on board. Sebastian, Geneva

The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Supporter of AIESEC in Switzerland Annual Report 2008/2009


AIESEC - A truly global organisation

Western Europe & North America

Middle East & North Africa

Central & Eastern Europe

Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland

Algeria* Bahrain* Saudi Arabia* Egypt I.R. Iran* Jordan Morocco Oman* Qatar* Tunisia United Arab Emirates

Armenia Azerbaijan* Bosnia Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Georgia* Hungary Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia

Italy Malta Netherlands, The Norway Portugal Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States of America

Lithuania Macedonia, FYRO Moldova Poland Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Tajikistan* Turkey Ukraine Uzbekistan*

AIESEC offers its members and partners a network of people and opportunities in all five continents. Companies that work with AIESEC have the opportunity to source young talent directly from any of these countries by employing an AIESEC intern. Students are able to choose between a multitude of internship and work opportunities in any of the member countries.

What make an AIESEC-Experience like that so spe-

Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Mexico Panama Peru Puerto Rico Spain Uruguay Venezuela


Annual Report 2008/2009

cial is that you are in this organisation with a lot of

Asia Pacific

Ibero-America Africa Angola* Benin* Botswana Cameroon Cote d’Ivoire Ethiopia* Gabon* Ghana Kenya Mauritius* Nigeria Rwanda Senegal South Africa Tanzania Togo Uganda Zimbabwe

people all over the world who are totally different

Afghanistan Australia Bangladesh Cambodia* China, Mainland of Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Malaysia New Zealand Pakistan Philippines, The Singapore South Korea Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Vietnam*

to yourself. When I was on my first international conference I felt like I was connected with the whole World. This changed my way to see and to think about the world, other cultures and globalisation in many ways. Fabian, Basel

*official extension committees

Annual Report 2008/2009


Local Committees in Switzerland LC Lausanne Number of Members Number of outgoing exchange Number of incoming exchange

43 1 1

Special achievement: Delivered a very successful Career Days 2009.

With 380 members and more than 100 realized internships, AIESEC in Switzerland is contributing strongly to the network of AIESEC globally. In Switzerland, our organization consists of 9 local committees covering universities and schools of applied science in the German, Italian and French speaking part of the country.

LC Basel Number of Members Number of outgoing exchange Number of incoming exchange

Number of Members Number of outgoing exchange Number of incoming exchange Special achievement: Successful integration of a second university in the local committee.

LC Berne

LC St. Gallen 40 7 6

Number of Members Number of outgoing exchange Number of incoming exchange

15 7 5

80 5 4

Special achievement: Striving for Excellence award winner at KICK OFF 2009 for delivering the highest quality processes in the local committee.

Special achievement: Local Committee Development award winner at KICK OFF 2009 for successful restructuring and repositioning of the local committee.

LC Fribourg

LC Winterthur

Number of Members Number of outgoing exchange Number of incoming exchange

24 5 2

Number of Members Number of outgoing exchange Number of incoming exchange

25 5 0

Special achievement: Gained full membership the first time in 5 years.

Special achievement: Strong and sustainable cooperation with ZHAW.

LC Geneva

LC Zurich

Number of Members Number of outgoing exchange Number of incoming exchange Special achievement: Strong outgoing exchange positioning and management.

Annual Report 2008/2009

45 7 11

Special achievement: Role Model Local Committee award winner at KICK OFF 2009 for best overall performance.

Number of Members Number of outgoing exchange Number of incoming exchange


LC Lugano

74 7 3

Number of Members Number of outgoing exchange Number of incoming exchange

40 8 30

Special achievement: Highest exchange performance for the 2nd year in a row.

Annual Report 2008/2009


The Global Internship Program

Global Internship Program The internship is a key opportunity we

UBS, Syngenta, Kraft Foods, Citi, DHL,

AIESEC the helps with the integration

program is on a stable upward trend. By

and shows the high level of customer

and selection procedures and an online

are offering to our members. More

Unliever, Hewlett Packard and many

of the intern in the new environ-

growing by 21% from 95 to 114 in-

satisfaction of our partners. The number

application system have made it possible

than 5500 students and recent gradu-

other partners source their talent

ment by providing ongoing activities

ternships realized, we have reached the

students going abroad has grown by

to attract more students for an internship

ates have taken part in our internship

through the global internship program.

and connects him/her to a network of

highest performance since the term

45% from 37 students to 52 students,

abroad and supported these extraordi-

other AIESEC members and other in-

2005-2006. Internships in Switzerland

and the number of students recruited for

nary growth rates. The positive trend of

program globally in 2008 and went through a challenging experience

The Process

terns in the city. At the same time, the

have grown from 58 to 62. Considering

the internship program has grown by

the last term is continuing, and looking at

while living and working in a foreign

The internship durations vary between

evaluation of the internship is ongo-

the challenging situation of the economic

69% from 68 to 115 compared to the

the increased pipeline, even higher num-

country. We offer internships in the

1.5 months and 18 months. Every

ing: AIESEC facilitates an evaluation

environment, this is surely an achievement

previous term. More efficient application

bers will be possible in the coming term.

areas of management, information

student applying for the internship

process for both the organization and

technology, engineering, education

program passes through the internal

the intern throughout the internship

and development.

selection and screening procedures

to ensure expectations and objectives

and is supported by the respective lo-

from all sides are being met.

Through the global internship pro-

cal AIESEC committee in the search for

gram, our partners gain access to

his/her future internship.

high potential students and recent

Tobias Lütolf – Management Internship in India The internship program in AIESEC

“I was responsible for the German speaking markets in an Indian stone exporter. I

in Switzerland 2008/2009

met so many other AIESECers and surely some will stay friends for life. Incredible India was a great experience for me.”

graduates from over 1700 univer-

Additionally, AIESEC takes care of visa

In the period of July 2008 – June

sities in 107 countries and territo-

and work permit procedures and

2009, AIESEC in Switzerland has re-

ries. AIESEC interns have proven to be

supports the logistical preparation

alized 114 internships by sending 52

ideal solutions for both long-term and

(such as accommodation, pick up from

students on internships abroad and

short-term human resource needs of

the airport etc.) and cultural prepara-

welcoming 62 students from abroad

our partners.

tion prior to the departure to the in-

on internships in Switzerland.

In Switzerland, companies such as

ternship abroad. During the internship,

The performance of the Swiss internship

Incoming (ICX) and outgoing (OGX)

Internship destinations of Swiss interns abroad

Regions of origin of foreign interns in Switzerland

Internship type of foreign students in Switzerland

internships per term Africa 2% (1)

Africa 8% (4)

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Technical 11% (7)

Wester Europe North America 15% (8) Asia Pacific 21% (13)


Middle East North Africa 8% (4)

Education 2% (1)

Wester Europe North America 51% (32)

Asia Pacific 46% (24)

Central Easter Europe 18% (11)

Management 87% (54)

Iberoamerica 12% (6)






Iberoamerica 6% (4)

Central Easter Europe 11% (6) Middle East North Africa 2% (1)


Annual Report 2008/2009

Annual Report 2008/2009


Internship Stories

The Nestlé-UNFPA-AIESEC partnership

Internship Experiences of our Members Rachna Chopra – LC Geneva

Bbirikadde Joseph Billy UNFPA Intern – 08/09

After completing my Master degree, I decided to go on an AIESEC Development

Switzerland is the only country in the AIESEC network with a UN partnership. The partner-

Traineeship to India, my country of origin. There, I spent three months working for

ship which has existed for the last four years has had a positive impact on other AIESEC

an NGO in the micro-finance and women-empowerment field for community de-

countries through its annual internship that focuses on experienced AIESEC members

velopment. I got the opportunity of collaborating with many types of institutions

from developing countries. Students from India, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda re-

and interacting with people from various social backgrounds such as poor villagers

spectively have so far benefited from this internship programme.

to create Self Help Groups, bankers and government officials. Initially the internship was a split position with the intern working three days a week Further, also travelling and discovering diverse places and cultures in India, meeting

for UNFPA and two days a week with AIESEC in Switzerland at the National office.

the most interesting people and living with other interns from around the world,

However due to the desire to concretize and streamline the role and learning at

enabled me to create close friendship ties, break cultural barriers, share perspectives

UNFPA, the internship is now 100% with UNFPA and will subsequently be 100% in

and truly understand other realities of our world.

the coming years. During my internship I have been able to engage in Human rights

During my traineeship, I therefore managed to acquire field work experience, develop my network of friends and gain

work, Migration, Population dynamics, Climate Change and Gender issues. This has given me insight about these issues

valuable international exposure. Finally, most importantly, this AIESEC internship experience challenged my world view,

which hugely affect my country (UGANDA) and the third world in general. I have also been able to understand better

presented me with situations where I had to struggle continuously, and pushed me to be more pro-active and to take

and appreciate the role of the UN and the NGO’s in this ever changing world.

more initiatives. In other words, this memorable and inspiring experience was also about self-development, going back to my roots, growing as a person, along with self-discovery, finally giving me more confidence and motivation for my

So much has been learned both at work and Switzerland as a nation during my stay in the country. I commend the

next steps in life.

internship and urge other AIESEC members to apply when the opportunity comes up. I take this opportunity to thank Nestle for the financial support offered during my internship experience, AIESEC in Stephanie Sauter – LC Winterthur

Switzerland for initiating this internship opportunity which is really life changing and UNFPA for providing the

Minus 15 degrees, a lot of snow, Sauna, heavy winter, Salmiakki, everywhere for-

internship platform.

est, interested Finnish students, unforgettable experiences; that’s my daily life here in Oulu (Finland) which I enjoyed from January until April. And that is due to the student organization AIESEC which through I found an internship abroad. I was working and living with a Cameroonian guy and a Chinese girl. We were part of a national project called and has been launched from AIESEC Finland. We were three of twelve trainees in Finland who came from eleven different countries, but had the same goal: making Finnish students aware of global issues like human rights, human trafficking, child labour, environment and sustainability etc. Not only the work within the project, but also living and working together with two different

Leyla Alyanak, Senior External Relations dvisor-UNFPA.

cultures was a great experience for me. I was daily confronted with questions like

“AIESEC interns have enabled us have better coverage of the

“What is the different between cheese and butter?” or “What are these funny and strange boxes on the cars?” (Ski

UN processes and meetings, above all taking them on has been

boxes). My internship included also a great cultural exchange between Finnish, Cameroon, Chinese and Swiss culture.

a good platform for us to enable young people to broaden their

The opportunity for this experience gave me AIESEC which provided me a good and huge network of people in Finland

horizons by working in a truly international environment.”

and made it easier to enter a new culture. I learnt a lot and wallow in my memories when I’m at home. But I’m sure about the fact that I need to have a sauna in my future house and that I will not learn Finnish (ärrän kierrän orren ympäri ja ässän pistän taskuun = Finnish tongue twister). “Pidä hauskaa” (Have a good time) and “Moi Moi” (Bye)


Annual Report 2008/2009

Annual Report 2008/2009


AIESEC Competency Model

Leadership Stories

The leadership competency model of AIESEC

Leadership experiences in AIESEC in Switzerland

AIESEC is the international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. It is clearly

Shao Ong, Lugano

stated in our vision that AIESEC as an organization believes that the main positive impact we make to society

Worldwide, AIESEC provides 5000 leadership opportunities to its members each year. In

comes as a result of the leadership characteristics our members develop through the AIESEC experience.

Switzerland ? people took up leadership positions as team leaders, organizing committee

These four characteristics are:

presidents, project managers, members of the Executive Boards in 9 Local Committees and one Member Committee on a national level. . Here some examples of members of

» Entrepreneurship

» Cultural sensitivity

» Social responsibility

» Active learning

AIESEC in Switzerland who have taken up leadership positions: “Throughout my AIESEC experience, I have been both the Vice President for finance, as well as

AIESEC members get practical experience in all facets of running an organization, including sales and marketing,

the local committee President. These two very different leadership positions encompass the two

customer servicing, recruitment, evaluation, budgeting, planning, project management, presentation skills, and more.

areas of crucial development for any university student: personal, and professional.

Practical experience in such a broad range of areas is unique while still in university.

What I acquired from being in this function were solid professional skills in the area of accounting (cash flow management, budgeting, receivables tracking, audit, etc). The

In this learning process, a competency model can help evaluate the development of strengths in different areas of individu-

practical experience, coupled with the pressure of being responsible for the monetary stability of your committee allowed

als. It helps people understanding what their strengths are and how they can build upon them or work on their weaknesses.

me to be gain in depth knowledge that I would never trade, even for an internship at top accounting and consulting firms.

The model that is used in AIESEC is called the AIESEC leadership global competency model and is based on the following 11 competencies.

Being the President is very different. For me, this role is more about personal and personnel development. I learned a variety of inter-personal skills, such as conflict management, effective communication, social responsibility, time management, and

» Self awareness

» Developing others

organization, to name a few. My term as President is not even half way through at the time of this writing, but I know that

» Personal effectiveness

» Stakeholder focus

many aspects of my life have changed for the better since I’ve taken on this role.”

» Inner strength

» Analytical thinking

» Awareness of others

» Innovation

» Inclusiveness

» Commitment to results

Darren Camat, Zurich

» Effective communication

‘My AIESEC life has been very turbulent until now. I joined the local committee of Zurich

The competency model is not only used for the development of the members, but it’s also used as a management tool in the talent management area. Most of the talent management processes are based on the competency model, like for example the selection and education of the talents that join the organization.

in March 2008, went on an internship to India during summer, where I was working in a talent-scouting project in the slums of Jaipur. After my return to Zurich, I became a team leader, this time coaching others who were interested to go on exchange as well. In winter 2008 I ran for president in my local committee, got elected and am now leading the executive board with five vice-presidents, half a dozen team leaders and 40 members. Being president of AIESEC in Zurich demands huge responsibility. Contacts with

I am a member of the Executive Board in the local committee of AIESEC Zurich, being responsible for the overall direction of the local committee of Zurich. Being the Vice President of Talent Management of my local committee means to have an

various stakeholders - such as companies, the university and its students, interns and members – on local, national and international level, keeping them satisfied and governing the LC in all departments (human resources, finance, external relations, exchange and interns management) is a great challenge and a unique opportunity for self-development. Leading a “company” at this young an age can only be beneficial for my future aspirations.

open eye and an open ear for fears and problems, but also for innovative and creative ideas and each individuals´ potential. Having learnt so much already and having another nine months to go can be very challenging at times, but it makes me incredibly proud and happy.

Maike, Zurich


Annual Report 2008/2009

Annual Report 2008/2009


Learning Environment

Conferences and seminars

AIESEC has different tools to offer its members the development they are looking for when they join the organization:

AIESEC holds over 350 national & international conferences every year. These conferences currently serve as a major organizational activity support. The conference is an opportunity to train members, develop strategies and engage with stakeholders. At many of these conferences, and in many local events, AIESEC invites speakers to challenge us with their understanding and perspective. This expertise, whether from alumni, partners or members themselves provide great opportunities for our membership to gain high quality information and to engage our stakeholders in our learning environment. This year, AIESEC in Switzerland organized 5 national conferences and 2 bigger seminars: » ACT 2008: ACT is a national conference organized for the leadership body of AIESEC in Switzerland – the local executive boards and the team leaders, organizing committee presidents and project managers. This year, over 60 delegates attended the 3-days conference that took place in Faulensee (Bern). » Do-it 2008: Do-it is one of the two big conferences organised by AIESEC in Switzerland every year and is well-known in our global network. Around 300 delegates from AIESEC in Switzerland and several international delegates spend 4 days together in Fiesch (VS) to learn more about themselves, AIESEC and their AIESEC experience. During this years’ edition, we had a closer look at the role that AIESEC is playing in our society and what role it could play in the future. » TtT 2008: The aim of the train-the-trainers seminar is to develop the future facilitators and trainers of AIESEC in Switzerland. The 8 participants spent an intense 3 days improving their presentation skills and learning how to create

Individual discovery and

Learning circles

ful partnership with IBM that trains


AIESEC Learning Circles are learning

AIESEC members at least once a

With a focus on reflection, AIESEC

communities. They are formed by lo-

year in a one-day-seminar to become

provides space and support for indi-

cal and international AIESECers who

mentors themselves. These trained

viduals to do goal setting, personal

share a common interest in gaining

mentors are offering their skill to in-

» Transit 2009: Transit is the national transition conference for the newly elected executive boards of the local

awareness exercises, and personal

experience, knowledge and networks

terested members who would like to

committees. Intense functional skill trainings, strategic input and time for planning prepared the executive boards

vision development. Pushed by an

in a common sector or topic. They

be mentored.

for the upcoming year.

inspiring environment, AIESEC mem-

meet once or on a regular basis and

bers develop a strong sense of who

share their knowledge.

Virtual spaces, forums,

» Discovery 2009: Discovery is a seminar with two parallel programs – a train-the-trainer seminar and a leadership

blogs and resource sharing

development seminar. Both are directed to the leadership body or potential future leaders in AIESEC.

they are and the role they would like

» Lead 2009: Lead is a smaller national conference where the future member committee of AIESEC in Switzerland is elected.


Virtual spaces are an important tool

Mentoring is an important tool to

to share resources and information.

» Kick-off 2009: Kick-off is the second of the two big conferences organised by AIESEC in Switzerland every year.

Team experiences

develop the talents in the organiza-

In addition, virtual discussions and

This year, around 300 delegates with over 42 nationalities met in Fiesch (VS). One novelty was the “Heading for the

Most of the activities in AIESEC are

tion. The purpose of mentoring is to

perspective sharing are an important

future”-track for our experienced members who are reaching the end of their studies, where they get an in-depth

happening in teams: If it is working

strengthen self-awareness and en-

part of the learning environment and

preparation for their future career with the involvement of our learning partners and alumni.

in the local selling team, managing

sure that a person is taking responsi-

play a crucial role in an international

the local committee in the executive

bility for his or her decisions and ac-

organization that connects students

In addition, experienced trainers of AIESEC run workshops at local committees around the topics of Conflict Management,

board or organizing a conference in

tions. For several years now, AIESEC

from all over the world.

Team management, Motivation, Presentation skills, Effective communication, Time & Stress Management, Team Work,

an organizing committee.

in Switzerland has had a success-

to play in the future.


and deliver high-quality sessions. These trainers then became part of the national trainer’s team.

Annual Report 2008/2009

Decision making, Project Management and Effective meetings.

Annual Report 2008/2009



The definite highlight of this year in the alumni area was the national event to celebrate AIESEC’s 60th anniversary as part of the global celebrations. On the 17th of October around 130 Alumni, current members and AIESEC friends celebrated 60 years of Youth Leadership (AIESEC was founded in 1948) with a Gala Dinner at the “Kursaal” in Bern. The audience wallowed in memory when AIESECers from three decades shared on stage their unforgettable moments of their time in the organisation. The delicious main dish was followed by the highlight of the evening with a speech of AIESEC in Switzerland’s’ founder and former National Councillor Heinz Allenspach.

Following the good spirit of the event, many alumni decided to actively contribute to the organisation once again. Highly motivated alumni organised and run a whole track on the upcoming national conference “Kick-Off“ and even became part of the newly founded national advisory board. Others started giving trainings to current members of their old committee and/or joined the activities of local AIESEC alumni associations. For this last point, the freshly found passion of the event participants to re-connect to their old AIESEC friends is just what is needed right now. On the international level the field of alumni relations has been a success story in the past year. Highlights included an alumnus winning the Nobel Peace Prize (Martti Ahtisaari), the organisation of the first International Alumni Conference in Rome and in the launch of a new alumni networking tool within the AIESEC web platform “”. In a up-to-date user-oriented environment it is now very easy for alumni to digitally connect to the global community (and

Grossartige Kommunikation auch aus dem Tessin.

already over 500 subscribed Swiss alumni) again. A successful year has passed and the path for a future with even stronger and more mutually beneficial alumni relations is set: A mentoring programme which will bring together alumni and current members on an individual level is being launched soon; a new national cooperation of the local alumni associations with common activities is in the making and an even more active involvement of alumni in the two yearly national conferences is being planned. Stay connected! Sebastian Rode National Support Team Alumni Relations 2008/09


Annual Report 2008/2009

CareerDays 2009

Tomasz Szczerba President 2008-2009, AIESEC Swiss Career Days

Anne Vogt, Graduate marketing Ernst & Young

In order to offer companies and organizations as well as students a platform to get to

“Ernst & Young has built a strong relationship with AIESEC during the last few

know each other, AIESEC organizes Career Days. Currently, Career Days events take

years. We find AIESEC to be an excellent platform to reach selected students who

place at the universities of Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne and Zürich. Career

are highly motivated to put theory into practice.”

Days are an ideal opportunity for companies and organizations to recruit talented graduates and to strengthen their employer branding. Attending one or several Career Days events allows companies to recruit talented graduates and strengthen their employer branding with students at most Swiss universities. For optimal benefits, our partners make use of the wide coverage of our service and present their organizations at multiple universities, participating in multiple events.

During the term 2008/2009 we had three main focus areas: 1. Designing and building the new internet platform. The renewed user friendly website allows com-

Cristina Dubach, Career Days Zurich

panies to state and manage their order and students to subscribe for events. A CV database and company profiles are

“My experience as Organization Committee President of Career Days 2009 showed

among the most popular modules. They allow our partners and students to get in touch with each other all over the year.

me the importance of a structured approach, discipline and proper planning for successful project management. Even more how fundamental it is to never give up

2. In order to make our promotion more effective we have decided to refresh our brand and implemented new, Swiss

and to believe in what you are doing, particularly in more difficult times. Being a

wide marketing campaign which was build around “Step into your future!” slogan. To achieve our goal we have been

leader of a team means not just to have the power of making important decisions,

building on synergies between direct, online, unconventional and conventional promotion.

but also to be a fighter for your project, to stand your ground against challenges and to never give up. My time as OCP Career Days 09 helped me to develop myself

3. We have also developed our product and adapted it to needs of our stakeholders. Career Days 2009 Teams were

in a way I have never expected!”

offering the same products in the same price and standard and companies could manage their order using one online tool.Those activities resulted in improvement of partners satisfaction and we intend to leverage on it in next terms.


Career Days in numbers:

Sabina Bussmann, Career Days Bern

Direct contact

9’000 students

“The position as organizing committee president of the AIESEC Career Days in Berne

Graduate recruitment

100 companies

enabled me to manage my own project and to lead a team. Through the profession-

Employer branding

50 presentations

al cooperation with companies, the centre for university education and other AIESEC

Wide coverage

18 workshops

local committees I could build up a network and got insight into diverse organisa-

1’200 students registered at

tions. The biggest challenges for me were the team management and the national

cooperation. We had to take many aspects into consideration and to make sure that

40 media appearances

we compromise on the right things. However, the team and learning experience as well as the days of the event themselves more than made up for the hard work.”


Annual Report 2008/2009

Annual Report 2008/2009


Is there such a thing as fun at work?*

Message from the National Support Group President

Brigitte Plankensteiner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Zurich

After 2006-07, I had again the opportunity to spend a year as president of the National Support Group of AIESEC in Switzerland. PricewaterhouseCoopers and AIESEC have a long-standing partnership in Switzerland as well as internationally and we were able to add another successful chapter during the past 12 months. We believe that AIESEC is a great organisation for young people who want to gain leadership experience and develop valuable skills and competencies alongside their studies. In my interactions with AIESEC members, I have been impressed by their eagerness to learn and their ability to challenge themselves to perform at the highest level. Significant changes have happened in AIESEC in Switzerland during the past year. Major investments have been made to redesign the online platform of Career Days, making it more user-friendly and competitive. Also, AIESEC redesigned its marketing campaign on campus, which we were proud to support as the exclusive recruitment partner. On behalf of the whole National Support Group I would like to thank Regula and her team for their commitment, enthusiasm and the great work they have done this year. I wish the whole association and the 2009-2010 Member Committee a lot of success for the years to come.

Elisabeth Ziller Human Capital Marketing Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers National Support Group President 2008 -09

Having fun at work is a priority for PricewaterhouseCoopers. As the number one for assurance, tax & legal and advisory services, we are constantly working to enhance our position as the best place to work in our industry with inspiring teams, exciting jobs and bright career prospects. This means there is always something to celebrate – whether it is a successful project, a new client or a promotion. We look forward to hearing from you.

Š 2009 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.

Annual Report 2008/2009


The National Support Group Françoise, Lausanne The National Support Group (NSG) is a body consisting of corporate organisations based in Switzerland, which support

AIESEC gave me the opportunity to discover my potential and to increase it. In a

AIESEC in Switzerland’s aims and philosophy. Their financial support enables us to focus on providing all our members

really short time, I learned how to work with different stakeholders and I had the

the opportunity to develop themselves, discover their leadership potential, and to explore how we can have a positive

possibility to network and negotiate with business partners, newspapers and tv

impact on society. All members of the NSG are invited to an annual meeting and receive regular visits from an AIESEC

journalists. It was a fabulous experience.

representative in order to discuss specific new opportunities to expand the partnership and to keep up to date with latest developments within AIESEC in Switzerland..

NSG Companies & Contacts


Ander Group Manuel Gamper

WinterThur Nadja Heeb

BSI Maura Montenegro

Lonza Group Ltd Andreas Helm

Nestlé SA Michel Juillerat

Novartis Pharma AG Sandro Crameri

Cargill International SA Patrick Prendergast

Citibank (Switzerland) Gregory Hofstetter

CLS Communications Christine Kamer

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG NSG President 2008-2009 Elisabeth Ziller

Coutts Bank von Ernst AG Gisela Heiligensetzer

Swiss National Bank Katrin Kuster

Credit Suisse Group Caroline Zaugg

Deloitte Chantal Ammann

Ernst & Young NSG President 2007-2008 Anne Vogt

Syngenta Crop Protection AG Tanja Perrot

UBS AG Sara Meister

Unilever Schweiz GmbH Melanie-Larissa Them

F.Hoffmann – La Roche AG Isabella Elste

IBM Switzerland NSG Vice President 2007-2008 Paola Scarnera

KPMG Fides Management AG Alexander Senn

Annual Report 2008/2009

Annual Report 2008/2009


Advisory Council

Markus Mettler Markus Mettler was born in 1966 and grew up in the eastern part of Switzerland. At the age of nine he started importing Space Food from the USA. After completing high school in Trogen (Appenzell) and a traineeship in New York, he started a degree in business management at the University of Geneva. He successfully discontinued his studies after two years and became an entrepreneur. Markus Mettler is Founder & CEO of

The Advisory Council is supporting AIESEC in Switzerland in its strategic direction.

BrainStore Ltd.

Dr. Philipp Cottier

Daniel Schmutz

Philipp was an AIESEC member in St. Gallen. After university he joined Swiss Bank Corp’s

Daniel was a member of the local committee of St. Gallen from 1987-91, where he par-

funds of hedge funds group in Hong Kong and New York, and BCG in Sydney. From 1998

ticipated in the organization committee of the Forum. After University he worked as a

to 2008 he built up Harcourt Investment Consulting together with partners. Currently,

Consultant in München and Los Angeles before he did his MBA in Finance at Wharton.

Philipp is on the Board of Directors of several companies, including Bank Vontobel.

He joined BCG Zürich, then Swiss Life until 2005, where he was Head of Group Strategy and Controlling. Since 2006 he is CFO of Helsana.

Charles Donkor

Tobias Ursprung

He is a former AIESEC member in St.Gallen and was President of AIESEC in

Partner at Capvis Equity Partners. Active in the private equity industry since 1999.

Switzerland in 88/89. Prior to joining Hewitt, Charles has worked for seven years with

Board of Directors mandates: Uster Technologies, ETAVIS, SF-Chem, Machalke, de Sede

PricewaterhouseCoopers in Switzerland (Director) and two years for a leading European

and Ticketcorner. Previously CEO and co-founder of Global Venture Partners; Principal

E-Learning consulting firm.

with Booz Allen & Hamilton in San Francisco and Dusseldorf. Ph.D. in Economics from University of Basel, Switzerland. Traineeships with AIESEC in Istanbul and Tokyo – member of local AIESEC Basel team in late 80´s

Kerstin Lehmann

Beatrice Weber

Kerstin started at AIESEC in 1992. Since the beginning, she attached great importance

From 1987-1991 Beatrice was a AIESEC Member in Neuchâtel where she was also local

on an international focus in her work. She initiated several projects with the local com-

president. She went to two AIESEC Internships in Canada and Mexico. From 1993 –

mittee of Pula, Croatia and in Puerto Rico before she was elected president of the com-

2002 she was a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). This

mittee. In 95/96, Kerstin become Vice president of Finance, HR and Projects in AIESEC

includes 6 years of field missions in Colombia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Abkhazia and Kosovo.

Switzerland and was the first international National Committee member. After her stud-

Since 2006 Beatrice is CEO of Plan Switzerland.

ies in 1997, she started at Accenture Germany and transferred 2001 to Zurich. Today, Kerstin is Partner in System Integration in Financial Services.


Annual Report 2008/2009

Annual Report 2008/2009



Financial Report

Partners support AIESEC with their knowledge, their own products or both. As a not-for-profit youth organisation run

The AIESEC in Switzerland team 2008 – 2009 finished the term with a booked loss of 29’523 CHF, which results from

by volunteers, AIESEC thrives on strong and sustainable partnerships with organisations from the corporate, govern-

provisions made on outstanding payments, and not from an effective loss. Those provisions were recommended

mental and non-governmental sectors. Being a partner of AIESEC in Switzerland offers organisations the chance to be

by the auditor in order to adequately reflect the risks of payment default by debtors.

directly involved in the development of young people’s potential, both in Switzerland and abroad. We would like to thank the following partners for their support and their continued commitment to and investment in AIESEC and especially the Federal Office for Social Insurances for their precious financial support over the past years.

Below you can find an analysis of the revenues and expenses in detail. The numbers are compared to the results of the Learning Partner

Communication Partner

Learning Partner

previous year. Revenues » The National Support Group (NSG) decreased by 5% due to the loss of one Support Company. » Membership fees charged to the local committees increased by 18% based on a new calculation and cost allocation

Financial Partner

Learning Partner

Business Directory Partner

method. » Revenues resulting from national projects, which include national meetings, annual report, partnerships, exchange, marketing material and the 60th anniversary event, increased by 25% (The 60th anniversary event generated an overall profit of 2’012.30 CHF). » Contributions by the BSV grant decreased by 18% due to a higher number of overall applicants for the grant.

Learning Partner

Internet Partner

Talent Management Partner

Expenditures » Personnel costs have increased by 10% due to the hiring of an additional person. » The administration costs, which include office rent, maintenance costs, general supplies, phone- and internet fees, depreciation, membership fee to AIESEC International (30’950 CHF) and the provisions on outstanding internal and external payments (35’129 CHF) increased by 12%. This was due to a significantly higher membership fee for AIESEC

Learning Partner

Inkind Partner

Exchange Partner

International (+22%) and the mentioned provisions. Costs for rent, supplies, communication and maintenance decreased by 3%. » Costs for national and international conferences have been decreased by 19%. This was possible due to cost cutting, personal contributions to travel costs and reduction of the contribution of the MC budget to national conferences. » Project expenditures include marketing material, business cards, contributions to national support teams and the 60th anniversary event and have increased by 37% due to the costs of the anniversary event.

Recruitment Partner

Learning Partner

Media Partner

Learning Partner

Learning Partner

Learning Partner

Learning Partner


Annual Report 2008/2009

Annual Report 2008/2009


Financial Statements AIESEC in Switzerland, Bern

Balance Sheet (in Swiss Francs) ASSETS

May 31, 2009 May 31, 2008

Current Assets Liquid Funds 86’404 85’056 Receivables - Swiss Local Committees and ASCDA 1’279 31’225 Receivables third parties 23’213 31’481 Deferred income and prepaid expenses 95’412 90’770 206’308 238’532 Fixed Assets, net Movables 0 51 IT Equipment 621 11 621 62 206’929 238’594 LIABILITIES Liabilities Payables - Swiss Local Committees 1’406 0 Payables third parties 8’852 14’852 Accruals 36’578 31’669 Provisions 60’581 63’038 107’417 109’559 Association’s Capital Capital 25’000 25’000 Accumulated Surplus 74’512 104’035 99’512 129’035 206’929 238’594


Annual Report 2008/2009

Operating Statement (in Swiss Francs) June 1, 08 to May 31, 09 June 1, 07 toMay 31, 08 INCOME National Support Group (NSG) 79’400 83’600 Membership Fees Local Committees 95’930 81’045 National Projects 47’013 37’499 Grants (BSV) 37’371 45’432 International Projects 1’718 0 Other Income 5’490 5’527 253’102 310’725 EXPENDITURE Personnel costs (140’075) (127’001) Administration and Other (101’170) (89’942) National and International Meetings (19’820) (24’482) Project Expenditure (35’380) (25’872) (296’445) (267’296) EXPENDITURE IN EXCESS OF INCOME

(29’523) (14’194)

Accumulated Surplus at the beginning of the year Accumulated Surplus at the end of the year

104’035 118’229 74’512 104’035

Annual Report 2008/2009


External Audit Report


T +41 (0) 31 370 05 05

Eigerstrasse 55

M +41 (0) 31 370 05 00

AIESEC GENEVA Université de Genève 40, boulevard du Pont d’Arve 1211 Genève 4 T +41 (0) 22 379 88 10 F +41 (0) 22 379 88 11

AIESEC ST.GALLEN Höhenweg 2 9000 St.Gallen T +41 (0) 71 223 62 82 F +41 (0) 71 223 35 87

3007 Bern

AIESEC BASEL Peter Merian Haus 4003 Basel T +41 (0) 61 261 04 89 F +41 (0) 61 261 04 24

AIESEC BERN Postfach 5052 3001 Bern T +41 (0) 31 302 21 61 F +41 (0) 31 302 84 76

AIESEC LAUSANNE UNIL – Internef 1015 Lausanne Dorigny T +41 (0) 21 692 34 43 F +41 (0) 21 692 34 45

AIESEC WINTERTHUR Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur St.Georgenplatz 2 8401 Winterthur T +41 (0) 352 267 70 67

AIESEC FRIBOURG Boulevard de Pérolles 90 Case 38 1701 Fribourg T +41 (0) 26 300 73 15 F +41 (0) 26 300 97 00

AIESEC LUGANO Via Buffi 13 6900 Lugano T +41 (0) 58 666 47 14 F +41 (0) 58 666 47 41

AIESEC ZURICH Rämistr. 66 8001 Zürich T +41 (0) 44 252 36 82 F +41 (0) 44 262 55 40


Annual Report 2008/2009

Annual Report 2008/2009


I am on a Management Traineeship with Tata Consultancy Services in India. After an intense 3 week induction programme in Mumbai with 15 MBA graduates from across India, I will be responsible for language and cultural training for 100 associates dealing with European customers in Baroda. Nadja, 25, University of Geneva

What do you do besides your studies? Create your own story! AIESEC is the world’s largest student-run organization, present in over 100 countries with 28’000 members and has over 60 years of experience in developing young people into globally minded leaders. We do this by offering over 4’500 international internships, 5’000 leadership opportunities and 350 confereces worldwide every year.

The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Supporter of AIESEC in Switzerland 36

Annual Report 2008/2009

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