Incompetent IPCC Persists (Roger Higgs) UK

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IPCC Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change next report (AR6, due 2022) − 784 authors, yes 784, but again NO geologists?! Technical Report · March 2019 CITATIONS




1 author: Roger Higgs Geoclastica Ltd 122 PUBLICATIONS 881 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE

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Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) next report (AR6, due 2022) − Again No Geologists?!

Dr Roger Higgs, Geoclas0ca Ltd Technical Note 2019-10 24th March 2019, updated 3rd Nov 2019

My Technical Note 2018-2 exposed the astonishing lack of geologists, the very scientists most qualified to speak on climate change, among the 838 (sic) authors of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5, 2013-14) of the United Nations’ IPCC. IPCC’s next report, AR6, supposedly “will update our knowledge on climate change, its impacts and risks, and possible response options, and play an important role in implementing the Paris Agreement” said IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee. The selected “author teams, drawn from the hundreds of excellent nominations the IPCC was fortunate to receive, provide us with the necessary expertise across a range of disciplines to conduct the assessment” ... but in truth ... ... the author statistics (below) show that the “necessary expertise” is lacking, as geologists are again excluded (with the arguable exception of one specialist in recent paleolimnology & glacial geomorphology), so the collective authorship is incompetent for its stated mission of reviewing the literature to assess climate change. By omitting geologists, IPCC focuses on just the last 150 years since reliable global thermometer records began (c. 1850). But Earth is 30 million (sic) times older, 4.5 billion years! Thus IPCC has “expertise” in a mere 30-millionth of Earth history. IPCC therefore neglects copious geological & archaeological evidence that sea level (barometer of global temperature, via ocean-water expansion & polar ice melt) undergoes a rapid (<100yrs) & large (1-3 metres) oscillation every 300-2000yrs (superimposed on larger [10s metres] longer-term oscillations caused by orbital variations), driven not by CO2 but by ‘Grand Maxima’ of solar-magnetic output, warming Earth by the Svensmark effect, causing Antarctic ice-rim collapse events (my Technical Notes 2019-15, 17, 19). AR6 author statistics: Working Group I (WGI), ‘The Physical Science Basis’, 232 authors, including meteorologists, oceanographers, climate scientists, glaciologists, physicists, geographers and computer modellers, but no geologists (or 1?). WGII, ‘Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability’, 323 authors, no geologists. WGIII, Mitigation of Climate Change, 229 authors, no geologists. Grand total 784 authors, no geologists (or 1?). IPCC’s Lee again, in true UN egalitarian style: “Of the selected experts, 44% come from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, 53% are new to the IPCC process and 33% are women.” How lovely: no geologists (or 1?), but at least we have politically correct quotas of women, third worlders and youngsters! Worse: the 53% “new” people are doubtless nearly all younger than 50, i.e. indoctrinated through school and university with the ‘CO2 = pollutant’ fallacy. Be appalled that this biased, underskilled, political organization, judging the 1°C of warming since 1900 (not provably unprecedented) to be manmade despite profuse evidence of CO2’s innocence (Technical Note 2019-11), has unleashed multi-trillion-dollar expenditure destined to cripple the global economy and downgrade human living standards. View publication stats

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