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CAN ONE TEN THOUSANDTH OF THE ATMOSPHERE CONTROL THE EARTH’S THERMOSTAT? By Jay Lehr There exists a belief that we are living in a world threatened by an important molecule that makes life possible on this planet: carbon dioxide. To save the earth many believe we must transform society by shutting down the use of oil and natural gas which has improved life of modern society. The arguments in support of this belief are the math equations or climate models claimed to simulate how nature does control the Earth’s. In consultation with Astrophysicist Willie Soon and Tom Wysmuller, formerly of NASA, I chose to consider following twelve variables which common sense says, must be considered when attempting to predict future temperatures and climate impacts on our planet. It turns out that all of these variables are not well understood, so if they appear at all, are just guesses. They include: 1- changes in seasonal solar irradiation 2- energy flows between the ocean and atmosphere 3- energy flows between the air and land 4- the balance between the Earth’s water, water vapor, and ice 5- the impact of clouds 6- understanding the planet’s ice 7- mass change among ice sheets, sea level, and glaciers 8- the ability to factor in hurricanes and tornadoes 9- the impact of vegetation on temperature 10- tectonic movement on the ocean floor 11- the differential rotation between the earth’s surface and the planet’s core 1

12- the solar system’s magnetic field and gravitational interaction All of these factors that impact our climate are not well understood, requiring us to make educated guesses at how they relate to each other and our climate. More specifically, as to how they impact the Earth’s temperature. Governments have poured billions of dollars into the coffers of academic institutions churning out predictions from useless equations. More than 100 climate models are financed by the United States government, none of which agree with each other. None have accurately predicted anything as to our climate over the past 30 years.

It is no surprise that Willie Soon calculated a few years ago that if we actually knew all the variables involved in a reasonable mathematical climate model it would take a supercomputer 40 years to reach an answer to a question we posed. In an appeal to our readers’ common sense we have constructed two accurate 10,000 dot charts. The first one below shows how much man-produced carbon dioxide exists in the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas relative to all such greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. The second chart shows how much carbon dioxide exists in our atmosphere relative to all other gases in our atmosphere.



On the first chart you can see that while Carbon dioxide makes up 3.6% of all greenhouse gas, man’s contribution of CO2 from factories power plants and automobiles is only 0.12% of all greenhouse gas. On the second chart you can see that total carbon dioxide in the atmosphere makes up four ten thousands (.0004) of all atmospheric gases, but man’s contribution is only one ten thousandths (.0001).


We all know there is a cottage industry of folks building climate models which appear to be scaring the public to enlarge government to save them from seeing their planet destroyed. There are however many sound scientists that recognize the absurd 5

exaggeration of the impacts of carbon dioxide emissions on our planet. But they also work with mathematical models to show how tiny is the impact of carbon dioxide on our Earth. They are often called Luke-warmers. The problem is that by their professing carbon dioxide’s impact as being small they are giving the proverbial “inch” which allows the alarmists to take a “mile”. It is time that we all stop fighting alarmist numbers with our small numbers. The only number that matters is ZERO. That is, in fact, the real impact of carbon dioxide on the Earth’s thermostat and sea level rise. We are not in a battle over numbers. We are in a battle to protect our way of life. If we lose to the so-called Progressives, who should really be called Regressives, they will take us back to life as it was in the 19th century, but much worse, as they will have installed a government capable of controlling every aspect of our lives.


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