About John Eidson USofA

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About John Eidson From a series of e-mails to John Shanahan, editor of allaboutenergy.net 2019 April 5, 2019 Good morning, John – Nice to meet you over the web. Thanks for alerting me to your group's website, and yes, please do add me to your newsletter list. Nuclear power makes so much sense, but Democrats will never stop using the specter of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island to torpedo new nuclear plants in this country. You probably could tell from my article about California's wildflower super bloom that I'm a Cat 5 climate denier. I write conservative-themed articles that are disseminated via email to my large distribution list. Not being fond of getting egg on my face, I bend over backwards to avoid including any false or misleading information in things I write. Going back to 2008, I've sent out nearly a thousand articles, and to the best of my knowledge, none have ever been called on the carpet by Snopes or any of the other leftwing "fact-checking" sites. I’m particularly careful when writing about the climate debate. Although I do have a degree in electrical engineering, I am not a climate scientist by any stretch of the imagination. But I do have a deep appreciation for The Scientific Method, the greatest way ever devised to winnow truth from fiction. My reason for being a "climate denier" is the climate fear industry's reliance on, and tacit encouragement of, outright scientific fraud, with the 2009 Climategate email scandal as Exhibit A. When I have questions about climate science matters, I usually rely on Will Happer to steer me in the right direction. In the 2014 article below, I quoted Dr. Happer, and Dr. Soon. Without a totally corrupt western media, the global warming hoax would have been blown out of the water years ago. Battling the hoax often seems like an uphill battle, but those of us who see it for what it is must not give up the fight. Best regards, John


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