9 minute read

04 Future Conferences and Events

65th IAEA General Conference

• Date: September 20 – 24, 2021 • Venue: Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria • Website: https://www.iaea.org/about/governance/general-conference/gc65/generalinformation The 65th Annual Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference is being held from 20 to 24 September 2021 at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) in Vienna, Austria, where high-ranking officials and representatives from IAEA Member States will consider a range of issues.

The European Research Reactor Conference

• Date: September 26 – 30, 2021 • Venue: Helsinki, Finland

• Website: https://www.euronuclear.org/european-research-reactor-conference-2021/ In 2021 European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM) will take place from 26 – 30 September 2021 in Helsinki, Finland. The conference program will revolve around a series of plenary sessions dedicated to the latest global developments with regards to research reactor technology and management.

34th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine

• Date: October 20 – 23, 2021 • Venue: Virtual • Website: https://eanm21.eanm.org/ With more than 150 sessions, the EANM Annual Congress is the most valuable nuclear medicine gathering worldwide. Each year, more than 6,200 participants have the possibility to network, socialize and discuss the newest trends and findings in the field of nuclear medicine. The EANM is proud of receiving approximately 2,200 abstracts

annually from all over Europe and around the world. 160 exhibiting companies, covering an area of 3,500 sqm present their newest technologies.

Advanced PET Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, and Therapy: From Diagnostics to Theranostics

• Date: November 4 - 6, 2021 • Venue: Las Vegas, USA • Website: https://www.petctcme.com/las-vegas-november-2021/ This course provides a clinical perspective on PET/CT imaging and the emerging use of Theranostic agents within Nuclear Medicine. A broad perspective on the economic, clinical, and academic aspects of the latest trends in PET/CT imaging and nuclear medicine therapy will be presented.

The SNMMI 2021 Therapeutics Conference

• Date: November 11 – 13, 2021 • Venue: New Orleans, Louisiana

• Website: https://therapy.snmmi.org/ The SNMMI 2021 Therapeutics Conference program has been organized to focus on key areas of radiopharmaceutical therapy, including operational issues, radiation safety, MIBG, and dosimetry, as well as prostate, thyroid, and neuroendocrine cancers.

NESTet (Nuclear Education and Training) 2021

• Date: November 15 – 17, 2021 • Venue: Brussels, Belgium • Website: https://ens.eventsair.com/nuclear-education-and-training/ NESTet is an important European forum discussing opportunities and challenges in nuclear education, training, knowledge management and human resource development related to nuclear energy and other nuclear applications. The 2021 edition will bring together nuclear stakeholders, including policy and decision makers, educators, training

providers, employers and human resource managers. The young generation – incoming nuclear professionals from all over Europe – are expected to be there to challenge the established views and enrich the discussion!

2021 ANS Winter Meeting and Technology Expo

• Date: November 30 – December 4, 2021 • Venue: Washington, DC • Website: https://www.ans.org/meetings/wm2021/ The 2021 ANS Winter Meeting promises to be one of the year’s most exciting and

informative educational and networking events for attendees from every facet of nuclear science and technology. In addition, the Technology Expo will give attendees a glimpse into the applications of new technology through three days of exhibits and special events. The Expo will also give attendees many opportunities to network with each other and establish new professional relationships while having food and fun in a friendly and informal setting.

ICAMIG 2021: 15. International Research Conference on Advances in Marine Isotope Geochemistry

• Date: December 27 – 28, 2021 • Venue: Vienna, Austria

• Website: https://waset.org/advances-in-marine-isotope-geochemistry-conferencein-december-2021-in-vienna The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. The number and length of the presentations will determine the duration and events of the conference. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

12th IsoEcol

• Date: June 6 – 10, 2022(tentative) • Venue: Gaming, Austria • Website: https://sites.google.com/view/isoecol2020/ The 12th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol) will be held in the beautiful town of Gaming, Austria, organized by the Inter-University Center for Aquatic Ecosystem Research WasserClusterLunz in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from June 20-26, 2021. The conference venue is at the historic Kartause (Charter house) in Gaming (pronounced Gah-ming), approximately 2 hours from Vienna by car or public transportation.

Astrophysics with Radioactive Isotopes (AwRI) 2022

• Date: June 12 – 17, 2022 • Venue: Budapest, Hungary • Website: https://indico.cern.ch/event/820113/ Radioactive nuclei play a significant role in many current astrophysical pursuits, from the origins of the elements to the driving of emissions from supernovae (56Ni) and kilonovae (r-process radioactivity). Radioactive nuclei are crucial for direct studies of galactic enrichment (7Be, 26Al, 44Ti, 60Fe, 99Tc, 244Pu) and stellar explosions (56Ni, 44Ti). Stars and their explosions, galaxies and their evolving interstellar medium, and the origins of the solar system are among the targeted astrophysical objects. Stardust, meteorites, ocean floor deposits, cosmic-rays, and gamma-ray spectroscopy provide a rich variety of astronomy to exploit, each having their inherent power of radioactivity. Investigation tools range from numerical models, astronomical instrumentation, and laboratory experiments to derive material compositions and nuclear reaction rates. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers from all of these different fields to promote interaction through the common ground of radioactivity.

11th International Conference on Isotopes (11ICI)

• Date: June 19 – 23, 2022 • Venue: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada • Website: https://www.11ici.org/ 11ICI hosted by Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation (the Fedoruk Centre) in partnership with the University of Saskatchewan and Tourism Saskatoon, will build on past conferences by continuing a multifaceted interdisciplinary exchange between the developers and producers of isotopes and applied isotopes in medicine, industry, agriculture, national security and other fields. Selected papers will be published on a special issue of the Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (JRNC). The ICI conferences have been held since 1995, recently every two years. They are organized by the World Council on Isotopes (WCI) and a participating organization to highlight the importance of nuclear science, medicine, and technology in advancing human health and protection of the environment.

IRRMA 2022 (IRRMA 2021 has been postponed)

• Date: July 3 – 8, 2022 • Venue: Moscow, Russia

• Website: http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/irrma2021/ The International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications (IRRMA) is a triennial event organized for the purpose of bringing together scientists and engineers from around the world who share an interest in radiation and radioisotope measurement applications.

Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-2022)

• Date: August 22 - 26, 2022 • Venue: Vienna, Austria

• Website: https://www.iaea.org/events/icarst-2022

The Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology, which was planned to be held at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, Austria, from 19 to 23 April 2021 has been postponed due to the COVID pandemic. It is now going to be held from 22 – 26 August 2022. ICARST-2022 will cover a variety of topics related to the applications of radiation technologies in fields as diverse as industry, medicine, materials science, engineering, biology, physics and chemistry. The conference will serve as a platform for fostering new initiatives among industry and academia, establishing new and strengthening existing collaborations and identifying best practices as well as raising awareness among decision makers on how radiation technologies can be applied to meet global challenges.

To Contents

Call for WCI Member Profiles and Technology Transfers

The WCI calls for its member profiles and isotope technologies for technology transfer among the WCI members which will enabling the sharing of information for the peaceful uses of isotope technologies.

1. Backgrounds:

- The WCI has the mission to promote the safe and environmentally sound use of isotope technologies for global well-being. It is also keen to promote the sharing of information on the peaceful uses of isotope technologies among the WCI members.

- The WCI cooperates actively with other regional and international organizations to promote the peaceful applications of isotope technologies.

2. Role of the WCI:

- The WCI will introduce the WCI member profiles and useful isotope technologies for technology transfer among the WCI members, enabling the sharing of information for the peaceful uses of isotope technologies through the WCI newsletter and homepage.

- The WCI will upload this information on the WCI website (www.wci-ici.org) for WCI members to access after the WCI releases the monthly newsletter. WCI does not bear any responsibility for errors in the information posted by the WCI member.

* On this matter, please visit the WCI website (www.wci-ici.org), and apply for WCI membership.

* It is noted that information related to technology transfers can only be viewed by the WCI members.

3. Role of the WCI Members:

- WCI members are asked to cooperate in providing information about their profiles and isotope technology descriptions by the WCI Secretariat.

- Each WCI member who has provided technical information is responsible for monitoring the relevant information and taking appropriate action on legal arrangements / issues related to any technology transfer.

- Technology transfers can be finalized through mutual understanding of the benefits between the technology transferee and transferor. Any WCI member interested in conducting a technology transfer has to make contact with their chosen counterpart for the sound transfer of technology.

4. Expected Benefits/Outcomes:

- The WCI will help share the information on the peaceful uses of isotope technologies and promote technology transfers for and to businesses among WCI members through the WCI newsletter and homepage, as part of its undertaking; the implementation of its mission.

- The WCI members will promote their business profiles, including technologies, products, and services, and take the opportunity to sell and buy isotope technologies for the peaceful uses between the technology transferors and transferees through their own technology transfer mechanisms in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

5. How to Submit and Release:

- The WCI members (individuals and organizations) wishing to transfer technologies are cordially requested to complete the attached form and submit it to the WCI

Secretariat (secretary@wci-ici.org) by the 25th of each month.

- Format:

 Sample format is given below, modification is allowed except for any changes in numerical order.

 All contents should be written in English.

 The length of article should be within 2 pages.

(A4, Times New Roman with 12 font size and 1 line space)

 Images may be included.

- The WCI will release this article on a first come first served basis.

6. Donation to the WCI

- The minimum amount for donation is USD 1,000.

- Your financial support to the WCI will promote the safe and environmentally sound use of isotope technologies for global wellbeing through the WCI activities.

7. Inquiry

If you have any inquiries on this article, please contact secretary@wci-ici.org.


The WCI member's profile and isotope technologies for technology transfer (Sample)

[Name of Company/Institute]

Photo (optional)

1. About us (Brief introduction of company/institute)

(sample) The World Council on Isotopes (WCI) was founded in 2008 and has a fast-growing and highly diverse membership, representing a broad range of interests and perspectives of the R&D, business, industrial, and governmental sectors.

2. Isotope Technologies for major Products/Services you offer

(Isotope technologies for primary products or services of company/institute)

(free format)

3. Technology Transfer [selling( ), buying( ), or others(specify)]

(describe the technologies you wish to transfer)

(free format)

4. Contact Detail

 Homepage : www.wci-ici.org

 e-mail : secretary@wci-ici.org

 (add more details if necessary)

*note below will not be included on article.

(Note) The donation to the WCI will be: (identify the amount of donation to the WCI)

(sample) USD 1,000.00

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