Mantra of the radical LEFT - Never let a crisis go to waste
Russ BabcockAugust 22, 2023
During this summer of 2023, we have watched catastrophic wildfires in Hawaii, in western & northern Canada, and in the northwest US, burning down not only 100's of square kilometers of oxygen-producing forests, but also burning down communities in major cities, entire small towns and villages; all while right next door in a neighbouring state, we see torrential rain with hurricane force winds, destructive flooding of different cities, towns, and villages.
We're expected to believe that it's all caused by a rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations from 0.03% to 0.04%, according to the lunacy espoused by LEFTY-controlled governments and their mainstream media mouthpieces - all in the absence of ANY supporting rationale. They just apply their bold label - Climate Change. That's enough rationale for them, and it's implied that it should be enough rationale for the rest of us.
Before this astronomical 0.01% CO2 rise, the average global temperatures were ~ 0.9 degrees C less than they are today. Truth be known, no one actually knows how much (if anything even measurable) of that 0.9 degree rise is due to the 0.01% rise in CO2 concentration, but we all know that half of the 0.9 degree temperature rise occurred BEFORE fossil-fueled planes, cars, trucks, trains, ships, and buses were anywhere near as ubiquitous as they have been since about the mid 20th century. That SHOULD be a clue to rationally thinking people, whether they understand the underlying science or not.
The honest consensus as to CAUSES OF CLIMATE CHANGE amongst genuine and legitimate scientists who actually study potential causes of changes in global temperatures and climates in scientific detail, is probably much closer to zero for any part of the 0.9 degree temperature rise being a cause of extreme weather events, but even the entirety of the 0.9 degree temperature rise over the last 125 years or so would not be cause for calamitous weather events like droughts, hurricanes, storms, El Nino's, heat domes, atmospheric rivers, etc. There are MANY other reasons for such events
that make a great deal more scientific sense than a 0.01% rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, or any part of a 0.9 degree rise in the average global temperature. In a nut-shell, calamitous weather events are due mainly to physical interactions of neighboring climates, and to a lesser extent by sudden and significant tectonic changes (e.g. volcanoes).
There are very many science-based reasons for changes in average global temperatures, both at Earth's surfaces and at various elevations in Earth's atmosphere, and even more reasons for continual changes in the MANY climates around the globe that exist concurrently. BUT the peddlers of the man-made climate change narrative (aka anthropogenic global warming, or AGW) have tight control of many left-leaning politicians and mainstream media organizations through their financial resources, ownerships, and their powerful political influence. With that control, they can and do refuse to allow public discussion regarding scientific reasons and causes for global temperature and climate changes, or they at least make it extremely difficult for truly knowledgeable scientists to have any fruitful communication connections with the public at large. The mainstream media megaphones are the gateways to the minds of the voting populations, but if the podiums to the megaphones are off-limits .......................
So THAT'S the problem. Getting the media on side with the truth is the first step of the overall solution to the problem. The problem will be solved when the public becomes sufficiently informed to vote the bad guys out of office, and replace them with people who are NOT bent on destroying our personal freedoms, and our free-enterprise, capitalist, democratic, national sovereignty, way of life - all to be "reset" apparently, with something more to the likings of the would-be oligarchs.