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9. Discussion

9. Discussion

• To the extent that inequality is deplorable, global inequality in terms of income, life expectancy, human development and access to modern amenities have declined and continue to decline. • The detrimental effects of carbon dioxide and fossil fuels are overwhelmed by other concurrent changes that are beneficial. • Fossil fuels have allowed the population to increase even as the wellbeing of the average person has improved and the

Earth has become greener and more productive. As a result, habitat lost to human uses has been halted, despite population increases. These are the very definitions of success for a species. In the future, books on agnotology will devote chapters to how the standard narrative on climate change impacts took hold among the religious and secular leaders of the 21st century despite copious evidence to the contrary.


The UK Met Office declined GWPF's offer to publish a counterview as an appendix to this paper.

1 Intervention by the Holy Father at the meeting ‘Climate Change and New Evidence from Science, Engineering, and Policy’, organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (Casina Pio IV, 27 May 2019), English translation available at http://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2019/05/27/0454/00933.html#eng, visited May 28, 2019. 2 Gutteres A. Remarks at High-Level Meeting on Climate and Sustainable Development, UN General Assembly, March 29, 2019. Available at https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/ speeches/2019-03-28/remarks-high-level-meeting-climate-and-sustainable-development, visited June 12, 2019. 3 UN News (2019). In visit to hurricane-ravaged Bahamas, UN chief calls for greater action to address climate change. September 13, 2019. Available at https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/09/1046392. 4 Phillips, C. (2019). World Economic Forum, May 9, 2019. https://www.weforum.org/ agenda/2019/05/the-vicious-climate-wildfire-cycle, visited September 15, 2019. 5 Erasmus (2017). The Dalai Lama’s planet. The Economist, 12 September 2017. Available https:// www.economist.com/erasmus/2017/09/12/the-dalai-lamas-planet. Visited October 10, 2019. 6 Deutsche Welle, (2017). 7 Pullano, N. (2019). US Medical Groups Warn Candidates: Climate Change Is a ‘Health Emergency’. June 25, 2019, available at https://insideclimatenews.org/news/24062019/us-healthgroups-declare-climate-change-public-health-emergency-urge-fossil-fuel, visited September 15, 2019. 8 FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. 2018. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018. Building climate resilience for food security and nutrition. Rome, FAO, pp. 38–39. 9 Vatican 2019; see also, e.g., UNFCCC 2019. 10 Trenberth et al., 2019. 11 IPCC, 2018, p. 6. 12 IPCC, 2013, p. 212. 13 IPCC, 2013, pp. 212–13. 14 IPCC, 2013, p. 1401; NOAA-ESRL, 2019. 15 Nova, 2019. 16 Ge et al., 2016. 17 Weinkle et al., 2012. 18 ‘Accumulated cyclone energy, or ‘ACE,’ is used to express the activity and destructive potential of individual tropical cyclones and entire tropical cyclone seasons. ACE is calculated as the square of the wind speed every 6 hours, and is then scaled by a factor of 10,000 for usability. The ACE of a season is the sum of the ACE for each storm and takes into account the number, strength, and duration of all the tropical storms in the season’. Weather Underground, https://www.wunderground.com/hurricane/accumulated_cyclone_energy.asp. 19 NOAA-SPC, 2019. 20 Sharma et al., 2018. 21 USGCRP, 2017, Chapter 8. 22 Do et al., 2017. 23 Sharma et al., 2018. 24 USGCRP, 2017, Chapter 8. Citations in original have been omitted. 25 Hodgkins et al., 2017. 26 NOAA 2019. 27 USGCRP, 2018. 28 USGCRP, 2018. 29 IPCC, 2013, p. 7. 30 Damberg and AghaKouchak, 2014. 31 Hao et al., 2014.

32 Barichich et al., 2018. 33 Greve at al., 2014. 34 Cook et al., 2015. 35 Goklany, 2007a. 36 Goklany, 2007a, 2012b. 37 Gasparrini et al. 2015a, Fu et al. 2018. 38 Gasparrini et al., 2015a; Fu et al., 2018. 39 Fu et al., 2018. 40 Gasparrini et al., 2015a. 41 Gasparrini et al. 2015b. 42 Barreca et al., 2016. 43 Lee et al., 2018. 44 Vicedo-Cabrera et al., 2018. 45 Donat et al., 2013. 46 Weinkle et al., 2018. 47 Pielke Jr., 2018. 48 Simmons et al., 2013. 49 Han et al., 2016. 50 IPCC, 2014, pp. 6, 19, 23, 30–32, 251–52. 51 Doerr and Santin, 2016; Arora and Melton, 2018; Hamilton et al., 2018. 52 Hamilton et al. 2018. Citations in original have been removed. 53 Hamilton et al. 2018. Citations in original have been removed. 54 Andela et al., 2017. 55 WHO, 2018. 56 WHO, 2018. 57 WHO, 2018. 58 IHME, 2019. 59 CDC, 2017. 60 USBC, 1941: p. 94. 61 IHME, 2019. 62 Outbreak News Today, 2019. 63 Garcia et al., 2019. 64 Outbreak News Today, 2019. 65 USBC, 1941, p. 94. 66 CDC, 2017. 67 Based on ICD-10 disease codes A00–A09 (intestinal infectious diseases). 68 FAOSTAT, 2019. 69 Erisman et al., 2008. 70 Oerke, 2006. 71 Goklany, 2012a. 72 Nerem et al., 2018. 73 IPCC, 2013, p. 1150. 74 Luijendijk et al., 2018. 75 Donchyts et al., 2016. 76 Duvat, 2018. 77 Kench et al., 2018. 78 Ahmed et al., 2018. 79 See, e.g., Guterres, 2019. 80 Goklany, 2007b. 81 Sources: GDP from OWID (2019) and WDI (2019); population from OWID (2019) and WDI (2019); life expectancy from Frier (2001), Maddison (2005) and WDI (2019); carbon emissions per capita 36

calculated from Boden et al. (2016) and OWID (2019) up to 1989, from 1990 on, PBL (2018); atmospheric CO2 from IPCC (2013, Annex II), NOAA-ESRL (2019). 82 This measure is ‘approximate’ because it may fail as a marker if the growth rate of population outstrips that of carbon dioxide emissions. 83 Based on CO2 emissions per capita, the fossil fuel era seems to have commenced during the second half of the 18th century, but it started and took hold at different times for different countries. An examination of CO2 emissions per capita, indicates it started around 1800 for the US, and around 1900 for India and China. For the least developed countries (LDCs) and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), this era seems to have started by the mid-1960s. 84 Lelieveld et al., 2015. 85 WHO, 2018. 86 Travel China Guide, 2019, based on Government of China, 2019, in Chinese; Wikipedia, 2019. 87 Bourguignon and Morrisson, 2002. 88 WHO, 2019. 89 WHO, 2019. 90 Goklany, 2002. 91 UNDP, 2018. 92 Goklany, 2009a; RFI, 2019. 93 Edlund and Machado, 2019. 94 Goklany, 2012a: p. 24. 95 Masri, 2018. 96 Arrhenius, 1908, p. 56. 97 Zhu et al., 2016. 98 Chen et al., 2019. See also their Supplement, Table 2. 99 Song et al., 2018. 100 Gao et al., 2019: p. 9. 101 Cheng et al., 2017. 102 Steinbauer et al., 2018. 103 Fadrique et al., 2018. 104 Lamprecht et al., 2018. 105 Salick et al., 2019. 106 Vie et al., 2009. 107 Goklany, 1998; Phalan et al., 2011. 108 FAO, 2019. 109 2.33 × 1.31 ÷ 1.08. 110 4.5 Bha × 2.33 × 1.3 = 13.7 Bha. 111 FAOSTAT, Land Cover data, 2020. 112 13.7 Bha – 4.8 Bha. 113 Erisman et al., 2008; Oerke, 2006; Ziesemer, 2007; Helsel, 2016. 114 Ciais et al., 2014; IPCC, 2014: p. 293. 115 FAO, 2019. 116 Erisman et al., 2008. 117 NOAA, 2019. 118 Goklany 2015. 119 = (1.92 × 1.10 -1) × 100. 120 Simon et al., 1995; Lomborg, 2001; Goklany, 2001; Ridley, 2012. 121 Goklany, 2002, 2007b.

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