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(l to r) - John Kerry, USA, Rishi Sunak, UK, Emmanuel Macron, France, Ursula von der Leyen, European Union, Olaf Scholz, Germany, Cyril Ramaphosa, South Africa at COP27 in Egypt in 2022. This photo is after signing an agreement to shut down South African coal mines in exchange for loans to build wind farms. Who will benefit from this anti-fossil fuels alarmism and forced switch to weak, variable, unreliable, not always available wind and solar energy? How many will suffer?

The southern hemisphere is over 80% ocean. South Africa is more than 4,000 miles away from Australia, India and Latin America. Claims of CO2 “pollution” threat from South African coal mines is a disgrace. If China were forcing the closing of these coal mines. It would not be tolerated.

Left: A map of the Southern Hemisphere. The 2022 UN IPPC COP27 agreement between the USA, UK, EU, France, and Germany on one side and South Africa on the other to close coal mines in exchange for financial support for wind farms was not a deal to save the world from supposed man-made catastrophic global warming from use of coal in electric generating plants.

It was a sellout by the president of South Africa to enrich his associates by building useless wind farms.

African despots betrayed fellow Africans in the slave trade with North and South, America for centuries. Cyril Ramaphosa’s betrayal of South African miners at COP 27 is not new behavior of some African leaders.

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These professionals are selected because they have outstanding careers in science, engineering, government policy making, and communications with the public.

Emails from: allaboutenergy.net have articles about many more professionals.


Viv Forbes, business analyst and geologist

Poem: Freezing in Green Heaven

Let Them Eat Bugs

Witch-doctors should check climate change facts

Good Riddance to the Good Old Days

The Greatest Generation versus the Greenest Generation


Eric Jelinski, nuclear, chemical, mechanical engineer, soil & agriculture expert

Advisor about technical details and societal benefits of nuclear power. An expert on soil science, fertilizers and chemicals for pest control, and farm machinery design. With his background in engineering and science, he gives good explanations of what is happening with climate change. It is nearly entirely natural. Love CO2, the molecule of life.

Let’s be clear about oil

Land area required to generate electricity

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Man-made global warming, fossil fuels, nuclear power

What energy mix will North America have in 2100?

Some first steps to a sound energy program in North America

Summary of Canadian nuclear power program

Reprocessing Spent Nuclear Fuel

Regenerative Agriculture - A Discussion

Sherri Lange, wind energy technology and policy

She is an advisor on the problems and failures of wind energy. Climate change nuclear power advocate alarmists would be better off following Sherri Lange’s guidelines about CO2 being the molecule of life.

Ontario Wind Action

Wind Power Opposition: It’s a Conspiracy

NA-PAW announces appointment of CEO

Not in Their Minds: Denial in the Wind/Health Debate

The Thrill of Net Zero is Gone

Grassroots Rising Against Big Government Wind

Europe’s Wind Turbine Makers Face Massive Financial Collapse

U.S. Offshore Wind: Problems Aplenty

Infrasound: A Growing Liability for Wind Power

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Douglas Lightfoot - mechanical engineer, co-author, Gerald Ratzer, computer scientist

Douglas Lightfoot is an expert in energy and energy related technologies. Using thermodynamics related design charts, he and Gerald Ratzer show that carbon dioxide plays an unmeasurably small role in global warming.

Thermodynamic explanation of climate and CO2

The Sun Versus CO2 as the Cause of Climate Change Projected to 2050

Carbon Dioxide: “The Gas of Life”

Back radiation versus CO2 as the cause of climate change

An independent analysis of the sources of current and future world energy

Discussion on climate and carbon dioxide

Nuclear Fission Fuel is Inexhaustible

How Energy Makes a Difference

Energy Supply Plan

European Union

Samuel Furfari, energy policy consultant

A career as consultant to the European on energy policies. Use fossil fuels and nuclear power, use gasoline and diesel vehicles, not wind turbines and electric vehicles. Don’t use hydrogen manufactured from electrolysis of water - way too expensive.

Véhicules électriques - Pourquoi pas mais à condition d’avoir de l’électricité

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Agriculture et énergie

Le Troisième Mouvement Nucléaire De La Vivaldi

Joe Biden tells us anything

Il faut tenir compte du passé - Take the past into account

The hydrogen and wind illusion

Why is industrial hydrogen produced from natural gas and not by water electrolysis?

Hydrogen strategy to nowhere

Michel Gay, aviator, environmentalist, nuclear energy advocate

His career was in supersonic aviation. In retirement, he dedicates his time to education about the environment, actual climate change, and nuclear versus wind power.

The great swindle of the wind turbine

The disaster of the European energy policy

Articles on Contrepoints - 2014

Articles on Contrepoints - 2015

Articles on Contrepoints - 2016

Articles on Contrepoints - 2017

Articles on Contrepoints - 2018

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Articles on Contrepoints - 2019

Nucléaire une chance pour notre avenir

Nuclear power is the future of ecological transition

Origine du dogme antinucléaire

Thorium, miracle énergétique


Bernd Fleischmann, physicist

Why the climate is changing (short version)

Errors of the Geenhouse Theory

Fakten zu Klimawandel und Energiewende

Fukushima, the catastrophe caused by criminal negligence

Reinhard Storz, marine engineer

He grew up in WWII and post war Germany, received a good German technical school and university education. He was the responsible marine engineer on diesel powered ships. He received training for nuclear powered ships. Finally, he was the supervising engineer for a land based research nuclear reactor. In retirement, he is attending university classes as an auditing student and lecturer for many non-technical and technical subjects.

He is writing about his career experiences, observations of government decisions about energy and climate change, and the difficulties youth are having with the alarms that are being sounded. See the first article below where he asks: Why do young people in Germany glue their hands to street

To go to the beginning of this report, slide the dot on the progress bar below. 12 pavements because they think the world is coming to an end because of man-made carbon dioxide? The same questions are being asked across Europe, North America, and Australia. Who is causing these fears? Why?

Attempt to analyze the current discussion on climate protection in Germany

Why is energy important for life?

Power shortage, power surplus, milk lake and butter mountain

Was ist Energie? Geschichte der Energienutzung.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energie und Umwelt (AG E+U) - Die Realisten. Die Energiewende wird scheitern.

Energiespeicher Wasserstoff

Eiszeitlicher Klimawandel und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Pflanzen, Tiere und Menschen

Eiszeitlicher Klimawandel - Text

Nukleare Kohlevergasung in Zeiten knapper Energiereserven

Ökostrom für Bergisch Gladbach

Der Traum des Pharao als Rezept für die Lösung von Problemen bei der Energiewende

The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade (in German). Fossil fuels eliminated the commercial demand for slavery. Now politicians insist on getting rid of fossil fuels.

Gibt es Möglichkeiten die Gefahren von Atommüll zu reduzieren?

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Helmut Ullmann, radiochemist

The greenhouse effect - a molecular analysis

Greenhouse Earth - thermodynamic analysis

Uli Weber, geophysicist

Weissagungen des Papst Flüsterers

What is climate actually?

Nudging for the future

Estimates for man-made global warming and need for global decarbonization

The decline of serious science means the end of industrial society

Die Welt vor der Dekarbonisierung retten

Wohin führt uns der aktuelle Zeitgeist?

Der menschengemachte Klimawandel ist eine naturreligion

Wenn der Klimablase schliesslich die Luft ausgeht

One of the world’s oldest civilizations. Home to the Hindu and Buddhist religions. The world’s largest democracy. Competes with China for the world’s most populous country. Like China, Europe, and North America, it needs fossil fuels and their by-products to have a vibrant economy. India could use mostly nuclear energy for generating electricity, if they develop thorium technology. But like the rest of the world, they have focused on Light Water Reactors because they are more advanced in development and have industry support.

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They have a lot of poverty but also tremendous potential. Havee excellent universities and students. Delicious foods. Located midway between China and Japan to the east, and the Arab countries and Europe in the west.

Peter Frankopan, a British historian at Oxford University, wrote: “The SILK ROADS - A New History of the World”. This book objectively describes good and bad systems of ruling, taxation, trade, economy and cultural exchange along the “Silk Roads” for more than 2000 years.

India has been one of the more peaceful countries. Generally not sought to build a global empire, not plundered resources in far away lands, not claimed superiority over other races or religions.

Vijay Jayaraj studied environmental science in the UK and is becoming one of the most important writers in India about energy, government policies, and the environment.

Vijay Jayaraj, energy and environmental policy advisor

Myths of Indian climate catastrophe

Mexico and South America Must Tap Fossil Fuels to Fight Poverty

Strange Agreements and Stranger Taxes” The UN Climate Drama

Four reasons alarmists are wrong on climate change

Coal Helps Developing Countries Fight Poverty and Disease

Understand the difference between pollution and climate change

Paris Climate Agreement - A fairy tales failure

Not for thee but for me

Why climate skepticism thrives

Beyond the Nobel Prize: The Rise of Nuclear-Powered India

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The world is transitioning to fossil fuels

The Netherlands

The Netherlands is an amazing country with wonderful brave seafarers and successful business people. Tremendous engineering accomplishments reclaiming land from the sea and many other fields. Excellent universities. Wonderful artists and museums. Produces the freshest food for Europe. Operates the world’s biggest flower auction. Flowers are flown in from around the world in the early morning, bid on, and flown out to successful bidder destinations in the matter of a few hours. One of the best countries for bicycle vacations. Like other countries in Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States, it is under pressure from man-made global warming alarmists and anti-fossil fuel activists to abandon modern living standards. Farmers are in revolt against false claims against their “supposed” causing “not-happening,” “man-made,” “catastrophic” climate change.

Kees le Pair, physicist - Netherlands

After opening this link, refresh the page and select English. Go to his biography. His accomplishments are more than many others. His humor in the details of his life are a breath of fresh air.

The Earthly Greenhouse Without Formulas

Radiation Balance And Transparent Medi - 2 Radiation and gas

Note about above link: Some find it difficult to understand how interaction of infrared radiation with 0.04% concentration of atmospheric CO2 causes significant global warming of the rest of the mass in the atmosphere, oceans and on land. Kees le Pair says: “His experiment raises doubt about the 342 Wm-2 back radiation from the atmosphere, which in climate science in 2018 is assumed to be rock solid.” Le Pair says, "It seems rather feather light.”

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Russian physicist, Habibullo Abdussamatov, points out : “Mars has global warming, but without a greenhouse and without the participation of Martians.” Click here to automatically download document with this quote.

Trends - Wealth Distribution - Consequences

Climate Change & Other Superstitions

Renewable Energy Supply, It is Possible

The Geotriad of our Earth’s greenhouse

Climate Research of System & Actors

Energy Transition

Complexity, Climate CO2 and Engineers

Climate, Energy & Survival

Hydrogen Is An Energy Gluster & A Poverty Sower

New Zealand

A verdant country. It should be obvious to every New Zealander that this small country, surrounded for hundreds/thousands of miles by oceans can not possibly contribute in any measurable way to supposed catastrophic man-made global warming. Yet their leader insists that the carbon dioxide they produce from use of fossil fuels causes catastrophic global warming. Which leaders are worse for their people?: China, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, USA, Europe, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations IPCC and COP.

Bryan Leyland, water power engineer

Actual temperature versus climate models

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End war on coal

No credible business plan for SMRs

Global Cooling

Energy Abundance

Nuclear safety, radiation, waste and reprocessing


Zbigniew Jaworowski, medical doctor (deceased)

Radiation Risk and Ethics

Japanese Nuclear Power And The Wrath Of Nature

Chernobyl, Nuclear Wastes And Nature

Nature Rules The Climate

‘Global Warming’ A Lie Aimed At Destroying Civilization

Incorrect information on pre-industrial CO2


Habibullo Abdussamatov, solar physicist

Energy Imbalance Between the Earth and Space Controls the Climate

The New Little Ice Age Has Started

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The Sun Dictates the Climate

Bicentennial Decrease of the Total Solar Irradiance Leads to Unbalanced Thermal Budget of the Earth and the Little Ice Age

The Sun, Not People, Causes Global Warming

The Thermal Inertia Characteristics of the System


The sun controls the climate

Proof that a new ice age has already started is stronger than ever, and we couldn’t be less prepared

Entrevista con Habibullo Abdussamatov, director de Estudios Espaciales del Sector del Sol en el Observatorio de Pulkova

Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds

South Africa

Cairns Bain, nuclear physics, coastal oceanography

Nuclear radiation in the world around us

Geert de Vries, physicist

Selling nuclear based on low CO2 footprint

CO2 alarm and nuclear power advocacy

Nuclear Energy, a solution for Africa

The sad status of nuclear power in the free world

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Electric vehicles and grid instability in South Africa

Mpiyakhe Dhlamini, data science researcher at Free Market Foundation

Let My people go: How Africa can save herself

Free women, free the economy

Rob Jeffrey, independent risk consultant

Energy security and sovereignty

Investment in South Africa by rebuilding energy confidence

South African Electricity and Economic Development

Nuclear energy vital for sustainable economy

Thyspunt nuclear build links to Eastern Cape economic development

Kelvin Kemm, nuclear physicist

CO2 hysteria

Leave climate change to scientists

Is CO2 from fossil fuels a pollutant? - What the extreme greens want.

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What needs changing in Climate Change thinking?

Interview about nuclear power and nuclear

EIR interview with Kelvin Kemm

Power to change lives for better

Nuclear, coal, petrol

26 years of nuclear power in South Africa

Electricity in the realm of the lion king

Nuclear power is the only sensible way to go

The case for nuclear

Thorium - The other nuclear fuel

There was no Fukushima nuclear disaster

Can the world solve an energy problem, especially in Africa?

Greta Thunberg condemns world leaders

How Europe and the U.S. can best help other countries

Small Modular Reactors advance in the nuclear world

Nuclear Medicine - Saving Lives Internationally

Status of nuclear power and radioisotope production in South Africa as of June 2022

Andrew Kenny, nuclear engineer

Fallacies about nuclear, solar and wind

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The carbon dioxide cycle in living organisms, the atmosphere, oceans, and land

Perspective of climate change from South Africa

CO2 Deficit

Where is todays additional atmospheric carbon dioxide coming from?

No evidence for man made global warming

Belief in socialism in South Africa

What is nuclear power?

Nuclear power is sage, clean, economic, and sustainable

Nuclear is our most affordable energy

Decommissioning nuclear power plants

Low radiation doses

Philip Lloyd, chemical engineer

Nuclear Waste: Is it really a problem?

Summary of Paris COP21 Agreement

Cause of global warming remains unknown

Leon Louw, economist, Founder Free Market Foundation

CO2 hysteria

Seven myths debunked, including green power

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The incredible growth of the middle class

South African Energy Perspective

The rustle in the grass is not real

Linear No Threshold (LNT) Folly: An Economics Perspective on Nuclear Safety

Francois Mellet, electrical engineer

Nuclear Fuel, It’s Nature and Disposal

Knox Msebenzi, Managing Director of NIASA

Prospects of nuclear power generation in South Africa’s energy mix

Nuclear power for Africa

Temba Nolutshungu, Director of The Free Market Foundation

Stubborn allure of socialism despite its abject failures

Dawid Serfontein, nuclear engineer

Nuclear Power is more profitable than coal when funding model is correct


Steven Lyazi, author (deceased)

Enemies of humanity

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The world needs more energy

When will Africa get healthy and prosperous?

What natural disasters should teach us

Unseeable starvation

Solar ovens and sustained poverty for Africa

UK - Portugal

Roger Higgs, geologist and Cap Allon, electroverse.info

33 Bullet Points Proving ‘Global Warming’ Is Caused By The Sun, Not CO2

Our models are Mickey-Mouse mockeries of the real world


Meredith Angwin, physical chemist

Electricity explains the world

Shorting the grid

Energy supply in cold weather

Energy Northwest

Jay Lehr, groundwater scientist (deceased)

Wind and Solar add zero value to the grid

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The other side of the global warming story

Insignificance of man-made carbon dioxide

Can one ten thousandth of the atmosphere control the thermostat of the planet?

Where is the missing heat from man-made global warming coming from? Part 1

Fascinating variations - Weather (sort of) understandable - Part 2

Wind and solar are most environmentally destructive

11 Reasons Why Electric Cars Will Never Be The Thing

The Purposeful Impoverishment of African Nations

Howard Lowe, geologist

Forecasting climate change is a very complex process

Beyond Our Control: Debunking Man Made Global Warming

Oil Productive Capacity A Problem?

Is crude oil vital for our economy?

Historical phenomena prove climate is regulated by forces beyond man - Letter to John Kerry, U.S. Climate Change Ambassador

Wanda Munn, nuclear engineer

Conservation and Technology

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Fast Reactors

Challenges facing the future of nuclear energy in the USA

Ben Soon, senior high school student

Snow coverage changes over time.

Gary Young, mechanical engineer, new product development

Count the molecules, count the photons. More CO2 makes almost no difference.

Carbon dioxide and energy policy

Four essays on the madness of our times

Problems with people claiming fission and fusion nuclear power can solve supposed man-made global warming crisis

The innocence of carbon dioxide

For the love of trees

Radiation damage to people

A Galactic Visitors Essay, Part I - Earnings Return on Investment

A Galactic Visitors Essay, Part II - Mega Energy Centers

A Galactic Visitors Essay, Part III - Going to the Moon and Beyond

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