Kenya - 11 Golden Maasai Knowledge Rules and Wisdom

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Ezekiel Ole Katato

June 15, 2023

Human Scent; Human scent make Elephants aggressive and immediately they get it, the female Elephant makes a very loud noise alerting the herd of danger and putting them on the attack mode. An encounter with Elephants in the bush requires one to immediately pick some soil and throw it in the air to know the direction the wind is blowing then quickly maneuver your way to the safe side where the elephants will not get your scent.

Foot Prints: Elephant footprints is a clear indicator that elephants are around your village and knowing their movements and directions would help you to avoid them. The ability to identify the footprints and differentiate between fresh and old footprints helps one to know the

Click here to sign petition in support of the Maasai Peace Initiative with elephants. Good for wildlife and people.


proximity of elephants to their village. This will help you to become more careful and vigilant as you walk in the bush.

Woodpecker; Sound of a woodpecker is a warning to avoid areas with elephants and other dangerous animals. Being able to identify sounds of woodpeckers and their meaning helps to prevent dangerous encounters and save lives.

 If a woodpecker makes the sound ahead of you, it means you will encounter elephants or other animals that are not friendly ahead

 If a woodpecker makes the sound on your right hand side, it means there is danger ahead and you are likely to see blood from an unexpected attack

 If a woodpecker makes the sound on your left hand side, it means you are safe and good lack would be on your side in case of any unlikely encounter with elephants or any other dangerous animals

 If a woodpecker makes the sound behind you it means something unfriendly is following you

 If two woodpeckers make the sound at the same time, it means they are arguing about a potential risk ahead but their argument diminishes the dangers in case of any encounters

 The nearer the sound of the woodpecker the higher the chances of danger

NOTE: When you hear the woodpecker’s sound ahead of you, on the right hand side or behind you, you have three options; wait at the same point for a while to shrug off the bad omen, change route or go back all together to avoid the imminent danger

Click here to sign petition in support of the Maasai Peace Initiative with elephants. Good for wildlife and people.


Flash Lights; carrying a torch while walking at night is highly recommended. Flash the lights abruptly when you hear any un-usual movements or when your instincts sense danger. Elephants will run away when light is flashed at them abruptly but will not run away when they see the light approaching them from a distance. Do not walk with the lights on all the time because elephants will get used to it and will not fear them again.

Abrupt encounter with Elephants; if you accidently find yourself in this situation, run to a nearby trench or hill {raised area} or remove all your clothes and walk away. If you are courageous enough, stand still without moving because elephants will charge at you but will beat a hasty retreat before reaching you

Rumbling stomach; elephants stomachs rumble while grazing and the sound is heard from a distance and this alerts you that you are walking into elephants. The elephants’ stomach only rumbles when it has not sensed any danger but when it senses danger or gets human scent, the stomach stops rumbling immediately. When you hear the stomach rumbling, slowly find your way back because it has not sensed your presence but when the stomach rumbling stops, quickly go back because it has either seen you or got your scent.

Breaking or falling trees; Sounds of breaking or falling trees is an indicator that elephants are foraging nearby and this is heard from a distance to warn you that elephants are not very far

Rain seasons; water and pasture is available everywhere during rain seasons and it is not easy to detect elephants because they forage quietly so people to exercise extra caution because you can bump into elephants unexpectedly

Nature language; communication with elephants help to announce your presence in nature. Special audible sounds will make the elephants move out of your way even when they are not seeing you. People make nature

Click here to sign petition in support of the Maasai Peace Initiative with elephants. Good for wildlife and people.


sounds to drive elephants out of their way and to warn other people nearby to be careful and vigilant.

Neutralizing rogue Elephants; some factors make elephants rogue and very dangerous to human. These factors include, wounded elephants, mating seasons, elephants that just gave birth, human scent etc. A rogue elephant mostly walks alone and does not live with the herd and it attacks people without any slight provocation. The Maasai perform rituals to neutralize the rogue elephant to ensure it is not harmful to people.

Special sounds from elephants; an elephant makes some sound when they see a person approaching to alert the herd of danger and prompt the herd to walk away. They make this sound even without getting human scent and this makes the elephants to walk away and alerts you of the elephants’ presence.

Click here to sign petition in support of the Maasai Peace Initiative with elephants. Good for wildlife and people.


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