Energy Alarmists Energy Problem Solvers
John Shanahan, Editor
June 20, 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................3 STOP USING FOSSIL FUELS, USE WIND, SOLAR AND BATTERY POWERED CARS........................................................................6 Joe Biden, President of The USA...............................................................6 Jimmy Carter, President of The USA.........................................................7 Bill Clinton, President of The USA............................................................8 European Union......................................................................................... 8 Jennifer Granholm, U.S. Secretary of Energy...........................................9 Greenpeace................................................................................................. 9 John Kerry, U.S.Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.........................10 Michael Mann...........................................................................................11 Bill McKibben........................................................................................... 12 Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany...................................................12 National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine....................13 Barack Obama, President of the USA.......................................................14 Pope Francis.............................................................................................14 Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany.........................................................15 Sierra Club................................................................................................ 16 United Nations.........................................................................................16 NUCLEAR POWER IS A CONTROL KNOB FOR MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE....................................................................17 Rod Adams................................................................................................ 17 version 240620a 1
Irene Aegerter........................................................................................... 18 Wade Allison............................................................................................. 19 Tom Blees................................................................................................. 19 Bill Gates.................................................................................................. 20 James Hansen..........................................................................................21 Robert Hargraves.....................................................................................21 Nuclear Power Professional and Advocate Organizations......................22 Women in Nuclear...................................................................................22 AGAINST ADVANCED NUCLEAR POWER................................25 Thomas Cochran......................................................................................25 John Holdren, Science Advisor to President Barack Obama..................25 NRDC - Natural Resources Defense Council...........................................26 Frank von Hippel.....................................................................................26 PRO CURRENT AND ADVANCED NUCLEAR POWER...............27 Yoon Chang..............................................................................................27 Bernard Cohen.........................................................................................28 Bruno Comby...........................................................................................28 Jerry Cuttler............................................................................................. 29 Kelvin Kemm............................................................................................ 29 Kenneth Kok............................................................................................29 Hugo Kruger............................................................................................30 Conrad Ladd............................................................................................30 John Landis..............................................................................................31 Eugene Lim............................................................................................... 31 Richard McPherson.................................................................................32 Mothers for Nuclear.................................................................................32 Wanda Munn...........................................................................................33 Donald Riley............................................................................................. 33 Ted Rockwell............................................................................................ 34 John Sackett............................................................................................. 35 John Shanahan........................................................................................36 George Stanford.......................................................................................38 Thorium Energy Alliance.........................................................................38 Charles Till............................................................................................... 39 version 240620a 2
Alan Waltar..............................................................................................40 PRO FOSSIL FUELS AND MOST ALSO PRO NUCLEAR POWER 41 Russ Babcock............................................................................................ 41 Ed Berry.................................................................................................... 41 Katherine Birdsong..................................................................................42 Mary Claire Birdsong...............................................................................42 Jon Boone................................................................................................. 43 CERES-Science Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences .................................................................................................................. 43 CFACT - Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow...............................43 CLINTEL - Climate Intelligence..............................................................44 CO2 Coalition...........................................................................................44 Cornwall Alliance.....................................................................................45 Paul Driessen...........................................................................................45 John Droz................................................................................................. 45 John Eidson.............................................................................................45 EIKE - Europäisches Institut Fũr Klima & Energie.................................45 Alex Epstein.............................................................................................45 Viv Forbes................................................................................................46 Samuel Furfari.........................................................................................46 Michel Gay...............................................................................................46 GWPF - Global Warming Policy Foundation..........................................46 William Happer........................................................................................ 46 Howad Cork Hayden................................................................................46 Heartland Institute..................................................................................46 Tony Heller............................................................................................... 47 Vijay Jayaraj............................................................................................. 47 Eric Jelinski.............................................................................................. 47 KlimaNachrichten....................................................................................47 Douglas Lightfoot and Gerald Ratzer......................................................48 Richard Lindzen....................................................................................... 48 Steven Lyazi.............................................................................................48 Chris Martz..............................................................................................48 Patrick Moore........................................................................................... 50 version 240620a 3
Many people in Australia, Europe and North America embrace alarmism about man-made global warming. This determines one’s attitude toward fossil fuels and why one might support nuclear power.
Similarly, people have different understanding of low-dose radiation. That determines whether they support nuclear power or not.
One example is a person who has known John Shanahan a long time. S/he has had many years of introduction to the 3,500 articles on S/he sticks to her/his opinions that the alarmism about man-made global warming is correct. That determines his/her attitude toward fossil fuels.
There are millions of people like him/her. This is a great problem for Western Civilization.
China, India and Russia are safe from this problem.
This report presents faux alarmists and real problem solvers about energy for the modern world.
Institute and original LaRouche Organization...........................51 Michael Shellenberger..............................................................................51 Vaclav Smil..............................................................................................51 Willie Soon...............................................................................................52 Ronald Stein.............................................................................................52 Reinhard Storz.........................................................................................52 TRCS - The Right Climate Stuff...............................................................52 Gregory Wrightstone................................................................................52 Gary Young............................................................................................... 52 CONCLUSIONS.........................................................................53
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Organizations and individuals can fit into several categories in this report.
- Against fossil fuels and by-products.
- Pro fossil fuels and by-products.
- Against nuclear power.
- Pro nuclear power.
We put people and organizations in categories where we thought they best fit for this report.
Many organizations and individuals could be mentioned. This is just a sampling to keep it short and simple for a large audience.
We hope many people will make better decisions about what energy sources to use for the modern world for thousands of years, not just to “solve” imaginary man-made climate change tipping points by 2030 or 2050.
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This section is about people in powerful positions who are man-made global warming alarmists demanding the world abandon fossil fuels.
Joe Biden, President of The USA
Climate Change
Fossil fuels
Electric vehicles
Joe Biden demands that the USA (and the rest of the world) abandon fossil fuels and their byproducts. But he has not given up on by-products from petroleum himself: clothes, food, communications, medicines, entertainment, operations for spy agencies, tax collection agencies, courts and judges, ammunition, cars and planes, war machinery, three years campaigning for a four year second term as president. His Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, a lawyer, promises to deliver a military with all electric killing machines “for a cleaner environment!”
Two of Joe Biden’s poorest appointees are John Kerry, Climate Alarmist Ambassador and Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of Energy with her all electric armed forces for a cleaner battlefield environment..
What is happening to America? Frans Vandenbosch offers an answer.
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Jimmy Carter, President of The USA
I’m asking you, for your good and for your nation’s security, to take no unnecessary trips, to use carpools or public transportation whenever you can … and to set your thermostats to save fuel. Every act of energy conservation like this is more than just common sense, I tell you it is an act of patriotism.
Carter had been committed to alternative energy (at least, alternatives to oil and gas; he supported nuclear and coal) right from the start. At his inauguration in 1977, the reviewing stand was heated by approximately 1,000 square meters of solar thermal panels. Later, he became the first president to install solar panels on the White House (these first ones provided hot water for the cafeteria, the laundry, and the family quarters). His administration vastly increased the budget for energy technology research and development to levels not equaled for another 30 years, until Barack Obama’s stimulus bill. He instituted the first tax credits for installing wind turbines and solar power, and set the goal of deriving 20 percent of U.S. energy needs from renewables by the millennium (so far we’ve made it to 9.4 percent).
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Bill Clinton, President of The USA
"The greatest environmental challenge of the new century is global warming…If we fail to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, deadly heat waves and droughts will become more frequent, coastal areas will flood, and economies will be disrupted. That is going to happen, unless we act. Many people…still believe you cannot cut greenhouse gas emissions without slowing economic growth. In the Industrial Age that may well have been true. But in this digital economy, it is not true anymore. New technologies make it possible to cut harmful emissions and provide even more growth."
-- President Bill Clinton, State of the Union Address, January 27, 2000
European Union Climate Change - What is the European Union doing?
Under the European climate law, EU countries must cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. Their goal is to make the EU climate neutral by 2050.
Truly amazing, so many different cultural groups caught in the same GroupThink error. Their foreign enemies are delighted.
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Jennifer Granholm, U.S. Secretary of Energy
Her background - law and politics
President Joe Biden says US is spending billions to make military vehicles ‘climate friendly’. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm recently said during a Senate Armed Services committee hearing that she supports Biden administration efforts to require the U.S. military to implement an all-electric vehicle fleet by the year 2030, telling lawmakers that she believes “we can get there” !!! - Ronald Stein
What qualifications does Jennifer Granholm have to competently lead the U.S. Department of Energy? Is she a Yes Person for Joe Biden?
What will her All-Electric-Military do for the United States and world peace? Any country that relies on an electric military will be vanquished.
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Our climate is sick but we have the power to heal it and ourselves, and create a greener more equal world.
Extreme weather events, sea level rise and droughts are symptoms of a climate on the brink of breakdown.
We are at a crossroads. If we act now, as a global community, to keep temperature rise below catastrophic levels, we have a chance to re-stabilise our delicate climate.
We can, as citizens, consumers and countries, choose clean energy, forest protection and ecological farming to cut climate pollution.
We can heal the climate and in the process of working together build a safer, greener fairer world.
Greenpeace has been a leader in hoodwinking poor people around the world into giving up their land and landfills for short-term income from wind turbines and fearing climate change from fossil fuels and radiation from nuclear power.
The reach exceeds that of the devil from religious leaders or the Pied Piper from German fairy tales.
It is unfortunate for the world that Greenpeace is in so many countries. GO TO TABLE OF CONTENTS
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John Kerry, U.S.Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
UAE - December 13, 2023
The decision embraces transitioning away from fossil fuels so as to achieve net-zero by 2050. And the first and easiest thing that countries need to do to make this commitment a reality is to stop building new unabated coal.
The United States supported language about the need to largely phase out fossil fuels.
We will largely phase out fossil fuels by 2050.
Triple renewable energy, phase down coal power will be foundational to our efforts for seven years.
The United States is leading the charge on investments in the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
We made progress in elevating critical issues such as gender, health, peace, and food systems!!!!!
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Michael Mann
Mann noted that a difficult road lies ahead, but there is time still to limit warming to 1.5 degrees C. He cited as encouraging the U.S. passage of the Inflation Reduction Act — which contains significant provisions to fight climate change — and the global agreement in 2021’s COP 26, whose commitments would limit warming to 2 degrees C, which Mann acknowledged is still too high.
“It’s not too late for us to keep warming below 1.5 Celsius. The obstacles aren’t physical, they are not technological, they are entirely political,” he said. “And political obstacles can be overcome.”
Bill McKibben Website
“If we survive the interlocking plagues of climate change, right-wing authoritarianism, and savage inequality, future generations will utter the name of the New England moral activist McKibben with the reverence of Emerson, Thoreau, and Garrison. ”
Maybe most of the world thinks differently of McKibben than what he thinks of himself.
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Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
Council of Women World Leaders
Angela Merkel was better than many world leaders. Too bad she supported man-made global warming alarmism, anti-fossil fuels, wind and solar and closed nuclear power. She had a science education and knew better. An unfortunate missed opportunity being greater.
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National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine
Forging Climate Solutions is organized into five strategies for accelerating climate action.
STRATEGY 1: Prioritize Equity, Fairness, and Justice in Climate Action.
STRATEGY 2: Engage and Educate to shift climate change communication from an elite, sciencefocused endeavor to one led by credible voices from diverse communities.
STRATEGY 3: Mobilize Investment to unleash the immense capital of the public and private sectors needed to cut emissions.
STRATEGY 4: Deploy Diverse Options for Controlling Emissions for clear market signals to investors to accelerate mitigation across all sectors.
STRATEGY 5: Ensure Adaptation at All Levels of Society.
The “science” on climate change and policies to abandon fossil fuels of the many national National Academies of Science and Pope Francis are truly some of the most unfortunate events in the world that John Holdren is proud of.
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Barack Obama, President of the USA
Climate Change
Fossil Fuels - Carbon Pollution
One of the worst things Barack Obama did for the environment and sound energy policies was to hire John Holdren as his Science Advisor. Holdren has been an anthropogenic climate catastrophist who is also against fossil fuels and advanced nuclear power since the 1970s.
Pope Francis Laudato Si
Pope Francis says climate crisis has "gotten to the point of no return" as the planet continues to see the effects of global warming and world leaders have an even greater responsibility to take action.
"How worried are you about climate change?"
CBS Evening News
"We have gotten to a point of no return. Global warming is a serious problem," "Climate change at this moment is a road to death."
Does God bless Pope Francis’ climatee alarmism?
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Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany
There are 36 members of the Climate Club.
We come from all regions of the world.
United by the shared conviction that climate change is the greatest challenge of the 21st century.
United by a common goal: to decarbonise industries and to decouple growth from emissions.
As members of the Climate Club, we commit to developing the right strategies and standards for a carbon-free industrial sector together.
And we agree to coordinate our methodologies, to compare our efforts.
This will enable us to scale-up the lead markets for climate-neutral industrial products, such as climate-friendly steel, cement or aluminium.
We will do that step by step by exchanging goods, knowledge and technologies. My idea is to use the transformation we are all working on to create wealth and good jobs globally and to help countries in the Global South to leapfrog to climate-neutral industries without compromising their right to development.
Our Climate Club supports the Paris Agreement. We are simply strengthening the cooperation between countries.
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Sierra Club
Our climate is sick but we have the power to heal it and ourselves, and create a greener more equal world.
Extreme weather events, sea level rise and droughts are symptoms of a climate about to breakdown.
We are at a crossroads. If we act now to keep temperature rise below catastrophic levels, we have a chance to re-stabilise our delicate climate.
We can, as citizens, consumers and countries, choose clean energy, forest protection and ecological farming to cut climate pollution.
We can heal the climate and in the process of working together build a safer, greener fairer world.
The Sierra Club does not have a big presence in China, India or Russia. Will they save the world with a strong presence only in Australia, Europe and North America?
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United Nations United Nations - What is Climate Change
The United Nations efforts to reduce the use of fossil fuels because of supposed man-made global warming and sea level rise is a destructive act against the modern world.
Many nuclear power professional and advocacy organizations claim that nuclear power can save the world from man-made global warming and terrible weather events. They want nuclear power expanded worldwide quickly, before third world governments and economies are ready, in order to save the US and Europe from their moving deadlines of supposed manmade climate change catastrophes. Is this correct? Do you agree with these nuclear power man-made climate change alarmists?
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Adams Website
The range of uncertainty for the warming along the current emissions path is wide enough to encompass massively disruptive consequences to societies and ecosystems: As global temperatures rise, there is a real risk, however small, that one or more critical parts of the Earth’s climate system will experience abrupt, unpredictable, and potentially irreversible changes. Scientists do not know how much warming is required to trigger such changes to the climate system.
I’m sure it is a bad idea to keep dumping 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year and I am sure there are unpredictable, often negative future consequences from doing so.
Rod Adams spent decades promoting the Precautionary Principle as the reason to use nuclear power to defend against catastrophic man-made global warming.
Can global nuclear power alleviate this problem?
Almost no progress has been made in a buildout of nuclear power in forty years in Australia, Europe, North America and South America.
He is involved in investments in nuclear power on the basis of man-made global warming! Will they solve the problem in 50, 100 years?
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Irene Aegerter Physicist Irene Aegerter has done an outstanding job of organizing professional women in nuclear science, nuclear medicine and nuclear power at Women in Nuclear Global. Medicine, Law and Nuclear are areas where women have excelled.
Dr. Aegerter has led WiN in policy formulation regarding nuclear power as a solution to man-made global warming.
John Shanahan recommends that all pro-nuclear power organizations educate the public that nuclear power can help civilization survive all extreme weather events and climate change, not that nuclear power can control or modify climate change.
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Wade Allison Emeritus Physics from Oxford University. Spent years documenting and educating the public about the safety of low dose radiation and nuclear power.
On his own and with Supporter of Nuclear Energy, he leads efforts to promote nuclear power as a solution to supposed catastrophic man-made global warming from CO2 from use of fossil fuels.
Climate Change and the Third Energy Revolution
Written evidence submitted by SONE
Energy futures debate
John Shanahan recommends that all pro-nuclear power organizations educate the public that nuclear power can help civilization survive all extreme weather events and climate change, not that nuclear power can control or modify climate change.
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Tom Blees Website
He worked for thirty years to promote these ideas:
1) Nuclear power can be expanded worldwide in time to solve James Hansen’s global warming alarms about fossil fuels.
2) Man-made global warming is one of the greatest problems the world faces.
Is he right or wrong?
John Shanahan recommends that all pro-nuclear power organizations educate the public that nuclear power can help civilization survive all extreme weather events and climate change, not that nuclear power can control or modify climate change.
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Bill Gates
James Hansen
The group of scientists working with Bill Gates promoted their novel idea of a traveling wave nuclear power plant. They told experts with thirty years experience in actual advanced nuclear power that their technology, studied only in computers, would be better. Years went by and Bill Gates spent his money. Today, his plans for nuclear power look a lot like what real experts developed in the 1980s.
Bill Gates is concerned about man-made global warming and is spending a fortune to solve this problem on various questionable technologies..
Tremendous wealth can make a person think he has knowledge. Or does Gates just want to control the human race? What will he accomplish?
Bill Gates Notes on nuclear power and climate change.
Considered by many as a science expert on manmade global warming, advisor to children’s lawsuits on climate change and claims that a global buildout of nuclear power can solve a so-called man-made global warming problem.
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Robert Hargraves Works tirelessly to promote thorium small modular reactors.
Is convinced that carbon dioxide from fossil fuels is causing serious global warming, etc.
Some of his articles.
John Shanahan recommends that all pro-nuclear power organizations educate the public that nuclear power can help civilization survive all extreme weather events and climate change, not that nuclear power can control or modify climate change.
Nuclear Power Professional and Advocate
World Nuclear Association
American Nuclear Association
European Nuclear Association
International Atomic Energy Agency
John Shanahan recommends that all pro-nuclear power organizations educate the public that nuclear power can help civilization survive all extreme weather events and climate change, not that nuclear power can control or modify climate change.
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Women in Nuclear Five years on from the signing of the Paris Agreement, we are waking up to the enormity of the challenge that the world faces in limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. The global climate is at a critical juncture and together, we need to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by no later than 2050 if we are to have a chance of achieving this and protecting our planet’s future. But we are off track, and time is running out. So we need to act now.
Fifty three branches of WiN all over the world signed the declaration “Net -Zero Needs Nuclear”.
Many scientists and engineers say:
a) The world doesn’t need the Net-Zero Carbon Mandate because CO2 from fossil fuels is not causing catastrophic man-made global warming.
b) The world will never achieve Net-Zero Carbon production. Hydrocarbon fuels and byproducts will always be needed.
c) Nuclear power is not a control knob for climate change.
d) Atmospheric CO2 concentration is determined by physics, chemistry and biology on Earth and physics of the solar system. Humanity has no control of global climate.
e) The leaders of all 53 branches of WiN have made a monumental GroupThink blunder about climate science and jeopardized the reputations of their outstanding scientists, medical doctors and engineers.
f) This Climate Change GroupThink error has
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also been made by universities, high schools, national academies of science, professional organizations, the Vatican, the European Union, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and countless non-profits!
g) This Climate Change GroupThink error does not exist as badly in China, India, Russia, most of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
h) This Climate Change GroupThink error exists mainly in Europe, North America, Australia.
i) It is easy to correct this blunder. Simply issue two brief statements:
1) “Previous statements about fossil fuels causing serious climate change are retracted.”
2) “Nuclear power is absolutely essential in enabling humanity to deal with actual climate change in all forms: heat, cold, drought, flood, tempest and plague !”
Many nuclear power professionals hope Women in Nuclear, WiN, will set an example for the world and consider these recommendations.
Don’t make the mistake of many men and male politicians by sticking to poor ideas. Be superior!
Humans can’t beat Mother Nature. We should aim to be wise also.
John Shanahan recommends that all pro-nuclear power organizations educate the public that nuclear power can help civilization survive all extreme weather events and climate change, not that nuclear
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power can control or modify climate change.
More from WiN
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Thomas Cochran Biography
Statement to Congress on nuclear power and climate change
Energy and National Security - NO to spent fuel reprocessing and breeder reactors
Used fuel reprocessing and breeder reactors are the key to energy independence. Their security for misuse of their materials is easy, first and most important because of the radiation they would expose to any thieves, second because there are easier ways of getting/producing weapons grade uranium and plutonium. Witness nuclear security and enemy fissile material production since the 1950s.
Thomas Cochran’s position against breeder reactors and used fuel reprocessing is a serious act against energy security in America!
John Holdren, Science Advisor to President Barack Obama
In nature, there are top predators. In America and Europe, there are top global warming alarmists. John Holdren has been a top global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate disruption alarmist and influencer since the 1970s.
See here.
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NRDC - Natural Resources Defense Council
NRDC uses science, policy, law, and people power to confront the climate crisis, protect public health, and safeguard nature.
Climate change is the major environmental challenge of our time, and we know we must accelerate our efforts to adapt to the impacts that are already unavoidable. We have the technologies to dramatically lower the emissions that are causing the crisis. A growing number of feasible solutions exist here and now. We must propel them forward, and work toward a future that is more sustainable and just. Toward this end, we work in the United States, China, India,with communities, allies, and decision makers at every level of government to advance policies that will yield deep cuts to carbon pollution, end our dependence on dangerous fossil fuels, and prioritize the people and ecosystems on the frontlines of our changing climate.
Once China and India see what NRDX plan to do, they will have nothing to do with it.
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Frank von Hippel Website
He works on the technical basis for ending the production of highly enriched uranium, the separation of plutonium and national enrichment of uranium, as well nuclear arms control and limitations on ballistic missile defense.
This results in his opposition to advanced nuclear power technologies. These are the only sensible energy sources for the very long term of the modern world.
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Yoon Chang Senior manager of the Argonne National Laboratory Integral Fast Reactor project.
The IFR used the Experimental Breeder Reactor II at Argonne National Laboratory in Idaho to develop and test fuel components and performance of safety features.
The IFR demonstrated exceptional safety characteristics in 1986 a few weeks before engineers at Chernobyl tried to demonstrate the same features and failed catastrophically. The two reactor designs were radically different. Same ideas apply to stable andd unstable boat and airplane design.
Here are articles about the IFR by Dr. Chang.
The whole IFR team in Idaho and Illinois did an outstanding job.
Bill Gates is using many of the features of this project in his Natrium SMR in Wyoming in 2024.
Bernard Cohen University of Pittsburgh Physics Professor Bernard Cohen was very knowledgeable about low dose radiation health issues and how nuclear power can provide the best energy for hundreds of thousands of years. Actually longer.
Some of his publications.
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Bruno Comby Environmentalists for Nuclear
Bruno Comby is doing an outstanding job of public education about nuclear power, natural background radiation, the environment and the French nuclear power program.
He has always been concerned that more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would cause serious climate change.
Jerry Cuttler An outstanding nuclear scientist who specializes in radiation measurement devices. Then switched to studying hormetic effects of low dose radiation and the fallacies of the linear no-threshold and collective dose radiation guidelines.
Some of his articles
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Kelvin Kemm Nuclear physicist who heads efforts for more nuclear power and more radioisotope production for South Africa to benefit all of Africa. Is one of the leaders showing how countries like South Africa have to deal with problems presented by the United States and Europe. They are held back by failed nuclear power policies in the United States and fear of radiation policies. He is a real scientist-diplomat. South African experts working with him are consistently good examples for the world.
Some of his articles
Kenneth Kok A nuclear engineer with broad nuclear power experience. Editor of the Nuclear Engineering Handbook. Lead advisor for nuclear power to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. One of his great contributions is explaining the tremendous value of spent nuclear fuel and depleted uranium, which the anti-nuclear power alarmists demand be buried deep underground for millions of years. A totally absurd idea.
Some of his articles.
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Hugo Kruger A younger civil engineer educated in South Africa and currently a science and technology author and interview producer based in France. One of the best energy educators in his generation.
Starting a lead engineering position with Fance’s new commitment to replace their aging first generation reactors. He is prepared to play a very important part.
Some of his articles and video interviews.
Conrad Ladd
He is a pioneer mechanical engineer who excelled in commercial nuclear power in the 1960s-70s.
In the 1970s, Conrad Ladd led the project management for the Sundesert Nuclear Power Project. This was opposed by California Governor, Jerry Brown. Who understands the alarmists in California? That state has been going the wrong way on many energy policies since the 1970s.
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John Landis A leader in the development of fusion nuclear power at Gulf General Atomic and Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation.
He continued support for nuclear power projects into his nineties.
Eugene Lim Childhood was in what is today North Korea. Lived in China while his father did business there with his train loads of preferred Korean rice. He speaks Chinese, Korean, Japanese and English.
Witnessed the Chinese in Korea during the Korean conflict. His family suffered tremendously. The US military rescued him. They determined that he was bright and got him a DARPA scholarship for nuclear power all the way up to a doctorate.
He became an expert in nuclear power startup testing in Japan, Korea, Switzerland and the USA.
He explains that nuclear power plants should not only be based on peace time criteria for loss of electrical power, but also include considerations for aggressive terrorist, war time, and nature caused events with long-term loss of electrical power. He says that the industry has not done enough.
With terrorist and war events unfolding since the 1990s, attention should be paid to his concerns.
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Richard McPherson Tremendous experience with many kinds of nuclear power technologies. Participated in meetings in Washington, D.C. where decisions are made. Knows the problems of the bureaucracy.
Dedicated to improving the world’s food and potable water supplies and reliability of electricity supply with very small modular reactors
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Mothers for Nuclear Excellent organization for leadership of women in support of nuclear power.
See their website here.
Like many nuclear power organizations, they say they are concerned that fossil fuels are causing man-made global warming and that nuclear power can help solve this problem.
John Shanahan and hundreds of professionals and organizations maintain that carbon dioxide from all sources at 400 ppmv, 0.04% is close to saturation for influencing infrared heat delay to space. See here.
John Shanahan recommends that all pro-nuclear power organizations educate the public that nuclear power can help civilization survive all extreme weather events and climate change, not that nuclear power can control or modify climate change.
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Wanda Munn A key nuclear engineer on the Fast Flux Test Facility near Richland, Washington. An excellent spokesperson for environmental issues and advanced nuclear power technologies.
Dedicated to guiding high school students in learning about nuclear power and nuclear technologies.
See her important videos here.
Donald Riley Pioneer mechanical engineer and project manager in fast neutron reactor development.
Outstanding project manager for the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project. This was stopped by antinuclear power staff in the Carter White House.
For the Department of Energy, he developed a sophisticated relational database management system for large projects with multiple contractors similar to the manual system he used on the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project.
Life-long Boy Scout instructor building ham radios and communicating with people around the world.
In retirement, he built a cruising boat from scratch with only two pages of fine print drawings and enjoyed it with family and friends in Tennessee..
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Ted Rockwell Technical Director of Naval Nuclear Reactors reporting to Admiral Hyman Rickover for Navy submarines and ships.
Advisor to Congress on commercial nuclear power plants and spent fuel recycling.
In 1964 founded MPR with the prime objective of achieving engineering excellence applied to major problems. MPR Associates is regarded as one of the premier engineering companies in the world.
He was founding director of Radiation Science and Health Inc.
His many awards include distinguished service medals from both the US Navy and the Atomic Energy Commission, and the first American Nuclear Society Lifetime Contribution Award, thereafter known as the Rockwell Lifetime Achievement Award. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2001 and in 2003 was the first NAE-sponsored Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer. In addition, he was a member of the Health Physics Society, fellow of the American Nuclear Society, life member of the Philosophical Society of Washington, and ruling elder of the Presbyterian Church. In 2006 he received the Edward Teller Medal by Doctors for Disaster Preparedness.
Author of Reactor Shielding Design Manuarl. This text book became one of the most widely used college nuclear engineering textbooks on this subject in the free world. Students everywhere looked up to Ted Rockwell and admired him. For Ted’s 90th birthday, a nuclear engineering student at Jordan University of Science and Technology, JUST, in Irbid, Jordan signed his birthday message
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because of this textbook.
Mary Claire Birdsong, an American High School student wrote a poem dedicated to all pioneers in nuclear power on the occasion of Ted Rockwell’s 90th birthday.
In the last two years of his life, he worked with this outstanding high school student to promote the benefits of nuclear power.
John Sackett Nuclear engineer with a 34 year career in advanced reactor and fuel cycle development. Principle in developing the Integral Fast Reactor Program, the major nuclear R&D program for DOE in the 1980s and 1990s.
Bill Gates refers to this project as the technically most advanced and tested fast reactor program in the United States.
Associate Laboratory Director, Argonne National Laboratory.
Excellent video message for leaders in the nuclear power program in the United States: “The Interplay Between Technologies in Nuclear Power.”
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John Shanahan Civil engineer with careers in commercial nuclear power and public education for energy, energy byproducts, climate change science and government policies on these topics.
Some important issues for the future:
1) There must be a balance between nature and humanity. Earth is not just to serve the material needs of people today. Respect for wilderness, wildlife, biodiversity, and maintaining clean air, water and land are essential for survival of all life.The web of life for each species is important for all. Manmade destruction of one step in the web of life causes collapse of an entire branch.
2) Nature recycles everything. People must also.
3) Nature does things efficiently. People should also. That includes efficient design of cities and transportation systems, and use of energy and other natural resources. Is it best practice to sell “bubbly” water in aluminum cans?
4) Natural resources should belong to everyone, not just the “owners” of the moment.
5) Coal, oil and natural gas and their numerous by-products enabled the “miracle” of the modern world and better lives for more people. Fossil fuels were made over a very long time with energy from the sun and the miracle of plants and animals. They will not last forever. We will have to develop vast quantities of synthetic equivalents for many applications. This will take time for discovery
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and development and will cost more than simple resource extraction from the ground.
6) Fission nuclear power from uranium and thorium can meet the world’s needs for electricity, industrial process heat, space heating, and water desalination for millions of years. Fusion nuclear power is much more difficult than fission nuclear power. Commercial nuclear fusion on a global scale like fossil fuels today may be a dream.
7) Electric generating plants and the electrical grid are the most important parts of the modern world. Everything else depends on electricity. Reliable electricity must be protected from many more threats for long term outage than they are today, not just nuclear power plants.
8) The man-made impediments holding back a well run modern world and the people who are doing this must be changed. This applies to nuclear power and other fields. A lot of nuclear power promotional time and money go to claims that nuclear power is a control knob for climate change and that the whole world can have electricity from nuclear power in 50 to 100 years. Both claims will not happen. More time and money should go to fighting the obstacles holding nuclear back.
9) Humans have been killing and in wars from the beginning of their existence. How do we have permanent peace and prosperity? That is needed for worldwide use of nuclear power.
10) President Biden has ordered a conversion from gas and diesel to battery powered civilian military vehicles. This
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leadership does not help nuclear power.
George Stanford Argonne National Laboratory research physicist who worked on advanced nuclear power development. He authored and co-authored articles for government officials and the public on nuclear power and the best useofr spent nuclear fuel.
See his articles here .
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Thorium Energy Alliance
The Mission of the Thorium Energy Alliance (TEA) since 2006, has been educating the world on the uses and advantages of Thorium as a Fuel for nuclear power and as a critical material derived from the rare earth metals refining process for free. TEA has made significant progress in reviving research and promoting the many industrial applications of Thorium
We support the training of young women and men in the technologies around the use of Thorium for fuel, medicine, catalysts, alloys, coatings, and superconducting materials. TEA has spent countless hours and resources helping decision makers of the USA understand the opportunities, as well as hundreds of members of the Departments of Energy, NRC, Defense, Commerce and Natural Resources, EPA.
We believe a world of equality, prosperity and abundance can be achieved nd the wise use of Thorium can be instrumental in achieving that goal for all of humanity. Website
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Charles Till Nuclear Physicist and Associate Lab Director at Argonne National Laboratory West in Idaho. He was instrumental along with other leaders at Argonne in Idaho and Illinois in a successful program called the Integral Fast Reactor, IFR, based on the EBR II reactor facility.
This project developed and tested the IFR for extreme accident scenarios and fully demonstrated its extreme safety features.
Charles Till was skilled at dealing with keeping support for the project going while antinuclear power activists maneuvered to shut down the project.
After EBR II was shutdown by the White House and Congress in 1994, Charles Till and Yoon Chang spent a year writing an easy to understand book about all aspects of the IFR,
ENERGY - The Story of the Integral Fast Reactor - The complex history of a simple reactor technology with emphasis on its scientific basis for non-specialists.
This book is the best on nuclear power, very useful for decision makers and the public.
Marshall Anderssen, Dr. Till’s grandson interviewed Charles Till about careers in nuclear energy. The two of them offer more inspiration and hope for America than all the anti-nuclear power alarmists in Wshington, D.C.
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Alan Waltar Raised on a dairy farm in Washington State,, he studied nuclear engineering and led development of the Fast Flux Test Facility for advanced nuclear power and production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and other nuclear technology industries.
He was an invited speaker on four continents and a leader at the World Nuclear Association’s World Nuclear University training the world’s best students for top careers.
Here are four outstanding videos on nuclear technology and nuclear power.
Here are his conference presentations and articles.
In 2018, he hosted a world conference on the benefits of low dose radiation, the problems of the Linear No-Threshold Hypothesis and the Collective Dose Corollary radiation guidelines.
Russ Babcock The public has been fed hogwash on "global warming", "climate change", the sly & calculated stimulation of hate and discrimination between races, skin colors, cultures, minorities, the peddling & normalizing of abhorrent, unnatural sexual practises and irrational beliefs in multiple human genders and choice thereof - to prepubescent children, the censorship of anything that might expose the truth if that truth counters their atheistic Marxist ideologies and their incessant pursuit of and totalitarian authority at any cost.
Ed Berry Atmospheric physicist with emphasis on understanding carbon dioxide and climate change. Expert witness in climate lawsuits. Full appreciation of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Very different from alarmist-physicists James Hansen and Thomas Cochran.
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Katherine Birdsong
While in grade school and high school, she watched her older sister, Mary Claire debate nuclear power and nuclear medicine on national competitions and work with leading pioneers in these fields.
While in college Katherine experienced what all students experience with the bias of extreme green mandatory teaching on climate change and wind and solar energy.
She decided to document these undergraduate experiences. See her essays here.
Mary Claire Birdsong
For freshman, sophomore and junior year in high school, Mary Claire participated in nationwide debates about nuclear power, nuclear medicine, nuclear technologies, low dose radiation and the problems caused by anti-nuclear power alarmists and their partners in government and non-profit organizations.
She impressed many pioneers in nuclear power and nuclear medicine with great essays and videos
Topping off three great years in high school, she wrote an amazing poem dedicated to pioneers in nuclear energy on the occasion of Ted Rockwell’s 90th birthday.
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Jon Boone Articles.
Jon Boone is a self educated Renaissance Thinker, expert on the fallacies of wind energy, loves birds in the wild, is a bird artist up there with Audubon, and senior citizen SPRINTER! Why can’t politicians and academics be more like him?
CERES-Science Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences Website
In recent years, the scientific community appears to have prioritized defining a "scientific consensus" on any scientific topic - especially politically-charged topics. We believe this obsession with "forming a consensus" contradicts the ethos of true scientific inquiry and open-ended scientific research.
Climate - The Movie
CFACT - Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow Website Climate Depot
Net Zero Reality
An outstanding organization that is working for what its name implies, a constructive tomorrow. It has many great writers, topics and sound leadership.
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CLINTEL - Climate Intelligence Website
We can still avoid a net zero trap
CLINTEL is one of the great wonders of the Netherlands. Others are their engineering recovery of a lot of the country from the sea, their great science and engineering universities, their artists, musicians, highly productive agriculture, delicious food, beautiful bike trails AND KEUKENHOF BOTANIC SPRING GARDENS
Learning Center
A growing organization with strong leadership in sciene, engineering and public policy for climate change and energy policies.. Excellent articles, reports, videos on climate change.
Outstanding Board of Advisors and members with expertise on climate and energy.
CO2 Coalition
About Publications
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Cornwall Alliance
The Cornwall Alliance is led by Calvin Beisner. The Cornwall Alliance is a network of evangelical Christian scholars–mostly natural scientists, economists, policy experts, theologians, philosophers, and religious leaders–dedicated to educating the public and policymakers about Biblical earth stewardship (men and women working together to enhance the fruitfulness, beauty, and safety of the earth, to the glory of God and the benefit of our neighbors), economic development for the poor (through private property rights, entrepreneurship, free trade, limited government, the rule of law, and access to abundant, affordable, reliable energy), and the gospel of forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God by grace through faith in the atoning death and vindicating resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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Paul Driessen
Senior Policy Analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, CFACT, he is a dedicated analyst and writer on climate, energy and human rights issues. He is a lawyer, geologist and ecologist.
Driessen’s book, Eco-Imperialism: Green PowerBlack Death, documents the harm that restrictive environmental policies often have on poor people, especially in developing countries, by restricting their access to life-enhancing modern technologies.
See his articles here.
John Droz
Physicist with success in business. Most of his life has been dedicated to fighting bad energy policies and educating the public on good energy, environment, climate change and education policies.
- Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions
- Distilled Earth
- Energy and Policy Institute
- Master Resource
- Substack
- articles on
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John Eidson Electrical engineer, business leader. Dedicated most of hislife to education about problems in energy, climate change, and government policies.
- Canada Free Press
- articles on
Institut Fũr Klima & Energie
Alex Epstein
Viv Forbes
Samuel Furfari
Michel Gay
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GWPF - Global Warming Policy Foundation
William Happer
Howad Cork Hayden
Heartland Institute
Tony Heller
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Vijay Jayaraj Vijay started with a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science and has become a worldwide authority on environment, energy, humanitarian and climate change issues.
Here are some of his articles.
Eric Jelinski Eric Jelinski has many interesting careers going at the same time or one after the other: chemical, nuclear, mechanical engineer, university instructor, farmer, farm equipment designer, soil and climate scientist, and educator on social media. He does all of this without letting mental errors, prejudice, or poor beliefs mess things up.
Here are his articles on He is on many other Internet platforms.
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Douglas Lightfoot and Gerald Ratzer
Table of Contents - one of the best lists of climate and energy lists in Germany and Europe.
A very important German website disputing climate alarmism and mistaken wind energy policies of the German government and media.
A great assembly of contributing authors.
Science and engineering are still functioning well in Germany.
Richard Lindzen
These authors take novel and different approaches to understanding the role of carbon dioxide in climate change.
Their articles on fossil fuels and petroleum byproducts are easy to understand and helpful.
See their articles here and here .
KlimaNachrichten Website
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Steven Lyazi
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Chris Martz He is about the same age as Greta Thunberg but comes from a very different place. Congratulations.
Chris Marz on X
Weather and climate for the curious and open minded
Statewide Temperature Extremes
Here's Chris’ incrediblee story.
I have been studying climate change for over sixyears, and became so interested in it that I decided to pursue a meteorology degree which I will complete next year.
When I first embarked on this journey, I started out as a casual believer in the mainstream narrative. I wouldn't have called myself a “climate doomer” per se, but if not that, I was certainly an alarmist. I thought that climate change was a very serious problem. I was worried about the weather, thinking that it was more extreme than it has ever been in history. I thought that wickedly warm December in 2015 was unprecedented, living in blissful ignorance of the fact similarly mild Decembers occurred in 1889, 1932, 1964, 1965 and 1982. I thought Hurricane Harvey was also unprecedented, not knowing that we have had far more intense hurricane strikes in the past such as Camille (1969) and Labor Day (1935). I was a total dork blindly accepting whatever was spoon-fed to me.
Then one day, I came across my friend Tony Heller. Soon after, Joe Bastardi. The two of them know our
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weather history better than anyone else and it's not even close. I sat down and listened to what they had to say. They put things into some much-needed perspective. Then, I began to question what I was taught about the weather becoming more extreme as a result of carbon dioxide emissions. I began to think for myself and do research. I didn't divert my thinking to other people, I dove into the data. Bought books, read through the literature (not the Washington Post headlines) and I educated myself.
The weather we observe today is really no different than it was 30, 50 or 100-years ago. The coupled, non-linear ocean-atmosphere system is far more complex than many scientists make it out to be.
8, 2024·1.1M Views
Read his full story, click here.
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Patrick Moore From protesting nuclear weapons testing at the beginning of Greenpeace to being an advocate for nuclear power, defender for the less fortunate against the bizarre policies of Greenpeace.
One of the world’s best environmental scientists and real climate change educators.
His articles and videos:
Heartland Institute
CO2 Coalition website
Schiller Institute and original LaRouche Organization
The Schiller Institute headed by Helga ZeppLaRouche and the Lyndon LaRouche Organization both promote excellent ideas for Peace Through Economic Development. They present good projects to improve the key infrastructure for the modern world.
All countries are invited to their conferences.
They have many articles with backgrounds of key people and historical events.
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Michael Shellenberger
Vaclav Smil
More than most people, Michael Shellenberger has changed positions on man-made global warming and which energy sources are better. He is an excellent thinker, writer, speaker, and problem solver.
Many links here.
Bill Gates says the Vaclav Smil is his favorite author on technology and energy. Smil’s books are a wealth of historical information on many of the most important developments for civilization.
Does not write about nuclear power. Have not found an explanation why.
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Willie Soon
Ronald Stein Expert on petroleum and its fuel and 6,000 categories of medical and commercial by-products.
Writes about many other topics. Often writes explaining how petroleum by-products and fuels are completely responsible for the creation of the modern world.
Reliable electricity is the keystone to the modern world. Most of it comes from coal and natural gas.
He highly recommends that the world not waste fossil fuels. They will be very difficult and expensive to replace with large quantities of synthetic fuels and other by-products.
Articles on website
Articles on other websites:
Thrifbooks Video version 240620a 64
Amazon Expert File Heartland Institute Energy Literacy at America Out Loud
Reinhard Storz
TRCS - The Right Climate Stuff
Gregory Wrightstone
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Gary Young Mechanical engineer who has analyzed and written about many different issues in engineering, science, nature, human behavior and government policies facing the world now.
Has dealt with challenges of developing new technical products to keep a famous international company profitable when the management was making poor business decisions.
Has contributed to water management issues for his city and region.
In a region where trees do not grow naturally due to a lack of water, he has 200 stately trees growing on his property.
Has contributed many articles on these topics to this website.
Is the kind of person who makes America great when others are doing things to tear it down or just failing themselves and when people elsewhere are waiting for America’s demise.
At 82, he works nearly as hard as a young rancher to keep his property beautiful and his forest growing.
When he asked his 82 year old wife what she wanted for her birthday and she replied, a zip line he built a sturdy 300 foot steel cable zip line that was strong enough to carry a 6’ 5” (1.94 meter) tall man. Both his petite wife and this big young man enjoy the zip line through his forest of planted trees.
See his essays here.
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Fossil fuels and their by-products enabled the terrific modern world and life for 8 billion people.
It is wrong to waste fossil fuels on applications that nuclear power could do as well, because fossil fuels will be very difficult to duplicate with synthetic liquid fuels, especially in the massive quantities we use today.
It is wrong to waste fossil fuels on poorly laid out cities and inadequate public transportation systems: one billion commuter cars crawling for several hours a day on clogged highways when commuter distances could be minimized and electrified public transportation could be increased. John Shanahan lived in Europe for twelve years and took electrified public transportation to work most of the time. It was a relaxing, productive time. Commuting several hours per day in single occupant cars is not relaxing, productive, inexpensive or as safe as public transportation.
Fossil fuels and their 6,000 by-products are the reason for the modern world, not wind turbines and solar panels. The by-products of petroleum and coal are essential and will be very difficult and expensive to replace.
The only things that will keep the modern world going after petroleum is no longer available are synthetic liquid fuels manufactured with nuclear energy and nuclear power for electricity, process heat, space heating and desalination plants where needed. That is going to be difficult and expensive. Mother Nature did it over very long periods of time with the help of the sun and the miracle “manufacturing” process of LIFE!
The decisions of Australia, Europe and North America to replace coal and nuclear power plants with wind turbines and solar panels don't have a chance to succeed on a global scale for thousands of years. Changes in leadership must come or Western civilization will fade away.
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The decisions to use battery powered cars, trucks, trains and military vehicles are only made by people completely out of touch with reality. They should have no authority over others.
There is no time to lose getting western leadership back on track. There were better leaders all over the world for most of history!
Which marine and land creatures will survive the longest? The species with the most advanced brain and free will, the ones with less brains, or plants and other life forms with no brains at all?
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