2024 Collection of World Problems Related to Energy
Editor: Ronald Stein, petroleum engineer
Editor: Gary Young, mechanical engineer
Communicating Editor: John A. Shanahan, civil engineer
Email: john.shanahan@allaboutenergy.net
June 22, 2024
The main energy for the near-term future will continue to be mostly with fossil fuels and their very important by-products.
The long-term future will be with nuclear power for electricity, industrial process heat, building space heating, water desalination and manufacturing of synthetic liquid fuels for applications not covered by electricity..
Australia, Europe and North America are home to anti-fossil fuel, antinuclear power, man-made global warming alarmists determined to destroy the modern world and eliminate most of the population.
There are going to be many very ugly struggles ahead.
If China handles it right, they may thrive and avoid these upcoming terrible events. They are way ahead in broad individual well-being, manufacturing, banking and business development.
Geert De Vries
Physicist who became an expert in all aspects of safety analyses and licensing for South Africa’s Koeberg Nuclear Power Station.
Since the 1990s, he has contributed to global public education on many aspects of energy and climate change.
See his articles here.
Rob Jeffrey
Outstanding world citizen-economist who has dedicated his life to better leadership in government and the private sector.
See his articles.
Kelvin Kemm
CEO of Nuclear Africa, nuclear physicist, leading advocate for nuclear power and generation of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and nuclear technologies.
A world leader for countries in similar situations that need help from Europe, North America, Russia or China in building new nuclear power plants. A skilled diplomat for nuclear energy projects.
See some of his articles here.
Leon Louw
One of South Africa’s outstanding lawyers and civic leaders for sound energy policies and fighting man-made global warming alarmism.
See his articles here.
Steven Lyazi
Leading thinker and author in Uganda for better government and economy.
See his articles here.
Knox Msebenzi
Managing Director of Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa.
See his articles here.
Jeff Brown
A geopolitical analyst, journalist and advocate for progress in China and a multi-polar world.
Rising Tide Foundation
Books on China
Friends of China
The Big Red Book on China
China Rising
Peter Frankopan
Professor of global history at Worcester College, Oxford and the Director of the Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research. He is a fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society.
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World
The First Crusade: The Call From The East
Vijay Jayaraj
Coal’s life saving role ignored by climate obsessed media
How climate actions kill people
Shift to nuclear brightens Asian energy future
The world is transitioning to fossil fuels
Godfree Roberts
A prolific, careful researcher, writer and advocate for modern China and a mulit-polar world.
Here Comes China Newsletter
Why China Leads The World
Pearls and Iffitations
Frans Vandenbosch
Spent years in China working in the plastics manufacturing industry, observing ordinary life, education, skills in industry, government from the bottom up and the way the UK, USA and Europe have treated China. Things are going to change.
Yellow Lion
Statecraft and Society in China
The Future of Technology Is In China
Politics in China
Viv ForbesPower and Poverty
Rising Tide of Climate Lunacy
The stampede of green lemminngs
Ten reasons to exit the Paris climate agreement
CLINTEL - Climate Intelligence
GWPF - Global Warming Policy Foundation
Reinhard StorzA marine and nuclear engineer dedicated to his education and the
education of others in his retirement. Studied many subjects about energy and humanity in the last five hundred years. Always interesting essays. We lost him too soon. Excellent example of outstanding German citizens when their leaders are not doing much good regarding secure energy policies for the country or Europe.
Changes in attitude towards climate change
Histrory of slavery and slave trade worldwide - die Sklaverei
Treibhauseffekt und Klimawandel
Was ist Energie? Geschichte der Energienutzung
All articles
- Women in Nuclear
WiN is the most important global organization for women professionals in nuclear power, nuclear medicine and nuclear technology.
WiN leadership takes the position that carbon dioxide from fossil fuels is causing harmful climate change. This leads to recommendations to avoid fossil fuels and their by-products. Neither most of the leadership nor members have significantly given up on use of fossil fuels or the thousands of by-products like paved streets, roofing materials, clothing, electricity for lighting and Internet. Switzerland with lots of hydroelectric and nuclear power uses less fossil fuels than many countries but not less for autos and trucks, for making concrete and asphalt highways and all the products for the comforts of modern living and medical care.
We are convinced that we need to deploy all available clean
energy technologies to avoid the most gruesome scenarios put forward by the IPCC (2021, 2022). Nuclear energy must be part of the clean energy mix to ensure that emission targets are met, energy poverty is reduced, and quality of life can keep improving – with better access to basic services, healthcare, and education for all. Long term operation of existing nuclear power plants as well as the construction of new builds are essential. The consequences of climate change will disproportionately affect women and girls who are already disadvantaged through poverty and lack of opportunity.
Therefore, WiN Global is calling on policy makers to ensure that women are involved in all steps of the decision making process in addressing the climate crisis. In this sense, we have had an active participation in the last UN Climate Change Conferences of the Parties (COP) as an admitted NGO.
Access below to our position papers developed on the ocassion of the COP 26, COP 27 and COP 28.
https://win-global.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ WiNGlobal-PP2023-COP28.pdf
WiN Global Position Paper COP 27
WiN Global Position Paper COP 26
It is very likely that global expansion of nuclear power will take a lot longer than what most nuclear professionals have been expecting to happen.
Even if nuclear power were a solution to gruesome climate change problems, there are many real world problems holding nuclear power back. These problems have been getting worse through attrition of experienced workforce and capable construction companies going out of business.
This wrong way of promoting nuclear power exists in most nuclear power organizations from the IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency on down to university student chapters for nuclear power.
Not enough nuclear professionals speak out to explain that nuclear power can only help us be prepared for climate change, not control global climate change.
Nuclear professionals are missing the boat to get obstacles set by antinuclear power alarmists out of the way.
WiN website
WNA - World Nuclear Association
The World Nuclear Association does outstanding work in promoting nuclear power, nuclear science, nuclear medicine and nuclear techologies. It runs an outstanding school for special education for the world’s best students in these areas, the World Nuclear University.
The World Nuclear Association also goes by the credo that fossil fuels cause catastrophic global warming and nuclear power is a control knob to controlling climate change.
Here is the WNA position on supposed “man-made” global warming.
Many who understand the role of carbon dioxide in the air, the importance of fossil fuels and the reality of global buildout of nuclear power see that none of the positions about climate change and global nuclear buildout by the WNA will turn out to be accurate. They question the WNA decisions with regards to global warming and the schedule of nuclear power buildout.
This wrong way of promoting nuclear power exists in most nuclear power
organizations from the IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency on down to university student chapters for nuclear power.
Meredith Angwin
This space is reserved for a link to Meredith Angwin’s essay on a few world problems she recommends we focus on.
A distinguished energy professional identifying problems with reliable supply of electrical energy. Meet Meredith Angwin, the grandmother changing the energy industry.
The modern world is far better than everything before it in many ways. This should not be taken for granted. At the root of the modern world are energy and energy by-products. As hard as it may be to comprehend, people don’t give enough attention to protecting the most important component of our modern world, reliable supply of electricity.
Meredith has become the champion for protecting the supply of electricity
and its distribution network: Shorting the Grid: The Hidden Fragility of Our Electric Grid, the first-ever explanation for laymen of America’s labyrinthine, abstruse power markets. In addition to the complexity of the grid, there is the problem of its vulnerability to massive terrorist attacks and other hostile acts. Without electricity, our modern lifestyle would quickly break down into chaos and disasters. The modern world can not easily switch to a survivalist mode like a few centuries ago. Lose electricity and quickly lose many lives.
Videos with Meredith Angwin
Articles by Meredith Angwin
CFACT - Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow - Craig RuckerCornwall Alliance - Calvin Beisner
Paul DriessenHeartland Institute - Joseph Bast
John EidsonSchiller Institute
The world is probably in the most chaotic-unstable condition in several centuries, maybe ever: kinetic missiles, hypersonic nuclear bomb missiles, multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle nuclear weapons, enough nuclear weapons from submarines alone for one side to destroy every urban area with 500,000 and more population in the world, warfare with thousands of drones per day, cyber warfare, electric power plant and network targeted warfare, over in days warfare.
The Schiller Institute hosted a two day conference June 15-16, 2024 to examine many aspects of this crisis.
Here are the links to the video presentations at the conference.
Many prefer to avoid this information and stick to mainstream information
Mothers For Nuclear - Heather Hoff and Kristin Zaitzthey always listen to.
If nothing else, we recommend that people listen to the second presentation on Panel 1, June 15
- Chas Freeman, U.S.-China scholar, and diplomat (ret.) U.S. Foreign Service (United States).
These recordings are available on the Schiller Institute website after the conference at the same links.
The Schiller Institute has decades of interesting documents and videos addressing many problems civilization faces.
What are the results of listening to the mainstream media for sixty years? Better leaders? More prosperity for all? Better education? Inner peace?
Ronald Stein
Ronald Stein is an engineer, senior policy advisor on energy literacy for the Heartland Institute and CFACT, and co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations.”
Four of the world’s largest problems
1) Lack of conversation about energy literacy
2) Supply chain of products to support the eight billion people on this planet
3) “Clean” energy exploitations
4) Economics for electricity and products
MORE The importance of petroleum by-products
We are going to get rid of fossil fuels
Without fossil fuels there is no need for electricity.
All articles on allaboutenergy.net
TRCS - The Right Climate Stuff
A Galactic Visitors Essay, Parts I, II, and III
Life long interest in science, energy and water resources
Nuclear Ppower Present & Future
The innocence of carbon dioxide
John ShanahanThis is a collection of essays about problems related to the use of energy and energy by-products that are the foundation of the modern world.
Participants are individuals and organizations who have some articles on the website: allaboutenergy.net. They support the modern world, peace, prosperity, respect for the environment and preservation of biodiversity.
Others work to dismantle the modern world, “degrowth,” reduce human population and apparently want to rule over what is left. Why they would want to do that is not clear. It will be miserable.
Some people produce works of goodness, marvels of literature, music, art, science, technology, medicine, and studies of nature and geology. They study the knowable and unknowable - gravity, electromagnetic energy, history of the universe, and human spirit (soul).
Other people kill and plunder as a matter of hate and greed. They employ the military as well as control banking, resources, and information.
Still others want to destroy the good that has changed the world with the use of fossil fuels, nuclear power and their by-products and technologies.
This report along with the content and references on the website: allaboutenergy.net aim to achieve better outcomes for humanity, nature and the environment and identify individuals and organizations that must not prevail in their destructive goals. We look at many solutions to try to have the real best, not a fabricated best.
Ronald Stein