2024 Climate, Energy and Human-Caused Problems - JS

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2024 Summary Reports On Climate, Energy, and Human–Caused Problems

August 30, 2024

A major project for 2024 regarding allaboutenergy.net is completing three reports summarizing what I've learned about climate, energy and humancaused problems related to these topics from 1970 to 2024.

The three reports are:

1) Climate change is natural - Conclusions for energy

2) Energy Alarmists. Energy Problem Solvers

3) 2024 Collection of World Problems Related to Energy

These three reports are comprehensive on subject material, points of view and time - going back a long way.

They show that nearly all the problems are caused by or related to people, not details of climate science or energy technologies.

These reports will be sent to people in government, think tanks, the UN, the World Economic Forum, the Vatican, nuclear power organizations and colleagues and friends on LinkedIn.com and Facebook.com

The problems with preserving energy and energy by-products for the modern world are in my opinion mostly caused by people.

Happy Trails.

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