Demystifying Climate, Weather, and Climate Change.
Terigi Ciccone, 10-03-2024
I’ve accepted the Nikolov and Zeller1 explanation as a valid climate model for several years. The premise is that a round-rocky planet has an average temperature based on the amount of solar irradiance received at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and the distance from the Sun. Then, if we add an atmosphere the temperature will increase. If we add a thin atmosphere like Mars, it will warm a bit. But if we add a massive atmosphere like Venus, we get an enormous temperature increase. And here on Earth, where the atmospheric pressure is 1/93rd of Venus's, we get a world that is well suited for the plant and animal life we enjoy. In the basic NZ Model, the atmosphere composition is not that critical, it is the atmospheric mass that is the important factor. Let’s call this the planet's baseline planetary climate. See the image below. The model is based on calculations using NASA-published data for 6 rocky planets and moons in our solar system. The image below shows a remarkable fit of the NASA empirical data with their mathematical formula.
1 The Nikolov and Zeller climate model proposes that planetary surface temperatures are determined primarily by two factors: total solar irradiance and atmospheric pressure. They argue that greenhouse gases play no role in determining temperatures. Their model claims to accurately predict temperatures for several celestial bodies using only these two variables. Watch the video explaining the difference between the “Standard” CO2/ Greenhouse Effect model, and the Atmosphere Thermal Effect model. Demystifying the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect: Toward a New Physical Paradigm in Climate Science on Vimeo
CO2/GHE. Let’s now fine-tune this model to represent the earth’s unique features and start by adding a small amount of CO2 to the air. We note this adds no measurable increase in temperature. If we double or triple the amount of CO2 the temperature will not increase by any measurable amount, other than the tiny increase in the mass of the atmosphere.
The water cycle and its effect. Now add water, oceans, and bio life as we have on Earth and see if this will cause a temperature change. On Earth, more than 50% of all the solar power that reaches the surface (land and oceans) does not warm the surface but is used instead to evaporate water into water vapor, (WV). This Latent Heat of Evaporation mixes with the thermals from the warmed surface by conduction, convection, and friction warming. This warm air raises the atmosphere by its increased buoyancy and warms the atmosphere in the process. As this WV climbs thousands of meters of altitude, it will encounter tiny aerosols and lower temperatures and will then condense to liquid water droplets or ice crystals and form clouds. This condensation will cool the atmosphere by radiatively releasing this huge amount of Latent Heat of Evaporation into space.
The clouds will then reflect a substantial portion of the incoming solar power to space, thus cooling the Earth. NASA normally uses an albedo of about 30% average for the Earth. By contrast, Nobel laureate John Clauser2 says his calculations show that the albedo is about double that, and even more in the tropics. He then discusses how the clouds act as the Earth’s thermostat in moderating the Earth’s regional temperatures in line with the day-night and seasonal cycles. If the clouds are too small more Sun power reaches the oceans, evaporating more water that increases the cloud cover thus cooling the Earth. If the clouds are too large, less solar power reaches the surface and less WV is produced causing less cloud cover and warming the Earth.
When the rain falls it cools the air and surface. More than 70% of this warm water falls on the oceans warming the waters. Then, given the fact that the enthalpy (heat-storing capability) of water is about 1,000 greater than air, it forms a natural process of storing excess heat in the oceans. The convection and latent heat are also a temperature moderator and provide the working fluid for the gravitational "perpetual motion" machine that slowly warms the air going up and cools the air coming down, called the Hadley Cells.
In the image below, we see the vertical circular Hadley Cells air flow as nature’s way of spreading the warmer air up from the warmer tropical regions and towards the polar regions, then returning the cold air downward and back towards the equatorial regions. The spinning of the Earth about its axis creates the westward component of this wind, called the Coriolis effect
2 See Video John Clauser
resulting in the Westerlies and Easterlies. In addition, mountain ranges add additional stirring and mixing of the air flows, giving Earth larger livable climate areas.
Ferdinand Engelbeen is correct.
The Earth appears to have at least three natural Invisible “Perpetual Motion Machines” in endless operation on Earth. The first is the Sun and Gravity-powered Hadley Cells. The warm air increases the air’s buoyancy we see as the Earth’s atmospheric temperature and pressure lapse rates. These air flows bring warm air and WV to high altitudes. The air mass then acts as the working fluid going up the atmosphere and then gravity accelerates it down. The cycle is called the adiabatic auto-compression process and warms the air. The second one is the Coriolis Effect, seen in the images as the swirling arrows we call the Easterlies and Westerlies winds. This is powered by rotational forces as the Earth spins on its axis. The third is the tectonic heat that is powered by a combination of gravity and the rotating centrifugal forces and resulting frictions of spinning the Earth's molten outer core as explained by Tomasz (Tomek) Glowacki in his paper, email_work_card=view-paper
The above examples of natural forces and cycles provide the Earth with stable weather and climate conditions. Let’s call this the Earth’s “normal temperature.” Then we need to consider the many other natural cyclical forces and factors that will perturbate this normal temperature up and down and sideways. These include short cycles like day-night, gravitational Moon-Sun tidal cycles, seasonal cycles, longer-term Milankovitch cycles, and mid-term solar magnetic cycles.
Tectonic heat and volcanic activities also come into play. Many would have you dismiss the heat of the Earth’s outer core as being too small to consider. But how can we ignore a mass of 1/3rd of the Earth spinning and sloshing at a temperature of 10,000°F? This core heat and force is the nursery for moving the Earth's continents around, volcanic eruptions, basalt flood baths, ocean gyres, earthquakes, tsunamis, and also the heat sources for ENSO3 (El Nino Southern Oscillator.) I recommend reading the book, What Really Causes Global Warming by Peter L
3 See the article “Why El Niño and La Niña are One Continuous Geological Event,”
Ward where he provides compelling evidence that major surface/air temperature changes will at times happen because of increased/decreased tectonic-volcanic activities. As seen in the image below Dr. Ward poses that increased, ocean floor basalt/effusive volcanic eruptions terminated the last ice age and terminated the Little Ice Age and brought us the warming period we have today. The theory is that this activity slowly warms the ocean waters from the bottom up by basalt lava flows, gigantic gas vents, and thousands of miles of ocean floor fissures with 2000°F lava leakages pouring out on the ocean floors. The warned oceans then warm air and surface enough to allow the Sun to take over for the duration of the interglacial warmings that follow.
In the second image below, we see the increased volcanic activities reported by the Smithsonian demonstrates the increased volcanic activities of the last 200 years, The article then politically cushioned the impact with the popular CO2 nonsense. But if you're watching the news critically you will notice a steady increase in the reporting in the last several decades of medium and large earthquakes and eruptions of basal/effusive volcanic activities in the Pacific (Tonga), Iceland, Hawaii, Italy, etc. These eruptions also release chlorine and bromine gases that deplete the Earth’s ozone layer, allowing more solar power to reach the Earth and contribute to global warming.
In summary, the science of climate, weather, and climate change is complex. They are caused by dozens of natural forces and cycles, some are well known, but many are poorly understood. But two things are quite clear. First, “the Science” is far from settled. But, more importantly, we are impoverishing humanity by wasting $billions of scarce monies and resources on the silly notion that CO2 and the Greenhouse Effect are causing catastrophic global warming. Our
challenge is to bring this simple and compelling message to our people in easy-tounderstand language and even simpler language to our policymakers.