Climate Discussion Group 2024, CDG2024
October - November 2024
Jan. 4, 2025
Gerald Ratzer
CDG2024 Newsletter 9
See whole newsletter at link above. See excerpts below.
The mission of this four-month Climate Discussion Group included:
1) An update on the state of Climate Science.
2) An update of Recommendations for Policymakers.
3) An effort to bring non-alarmist climate scientists together so we can be more effective in fighting manmade climate change alarmists and their public leaders.
Key conclusions
1) The Greenhouse Effect, GHE, from carbon dioxide has an immeasurbly small impact on climate.
2) We should stop wasting vast sums of taxpayers’ hard earned money to study this non-problem.
3) Climate scientists should focus on important factors contributing to weather and how heat actually escapes to space, not limit their studies to just the effects of Jan. 4, 2025 1
Nov. 30, 2024
Gerald Ratzer
infrared radiation interacting with carbon dioxide and water vapor.
4) Europe and North America should stop creating government policies that demand wind turbines, solar panels and battery powered electric vehicleas. Used wind turbines, solar panels and their backup batteries and vehicle batteries cause massive envirnomental pollution and landfills for thousands of years.
Thanks from the CDG2024 Team to all who participated in this four month event. It has promoted good discussions on different views of climate science and recommendations for policy makers. This is how we can make progress.
Gerald Ratzer, Canada
Terigi Ciccone, USA
John Shanahan, USA
CDG2024 Newsletter 8
See whole newsletter at link above. See excerpts below.
The initial collection period is coming to an end with this Newsletter. December will be used to write reports on the process over the last two months.
C1 is the general category on the technical side of CDG. John Shanahan has summarized four different arguments on CO2. He explains the varied stands on the simple point that CO2 is not a pollutant but is beneficial for all life on Earth. If all the different people in this discussion could just get together on this vital point, then people and their governments can change their climate policy and avoid the huge and unnecessary costs Jan. 4, 2025
of Net Zero. This may well happen in the USA next year.
One of the most significant statements about Climate Science was made this week by Professor Kees le Pair in Box 1, Section C1, page 5 on November 28th in his discussion with Ned Nikolov.
C2 is part of the ongoing climate discussion that was triggered by the Clintel Climate Conference in Prague. This includes comments by Kees le Pair, Guus Berkhout, Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller, dated 29th November. Just the type of discussion we like to see.
After that is a post from Douglas Lightfoot on 24th November, entitled “Factors affecting the Earth’s temperature”.
In C3 there is a link to a long and very helpful paper on “The Missing Link”, by Tom Shula and Markus Ott. There are five parts in all to this paper and it deserves your full reading and understanding.
Category C6 now has a new post from Tom Shula.
Category C7 has a civilized discussion with Darwin Throne, in Australia. He is a strong supporter of Ned Nikolov and the work with Karl Zeller.
On the policy side of the contributions is one from Marc Morano in P1, dated 28th November. This includes 10 suggestions for the incoming US government on energy and climate.
In P6 there are two recent articles from the CO2 Coalition. The latest one is on the Shell Oil legal victory Jan. 4, 2025
Nov. 23, 2024
Gerald Ratzer Canada
in the Netherlands, stressing the primacy of energy needs over climate activism. The second article takes the MAGA idea and reports on Making CO2 Great Again!
CDG2024 Newsletter 7
In C2 there are a few new additions from Terigi Ciccone and Douglas Lightfoot. As we have discussed before we now think it is more important to present Science in a form that students at high school can understand, rather than dazzling readers with pages of Mathematics and Equations.
In C2 is a summary of a 13-page new article entitled. - A Simplified Explanation of Climate Science for Policymakers. The Summary is two pages long with seven main points – several of which come from the Clintel World Climate Declaration.
Also, in category C2 is a paper from Douglas Lightfoot, dated 24th November, entitled - Factors affecting Earth’s temperature. It explains the importance of Water Vapor (WV) in cooling our atmosphere. It shows the Water Cycle in all aspects. The importance of evaporation, the latent heat of evaporation, convection and gravity.
In C3 there is a post to a summary of my talk, Climate Concepts,
On the policy side in P1 – you will see a letter congratulating Donald J. Trump on his re-election to US President. It is signed by over 30 Americans and will be sent out soon. The letter anticipates many changes in Climate and Energy policy because of the change of government and new nominees that have been announced so far. This change of government is expected to have a serious impact on a global basis. 2025 should be an exciting year for Climate and Energy issues. Jan. 4, 2025
Nov. 16, 2024
Gerald Ratzer
Nov. 9, 2024
Gerald Ratzer
CDG2024 Newsletter 6
A two-day climate conference was organised by the Czech division of the international Climate Intelligence Group (Clintel) on November 12 and 13 in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic in Prague. A communiqué was drafted by the scientists and researchers who spoke at the conference. The communiqué declares that for several decades, climate scientists have systematically exaggerated the influence of CO2 on global temperature. It concludes that the
In case you do not watch the UAH satellite temperature record regularly, it appears that the current temperature spike is heading down. See Category C2 for a demonstration of the Scientific Method in action with the Hypothesis being confirmed by three different data sources, about the Hunga Tonga eruption in January 2022.
CDG2024 Newsletter 5
Second invitation to participate in this Climate Discussion Group to achieve unity in the effort against alarmists.
There are several interesting posts in category C1 written to be accessible by high school Science students!
If you want something more challenging, look at category C7 for a good example of how a new Physics law or paradigm is created using Dimensional Analysis.
Nov. 2, 2024
Gerald Ratzer
On the Recommendation to Policymakers, there is a post on Critical Thinking and why it is not being applied to Climate Science. For those interested in Economics there is a good slide presentation by Dr. Samuel Furfari on the problems in the EU.
CDG2024 Newsletter 4
In P1 (28th Oct, on page 3) there is a two-page letter to Purdue University by one of their professors telling the senior management to rethink their Climate Policy. The letter introduces the work of Robert Holmes, Ned Nikolov, and Karl Zeller, which is covered in our category C7, between 28th and 30th Oct.
In C2 (30th Oct) part of a presentation at the Clintel Climate Conference in Prague. Pavel Kalenda “Which came first? Temperature or CO2?”
C7 has been the most active part of the CDG2024 discussion this week. This category has 24 pages and gives references to many papers on the topic of autocompression.
P1 has an update from Viscount Monckton. Dated 30th Oct, is a summary of how African countries are being treated by the World Bank/IMF, while what they need is affordable, reliable electricity generation, based on their own resources.
P4 (29th Oct) Ronald Stein and two other authors explain how affordable, reliable electricity generation can solve the poverty issues for 4.5 billion people who are currently living off a few dollars a day.
Jan. 4, 2025
Oct. 26, 2024
Gerald Ratzer
Oct. 19, 2024
Gerald Ratzer
CDG2024 Newsletter 3
- C1 Nuclear engineer asks questions about climate science and policies.
- C2 Problems with evaluating weather/climate only with quantum physics and greenhouse gases. Evaluating 8th grade curriculum and indoctrination.
- P3 The case against Net Zero. Biden’s misuse of funds for electricity generation.
- P5 Steve Koonin’s views on Climate and Energy Policy.
CDG2024 Newsletter 2
- How to participate in discussions. More orientation.
Oct. 12, 2024
Gerald Ratzer
CDG2024 Newsletter 1
- Initial orientation. -