CLINTEL NL - Trumpian Revolution

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© Clintel Foundation/Wednesday 22 January 2025

The Trumpian (climate)

revolution looms: 'drill, baby, drill'


Will President Trump and some of the populist parties in Europe be capable of countering the entrenched globalist climate agenda?, asks economist Dr. Tilak K. Doshi. "The climate industrial complex fears the prospect of the Trump administration’s pullout of the Paris agreement for the second time. Politico, a reliable mouthpiece for the climate establishment, expressed these fears soon after Mr. Trump’s election victory: “The world is bracing for President-elect Donald Trump to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement for the second time, only this time, he could move faster and with


less restraint.” In Europe, the emergence of populist parties have been partly propelled by the widespread rejection by EU citizens of the onerous fiscal burdens imposed by green policies. The seismic change in policy direction that a second term 'drill, baby, drill' Trump administration promises for the global climate juggernaut can only be seen as hopeful as we look forward to positive developments in energy policy in 2025."

Read the full article, first published at RealClearEnergy: here

25 Years of Energiewende in Germany


After exactly 25 years of Energiewende, Germany is now economically on the ropes. Ahead of the crucial General Elections in Germany on February 23rd, guest author Dr. Hans HofmannReinecke concludes: "No country has burdened its citizens as much as Germany in the name of the energy transition. But the German energy transition has failed and its interventions in the economy and nature will burden the country for generations to come: disposal of obsolete wind and solar plants, restoration of the landscape and development of a reliable electricity supply." In Germany, seven times the amount of CO2 is still emitted per kWh compared to its French neighbor. "One could only conclude that the energy transition never had the true goal of reducing CO2 emissions in Germany. This suspicion is also supported by the shutdown of nuclear power plants, the only major CO2-free energy source in the country. Could it be that, behind the scenes,


under the name of energy transition, a completely different game is going on than what we are told?", asks Hofmann-Reinecke.

Read the full article: here

What if everything you thought about CO2 was wrong?

At Clintel we believe that all opinions must be heard, even if they are controversial. This YouTube video, 'What If Everything You Thought About CO Was Wrong?’, explores research by Professor ₂ Demetris Koutsoyiannis from Greece, who argues that rising CO₂ levels are not the cause of global warming but its consequence. Supported by historical ice core data and natural processes, his findings could raise questions about the story we’ve been fed for years. The film examines natural CO emissions from oceans and ₂ decaying plant life, which account for 96% of the total, leaving human contributions as a mere 4%. It challenges long-held assumptions about CO’s role as a greenhouse gas and casts doubt ₂ on the effectiveness of Net Zero policies, which could cost up to $150 trillion by 2050.

Read the short introduction to the video by Demetris Koutsoyiannis: here

Marcel Crok will speak at MCC Brussels event about the green deal

MCC Brussels is one of the most interesting thinktanks in Brussels. It’s a Hungarian foundation with their base in Budapest.

A few years ago they decided to open a branch in Brussels as well. Good decision. The Brussels branch is led by sociologist Frank Furedi, author of many interesting books. On February 18 they organise a seminar about economic growth and the green deal. Their are three panels:

Panel 1: Europe’s economic reality and the impact of the Green Deal

Panel 2: Powering European growth

Panel 3: Re-energise: finding an alternative vision to the Green Deal

Marcel Crok, director of Clintel, will speak in the third panel. All the MCC events are free, registration is obligatory. Read more here.

Please support us

There are many signs that the climate debate is entering its end game. Many countries ignore climate targets all together including now the US under Trump. However, the battle is not yet over. Especially the EU is on the brink of economic collapse due to its extreme energy prices and the growing amount of 'climate' regulations. The media, many politicians, academia, they continue to promote the climate agenda, as that is their bread and butter.

So Clintel and other organisations around the world such as the GWPF, the CO2 Coalition, Heartland, CFACT etc. will have a huge fight ahead. Please consider to support us in this battle with a donation or by becoming Friend of Clintel. Thank you in advance for your support. Clintel is a 501(c)3 in the US.

Clintel is an Amsterdam (The Netherlands) based thinktank founded in 2019 by Dutch emeritus professor Guus Berkhout and science writer Marcel Crok.

Clintel operates as a climate science and climate policy watchdog. In its first year it launched the World Climate Declaration, stating “there is no climate emergency”. That declaration is now signed by more than 1950 scientists and experts. We also published an analysis of the latest IPCC report, titled The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC. Clintel is independent from governments and industry. Our donors are private citizens and small companies around the world.

For more information, please contact Marcel Crok, +31 6 16 236275,

You can support us by becoming Friends of Clintel or you can make a one-time donation.

Many thanks in advance for your support!

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