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In next 30 years, global warming problem will be last thing on our mind
Valentina Zharkova
Tom Nelson Podcast
November 14, 2022
Graduated with first class with distinction degree in Applied Math from Kiev National University, Kiev, Ukraine (1975); did PhD in Astrophysics
‘Radiative transfer of solar prominences’ at Main Astronomical Observatory, Kiev, Ukraine, viva in 1984. Worked as Researcher/Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer at KNU (1975-1994). In 1992 moved to Glasgow University, UK as Senior Research Fellow to investigate energetic particles in solar flares. Discovered sunquakes induced by flaring processes, published a paper in Nature, 1998 with wide media coverage. In 2000 moved to Bradford University as Lecturer, then Reader (2002) and Professor of Applied Mathematics (2005). Joined Northumbria University in September 2013 as Professor of Mathematics. Published more then 200 papers, from which 3 papers in Nature group journals (during work at NU), one of the papers was predicting the modern Grand Solar Minimum (20202053). Published a monograph on particle kinetics, was an Editor a book on automated recognition and classification of digital images and the RHESSI book on high energy particles. Also published 18 chapters in other books. Received funding from European Commission, EPSRC, STFC, the Royal society, the RAS and US Airforce.