Importance of a Golf Clock in a Golf Course and How It Serves the Golf Grounds A golf course is a vast ground and it encompasses many acres of lush green field, bunkers, sand traps, water holes and vegetation and also the ever present club house which serves as the admin block as well as activity area for players and employees. Golf course being big also need to be administrated efficiently and golf clock is installed essentially for the purpose at various area of the establishment. A golf course will need different types of clocks as there are several purposes for which they are required so it is best advised to source them from one manufacturer who is capable of producing the most appropriate golf clocks that will suit the grounds, play and the ambience. The first and most important golf clocks are the ones that are used in the various holes which are also known as pace of play clocks in the golfing circle. The pace of play clocks are essentially installed at vantage points so players are able to observe them easily and know exactly how time they are left with to complete a particular hole after teeing off. These are special clocks are accurate and highly luminous in displaying the time with Analog or digital display. These clocks are mounted on posts so they are able to cover each corners of the golf field. Latest technology is now being used to produce a golf clock as it has to keep up with the time and also fulfil the latest needs that golf play requires from them. After the pace of play clocks you have these post clocks that are planted at the different spots of a golf club which would include pathways, raised platforms, building tops and clocks planed right in the middle of flower beds or clocks that are fixed on the walls of the admin buildings or hung in the middle of hallways. The golf clocks are special items and are mostly customized by manufacturers to suit individual needs of golf grounds and their patrons but one thing common with these clocks is that they have to have huge display because it has to been seen from faraway by both players and the audience. Another thing special about the clocks is that they are mostly lone standing and need adequate power supply so they don’t stop in the middle of a play. Summary: This article is written to emphasize the point of having golf clocks in a golf course and what functions they perform for the golf courses.