Bylaws unicorn tradition of wicca cd6 id1557558297 size83

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UNICORN TRADITION OF WICCA BYLAWS Accepted and Adopted June 14, 2004 ARTICLE I - OFFICES AND ADDRESSES Section 1. Corporation: These bylaws delineate the policies and procedures for the conduct of the Corporation of the Unicorn Tradition of Wicca (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation".) Section 2. Offices: The principal office of the Corporation shall be located in Decatur, County of DeKalb, State of Georgia. The Corporation may have such other offices, either within or without the State of Georgia as the Board of Directors may designate or as the business of the Corporation may require from time to time. Section 3. Mailing Address: The official mailing address for the Corporation is: P. O. Box 13384, Atlanta, Georgia U. S. A. 30324 ARTICLE II - MEMBERS, VOTING MEMBERS, AND MEETINGS Section 1. General Membership: Anyone who has been granted First or Second Initiation by a Third Degree Initiate or an Elder of the Unicorn Tradition, will be considered eligible to be a Member of the Corporation, should they so choose. Anyone who is a Third Degree Initiate or an Elder of the Unicorn Tradition is is eligible to be a Voting Member of the Corporation. However, such membership is not guaranteed for life. See Article X, Section 3 (subsection e), and Article XI, Section 4. Section 2. Associate Membership: Anyone who has been granted Pagan Dedication by a Third Degree Initiate or an Elder of the Unicorn Tradition, is an Associate Member of the Corporation, should they so choose. They shall remain an Associate Member while associated with a Unicorn Tradition Chartered Congregation, Third Degree Initiate, or Elder. Upon dissolution of such an association, they are no longer Associate Members of the Unicorn Tradition. Section 3. Voting Membership: Each active Third Degree Member and each Elder is a Voting Member of the Corporation. Each active Voting Member gets one vote, whenever votes are required. Section 4. Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of the General Members and Voting Members shall be held at the AutumnFest festival, for the purpose of hearing and transacting such business as may come before the meeting. The Scribe shall send the proposed agenda for this meeting to each Voting Member (via e-mail or regular mail), not less than 30 days before AutumnFest. Each Voting Member is expected to forward this information to all non-Voting Members under his or her jurisdiction.

Section 5. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Voting Members of the Corporation, for any purpose or purposes, unless otherwise proscribed by statute, shall be convened anytime 1/2 of the Board or 2/3 of the Voting Members notifies the Scribe of their desire for such a meeting. The place of any such Special Meetings shall be at the Principal Office of the Corporation, unless otherwise designated by the Board of Directors. Upon receipt of enough requests, the Scribe shall, within 30 days, notify each Voting Member of the upcoming special meeting, either by e-mail or by written letter. Such notice shall state the place, day and hour of the meeting, and the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called. This notice shall be delivered not less than 60 days nor more than 90 days before the meeting. No special meeting shall occur without the presence of the Matriarch or her designated representative, who must be a Voting Member. Section 6. Quorum: A 2/3 majority of the Voting Members of the Corporation, in person or by proxy, at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of convening that meeting. Once the meeting has convened, it can continue to function as long as at least half of the Voting Members are present or represented. Section 7. Proxies: At all meetings of the Corporation, a Voting Member may vote in person or by proxy executed in writing and signed by the Voting Member and their agent-in-fact. Such proxy must be filed with the Scribe of the Corporation before or at the time of the meeting. Section 8. Voting: Actions shall be by consensus where possible. If consensus cannot be reached, a vote shall be called and resolved by 2/3 majority. Section 9. Teleconference option: The Annual Meeting shall be held at AutumnFest, and Voting Members or their proxy holders shall be personally in attendance. All other meetings (Board Meetings and Special Meetings) can be convened by teleconference or similar means, which provide voice communication between all meeting attendees. If 2/3 of the Members of the Board feel that the teleconference option is not appropriate for the meeting, this option can be withdrawn, for that meeting. Section 10. Action by the Matriarch: Unless otherwise provided by law, any action that may be taken at a meeting of the Voting Members, may be taken without a meeting by the Matriarch in case of an emergency situation involving the health, safety, or security of the Corporation or the Members of this Tradition. A special meeting of the Corporation shall be called as soon as possible to explain the nature of, and reasons for the action taken. Voting Members shall, at that time, go on record as assenting or dissenting. Any need for further action shall be discussed and voted upon before the adjournment of the meeting. ARTICLE III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Section 1. General Powers: Its Board of Directors shall manage the business and affairs of the Corporation. The Matriarch, Scribe, and Membership Officer, or their designated proxy, must be present at any convening of a meeting thereof. Section 2. Number, Tenure, and Qualifications: The Board of Directors consists of the Matriarch, the Magus, every active Elder in the Tradition, plus four elected officers (Archivist, Scribe, Pursewarden, and Membership). Elections shall be held at the annual AutumnFest meeting. Section 3. Regular Meetings: A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held without other notice other than this Bylaw no less than once a quarter, and no more than once a month at a place and time determined by the Board of Directors at each meeting. A Reminder Notification at least 72 hours prior shall constitute sufficient summons. The Board of Directors may provide, by resolution, the time and place for the holding of additional regular meetings without notice other than such resolution. Regular meetings may be held over the Internet, provided that all Voting Members have access to such. Section 4. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by or at the request of the Matriarch or any three Board members. The person or persons calling the meeting shall set the place and time of the special meeting. Section 5. Notice: Notice of any special meeting shall be given at least 72 hours (three days) previous thereto by telephone or confirmed e-mail communication to each Board member. Section 6. Quorum: A 2/3 majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Directors. Section 7. Manner of Acting: Any action agreed to by a majority of the Board members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be deemed an action of the Board of Directors. Section 8. Voting: Actions shall be by consensus where possible. If consensus cannot be reached, a vote shall be called and resolved by 2/3 majority. Section 9. Vacancies: Any vacancy occurring in an elected office within the Board of Directors may be filled by an affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Board members, within a meeting, even if less than a quorum is present because of said vacancies. A Board member elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected to the term of his/her predecessor in office. Section 10. Presumption of Assent: A Board member of the Corporation who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which action is taken on any Corporate matter shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless her/his dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting, or if he/she files a written dissent to such action

with the Scribe of the meeting before adjournment thereof. Such right to dissent shall not apply to a Board member who voted in favor of such an action. Section 11. The Elders’ Council a) The Council is composed of all active and living Elders of the Tradition; b) Matters brought before the Elders’ Council will be resolved on a consensus basis. If consensus cannot be reached, a vote shall be called and resolved by 2/3 majority; c) Given the distance that often separates Elders, Council meetings may be conducted by conference call; d) All Initiates (including Solitaries) of this Tradition should freely have access to all the Elders, and have the right to bring before them any problems or situations which their group’s leaders cannot or will not handle, or any matters which may effect the Corporation as a whole; e) The Elders’ Council is the only proper channel for reporting violations of ethics and/or behavior regarding Third Degree Members or other Elders. Upon notice of the complaint the Council shall be scheduled and convened, and an inquiry made. The Board of Directors will be notified and the situation will be resolved to the satisfaction of the Elders’ Council, and reported to the Board of Directors, and all other affected parties. f) The Elders’ Council is the only body, which has the authority to change the core teachings, structure, and / or rituals of this Tradition. There must be full consensus, without reservation, in order for this to occur. g) All Members are expected to abide by the decisions of the Elder Council. ARTICLE IV - ELECTED OFFICERS Section 1. Number: The elected officers of the Corporation shall be an Archivist, a Scribe, a Pursewarden, and a Membership Officer. At its discretion, the Board of Directors may leave unfilled, for any such period as it may determine, any office except those of Pursewarden and Scribe. Two or more offices may not be held by the same person, except for the offices of Membership and Scribe, which may be held by the same person. Officers must be Voting Members of the Corporation. Section 2. Term of Office: The term of Office for these four elected positions shall be one year. There are no limits to the number of terms that can be served, either in the office, or by the individual Board members. Section 3. Removal: Any elected officer may be removed by the Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting of the Board, whenever, in its best judgment, the best interests

of the Corporation will be served thereby. A 3/4 majority vote of the entire Board is required to remove an elected officer. Section 4. Matriarch: The Matriarch shall be the principal executive officer of the Corporation, subject to the advice of the Board of Directors, and the Elder Council, and shall, in general, supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the Corporation as follows: a) She shall preside at all meetings of the Voting Members and Board of Directors, or she may delegate the running of the meeting to any Elder or her designated representative, who must be a Voting Member. b) The Matriarch may sign, with the Pursewarden or Scribe, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors, or by these Bylaws, to some other officer of the Corporation, or as shall be required by law to be otherwise signed and executed. c) In general, she shall perform all duties incident to the office of Matriarch, and the Board of Directors may assign such other duties as from time to time. d) Term of Office: The Matriarch, once chosen and ratified, shall serve in this office until her death or resignation for inability to perform her duties, provided she has made her nomination for her successor. In such circumstances as might require her removal from office, see Article X, section 3 (subsection e) and Article XI, section 4. Section 5. Magus: In the absence of the Matriarch or her designated representative, or in the event of her death or inability to act, the Magus shall perform the duties of the Matriarch, and when so acting shall have the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions of the Matriarch. The Magus shall supervise the proceedings regarding the nomination and succession of the Matriarch. Once the new Matriarch has been confirmed, and been installed by the Voting Members, the Magus shall revert to his former position prior to becoming Magus. a) The Magus shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Matriarch or by the Board of Directors. Section 6. Succession of Matriarch and Magus: a) Succession of Matriarch – 1) The Matriarch shall nominate a chosen female Elder as successor and the name of this Nominee will be shared with the members of the Elders’ Council; 2) The Nominee is put forward before the voting membership and her appointment is ratified by a 3/4 majority;

3) If ratification by 3/4 majority cannot be reached, then the Voting membership will nominate a candidate, and this candidate will be brought through the ratification process; 4) If the candidate nominated by the Voting membership cannot be ratified, then the Nominee from the former Matriarch shall become the new Matriarch. After three years, if there is still dissatisfaction with the Matriarch chosen by the former Matriarch, who has been put into office by this mechanism, then a new candidate for the office of Matriarch can be considered under the procedures in Article IV, section 6. b) Succession of the Magus – 1) If the Matriarch has a consort, her consort shall become the new Magus, provided he is a man of Third Degree status. The Matriarch’s consort shall then be put forward before the voting membership and his appointment ratified by a 3/4 majority; 2) If the Matriarch has no consort that fits the eligibility requirements, then the eldest ranking male Elder, as determined by time as an Elder, shall become the Magus; 3) If there are no eligible male Elders, then the eldest Third Degree male, as determined by time as a Third Degree, shall become the Magus; 4) If the Magus is the consort of the Matriarch, and for some reason they no longer are working partners, then the office of Magus shall be filled as above in subsection b, number 3. Section 7. Scribe: The Scribe shall: a) Keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Members and of the Board of Directors on an appropriate medium, available for review at any time by any Voting Member. Copies of the approved minutes will be provided to the Archivist. b) See that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the bylaws, or as required by law; c) Keep a register of the legal address of each Voting Member; d) Publish and update a calendar of the Tradition's activities; e) Maintain and update the website; f) Appoint assistants, who are at least of Initiate status, as may be required, with the approval of the Board; g) Pick up and distribute the mail at least once a week, or to delegate that responsibility to an appointed assistant; and

h) In general, perform all duties incident to the office of the Scribe and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Matriarch or the Board of Directors. Section 8. Pursewarden: The Pursewarden shall: a) Maintain charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds of the Corporation, and to prepare and file all quarterly and legally necessary reports; b) Receive and give receipts for monies due to or payable by the Corporation from or to any source whatsoever; c) Deposit all such monies in the name of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be approved by the Board; d) Oversee any fundraising operations of the Corporation (for which an assistant who is at least an Initiate may be appointed); and e) In general perform all of the duties incident to the office of Pursewarden, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Matriarch or by the Board of Directors. Section 9. Membership Officer: The Membership Officer shall: a) Be custodian of the Membership records, and of the seal of the Corporation, and see that the seal is affixed to all Membership documents, the execution of which is duly authorized by the Corporation. b) Keep a register of the legal address of each Voting Member; c) Maintain a register of all Initiates for each Congregation, as well as all Solitaries, in order to confirm lineage and current status of each Member. Each Voting Member is required to supply the first name and last initial, outer court name, date, and level of initiation for each person initiated, and for each Degree taken. A copy of the register of all Initiates shall be given to the Archivist. d) Maintain and update a register of all duly authorized credential holders and of all duly authorized and Chartered Congregations. A copy of these registers shall be given to the Archivist. e) To prepare and file all necessary and legally required reports to be in compliance with these by-laws and all other legal requirements; f) Maintain a public e-mail address for confirmation of lineage and/or credentials, and to reply to any such inquiries within 72 hours of the receipt of request and;

g) In general, perform all duties incident to the Office of Membership and any other such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Matriarch or the Board of Directors. Section 10. Archivist: The Archivist shall: a) Maintain an active library of resources for the Tradition, which shall include but not be limited to: copies of rituals, class materials, supporting materials for Third Degree members, Core Documents, Bylaws, Charter records; b) Maintain an archive of the approved minutes of all meetings of the Corporation; c) Maintain an active and updated history of the Corporation, which shall include but not be limited to: names and dates of service of past Board members, congregational lineage histories, and vitae of our Third Degree Members; d) Be responsible for the distribution of these materials to those qualified members in a timely and appropriate manner; e) Report the contents and maintenance of the Archives to the membership at the Annual meeting; f) Appoint assistants who are at least of Third Degree status, as may be required, with the approval of the Board; Section 11. Compensation: The Board of Directors shall receive no salaries for carrying out their duties. However, reasonable compensation for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties shall be made. Expenses incurred in the process of officially representing, or of furthering education which Voting Members may incur, shall be recoverable by a 2/3 majority vote at the next regular meeting. ARTICLE V - INDEMNITY The Corporation may, from time to time, indemnify its Board members and officers, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, as follows: a) Every Board member or officer of the Corporation may be indemnified by the Corporation against reasonable expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees that may be incurred by or imposed upon her/him in connection with their duties. b) Indemnification shall only occur after a special meeting of the Board of Directors is called, according to these bylaws, and passed by a 3/4 majority vote of those present at the meeting. ARTICLE VI - CONTRACTS, LOANS, CHECKS, AND DEPOSITS

Section 1. Contracts: Only the Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Section 2. Loans: No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the Corporation and no evidences of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors. Such authority may be general or confined to specific incidences. Any such authorization, to be valid, shall bear the Corporate Seal. Section 3. Checks, Drafts, etc.: All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, expenses, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Corporation, shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the Corporation, and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by recorded resolution of the Board of Directors. Section 4. Deposits: All funds of the Corporation not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Board of Directors may select. ARTICLE VII - FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on the 1st day of November and end on the 31st day of October of the following year. ARTICLE VIII - CORPORATE SEAL The Board of Directors shall provide a Corporate Seal, which shall be circular in form and shall have inscribed thereon the name of the Corporation and the State of incorporation and the words "Corporate Seal". ARTICLE IX - EDUCATION The Corporation shall maintain, at a minimum, access to the necessary educational facilities, teachers, and resources for individuals to: A) Learn about and become a Member of our religion and Tradition. B) Educate the children of the Members of our religion and Tradition. C) Educate and create recognized Priests and Priestesses of our religion and Tradition. Notwithstanding the above, at a later date this Corporation reserves the right to found a private religious school for the accomplishment of the above stated purposes.

ARTICLE X - CREDENTIALS Section 1. Qualification: All Voting Members shall be qualified to hold ministerial credentials and exercise the duties and powers thereof. Section 2. Certification: Within 30 days of the completion of Third Degree Initiation a certificate and wallet card shall be issued certifying that the rightful holder thereof is qualified to perform all acts of ministry within this religion and in particular, the Unicorn Tradition. a) Certification documents must bear the seal of the Corporation in order to be valid, and also the signatures of the Matriarch and Membership Officer. b) The Membership Officer shall maintain a registry of all valid credential holders, including current address, e-mail address and phone number which information shall be provided to the Membership Officer by the credential holder. c) Credentials will expire every three years and must be renewed. The Board shall review the performance of duties by the Third Degree Priest or Priestess, and being satisfied by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board meeting, shall re-certify the applicant for another 3 years. The fee for re-certification shall be $15.00 USD, in lieu of annual registration. d) Credential holders must register their credentials annually and pay an annual registration fee of $10.00 USD. Section 3. Regulation and Revocation: The Board shall, in general, oversee the activities of all Voting Members and credential holders. Credentials or membership may be revoked for the following reasons: a) Malfeasance within the Corporation or in regard to, or including any of, its Members. b) Conviction of a felony, or of a crime, in violation of this religion's moral and spiritual tenets. c) Harmful or repetitive behavior, which jeopardizes Members of this Corporation or of this Tradition. d) Blatant disregard of this religion’s moral and spiritual tenets. e) Grievance Procedure 1) None but the Council of Elders may expel a Member from the Corporation, and then only for just cause and good reason, which shall be judged as a violation of this religion’s moral and spiritual tenets.

2) Initiation, once conferred, may not be rescinded. However, membership within the Chartered Congregation and/or Corporation may indeed be rescinded, along with the right to teach our specific curriculum, or to initiate within the lineage. 3) The Chartered Congregation Council shall first deal with grievances at the level of the Chartered Congregation, see Article XI, Section 5. If this cannot be achieved, then the Elder’s Council may be convened to address the situation, see Article III, Section 11. In matters pertaining to a violation of our tenets by the leader of a group or an Elder, this shall be brought directly before the Elder’s Council. 4) A system of checks and balances shall be achieved through the Board of Directors, the Elder’s Council, and the Voting Members. f) Notwithstanding the above, the Matriarch or Membership Officer may, at their discretion, immediately suspend membership or credential privileges of any Voting Member or credential holder until such a meeting, as specified in Article X, section 3 (sub-section e), can be convened and the matter heard. ARTICLE XI - CHARTERED CONGREGATIONS Section 1. Empowerment: The Corporation shall have the power to issue Charters to any qualified Third Degree Initiate who desires to establish and maintain a Congregation. The Corporation shall issue a Charter certificate which, to be valid, must bear the signatures of the Matriarch and Membership Officer, and also the imprint of the Corporate Seal. Section 2. Qualifications: The Congregation seeking Chartering must: a) Have at least three Members, Associate Members, or students of the Corporation, one of whom is a qualified Third Degree Initiate with current and acknowledged credentials; b) Be founded as an instrument for the furtherance of our religion, and in particular, of the Unicorn Tradition; c) Not adopt bylaws nor engage in activities contrary to the stated goals and purposes of the Corporation; d) Operate in accordance with the laws of the country, state, and locality in which it is founded; e) Acknowledge the right of the Corporation, to oversee and inspect its records and operation on an annual basis, and to take adequate steps to see that compliance is maintained with the tenets of this Tradition and the bylaws of the Corporation; f) Submit $25.00 to cover the cost of the initial Chartering;

g) This Charter shall be subject to ratification by a 2/3 majority vote at any Board meeting. Section 3. Annual Registration and Renewal: The Membership Officer and Scribe shall maintain a registry of all Chartered Congregations, including the current addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of the Voting Members. To annually renew a Charter the following items shall be completed within 60 days of the beginning of each fiscal year: a) The Chartered Congregation's Pursewarden or High Priestess shall supply a copy of its quarterly financial reports for review; b) The High Priestess or Scribe of the Chartered Congregation shall submit a written report outlining the Congregation's activities during the past year, or a copy of the minutes from its regular and special meetings to the Board; c) The High Priestess or Scribe of the Chartered Congregation shall submit a list of Officers and Initiate Members, and their status within the Congregation; d) The Chartered Congregation shall submit a $20.00 annual fee to cover the costs of renewal and registration; e) The High Priestess of the Chartered Congregation shall list any group variances of Tradition practices or Core Documents for review; f) Following the receipt of the above items, at its next Board meeting, not more than 30 days following submission, the Corporation shall review the reports and either extend or deny the Charter. The Scribe shall make formal written notice of the decision within seven days. g) Voting Members shall be chosen to represent the interests of Solitary members of the Tradition. These representatives shall be chosen by the Voting Members to represent active Solitaries within a geographical region. Representatives are responsible for updating Solitary information to the Corporation, such as phone number, address, Initiatory status, and activities for the year. Section 4. Regulation and Revocation: The Board shall review the activities of all Chartered Congregations on an annual basis. Charters may be revoked for just cause, including, but not limited to, any of the following reasons: •

Malfeasance or fraud within the Chartered Congregation;


Harmful behavior which jeopardizes any Member, or the Corporation, of this Tradition;

Blatant disregard of this religion's and Tradition's moral and spiritual tenets by the Chartered Congregation.

a) Grievances shall be dealt with as in Article X, Section 3 (subsection e). b) When a Congregation's Charter is revoked, the Congregation may petition for reinstatement after consulting with the Board Member of their choice, and resolving whatever concerns were responsible for the revocation. The Board at their next regular meeting shall consider such a petition. c) If a Congregation whose Charter is revoked does not resolve the pertinent concerns within a six-month period, the Members of that Congregation may petition to join another Congregation within the Tradition, or for representation as a Solitary Member of the Corporation. The petitioner for Solitary representation may consult with an Elder of their choice. Section 5. The Chartered Congregation Council a) The Council is composed of all current Chartered Congregation Initiates and Officers. Initiates are expected to attend all Council meetings whenever possible. A 3/4 majority, either present or by proxy, of the current members of the Chartered Congregation Council is required for the Council to meet and do business; b) The Chartered Congregation’s High Priestess or High Priest shall convene the Council as the need arises. Routine matters for Council discussion include, but are not limited to, announced candidates for Initiation and matters of policy and / or Chartered Congregation business; c) The Chartered Congregation’s Summoner shall convene the Council for the purposes of the Grievance Procedure at the request of the High Priestess on matters which concern the Chartered Congregation or its members, the Tradition, or the Craft; d) Other Initiates members of the Chartered Congregation may request that the Council be convened by notifying the Summoner or High Priestess; e) The Summoner shall preside over the Council on matters concerning the Grievance Procedure. The High Priestess shall preside over Council on matters of business and policy. Elder(s) or the High Priest may preside over Council by so requesting, and the presiding officer being agreeable; f) The Chartered Congregation’s Scribe shall keep a record of all proceedings, which shall be kept by the High Priestess. g) Expenditure of Chartered Congregation monies outside of normal or approved expenses for maintaining and operating the group shall be voted on in Council.

h) Other matters of business and policy shall be decided on a democratic basis with each member receiving one vote. A 2/3 majority is required to pass items presented to the Council. The High Priestess and High Priest reserve the power and right to veto Council decisions. i) During the Grievance Procedure, all parties will be given the opportunity to be heard. There will be a general discussion amongst Council members, and a consensus taken of the Council as to the potential action(s) to be taken. The final decision shall be made by the High Priestess, High Priest, and Elders, and ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council. j) A decision of the Council may be appealed, or the matter reopened if a minimum of 3 Initiates so request it, or if new information should come to light which was previously unconsidered. k) Council cannot be convened without the High Priestess, the High Priest, or an Elder being present. l) Initiates are expected to take an active interest in participating in Council. All Initiates are expected to abide by Council decisions. Any Initiate summoned before Council is required to attend, barring acts of Goddess. m) Individual Chartered Congregations may choose to implement their own Chartered Congregation Council procedures, as outlined in their own individual Bylaws or standard procedures for the group, provided they are not contradictory to the spirit and intent of those outlined above. ARTICLE XII - AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new bylaws adopted by the Voting Members at any regular or special meeting of the Voting Members as defined herein. These Bylaws, as amended and recorded, are certified to have been adopted by the Voting Members of the Corporation on the 14th day of June, 2004.

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