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As we struggle to grasp the magnificence of this reality, a joy begins to well up within us; a joy springing from a deep sense of gratitude that will affect our relationship with each of our fellow man and woman and every creature on this earth (….Let everything that breaths praise Him. Alleluia! Ps.150). Sin no longer takes centre place to be the ‘full cause and effect’ for the Incarnation, but the wonder of the Incarnation in itself becomes the magnificent gift of Love, the centrepiece from which, and to which all creations returns. Would sin hold our God ransom and become the prime motive for the greatest event in human history. In the wonderful words of our Brother, Eric Doyle OFM, “Why build the Taj Mahal to cover a pothole.”

The traditional barrier between science and theology, or faith and reason have in recent years been eroded so that the latest ‘String Theory’ or ‘Theory of Everything’ would almost come to support the Franciscan view of creation, although for many scientist the jump to the proof of God will require another paradigm shift.


What are the consequences of coming to an acceptance of such ‘relatedness’ of all creation, an extension of the inherent dignity, not only of the human family but also of the created cosmos? It appears to me that up to now, the old religious emphasis on the dignity of the human person in the image of God, with all ‘lower’ creation having the sole purpose and function to serve the needs of humanity is not only in total contradiction to the Franciscan understanding of Sisterhood and Brotherhood, but has virtually condoned the rape of our Mother Earth. This understanding of domination of creation for man’s needs most often feeds a greed for wealth, power and domination over our fellow man and woman.

How can the Franciscan Family play its role as Intercessors and in contributing to the Church and to the world through striving to live in contemplative relationship to God and to all creation as sisters and brothers?

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