201718 andra supplementary rulebook

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2 O17 / 2 O18 S U P P L E M E N TA R Y RULEBOOK

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1.1  Contents 1.2 Introduction__________________________________________ 2 1.3 A Note from ANDRA Technical___________________________ 2 1.4 About this Rulebook Supplement_________________________ 3 2.1 Jet Powered Dragster, Funny Car & Trucks _________________ 4 2.2 Junior Drag Bike______________________________________12 2.3 HAMBsters___________________________________________19 2.4 Factory XTREME ______________________________________22 2.5 Nostalgia Top Fuel ____________________________________28 2.5 Outlaw Nitro Funny Car ________________________________33 2.6 Outlaw Nitro Doorslammer / Fuel Coupe__________________38 2.7 Extreme Outlaw______________________________________42 2.8 Extreme Motorcycle___________________________________47 2.9. Electric Vehicles ______________________________________50 4

1.2  Introduction Welcome to the ANDRA Supplementary Rulebook. ANDRA have developed this Supplement to the ANDRA 2017/18 Rulebook to give Exhibition Classes a quick and handy reference. ANDRA hope that this is a useful addition for members and welcome any feedback on the publication. In future we hope to include more classes and applicable advertising. To ensure that ANDRA do not pass the costs of this publication onto our members, this supplement will only be distributed in soft format via the ANDRA website. Enjoy your racing!

1.3  A Note from ANDRA Technical This Rulebook Supplement is divided into two sections: Administration and Class Regulations. For additional regulations please refer to the ANDRA Rulebook. Suggestions for improvement, clarity of rules and error identification are welcomed. If an ANDRA member claims that there is any ambiguity in these regulations, they shall present their claim in writing (email) to ANDRA Technical, who shall investigate the claim. No claim shall be presented during the running of any event or during the five day period preceding any ANDRA Championship event. Any claim proving a requirement for a change to the rules will be subject to the minimum 28 days of notice before the rule


change becomes effective, unless the rule change is for an immediate safety measure.

Please call the ANDRA Technical Department with any feedback or questions on (08) 8271 5355 or email technical@andra.com.au

1.4  About this Rulebook Supplement This Rulebook Supplement must be read in addition to the ANDRA Rulebook which is the Official Competitors Handbook of the Australian National Drag Racing Association Ltd (ANDRA), the controlling body of drag racing in Australia, recognised by the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS) and the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA). The validity of this Rulebook Supplement as an official ANDRA publication will be noted by ANDRA Stewards Hearings, Tribunals and the Australian Motor Sports Appeal Court (AMSAC). Published by the Australian National Drag Racing Association Limited, 11 McInnes Street, Ridleyton SA 5008. Rules and classes published in this book are effective from July 1 2016. The rules published in this Rulebook Supplement remain in effect until suspended or revised by the ANDRA Board. Announcement of such changes will be notified in writing to all ANDRA Divisional Councils and posted on the ANDRA website giving at least 28 days notice on implementation of a change, or immediately in the case of urgent safety related amendments. ANDRA holds all rights to events and competition run under the ANDRA Championship structure, and any international event run under its jurisdiction within Australia. ANDRA reserves the right to confer or allocate those rights to ANDRA Member Tracks or other parties recognised by ANDRA, within the limits and requirements of the ANDRA Constitution, ANDRA Policies and Procedures and rules as covered by this Rulebook Supplement, as approved by the ANDRA Board. ANDRA is a member of the FIA Drag Racing Commission (FR), the SFI Foundation (US), the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AUS), Standards Australia (AUS) and the Speciality Equipment Marketing Association (US). AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL DRAG RACING ASSOCIATION LIMITED holds the delegated authority from CAMS and FIA for championship drag racing in Australia. © Australian National Drag Racing Association Ltd. 2016 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968,



With the initiatives ANDRA are undertaking, several current systems, rules and policies are likely to be reviewed in the near future, as a result of these changes we are confident that every racer will benefit and we will successfully move the sport of drag racing forward in a positive way. Your patience and support is highly appreciated during this process.

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no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. All 2.1reserved. JET DRAGSTER, CAR and TRUCK rights

Class Description Any person considering construction or importation of any Jet Powered vehicle must submit the detailed design to ANDRA for consideration and possible approval prior to construction or importation. Where Jet Engines are used, reports on their condition, fitting and associated controls must be provided to ANDRA, after construction, prior to testing at ANDRA facilities. These reports must be obtained in writing from recognised civil or military aviation authorities No motorcycles or three-wheeled vehicles will be considered in this category

Performance Maximum speed limits are strictly enforced. Dragsters - 320mph (515kph) Funny Cars - 305mph (491kph) Trucks - 200mph (322kph) CLASS REGULATIONS Engine Maximum of one thrust engine permitted for Dragsters and Funny Cars. Use of multiple engines to a maximum of 3 permitted for trucks providing they adhere to the subsequent rules and specifications and do not exceed 200mph. Engine attitude must have down thrust, minimum of 1 degree front down angle. No internal modifications permitted. All engines must be run within manufacturer’s maximum allowable rpm % and military power and temperature specifications. ANDRA personnel may check data loggers to verify that these limits are being adhered to during events. Some engine/chassis mountings may require “slip joints” to be incorporated to allow for engine growth during operation. A turbine safety “containment shield” must be fitted and is to extend at least 3” fore and aft of turbine wheels, shields to be constructed of steel to a thickness of at least 3/16” and be mounted with opening at bottom so as to encompass at least the top 3/4 of engine circumference. Compressor section containment shielding is optional.


Combustion chamber shielding for GE J-85 powered Funny Cars, refer to “Driver Location” below. Engine make, type and model must be ANDRA accepted. Current acceptable engines are: Westinghouse J-34 and its variants, Pratt & Whitney J-60 (JT-12) and its variants, General Electric J85-5 (CJ-610) and its variants and Rolls Royce Viper 202, 522, 622 and their variants. Any other engine types must be ANDRA accepted prior to running. Engine, chassis and systems, inspection and service records should be kept and may be required by ANDRA officials at any time.

The use of hose clamps or tie wraps to secure hoses to overflow tanks is prohibited. Afterburner Tail Pipe Stainless steel or Inconel is recommended for afterburner tailpipes fitted to jet powered vehicles. A thickness of 0.060” is also recommended to help prevent heat and vibration cracking. For longitudinal butt welds, the seams must be on the bottom. Overlap seam welds are acceptable and should be at the bottom where possible. Placement will be at the discretion of the technical inspector or on providing a written report from a civil or military aviation authority. Containment straps are recommended, if fitted a minimum of 2 x 4” width and 0.060” thickness steel straps around the parallel section of tailpipe adjacent to the divergent and convergent sections of tailpipe. Fuel Spray Rings Fuel spray rings and flame holder mountings must be securely fitted to help prevent excessive movement from heat and vibration, sliding mount joints are permissible and recommended to help prevent cracking. An afterburner spray ring fuel supply hose must be of a steel screw-on type fitting, no aluminium fittings or use of screw type hose clamps is permitted. A dump valve on an afterburner spray ring manifold is mandatory, the valve is to be actuated in conjunction with the primary chute lever and may be electrically operated (to prevent post shutoff tailpipe fires and smoke). The use of a turbine compressor air bleed system, to purge afterburner fuel ring during shutdown, is recommended. Air Intake Screens All air intakes must be totally and securely screened. (Mesh of 1/8-inch minimum, 3/8-inch maximum or equivalent). Such screening must be securely attached to the engine. The use of “Birdcage” type screens is acceptable provided they meet the above mesh requirements and are supported to prevent excessive movement or drooping. Any securing screws, bolts and nuts must be of the “self-locking” type or be securely lock wired to prevent ingestion into the engine.



Overflow Catch Can Fuel-overflow catch tanks must be of a sufficient capacity to accommodate excess fuel upon shutdown and adequate tank venting is required, 4 litres minimum capacity required on all vehicles. A single tank of greater capacity is permitted for multiple engine vehicles, minimum of 4 litres per engine.

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Control Cables Manual afterburner control valve cable, minimum 3/16-inch. Electronic/solenoid control accepted. Fuel control cable must be minimum 3/16-inch. Must have secondary shutoff on main fuel line. Emergency shutoff on afterburner shutoff line mandatory. Emergency shutoff on manually controlled afterburner system is mandatory. All control cables running adjacent to the engine or fuel system will have fire protection sleeve fitted. Filters Filters on engine fuel controls and hot streak inlets, (if fitted), are mandatory. Fuel types Approved jet-type fuel only (Avgas, JP-4, JetA-1, kerosene, diesel). Only diesel fuel additives permitted. Separate water and methanol injection systems are permitted. Gasoline/petrol is permitted for starting purposes only. Fuel Tanks Maximum 113.5 litres (30 US gallons) per engine. Must be securely mounted to frame with appropriate baffling (welding or equivalent). If pressurised above 3 psi, tank must be round. Square or irregular shaped fuel tanks are acceptable provided internal pressure does not exceed 3 psi. A mechanism to release the fuel tank pressure is mandatory. If an electrical device is utilised, switching must be of a “normally open� type. Separate fuel tanks for engine and afterburners are permitted providing total capacity doesn’t exceed the above limit. Gauges All instruments, gauges and metering devices must be fully functional. The following instruments must be easily visible from the cockpit of each vehicle: 1) N1 tachometer (percentage of rpm) 2) Exhaust-gas-temperature gauge (EGT) 3) Engine oil-pressure gauge/light (taken off pump outlet housing) Any additional gauges and/or gauge lighting is optional. Brakes Disc brakes are required on all four wheels. Two separate hydraulic systems are required; they may be front, rear or a double system. A Proportional valve is permitted. Suspension Functional front and rear suspension is optional. Rear shocks, if used, must be installed in such a manner as to retain integrity of suspension in case of a failure. Ground Clearance Minimum 3 inches from front of car to 12 inches behind centreline of front axle, 4 inches for remainder of vehicle.


Chassis and Roll Cage Dragster chassis must meet SFI Spec 2.1A as minimum. Funny Car chassis must meet SFI Spec 10.1C as minimum. Plating (chroming) of chassis is prohibited. Oiling, clear-coating, painting or powder-coating is permitted. The chassis must be inspected every two years by ANDRA. Roll-cage padding meeting SFI Spec 45.1 or FIA 8857-2001 mandatory anywhere driver’s helmet may come in contact with the roll-cage. Safety The vehicle will be constructed to ensure the maximum safety for the driver, track officials and spectators. Engine Mounts Where OEM engine mounts are used, the portion of the chassis directly behind the drivers roll cage will be constructed with a barrier welded to the chassis a minimum of 300mm from the rearmost point of the drivers roll cage at the base and contacting the top of the roll cage. The barrier will have a 3mm thick mild steel skin welded to the engine side. The barrier will be constructed from the same material, diameter and wall thickness as the chassis. Unsupported tubes longer than 300mm must be braced to the chassis. The barrier is intended to protect the driver from the engine moving forwards in a frontal impact. Where non-OEM engine mountings are used or exceed OEM they will be approved on a case by case basis, however all mountings and barriers should exist to mitigate against risk of the engine or heat getting into the drivers compartment in the event of an incident. Weight Minimum 1,250 pounds; maximum 2,500 pounds (excluding trucks), All weights include driver and fuel.



Parachutes Dual parachutes are mandatory. The primary parachute must be on a control system that will shut off the engine when the parachute is released. The Secondary parachute must be used as an independent backup system with engine shut down capabilities (secondary fuel-shut off bypass valve on main fuel line to work with secondary parachute). The vehicle must have at least two ways to positively shut off jet engine. The parachute mount must be substantially bolted and/or welded in place. Minimum parachute connection spool diameter: 1 inch. Funny Cars are required to have a minimum 10-foot bridle cord to attach pilot parachute. Parachutes and shroud lines must be mounted in such a position as to be protected from tailpipe heat. All unpacked shroud lines must be covered with 1/16-inch leather or ANDRA accepted material (silver tape prohibited). Steel, aluminium, or carbon-fibre parachute tubes only permitted. Material parachute packs prohibited. Parachute storage containers must be protected from engine heat. Parachute operation cables must have fire protection sleeve fitted where the cable passes adjacent to the engine or fuel system. Parachutes must be packed on the day of operation.

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WHEELBASE Dragster Minimum 180 inches; maximum 300 inches. Funny Car Minimum 125 inches; maximum 135 inches. Trucks On approval from ANDRA. Tyres and Wheels Tyres to be automotive-type represented by the manufacturer for racing use. Minimum front wheel diameter on jet Funny Cars is 14 inches. Rear wheels certified to SFI 15.2 Specification recommended but not mandatory. Interior All sheet metal within driver compartment must be aluminium or steel, magnesium prohibited. Carbon fibre or GRP flat sheet are prohibited from the cockpit. Funny Car body The driver must be isolated from the engine compartment and fuel system with a minimum of 3/16inch Plexiglass. The firewall must provide a bulkhead between the engine or fuel tank and driver’s compartment. All openings must be sealed with metal. Minimum .032-inch 6061 T6 aluminium or .024-inch steel. Use of magnesium is prohibited. The driver must have at least one way to easily and quickly exit the car with the body down (roof hatch or removable windshield), with release operable from inside and outside of the vehicle. Exit from car with body down must be demonstrated during the inspection process. Fire Extinguisher Funny Car: A minimum of a 10-pound (4.6kg), ANDRA accepted fire-extinguisher system is required. Enclosed cockpit Dragsters: A minimum of a 5-pound (2.3kg), ANDRA accepted fire-extinguisher system. See General Regulations “Fire Extinguishers” for acceptable fire retardant agents. All fire extinguishers must meet federal regulations. Halon systems are prohibited. The release of onboard fireworks is prohibited. Arm Restraints Mandatory for all vehicles. Credentials Valid ANDRA Group Two Unlimited Licence (UDL) mandatory. Licensing is on an individual basis. Refer ANDRA Racing Credentials Section


Technical Inspection Required Licence, New Driver All new drivers must undergo a full physical/medical examination. Cockpit-orientation (blindfold) test mandatory. New driver must make a minimum number of runs, as determined by ANDRA, over a two-day (minimum) period. Blindfold test and test runs must be witnessed by a currently licensed jet-exhibition driver with at least three years’ experience, a track official and an ANDRA designated person.

•Session one: three half passes and one moderate run. •Session two: three moderate runs: •Session three: one moderate and three full runs with afterburner. Full runs must be “representative of vehicle” and at least 7.00 seconds or quicker in the quarter-mile for modern vehicles. All sessions must be made at closed sessions except for final passes; session three may be made at open events. A minimum of 10 runs must be made over a period of 12 months (need not run consecutively). All runs must be completed over the 12 month period, or less. Upon completion of license runs, applicant must submit completed, signed application and time slips for all runs to the ANDRA. All accidents, engine problems other than routine maintenance, and/or repeated problems or failures of the same nature must be reported to ANDRA Technical Immediately. Failure to report such incidents, careless operation of vehicle, and/or hot end failure is in violation of ANDRA Rules and Regulations and will result in penalties ranging from a formal warning to immediate suspension of exhibition privileges. In some instances, a monetary fine may be imposed. See ANDRA Rulebook in relation to Judicial Procedures. There will be zero tolerance to infractions of this nature. Driver Location The driver must be sealed off from the intake by a firewall of at least shoulder height. If the driver is located next to the compressor section, the driver must be totally isolated from the compressor by a 3/8-inch 7075-T6 aluminium shield. General Electric J-85 powered Funny Cars must be additionally equipped with a minimum of a 360-degree .050” stainless-steel shield encompassing combustion can. If the driver is located near the hot section, insulation must be used to protect the driver from engine heat.



Test runs are typically divided into three sessions, as follows:

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Protective Clothing Helmet meeting SNELL SA2010, SA2015, SAH 2010, SFI 31.1 or SFI 41.1 mandatory. All helmets must be fitted with proprietary shield/visor. Use of goggles in jet powered vehicles is prohibited. Environmental air breathing systems are permitted. Only dry breathing air systems are allowed. The use of medical oxygen systems is strictly prohibited. Driver suit meeting SFI 3.2A/20 suit as minimum. Shoes/socks/boots meeting SFI 3.3/15 or FIA8856 as minimum. Gloves meeting SFI 3.3/15 as minimum. Balaclava meeting SFI 3.3 or FIA8856 as minimum or helmet skirt meeting SFI 3.3/10 as minimum. Underwear meeting SFI 3.3 or FIA8856 recommended but not mandatory. Frontal Head Restraint meeting SFI 38.1, FIA8858-2002 or FIA8858-2010 mandatory. Frontal Head Restraint may be used with or without supportive neck collar. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Seat Belts Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Harness requirements for Top Fuel as a minimum, 6 point harness meeting SFI 16.1 as minimum. Turbine Running Safety Guidelines and Emergency Procedures Starting, running and emergency procedures for jet powered vehicles can vary greatly from one engine manufacturer to the next, however, the general safety principals outlined herein should be adhered to whenever possible. These safety principles should be considered as an appendix to the current ANDRA safety and emergency procedures and the engine manufacturer’s maintenance manual with regards to temperatures, pressures and rpm limits etc. Engine starting procedures are usually outlined in the engine manufacturer’s maintenance and/or service manuals, however when fitted to a jet dragster, funny car or truck, these procedures can be difficult to follow as the external engine controls, external plumbing and fuel supply systems will be considerably different. Since engine internal configurations of the many engine types will generally be to the manufacturer’s specifications, the engine manufacturer’s rpm, oil pressure and egt limits should still be observed wherever possible. Firefighting safety crew and equipment must be present during all running of jet powered vehicles. All crew must be well versed in the use of firefighting equipment and procedures. Vehicles will be running Jet-A1, Avgas, Kerosene and/or Diesel fuel; a small amount of gasoline/petrol is often used for starting purposes on jet powered vehicles.

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Please refer to the latest ANDRA Rulebook for the relevant safety/ emergency requirements in relation to start line and shut-down area procedures. Some vehicles have external starter motor controls and power supply connections operated by a separate crew member while some vehicles are able to be started by the driver from within the cockpit. Operation of the external starting devices shall be performed by suitably trained crew/personnel.

Only starting personnel and/or crew chief is to be near the vehicle during starting and run-up operations. The engine will not be started without the driver in the car, wearing all the required safety apparel and safety harness secured.



Only the persons operating the engine starter are to be beside the vehicle, perpendicular to the axis of the turbine or behind the vehicle during starting and running.

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Class Description JB. Junior Dragbike was created by ANDRA for competitors between the ages of 11 and 16 inclusive, racing Production Street Motorcycles of any age, modified to the limits described in the class regulations. Purpose‐built drag racing motorcycles with fully fabricated frames based on Production Street Motorcycles may be granted homologation approval only upon ANDRA approval of application.

Note: Two‐stroke and off‐road motorcycles are not permitted. Supermotard style motorcycles permitted. All motorcycles must be ADR approved. Capacity limits apply to the actual displacement of the engine. Engine capacity may be altered within class limits however, no motorbike that was originally manufactured with a capacity of less than 120cc or more than 340cc is permitted. The dial your own handicap system is used. Junior Dragbikes are limited to competition over 1/8 mile only. Two categories and performance levels are provided; A/JB – 161cc to and Including 340cc For drivers between the ages of 13 and 16 years inclusive, limited to an ET no quicker than 8.90 seconds and top speed not faster than 80 mph (129 km/h). B/JB – 120cc to and Including 160cc For drivers between the ages of 11 and 16 years inclusive, limited to an ET no quicker than 9.90 seconds and top speed not faster than 70 mph

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(113 km/h)

Qualifying Class Limits Elimination Class Limits

Class Requirements A/JB Not faster

B/JB Not faster





Note: A onetime only allowance of one tenth of a second during qualifying rounds only for breaching class limits.

There will be a onetime only allowance for excessive wheel standing during qualifying rounds. Any vehicles running outside this allowance, will be immediately disqualified and take no further part in the event. Excessive wheel standing is defined as a deliberate and sustained wheel stand. To be determined by Chief ANDRA Steward or his designated observer. Persistent breaches of exceeding class limits will be considered a contravention of regulation, and tribunal action may result. Please be advised that it is the responsibility of Parents/Guardians of Junior Dragbike competitors to withdraw your racer/racers completely from any event, where they run quicker than the allowable ET cut off, as detailed above. If this is not done, a penalty of two meeting suspensions will be imposed and any points gained at that event will be forfeited. Repeat offenders will face up to 12 months suspension and up to a $1000 fine. After the event is completed, all run sheets will be checked, and any team found to have breached this rule will be notified. Qualification The Top Qualifier for the JB Eliminator will be decided by the quickest ET relative to class minimum. i.e. A/JB = 8.90, B/JB = 9.90. Paired Runs Paired runs between Junior Dragbike vehicles and those from any other category is prohibited. Performance Testing A/JB Competitors must complete six runs between 8.90 and 9.40 seconds to the satisfaction of the officials at ANDRA sanctioned events to be eligible for competition in A/JB. B/JB Competitors must complete six runs representative of the class to the satisfaction of the officials at ANDRA sanctioned events to be eligible for competition in B/JB. These runs must be individually noted in the Competitor Passbook and may be



Any vehicles running faster than the one tenth of a second allowance or running a time within the one tenth of a second allowance more than once, will be immediately disqualified and take no further part in that event.

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run at a combination of events at multiple tracks. CLASS REGULATIONS Engine OEM Engine for Model used is required. Pure water required where engines utilise water‐based coolants. Glycol based coolant additives are prohibited. Any internal modifications are permitted provided original cylinder(s) and crankcase castings are retained. Ignition Ignition: OEM Ignition only. Refer “Ignition” ANDRA Rulebook. Exhaust All Junior Dragbikes are required to have an effective silencing device which limits noise levels to a maximum of 95 dBa measured at 4000rpm at a distance of 30 metres directly to the rear of the vehicle. Measurement is to be taken in a location where ambient noise registers less than 60 dBa. Aftermarket exhaust system exiting to factory location is permitted. Refer General Regulations “Exhaust” ANDRA Rulebook. Fuel All classes restricted to petrol only. Taps must be installed in fuel lines except on EFI factory engines that are fitted with an operating factory tip over sensor. Refer General Regulations “Fuel” ANDRA Rulebook. Induction Factory (or OEM) Induction required for model used. Onus of proof on entrant. ECU An OEM ECU is required where Factory Fuel Injection is retained but may be supplemented with aftermarket non-reactive controllers, specifically accepted by ANDRA, that enhance existing functions. The onus of proof is on the entrant. Liquid Overflow A liquid overflow is required. Refer General Regulations “Liquid Overflow” ANDRA Rulebook. Appearance All bodywork must match frame model used. All machines must bear resemblance to the original production machine. Models that have a fairing and screen fitted as standard must use them or replicas. The factory production fuel tank for model used is required. Screens Must be thin and flexible for safety reasons. Lighting A tail light must be fitted and be operative. Headlight The original headlight or facsimile is required.

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Bodywork Replacement replica body work is permitted. Indicators Removal of Indicators is permitted. Instruments Removal or replacement of existing instruments with aftermarket units is permitted. Ballast Ballast is prohibited.

Throttle All bikes must have a self-returning twist grip throttle. Kill Switch A positive action, not button, ignition kill switch must be mounted within reach of the handgrip. Lanyard A “lanyard� type kill switch must be fitted and be attached to the rider while operating. Steering Steering dampers are required. Handlebars Clip on bars are permitted. Handle bar grips must be no more than 150mm (6 inches) in front or behind the fork stem with a minimum of 380mm (15 inches) width and no more than 300mm (12 inches) above the seat. Throttle Stops The use of a throttle stop device is permitted. Delay Devices The use of a delay devices is not permitted. Two-step rev limiters Clutch-activated rev limiters are not permitted. Construction The original OEM frame is required. No frame modifications are permitted. Seating and Upholstery The original seat base is to be retained. Trimming of upholstery to a minimum of 25mm (1 inch) at the front half of the seat is permitted.



Handlebars All tubular handlebars must be plugged on ends.

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Chain Guard A chain guard is required. A stock chain guard may be retained. Exposed chains must be covered on their top run between the centre lines of the sprockets. Minimum material specifications for chain guards: 25mm (1 inch) by 3mm (1/8 inch) steel or alloy. A toe Guard or “Shark Fin” is required. Clutch Clutch must be of original type for engine used. Springs and friction plates may be substituted. Centrifugal assistance is prohibited. No means of delaying clutch engagement is permitted. Transmission Each individual shift must be manually controlled by the rider’s foot. Ignition/fuel interruption to facilitate gear change is permitted. Air or electric gear change devices are prohibited. Automated shifters and/or timer type shifting devices are prohibited. Any final-drive ratio is permitted. Wheels Standard wheels for the model used are required as a minimum. Aftermarket wheels produced for motorcycles are permitted. The minimum diameter is 305mm (12 inches). Tyres Treaded motorcycle road tyres with a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm (1/16th inch) are required. Slicks and tyres marked “Not for Highway Use” are prohibited.

Note: Also refer General Regulations “Tyres and Wheels” ANDRA Rulebook. Brakes OEM brakes for model used are required. Suspension Stock operating suspensions and steering for model used is required. The suspension must retain a minimum of 25mm (1 inch) of downward suspension travel front and rear. External straps or devices used to limit the downward travel of forks are permitted but must be recognizable as fit for purpose. Ride Height

Lowering permitted. Motorcycles must have a minimum of 50mm (2”) of ground clearance measured with the rider and relevant equipment in place and 15 psi in the rear tyre. Refer “Ground Clearance” ANDRA Rulebook. Swing Arm The Swing arm may be extended or replaced with aftermarket item to a maximum of 100mm (4”) longer than stock. The onus of proof is on the entrant. Bracing must be designed to limit the effect of torsional forces. Bolt-on swing arm extensions are prohibited.

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Wheelie Bars Permitted but are required upon testing, to be capable of supporting the weight of the bike with the rider in position. Helmet

Refer General Regulations “Helmets” ANDRA Rulebook. Clothing

Full leather gloves, full leathers and full leather boots extending at least 150mm from the base of the heel required as a minimum. Two-piece leathers may be used but must be fastened and joined prior to rider being placed in the hands of the starter. Refer “Night Lighting” ANDRA Rulebook. Back protectors

Riders must wear a commercially manufactured back protector, which continuously covers the back area between the collar line and the base of the spine. Lock wiring

Lock wiring or other means must be applied to secure all plugs or caps to restrict the discharge of any lubricating, cooling or hydraulic fluids. Towing

JB Competitors must be towed back to their paddock area by their parent or guardian after a run. Junior Dragbikes are not permitted to be ridden back under their own power under any circumstances. Junior Dragbikes must not be ridden under their own power anywhere other than on the drag strip. They must be towed or pushed to staging lanes. Other Modifications or Additions Any modification or addition deemed to be outside the spirit or scope of Junior Dragbike is not permitted. Self Starting

Refer “Self Starting” ANDRA Rulebook. Push starts are prohibited.   Technical Inspection

Mandatory for all Junior Dragbikes. Refer General Regulations “ Technical Inspections” ANDRA Rulebook. An ANDRA Log Book is required. Homologation Approval All purpose-built drag racing motorcycles are required to have Homologation Approval from ANDRA prior to Technical Inspection.



Night Lighting

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Licence ANDRA Junior Competition Licence is required as minimum. Refer also “Junior Competition Licence (JCL)�. The Junior Competition Licence is issued to applicants between the ages of 11 and 16 years, for participation in Junior Dragbike. Existing participants who turn 17 during a recognised series will be permitted to complete that series. A Medical Examination will be required at the time of licence application. Consent of the parent or legal guardian, who must be a current Full Member of ANDRA, is required. Training

All riders must complete competency based training, prior to the rider applying for their Junior Competition Licence (JCL). Minimum Weight

Minimum weight of 264 lbs (120kg) including bike, rider and apparel. Minimum Height

Both of the riders feet must reach firmly to the ground with all controls in comfortable reach. JB Crew Members

Junior Dragbike Crew Members aged between 8 and 14 years must be supervised by an adult crew member.

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2.3 HAMBster

Class Description HAMBsters are classically styled dragsters built in the spirit of nostalgia. Derived from the original “rail jobs” of the fifties, HAMBster type vehicles are required to be centre steer, basic in design and have early style suspension and powertrain systems. The HAMBster bracket is to be run on Dial Your Own Handicap basis and is open to vehicles running 12.50 seconds (¼ mile or 1/8 mile equivalent) or slower. CLASS REGULATIONS Engine Flathead V8 or, pre 1962 inline engines with stock cylinder blocks only. No OHV V8s Engines must be naturally aspirated. Supercharging, turbocharging or Nitrous Oxide injection is not permitted. Any internal modifications are permitted. Electronic ignition boxes that mount outside the distributor or coil in cap high energy ignition systems are prohibited. Conversions that fit within a stock distributor cap are permitted. Aftermarket magnetos are prohibited. Exhaust The exhaust system must direct exhaust gasses out and away from the body and driver. Refer “Exhaust” ANDRA Rulebook. Fuel

Restricted to hydrocarbon fuels only. Pump fuel or racing gasoline blends permitted. Refer “Fuel” ANDRA Rulebook. Induction

Stock appearing, era specific carburettors only. Modern Holley, Edelbrock or other aftermarket carburettors are prohibited.



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Cooling System

Refer “Cooling Systems” ANDRA Rulebook. Body and Chassis Stock or modified frame rails, rectangular tube of minimum 3” x 2” x 1/8” (75 x 50 x 3mm) RHS or round tube of 3” (75mm) minimum diameter. A Slingshot or Dragster type chassis is prohibited. The driver and engine must be positioned between the front and rear axles. All cars must be equipped with a minimum of a four point roll cage constructed from 1 1/2 x .065” or 1 5/8 x .083” CM4130 or 1 5/8 x .120” (41.3 x 3mm) or 1 3/4 x .102” (44.45 x 2.6mm) mild steel tubing with helmet retaining loop. A minimum is a main hoop higher than the driver’s head and two support bars down to the frame. Mild steel tube must be certified of having a minimum Yield strength of 350MPa. All roll cage tubing should be circular hollow section (CHS). The body and cowl must be constructed of metal, fibreglass or other suitable material and should extend to the firewall. The driver’s compartment, consisting of frame structure, roll bars and body must be so designed as to prevent the driver’s body or limbs from coming in contact with the wheels, tyres, exhaust system or strip surface should an accident occur. All cars must be equipped with a firewall extending from one side to the other side of the body and from cowl to bottom of the floor and/or belly pan. The firewall may be constructed of steel of a minimum of 0.6mm (0.024 inches) gauge or aluminium of a minimum of 0.82mm (0.032 inches) gauge. Fibreglass or magnesium is not acceptable. The firewall must be so constructed as to provide an isolating bulkhead between the engine and driver’s compartment. All holes or openings must be sealed with metal or other flame resistant material. Transmission Automatic transmissions are not permitted. Driveline Protection

All cars must run a stamped steel bellhousing or a 1/4” scatter shield. Closed drivelines are encouraged. If an open driveline is used the driveshaft must have a 1 1/2” x 1/4” tailshaft loop within 6” (150mm) of a universal joint and be totally covered from the driver by the floor pan. Cars with keyed axles must use hub safety retainers. Suspension Stock width front axle and rear ends only. Minimum of two wheel hydraulic brakes, hand or foot operated. Wheels and Tyres

Maximum rim width 6.0”. Bias ply street tyres only. Radial ply tyres or slicks are not permitted. Tyre tread width must measure no more than 6.0”. Electrical

Electronic/pneumatic driver aids such as rev limiters, two steps, shift lights or electronic shifters are not permitted. Tachometers are permitted provided they do not contain a rev limiter or shift light.

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Cars must be self-starting. External starters are prohibited. Batteries must be located outside of driver compartment and be securely mounted. Refer “Batteries” ANDRA Rulebook. All cars must have a master battery isolator switch. Refer “Battery Isolation” ANDRA Rulebook. Delay Devices Prohibited. Liquid Overflow Refer “Liquid Overflow” ANDRA Rulebook. Night Lighting

Driver and Safety

Arm Restraints required. Refer “Arm Restraints” ANDRA Rulebook Helmet required. Refer “Helmets” ANDRA Rulebook Protective clothing required. Minimum SFI 3.2A/1or FIA 8856 fire suit, SFI 3.3 or FIA 8856 driving gloves, socks and shoes. Harness required. Minimum 5-point SFI 16.1 or FIA 8853/98 with 3-inch (75mm) strap webbing incorporating a crotch strap. Harnesses built to allow Frontal Head Restraint systems are also acceptable. Technical Inspections Required. Licence Super Street licence required as a minimum. General

All cars competing in the HAMBster bracket will be of a reasonably high standard of presentation. All chassis components must be painted or coated, body painted or clear finished bare metal with no holes or surface rust. Patina will be accepted at the discretion of the event promoter.



Night Lighting required. Refer “Night Lighting” ANDRA Rulebook

I 22


Class Description Factory XTREME (FX) is a class for full bodied, late model, purpose built sedans. FX is designed for full chassis rear wheel drive vehicles utilising 4 cylinder, 6 cylinder or Rotary engines. FX utilises a Heads-Up Pro Tree start and will race using a random drawn Chicago Shootout format for field sizes from 6 to 24. This may be amended depending on the number of available vehicles and the particular event schedule.

Note: Except where permitted by class regulations, any competitor found to be employing reactive traction systems or devices by any means will be subject to a twelve (12) month suspension and a fine of $15,000. Weight Breaks 4 Cylinder (up to 3.0L) 1,950lbs (884.5kg) 6 Cylinder (up to 3.0L) 2,300lbs (1,043.2kg) 6 Cylinder (3.01L - 4.0L) 2,400lbs (1,088.6kg) 2 Rotor 1,950lbs (884.5kg) 3 Rotor 2,200lbs (997.9kg) 4 Rotor 2,400lbs (1,088.6kg) CLASS REGULATIONS Engine Engine swaps permitted but there must be a recognised connection between the manufacturer of engine and body used, refer “Body� ANDRA Rulebook. Any production 4, 6 cylinder or 2, 3 or 4 rotor engine permitted. Billet block or cylinder heads permitted on 6 cylinder engines. Replacement cylinder head must bolt to original block, and function, with no modifications. Replacement block must accept original cylinder head, and function, with no modifications.

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Fuel Ethanol, methanol or petrol only. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. All competitors may be subject to random fuel testing during any event. Fuel System Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook Intercooler

Permitted. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Liquid Overflow

Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Lower Engine Containment Device Required on all cars. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Nitrous Oxide

Commercially available nitrous oxide systems permitted, including for supercharged/turbocharged engines. Nitrous bottle(s) in driver compartment must be equipped with a relief valve and vented outside of driver’s compartment. Hoses from bottle(s) to solenoid must be high pressure steel braided. Commercially available, thermostatically controlled, blanket type warmer accepted. Any other external heating of bottle(s) prohibited. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook Supercharger/Turbocharger

Permitted. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Driveline

Driveshaft protection required. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook



Billet block and cylinder head combinations permitted on 4 cylinder engines. Billet plates and rotors permitted on all rotary engines. Maximum 2 power adders. Dual stage nitrous systems or multiple superchargers/turbochargers will be counted as one power adder each. Deck plate and/or welding on deck surface prohibited. Dry sump permitted. Use of vacuum pump for evacuation of crankcase pressure permitted.   Exhaust Open exhaust permitted, except where prohibited by track rules. All open exhaust outlets must terminate below the top of the front wheel. All turbocharged vehicles must have two 3/8 inch (10mm) bolts inserted across the diameter of the turbine outlet pipe at 90 degrees to each other, to obstruct the exit of debris in the event of turbine failure. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook

I 24

Flywheel Shield

All manual transmission equipped vehicles must use a properly constructed steel or titanium bellhousing. Vehicles for which a steel, titanium or aluminium with steel/titanium liner SFI Spec 6.1, 6.2 or 6.3 flywheel shield is not available may use a SFI flywheel shield from another application bolted to an engine plate that is bolted to the engine at all available bolt holes, or use a fabricated shield made of 1/4 inch(6.3mm) steel, surrounding the bellhousing 360 degrees, extending 1-inch (25mm) forward and 1-inch (25mm) rearward of the rotating clutch assembly. Shield must be securely attached to frame or frame structure; may be multi-piece. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Automatic Transmission Transbrake permitted. The use of torque converters incorporating a lock up function is permitted. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Manual Transmission Any transmission permitted. Automated, timer type, electronic, hydraulic, etc shifting mechanism prohibited; each individual shift must be a function of the driver and must be made manually, electronically or pneumatically. Clutchless transmissions of up to five forward speeds permitted. Clutch

The use of two-stage clutch systems incorporating a lock-up function is permitted Refer “Clutch� ANDRA Rulebook. Brakes

Four wheel hydraulic brakes mandatory. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Steering

Aftermarket steering permitted. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Suspension

All suspension must use at least one working shock absorber per wheel. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Wheelie Bars

Permitted. Maximum length 75 inches (1,905mm) from rear bumper. May be adjustable, but must be fixed during run. Any movement or adjustment during run prohibited. Pneumatics, hydraulics, electronics, etc prohibited. Wheelie bar wheels must spin freely at starting line. Any preload prohibited. Ballast

Permitted. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Full tube chassis

Mandatory. FWD and AWD vehicles may be converted to RWD configuration. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook.

I 25

Ground Clearance

Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Wheelbase

OEM wheelbase plus 10 inches (254mm) maximum or minus 2 inches (51mm) minimum. Maximum wheelbase 115 inches (2921mm) regardless of OEM wheelbase. Vehicles which had a current ANDRA Technical Inspection and Log Book at 31 December 2010 with a wheelbase exceeding the 115 inch maximum will be permitted to continue to compete until retired. Maximum wheelbase variation from left to right is 1 inch (25mm). Tyres


Must be automotive type wheels suitable for racing use. Minimum wheel diameter 13 inches (330mm). Wheel studs must be threaded into hex portion of wheel nut a distance at least equal to the diameter of the stud. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Drive wheels complying with SFI 15.1 specification are recommended. Interior

Optional. Minimum of driver’s seat required. Holes, slots, or other openings in floor and/or firewall prohibited. Airfoils/Wings

Single fixed rear airfoils are permitted on supercharged/turbocharged/ nitrous sedans and derivatives. The airfoil must be securely mounted, and may be no wider than the widest part of the vehicle body. No part of the airfoil may extend past the widest part of the vehicle body, be higher than the highest point of the roof or extend more than six inches behind the rearmost part of the body, not including bumpers or parachute packs. Adjustment or movement of any aerodynamic device during a run is prohibited. Refer Definitions “Airfoil” ANDRA Rulebook. Body

Any automotive or light truck body permitted. Body must bear a recognised connection between the manufacturer of engine and body used, i.e. “Toyota body with Toyota engine”. OEM steel or accepted composite body acceptable. Only 2002 model year bodies or newer permitted. All bodies must be painted and in good cosmetic condition. Mild customizing permitted, but must retain full-size, full-bodied appearance and silhouette, with minimum 2 functional doors. Doors must open and close from inside and outside. Lightweight body panels permitted. Body must be full scale (7/8, 3/4 scale, etc. Prohibited). Maximum front overhang 45 inches (1143mm) measured from front most part of vehicle to the centre of front axle. Vehicles with mixed engine and body combinations that were approved to compete in FX in 2012 will be allowed to continue to compete until retired. Front splitter mandatory, must be attached to lower front fascia. Splitter to be constructed of aluminium, steel, stainless steel or carbon fibre to a minimum thickness of 1.27mm (.050-inch) and a maximum thickness of 1.52mm (.060-inch). Splitter must be flat and parallel to the front



Racing slicks permitted. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook.

I 26

lip. Splitter to extend a maximum of 12mm (1/2 inch) beyond front bodywork. The splitter will not be included in the front overhang measurement. Please see diagram below.


Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Street Equipment

Headlights and tail lights may be painted on. Operative tail light required. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Spoilers

Factory fitted aerodynamic devices for the body used, fitted in the original location are acceptable. Fabricated rear spoilers to be no shorter than 14 inches (355mm), measured from the body line at the spoiler transition point to the tip and must not be moulded into rear deck lid. The rear of the spoiler must be no lower than the front of the spoiler. Minimum overall height of spill plates 4 inches (100mm), attached so that a maximum of 2 inches (50mm) extends above the top of the spoiler. A 90-degree wicker is mandatory across the full width of the spoiler so it remains 90-degrees to the spoiler at all times during the run. Minimum wicker height .5 inches (12mm). Height of the wicker is not included in total length of spoiler measurement. Roof mounted spoilers prohibited. Must be painted to match paint scheme. Any adjustment or movement during a run prohibited. Refer Definitions “Airfoil”, “Rear Deck” and “Spoiler” ANDRA Rulebook. Windshield/windows

OEM glass may be replaced with polycarbonate or other shatterproof material, minimum thickness 1/8 inch (3mm). Batteries

Batteries must be securely mounted and may not be located in driver compartment unless sealed off. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Computer

Computer Vehicle management systems prohibited. Electronic fuel injection permitted. Aftermarket and piggyback computers permitted. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Data Recorder Permitted. Speed sensors on any un-driven wheel prohibited. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Traction Control Not permitted.

I 27

Rev limiters and two steps permitted. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Ignition

Any ignition system permitted. Arm Restraints

Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Driver Restraint System

Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Fire Extinguisher System Head Protector

Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Technical Inspection Required. Licence

Must hold Group 2 UDL as a minimum. Refer, ANDRA Rulebook. Neck Collar

Refer General Regulations “Neck Collar” and “Frontal Head Restraint” ANDRA Rulebook. Parachute

Mandatory,Dual parachutes with separate shroud line attachments are mandatory on all vehicles exceeding 200mph (320kph). Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Protective Clothing

Required, Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Window Net

Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Support Vehicles

Permitted, Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Warm-Up Procedure

Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Weight Verification

All FX vehicles must report to the scales after every pass, win or loss in qualifying or racing. Failing to do so in qualifying will have the run disallowed. Competitors failing to do so in racing will be disqualified.



Mandatory, Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook.

I 28


Class Description Nostalgia Top Fuel (N/TF) is an exhibition bracket featuring front engine dragsters. This class runs on nitro methane fuel but has significant restrictions in place regarding fuel pumps, superchargers and tyre size. This class runs off a Heads Up Pro Tree start. All current N/TF as permitted by ANFA rules will be permitted. Weight Minimum weight 1800lb (816.5kg) with driver CLASS REGULATIONS Engine Only American-made automotive Big Block type V8 Pushrod-type engines permitted, limited to 16 push rods. Chrysler 392 based/Chrysler 426 based/Big Block Ford based and Big Block Chev (incl Arias). Any other engines will be considered by submission. Maximum cubic inches 500. Alloy blocks mandatory. Machining of blocks to reduce weight is prohibited. No Iron Blocks. Alloy and billet cylinder heads allowed (2 valves per cylinder only). Accepted billet heads must remain as manufactured, no overhead cams allowed. Valve Covers Cast or fabricated metal valve covers using all attachment bolts mandatory. Carbon fibre/composite valve covers prohibited. Ignition Any type of magneto and associated coil and points box allowed. Single magneto & coil only (eg, MSD Grid) permitted. A positive ignition shutoff within the reach of the driver is mandatory.

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Batteries Batteries must be securly mounted and must not be in driver’s compartment unless sealed off. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Liquid Overflow Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook.

Lower Engine Containment Device ballistic/restraint device. In addition, a fabricated metal oil containment device, designed to hold oil within the frame rails without spilling oil on the racing surface is required. The device should run from the rear motor plate to a minimum of 1 inch forward of the front seal. Dry sump system mandatory. Fuel

Nitro methane (70% minimum) and methanol only blend permitted. All other fuels prohibited (No Nitrous Oxide). Fuel System Any fuel pump to a maximum size of 34 gallons (129 litres). e.g. Waterman Mini Bertha with 1.5” gear. Up to 26 nozzles allowed e.g. 10 in hat & 16 in manifold, no down nozzles. No additional fuel delivery system allowed. Fuel tank and fuel lines must be within the confines of the frame and be protected from coming in contact with the track surface. Fuel lines as per ANDRA Rulebook General Regulations. Must have fuel shutoff operable from the driver’s seat. Fuel tank must be equipped with a positive locking screw-on cap. Limited to 16 nozzle jets in the blower manifold. Total maximum nozzles 26. Down nozzles in heads prohibited. Any air intake (injector) allowed limited to 50 square inches (32,258 mm²) including shafts. Internal modifications allowed. Top of injector not to exceed 50% of windshield height measured from the top of the supercharger. High speed lean-out system allowed. Up to a 2” spacer between Hat and Blower allowed. Throttle Throttle control must be manually operated by the driver’s foot; electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics or any other device may in no way affect the throttle operation. Throttle must incorporate a positive-action return system. Refer ANDRA general regulations.



Supercharger and Manifold Restricted to Roots-type supercharger; rotor helix angle not to exceed that of standard 71-series GM-type rotor. 6-71 cast or billet case allowed, billet rotors only, maximum overdrive is 50%. High-helix rotors prohibited. Set back blowers allowed, rear of blower end plate not to extend past the front of the rear engine plate. Supercharger restraint system meeting SFI 14.3, Aluminium studs required to clamp blower to manifold. Front mounted manifold burst panel meeting SFI spec 23.1 mandatory. Turbochargers, screw-type superchargers, and centrifugal-type superchargers prohibited. Any manifold (no tunnel ram type) 6” max runner length

I 30

Vent Tube Breathers Vent tubes must be double clamped at each connection. Minimum diameter, 1 ¼ inches for all breather tubes. All quick connections in the system must have a secondary locking system (tape, wire ties etc not allowed). Minimum catch-can (s) capacity is 7.6 litres (8 quart). Catch-can (s) must be mounted behind driver and have adequate internal baffling to prevent oil from being deposited on racing surface. Refer ANDRA General Regulations. Clutch, Flywheel, Flywheel Shield Clutch management system prohibited. Maximum number of discs four. Maximum number of fingers six. All clutches must incorporate a clutch pedal. Release of clutch must be the result of a manual operation by the driver’s foot. No staged or lock up systems allowed. Clutch allowance will be reviewed annually. Engine plate to be minimum of 6061-7075 aluminium or 4130 chrome moly, Minimum .250” thick. No Autos or Torque converters. Clutch allowances will be reviewed annually. Flywheel and clutch to meet SFI spec 1.3 or 1.4. Refer “Clutch” general Regulation, ANDRA Rulebook. Flywheel Shield / Bellhousing Required. Refer “Flywheel Shields/ Bellhousing” General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Driveline Protection Driveline must be covered in .062 chrome moly steel or .125-inch 6061 aluminium 360-degree full cover. Couplers mandatory. Rear cover must surround the coupler. Front cover must surround the driveshaft from the back of the reverser to behind the front edge of the seat, through the bulkhead panel. Protective shield required beneath driver’s seat. Refer General Regulations 4.9.5 on page 213. Rear End Rear-end gear ratio limited to 3.5:1 or numerically higher (e.g. 4.1 or 4.3). Aftermarket full-floating, proprietary or live axle assembly mandatory. Transmission A maximum of 2 forward speeds, driver operated reverser required. Transmission must be planetary-type design (Lenco or B&J). OEM or Powerglide-type units prohibited. A ballistic shield meeting SFI 4.1 minimum must cover all transmissions Brakes 11x4” piston aftermarket rear wheel brakes mandatory – refer ANDRA Rulebook. Application and release of brakes must be a function of the driver. Electronics, pneumatics, or any other device may in no way affect or assist brake operation. Foot or hand brake must be located inside of driver compartment. Steel brake lines mandatory. Refer General Regulations “Brakes” ANDRA Rulebook for Carbon brake requirement. Suspension Rigid suspension mandatory.

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Wheelbase Maximum 225 inches on long side. Steering Heim joints (moly or hi-tensile) must be a minimum of 3/8-inch shank diameter and must be installed with washers to prevent bearing pullout. Removable steering wheel, if used, must meet SFI spec 42.1 Ballast Permitted. Refer “Ballast” General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook.

Parachutes Dual parachutes mandatory. Fire-resistant protective covers must be on all parachutes packs and unpacked shroud lines. Refer ANDRA general regulations. 12” minimum size. Roll Cage/Chassis Must meet SFI 2.2 as minimum. As per ANDRA General Regulations. Wheelie Bars Permitted. Wheelbase Maximum wheelbase variation from left to right: 2 inches Tyres Race-only spec tires on front mandatory. Size of rear tires limited to a maximum 13-inch wide. Tyre allowances will be reviewed annually. Wheels Must be bead-lock on rear. Front must be Billet Type or spun aluminium, no cast. No cast drive wheels allowed. SFI 15.3 minimum required. Where SFI 15.4 wheels are used, wheel must mate with required drive hub type.   Firewall/Floor Engine plate to be minimum of 6061-7075 aluminium or 4130 chrome moly. .250 thousandths thick minimum. Firewall must seal driver from engine compartment. Floor to be Aluminium or Steel, Magnesium prohibited. Interior All sheet metal within the driver’s compartment must be aluminium, titanium or steel. Magnesium prohibited.



Ground Clearance Minimum 3 inches from front of car to 12 inches behind centreline of front axle; 2 inches for the remainder of the car, except oil pans and headers.

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Spoiler Side-mounted canard type units permitted, securely mounted below the headers and in front of the rear tyres. Front wing permitted. Maximum canard wing surface 450 square inches. Canards may not extend more than 2 inches outside rear tyres. Front wing must not be higher than top of front tyres and may not extend outside of front tyres. In addition, total front wing surface must not exceed 500 square inches. Maximum wicker on tyres on and front wings 0.500 inch. Canards and front wings only aerodynamic surfaces allowed. Any disguised surfaces prohibited. Maximum overhang 30 inches, measured from the forwardmost spindle. Data Recorders Permitted. Cannot perform any management function. Delay Devices Prohibited. Driver & Safety Fire Extinguisher System

Refer ANDRA Rulebook , General Regulations. Driver Restraint System

Refer ANDRA Rulebook. Neck Collar

Refer ANDRA Rulebook Head Protector

Refer ANDRA Rulebook. Protective Clothing

Refer ANDRA Rulebook. Driver Frontal Head Restraint System

Refer ANDRA Rulebook Helmets

Refer ANDRA Rulebook Seat Belts

Refer ANDRA Rulebook. Technical Inspection Required Licence ANDRA Group 2 UDL as minimum

I 33


Class Description ONFC Exhibition bracket featuring composite bodied replicas of later model and nostalgia coupes. This class runs on nitro-methane fuel but has significant restrictions in place in regards to fuel pumps and superchargers. This class runs off a Heads Up Pro Tree start. ONFC Reserved for nitro-methane fuelled Outlaw Funny Cars • All current N/FC as permitted by ANFA rules will be permitted.

Note: Except where permitted by class regulations, any competitor found to be employing reactive traction systems or devices by any means will be subject to a twelve (12) month suspension and a fine of $15,000. Class Designation: Note: Rules will be constantly reviewed subject to performance and safety. CLASS REGULATIONS Engine:

Only Chrysler 426 Hemi based, V8 pushrod-type engines permitted, limited to 16 pushrods. Forged aluminium blocks, preferred. Any other engines will be considered by submission. Maximum cubic inches 500. Alloy blocks mandatory. Machining of blocks to reduce weight is prohibited. Cylinder Heads

Cylinder Heads. Alloy and billet heads allowed (2 valves per cylinder only). Billet heads must remain as manufactured, no overhead cams allowed. Ignition

Any single magneto and coil & retard system allowed. Lower Engine Containment Device

Ballistic/restraint device. In addition, a fabricated metal oil containment device, designed to hold oil within the frame rails without spilling oil on the racing surface is required. The device should run from the rear motor plate to a minimum of 1 inch forward of the front seal. A dry sump system is required.



I 34


Double wall insulated exhaust headers mandatory. Outer sleeve must extend from flange, to start of bend at the bottom of the body. Fuel

Nitro methane (70% minimum) and methanol only blend permitted. All other fuels prohibited (No Nitrous Oxide). Fuel System

Any fuel pump to a maximum size of 34 gallons (129 litres). e.g. Waterman Mini Bertha with 1.5” gear. Up to 26 nozzles allowed e.g. 10 in hat & 16 in manifold, no down nozzles. No additional fuel delivery system allowed. Fuel tank and fuel lines must be within the confines of the frame and be protected from coming in contact with the track surface. Fuel lines as per ANDRA Rulebook General Regulations. Must have fuel shutoff operable from the driver’s seat. Fuel tank must be equipped with a positive locking screw-on cap. Limited to 16 nozzle jets in the blower manifold. Total maximum nozzles 26. Down nozzles in heads prohibited. Any air intake (injector) allowed limited to 50 square inches (32,258 mm²) including shafts. Internal modifications allowed. Top of injector not to exceed 50% of windshield height measured from the top of the supercharger. High speed lean-out system allowed. Up to a 2” spacer between Hat and Blower allowed. Supercharger and Manifold

Restricted to Roots-type supercharger; rotor helix angle not to exceed that of standard 71-series GM-type rotor. 6-71 cast or billet case allowed, billet rotors only, maximum overdrive is 50%. Set back blowers allowed, rear of blower end plate not to extend past the front of the rear engine plate. Supercharger restraint system meeting SFI 14.3, Aluminium studs required to clamp blower to manifold. Front mounted manifold burst panel meeting SFI spec 23.1 mandatory. Turbochargers, screw-type superchargers, and centrifugal-type superchargers prohibited. Any manifold (no tunnel ram type) 6” max runner length Throttle

Throttle control must be manually operated by the driver’s foot; electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics or any other device may in no way affect the throttle operation. Throttle must incorporate a positive-action return system. Refer ANDRA general regulations. Valve Covers

Cast or fabricated metal valve covers using all attachment bolts mandatory. Carbon fibre/composite valve covers prohibited. Vent Tube Breathers

Vent tubes must be double clamped at each connection. Minimum diameter, 1 ¼ inches for all breather tubes. All quick connections in the system must have a secondary locking system (tape, wire ties etc not allowed). Minimum catch-can (s) capacity is 7.6 litres (8 quart). Catch-can (s) must be mounted behind driver and have adequate internal baffling to prevent oil from being deposited on racing surface. Refer ANDRA General Regulations.

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Clutch management system prohibited. Maximum number of discs four. Maximum number of fingers six. Glide style clutches only. All clutches must incorporate a clutch pedal. Release of clutch must be the result of a manual operation by the driver’s foot. No staged or lock up systems allowed. Engine plate to be minimum of 6061-7075 aluminium or 4130 chrome moly, Minimum .250” (6.35mm) thick. No Autos or Torque converters. Clutch allowances will be reviewed annually. Flywheel and clutch to meet SFI spec 1.3 or 1.4. • Flywheel Shield / Bellhousing required. Refer ANDRA Rulebook “Clutch”.

Rear End

Rear-end gear ratio limited to 3.5:1 or numerically higher (e.g. 4.1 or 4.3). Aftermarket full-floating, proprietary or live axle assembly mandatory. Transmission

A maximum of 2 forward speeds, driver operated reverser required. Transmission must be planetary-type design (Lenco or B&J). OEM or Powerglide-type units prohibited. A ballistic shield meeting SFI 4.1 minimum must cover all transmissions. Automatic transmission and convertors prohibited. Brakes Disk brakes on all four wheels mandatory. 11x4” piston aftermarket rear wheel brakes mandatory, refer to ANDRA Regulations. Application and release of brakes must be a function of the driver. Electronics, pneumatics, or any other device may in no way affect or assist brake operation. Foot or hand brake must be located inside of driver compartment. Steel brake lines mandatory. Front brakes mandatory on all vehicles. Refer General Regulations “Brakes” ANDRA Rulebook for Carbon brake requirement. Suspension

Rigid suspension mandatory. Wheelbase Minimum: 118 inches. Maximum: 125 inches on long side. Steering Heim joints (moly or hi-tensile) must be a minimum of 3/8inch (9.525mm) shank diameter and must be installed with washers to prevent bearing pull-out. Removable steering wheel, if used, must meet SFI spec 42.1



Driveline Cover: Driveline must be covered in .062 chrome moly steel or .125-inch 6061 aluminium 360-degree full cover. Couplers mandatory. Rear cover must surround the coupler. Front cover must surround the driveshaft from the back of the reverser to behind the front edge of the seat, through the bulkhead panel. Protective shield required beneath driver’s seat. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook.

I 36


Refer ANDRA Rulebook “Ballast”. Ground Clearance

Minimum 3 inches(76.2mm) from front of car to 12 inches (304.8mm) behind centreline of front axle; 2 inches for the remainder of the car, except oil pans and headers. Refer ANDRA Rulebook , “Ground Clearance”. Parachutes

Dual parachutes mandatory. Fire-resistant protective covers must be on all parachutes packs and unpacked shroud lines. Refer ANDRA general regulations. 12’ (304.8mm) minimum size. Refer ANDRA Rulebook, “Parachutes”. Roll Cage/Chassis

Must meet SFI 10.1C as minimum. As per ANDRA Rulebook, General Regulations. Maximum wheelbase variation from left to right: 2 inches (50.8mm). Tyres

Race-only spec tires on front mandatory. Size of rear tires limited to a maximum of 34.5-inch (876.3mm) diameter x 17-inch (431.8mm) wide. Tyre allowances will be reviewed annually. Wheels

Must be bead-locked on rear. Front must be Billet type or spun aluminium, no cast. No cast drive wheels allowed. SFI 15.3 minimum required. Where SFI 15.4 wheels are used, wheel must mate with required drive hub type. Upholstery

Optional. If used, must be of suitable fireproof material. Refer ANDRA Rulebook General Regulations. Fire proof covering over seat highly recommended. Interior

All sheet metal within the driver’s compartment must be aluminium, titanium or steel. Magnesium prohibited. Body

FC bodies limited to any one piece automotive style, sedan based. Bodies must resemble the original mass-produced make and model. Bodies may be made of fibreglass or carbon fibre. Body must lift off as a one-piece unit. Minimum body width is 60 inches (1.525mm), measured at the centreline of the front and rear axle. Maximum lowering of roof height 2 inches (50.8mm). Front fender bubbles allowed, maximum 2 ½ inches (63.5mm). Injector box in windshield cannot exceed 50% of windshield height. A protective means is required to prevent accidental operation of throttle when opening or lowering body (e.g. A shields over throttle linkage or adequate clearance to body). Fireproof paint required on the underside of body. Burst panel between supercharger opening and front wheel arch highly recommended, minimum area 235 square inches (151,613 square mm). Rear wing height must not exceed roof level as car sits on the ground. Rear Spill plate or wing overhang must

I 37

not exceed 12 inches (304.8mm) from the most rear part of the body. Body model / year is capped at 2002. Escape Hatch

A working escape hatch must be installed in top of body to permit easy driver exit, see-through types prohibited. Minimum size, 18 inches x 17 inches (457.2mm x 431.8mm). Roof hatches must be permanently attached and hinged at front. Firewall/Floor:


Read in conjunction with ‘Body spec’. Allowed front and rear. Front spoiler limited to overall overhang measurement of 40 inches (1,016mm) overhang when measured from the centreline of the forward-most spindle. No extension devices allowed. Airfoils prohibited. Data Recorders

Permitted. Cannot perform any management function. Fire Extinguisher System

Refer ANDRA Rulebook , General Regulations. Driver Restraint System

Refer ANDRA Rulebook. Neck Collar

Refer ANDRA Rulebook Head Protector

Refer ANDRA Rulebook. Protective Clothing

Refer ANDRA Rulebook. Driver Frontal Head Restraint System

Refer ANDRA Rulebook Helmets

Refer ANDRA Rulebook Seat Belts

Refer ANDRA Rulebook. Seats Refer ANDRA Rulebook Technical Inspection Required Licence

ANDRA Group 2 UDL as minimum.



Engine plate to be minimum of 6061-7075 aluminium or 4130 chrome moly 0.25” (6.35mm) thick minimum. Firewall must seal driver from engine compartment. Floor to be Aluminium or Steel, Magnesium prohibited.

I 38


Class Description This is a ruleset for an Outlaw Nitro Doorslammer / Fuel Coupe; effectively allowing for the placing of an Outlaw Nitro Funny Car powerplant into a left or right hand drive door car. CLASS REGULATIONS Engine Any internal-combustion V8 engine permitted. Aftermarket alloy blocks mandatory, cast iron or factory blocks prohibited. Machining of block to reduce weight prohibited. Maximum displacement 500ci. Ignition Any type of magneto and associated coil and points box allowed. A positive ignition shutoff within reach of the driver required. Lower Engine Containment Device Ballistic/restraint device mandatory. In addition, a fabricated oil containment device (belly pan) designed to hold oil within the frame rails without spilling on the racing surface is required. Belly pan should run from rear engine plate to minimum of 1 inch forward of the front seal. Refer General Regulations. ANDRA

Rulebook Exhaust

Double wall headers mandatory. Outer sleeve must extend from flange to start of bend at the bottom of the body. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Fuel Where nitromethane is utilised maximum 90% nitro is permitted. Fuel System Maximum size of fuel pump 34 gallons. No additional fuel delivery allowed. Fuel tank and fuel lines must be within confines of the frame and be protected from coming in contact with the track surface. Must have fuel shutoff operable from the driver’s seat. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook.

I 39

Supercharger and Manifold Restricted to standard helix 8/71 series Rootes type supercharger only. Supercharger restraint system meeting SFI 14.3 required. Manifold burst panel meeting SFI 23.1 mandatory. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Throttle Throttle control must be manually operated by the driver’s foot. Throttle must incorporate a positive-action return system. During burnouts a positive throttle stop mounted beyond the driver’s control must be fitted. Liquid Overflow

Ballast Permitted. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Batteries All wet cell batteries must be isolated from driver compartment and securely mounted. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Body May use any coupe, sedan, station wagon, panel van or utility derivative. Must have minimum two doors enabling access from either side. Must have four production type fenders/guards. Radiator/grille is optional. Burst panel in body ahead of engine recommended but not mandatory. Front Spoiler Permitted. Firewall Required. Fire windows constructed of laminated safety glass or flame resistant plastic in each side of firewall mandatory, maximum size 70mm diameter (25 square inches). Vehicles must incorporate metal deflector (firewall extension) between the fenders and the leading edge of the doors such that fire, liquid etc cannot come around the edge of the firewall and into the driver compartment. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Escape Hatch A working escape hatch may be in the roof to permit easy driver exit. Suggested size 18” x 17”. If fitted escape hatch must be permanently attached and hinged at the front. Escape hatch is recommended not mandatory. Roll Cage Roll cage must meet SFI 25.1D as minimum.



Vent tube breathers must be double clamped at each connection. Minimum diameter 1.5 inches for all breather tubes. All quick connections must have a secondary locking system. Minimum catch-can capacity is 7.5L. Catch can must be behind driver and have adequate internal baffling to prevent oil from being deposited on racing surface. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook.

I 40

Rear Wing Rear deck wing permitted. Rear air foil permitted but must be securely fixed. Street Equipment Headlights may be painted on. OEM glass headlights prohibited. Windshield & Windows Must be in good condition and remain permanently closed. Polycarbonate of minimum 3mm (1/8 inch) thickness permitted in any window. Front windscreen must be clear on all vehicles. Where side windows are fitted an opening minimum 6 inches diameter provided adjacent driver is recommended. Clutch All clutches must incorporate a clutch pedal. Release of clutch pedal must be a result of manual operation by the driver’s foot. Centrifugal type clutch only permitted. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Driveline Protection Any part of the driveline passing the driver’s body must be completely enclosed in 3mm (1/8 inch) steel plate or .050 inch CM4130 as minimum, securely mounted to the frame or frame structure. Rear driveshaft retainer loop required. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Flywheel Shield Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Transmission Transmission must be planetary-style design. No torque converters or OEM gearboxes. Ballistic shield meeting SFI 4.1 mandatory. An operative reverse gear is required. Maximum forward speeds two. Rear Axle Spools permitted. Fully floating hubs required. Wheels Drive wheels must comply with SFI 15.3. Brakes Four wheel hydraulic brakes required as minimum. Carbon fibre brake rotors mandatory. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Suspension All suspension regulations pertaining to Top Doorslammer regulations apply, except that rear suspension is optional. Arm Restraints/Window Net Required. Refer General Regulations. Driver Position May be relocated rearwards from stock position. Seat back may be no closer than 610mm to rear axle centre line.

I 41

Fire Extinguisher System Required. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook.. Helmet Full face Snell SA2015, SA2010, SFI 31.2 (or later) required. Where it can be established that a face mask or respirator is necessary, an open face helmet meeting the relevant standard will be accepted although full face helmets with built in respirators are highly recommended. Environmental air breathing systems recommended. Refer General Regulations. ANDRA Rulebook Neck Collar/Frontal Head Restraint Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook..

Dual parachutes with separate shroud line attachments mandatory on all vehicles. Shroud lines must be covered with leather or other flame retardant material from the mounting point to the pack. Protective Clothing Driving suit meeting SFI 3.2A/20, gloves and boots meeting SFI 3.3/15 and balaclava or helmet sock meeting SFI 3.3 required. Refer General Regulations. ANDRA Rulebook. Harness Required. Refer General Regulations ANDRA Rulebook. Self Starting Remote starters may be used but removal of panels for access is prohibited. Technical Inspection Required Licence Group 2 UDL required as minimum. During performance testing driver must demonstrate ability to exit car via both doors.




I 42



Class Description OX. This is a ruleset for an Extreme Outlaw style exhibition class; the vision for this class is that it will encompass lightweight sedans with or without power adders encompassing turbocharged, nitrous assisted, supercharged and naturally aspirated engine combinations in a recognisable sedan. This class will be exhibition (non-championship) only, heads up, Pro Tree, no breakout, no index racing.

Note: Reactive or traction control systems are permitted in these classes CLASS REGULATIONS Supercharger Overdrive Limits

Superchargers other than those listed must be approved by ANDRA. In order to maintain parity among the different body and engine combinations types, ANDRA has developed a range of weight limits. These limits are subject to amendment with 28 days’ notice to current competitors, if deemed necessary by ANDRA. Minimum Weights

Rootes Supercharged vehicles 1133.98 kg (2500 lbs) including driver Screw Supercharged vehicles 1156.66 kg (2550lbs) including driver Turbocharged vehicles 1156.66 kg (2550 lbs) including driver Nitrous Assisted vehicles 1020.58 kg (2250 lbs) including driver Naturally Aspirated vehicles 952.54 kg (2100 lbs) including driver Engine

Must be a 6 cylinder or V8, automobile based engine. Any modification allowed. No more than one engine permitted. Maximum permitted bore spacing is 5.300 inches. Any engine setback allowed. Rear engine location is not permitted. Refer “Engine” ANDRA Rulebook.

I 43


Refer “Exhaust” ANDRA Rulebook. Fuel Restricted to methanol, ethanol or petrol only. Refer “Fuel” ANDRA Rulebook. Induction

Any permitted, Any carburettor(s), EFI (no limit on throttle bodies) or Mechanical Fuel injection permitted. Liquid Overflow

Refer “Liquid Overflow” ANDRA Rulebook. Required. Refer “Lower Engine Containment Device” ANDRA Rulebook. Power Adders

Supercharger or Turbocharger or Nitrous Oxide Permitted. Nitrous Oxide permitted as a standalone power adder or Nitrous Oxide permitted on Turbocharged six cylinder entries only as a second power adder. Refer “Power Adders” ANDRA Rulebook. Turbochargers

Turbochargers must meet SFI 61.1 Ballasts

Permitted, Refer “Ballast” ANDRA Rulebook. Batteries

All wet cell batteries must be isolated from driver compartment and must be securely mounted. Refer “Batteries” ANDRA Rulebook. Body

May use any coupe, sedan, station wagon, panel van or utility derivative originally mass produced by any automobile manufacturer. Fender-less Hot Rod-type vehicles, one piece bodies, Funny Car, Altered style bodies or rear/ mid-engine sports cars are not permitted. Fibreglass or composite bodies are permitted. All vehicles must have at least two fully operational doors that permit exit and/ or entry from either side. Four door bodies may be converted to a two door. Left or right-handed drive is permitted. Centre steering is prohibited. Body may be lengthened equal to any permitted wheelbase increase, with the maximum wheel base being 115 inches (2921 mm). All OEM wheelbase measurement longer than 115 inches (2921 mm) must be reduced to the maximum 115 inches (2921 mm), minimum wheelbase 105 inches (2667 mm). Overall body length may be reduced to directly reflect any required wheelbase reduction. Bodies must not be shortened more than is necessary to comply with this rule. Overall minimum vehicle height, as measured from the ground to the highest point of the roof, must be no less than 45 inches (1143 mm). Body width at the rear axle may be reduced, but must be a minimum of 68 inches (1727 mm). Body width at front axle may be reduced, but must be a minimum of 63 inches (1600 mm). Rear quarter panel alterations; raising and modifying permitted for tyre clearance only.



Lower Engine Containment Device

I 44

Front Clip

A front clip is required all vehicles. Side panels may be omitted. A one-piece bonnet/guard/grille assembly is permitted. Headlight and grill may be reduced in size to reflective of any narrowing. Any permitted lip in the frontal overhang measurement. Hood scoops permitted. On Supercharged vehicles; supercharger and injector must protrude through bonnet. Fenders (Guards) All vehicles must have four production type fenders/ guards Front Overhang

The maximum front overhang (measured from the axles centre of the forward-most wheel to the furthermost edge of the front bumper) for all vehicles is 45 inches (1143mm), inclusive of any permitted lip. Vehicles may extend front overhang to 45 inches (1143mm) with the use of an attached extension (Dobber Plate). Radiator and Grille

Radiators are optional. Grille/s required, may be painted on but must maintain original contours and appearance Rear Deck Wings

Permitted, but must be securely fixed and constructed of aluminium, carbon fiber or composite; must not be higher than the highest point of the roof. Rear most edge of spill plates and deck wing must not extend more than 60 inches (1524 mm) behind the center of the rear axle Rear Air Foils

Permitted, but must be securely fixed and constructed of Aluminium, Carbon Fibre or Composite. Maximum air foil top surface area is 1000 inches sq (6451.6 sq cm). Maximum total spill plate outer surface area is 240 inches (1548 sq cm) per side and may be attached to the body for stability. Rear air foil edge and spill plates may extend the lesser of 60 inches (1524 mm) behind the rear axle centreline or 12 inches (304.8m mm) beyond the rearmost point of the body, as determined by ANDRA. Air foils or spill plates must not be higher than the highest point of the roof and must not be wider than the widest point of the body.

Note: Panel Van and Station Wagons are permitted to utilise deck wings and aerofoils upon approval by ANDRA. Street Equipment

Headlights must be in original location relative to the grille/bumper, but may be painted on. OEM glass headlights are prohibited. Auto Trans/Converter Drives/Converters

Transbrake permitted. The use of torque converters incorporating a lock-up function is permitted. The use of computer assisted (reactive) activation is permitted. Refer “Drivetrain” ANDRA Rulebook. Clutch The use of two-stage clutch systems incorporating a lock-up function is permitted. The use of computer assisted (reactive) activation is permitted. Refer “Clutch” ANDRA Rulebook

I 45

Drive Line

Drive lines passing any part of the driver’s body must be completely enclosed in 3mm (1/8 inch) steel plate or 1.27mm (.050”) CM4130 as a minimum, securely mounted to the frame or frame structure. May be modified or fabricated to fit altered units. Refer “Drivetrain” ANDRA Rulebook . Flywheels/Shields:

Refer “Flywheel” and “Flywheel Shields / Bellhousing” ANDRA Rulebook. Rear Axle

Spools permitted. Fully floating hubs required. Refer “Rear Axle” ANDRA Rulebook. Aftermarket or production automobile transmissions of any year, make, model or ratio are permitted. Operative reverse gear is required. Transmission must remain in conventional location determined by engine used. Aftermarket clutchless transmissions are permitted to a maximum of five forward speeds. Automated shifting devices are permitted. Refer “Drivetrain” ANDRA Rulebook. Wheels

Drive wheels must comply with the SFI 15.3 or 15.4 Specification Brakes Four wheel hydraulic brakes required as minimum, Carbon Fibre Brakes recommended Refer “Brakes” ANDRA Rulebook. Suspension

Each car must have operative suspension front and rear and be equipped with at least one effective shock absorber per wheel. Refer “Suspension” ANDRA Rulebook. Arm Restraints/Window Nets

Required. Refer ”Window Nets” and “Arm Restraints” ANDRA Rulebook. Driver Position

May be relocated rearwards from stock position. Centre steering not permitted. Fire Extinguisher System

Refer General Regulations “Fire Extinguishers” and “Onboard Fire Suppression Systems” ANDRA Rulebook. Helmet

SNELL SA2010, SA2015, SFI 31.2 (or later) full face helmet required. Where it can be established that a face mask or respirator is necessary, such as in methanol or ethanol burning sedans, an open face helmet meeting the relevant Snell standard for the class/performance will be accepted, although full face helmets with built in respirators are highly recommended. Refer “Helmets” ANDRA Rulebook. Neck Collar

Refer General Regulations “Neck Collar” and “Frontal Head Restraint” ANDRA Rulebook




I 46

Night Lighting

Required. Refer “Night Lighting” ANDRA Rulebook. Parachutes

Required. Dual parachutes with separate shroud line attachments mandatory on all vehicles. Refer “Parachutes” ANDRA Rulebook. Protective Clothing

Required. Driving suit meeting SFI-3.2A/20 with fire resistant gloves and boots, meeting SFI 3.3/15 required. Balaclava meeting FIA 8856-2000 or SFI 3.3 is required. A balaclava is not mandatory when the helmet used is manufactured with a skirt, labelled as meeting SFI 3.3. Refer “Protective Clothing” ANDRA Rulebook. Roll Bar/Cage

Required. Must meet SFI 25.1D as a minimum or 25.2 Refer “Roll Bars & Safety Cages” ANDRA Rulebook Safety Belts

Required. Refer “Seat Belts / Harnesses” ANDRA Rulebook. Self-Starting

Remote starters may be used, but removal of panels for access is prohibited. Technical Inspection

Required. Refer “Technical Inspections” ANDRA Rulebook. Licence Requirements

UDL Group 2 as minimum. Refer ANDRA Rulebook.

I 47


Class Description X/M. This is a ruleset for an Extreme Motorcycle style exhibition class; the vision for this class is that it will include the popular Pro-Street style bikes, full chassis (lay-down or sit-up) bikes, big bore V-Twins and everything in between. Combinations with power adders will run on a Heads-Up Pro Tree start against combinations without them.

Note: Reactive or traction control systems are permitted in these classes. Engine manufacturer will determine make of bike. Minimum Weight

Minimum weight for X/M is 220kg (485lbs) including rider. ANDRA reserve the right to revise this requirement with 28 days notice prior to any scheduled event. Engine

Any motorcycle type or motorcycle derived engine permitted. Any cylinder head modifications permitted. Any aftermarket cylinder head(s) permitted. Any single form of chemical or mechanical supercharging permitted. Multiple turbochargers or multiple stages of nitrous oxide will be considered a single form of supercharging. Fuel

Engines using nitrous oxide injection, supercharging or turbocharging restricted to methanol, ethanol or petrol only. Refer “Fuel” ANDRA Rulebook. Engines using carburettors only may utilise nitromethane. Induction

Any carburettors, mechanical or electronic fuel injection permitted. Exhaust

Any exhaust system permitted. Refer General Regulations “Exhaust” ANDRA Rulebook.




I 48

Liquid Overflow

Liquid Overflow required. Refer General Regulations “Liquid Overflow” ANDRA Rulebook. Chain Guard

Exposed chains must be covered on their top run between the centre lines of the sprockets. Minimum material specifications for chain guards: 25mm (1 inch) by 3mm(1/8 inch) steel or alloy. Clutch The use of multi-stage, lock up type or slider type clutch is permitted. Refer “Clutch” ANDRA Rulebook.. Transmission

Transmission must be shifted manually or by air shifter. Each individual shift must be a function of the rider. Body

Front mudguard required. Replica fairing permitted but may be deleted. Controls

Handlebars must be a minimum 609mm (24 inch) wide and minimum 22mm (7/8 inch) x .058” steel or .089” 7075 T6 aluminium. All tubular handlebars must be plugged at the ends. All bikes must have a self-returning twist grip throttle. A positive action ignition kill switch (not button) must be mounted within reach of the handgrip. A “lanyard” type kill switch must be fitted and be attached to the rider while operating. Delay Devices

Delay devices are prohibited. Refer “Delay Devices” ANDRA Rulebook. Engine Management

Refer to General Regulations “Electrical” ANDRA Rulebook. Frame

Steering head angle may not be less than stock. Stock or aftermarket frames permitted. Any modification to stock frames permitted as long as the frame is not weakened. Swing arms and struts may be welded. Removable ballast to a maximum of 12kg (26.4 lbs.) Permitted. Ground Clearance

Minimum of 50mm (2 inches) ground clearance with rider in position and machine ready to race. Brakes

Operative hydraulic brakes required front and rear. Suspension

Front suspension only required. Minimum fork diameter is 32mm (1.25 inches). Steering damper mandatory.

I 49

Wheelie Bars

Wheelie Bars must be capable of supporting the weight of the bike with the rider in position. Non-metallic wheels mandatory. Wheels/Tyres

Minimum front tyre width of 70mm (2.75 inches) as marked by manufacturer. Front wheel must be between 406.5mm (16 inches) and 482.6mm (19 inches) in diameter. Slicks permitted. Replacement wheels permitted front and rear. Helmet

Protective Clothing

Full leather gloves, full leathers and full leather boots extending at least 275mm from the base of the heel required as minimum. Short boots that extend to above ankle are accepted in bike classes providing the rider’s pants extend to cover part of the boot and prevent exposure of skin. Clothing should include full length pants, no shortened pant types allowed. The wearing of club “colours” in conjunction with leathers or otherwise is expressly forbidden. Refer “Protective Clothing” ANDRA Rulebook. Night Lighting

Night Lighting is required. Refer General Regulations, ANDRA Rulebook. Self Starting

Self Starting Required. Refer “Self Starting” ANDRA Rulebook.. Push starts are prohibited. Technical Inspection Technical Inspections are Mandatory for all motorcycles. Refer General Regulations “Technical Inspections” ANDRA Rulebook. Licence Requirements

Group 2 Unlimited licence as a minimum. Refer ANDRA Rulebook.



SNELL M2010, M2015, SFI 41.2 (or later), SNELL SA2010, SA2015, SFI 31.2 (or later) full face helmet with visor required. Refer “Helmets” ANDRA Rulebook.

I 50



Exemptions Unmodified Modern Street Cars Modern Street Cars that are electric or hybrid-electric powered are exempted from the following regulations if they are unmodified from OEM manufactured specification. Unmodified Production Motorcycles Production Motorcycles that are electric or hybrid-electric powered are exempted from the following regulations if they are unmodified from OEM manufactured specification. Definitions: Accumulator: Any device used for storing electrical energy for later distribution to the traction motor, this may be a battery, capacitor or other device. Battery Management System (BMS): A BMS is an electronic device connected to the electrical connections of a group of accumulator cells with the purpose of providing automatic control during charging and discharging to ensure that the cell’s charge voltage is kept within the limits specified by the cell manufacturer. Power Circuit: The power circuit consists of all parts of the electrical equipment which are used for moving the vehicle. On-Board Circuit: The on-board circuit consists of all parts of the electrical equipment which are used for signalling, lighting, communication or instrumentation. IEC Publications If no specific rule exists in these regulations, the following relevant IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Standards or Reports must be observed: 1. IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code). 2.

IEC 60783 Wiring and connectors for electric road vehicles.


IEC 60784 Instrumentation for electric road vehicles.


IEC 60785 Rotating machines for electric road vehicles.


IEC 60786 Controllers for electric road vehicles.

Requirements and specifications for Electric Powered Vehicles are the same as those for Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles, with the following exceptions:

I 51

Electrical Safety The competitor must ensure that any electrical components used cannot cause injury in any circumstance. All electrically live parts must be protected against accidental contact. All electrically conducting non-live parts must be connected to the vehicle ground. Between the system ground and the chassis or body of the vehicle no more than 50 Volts are permitted.

Power Circuit and/or high-current wiring may not be located in or pass through the driver’s compartment. All Power Circuit wiring must be isolated from the vehicle chassis. No part of the Power Circuit wiring is to be outside of the vehicle’s frame / body dimensions. All parts of the Electrical equipment must be protected to the equivalent of IP 55 type protection. Fuel System All vehicles converted from ICE to electric power must have all fuel system components removed from the vehicle. Traction Motor An Electric motor, or multiple of, is the only type of propulsion permitted. The maximum height of an electric-motor output-shaft centreline is the same as the applicable crankshaft centreline height for ICE powered vehicles. Traction Motor Shield Vehicles with an exposed motor(s) must have a motor shield, fully surrounding the motor(s), which ensures that there is no possibility of material being ejected past the shield in any circumstance. The motor shield must be fabricated from a minimum of 3mm gauge steel or 6mm aluminium Vehicles without an exposed motor(s) must have sufficient motor coverage to ensure that there is no possibility of material being ejected past the cover in any circumstance.



Where the voltage of the power circuit exceeds 42 Volts, the power circuit must be separated from the on-board circuit by an adequate insulator. Clearly visible “High Voltage” Symbols must be displayed on or near the 42v+ electrical equipment protective covers.

I 52

Traction Motor Controller All vehicles must have a motor controller. The motor controller must interrupt power supply to the motor(s) if the overall accumulator pack voltage is greater or less than the cell manufacturer’s charge voltage limits. Propulsion System Failure The vehicle must be able to freewheel in the event of propulsion system failure. Accumulator All vehicles using acid filled batteries must use absorbed glass mat or starved electrolyte type batteries as a power source. As a condition of entry, a Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) must be supplied with the race entry for the vehicle, including all relevant details as to the battery chemistry, human and environmental hazards, handling and specific fire risks and precautions. All accumulator packs must have overcurrent protection. Overcurrent protection devices must have a DC voltage rating equal to or greater than the nominal accumulator pack voltage. The current rating of the overcurrent protection must be lower than a short-circuit current that the accumulator pack can produce without damage. Accumulators may be placed in packs separate from each other, which must be individually fused. Accumulator Mounting Accumulator(s) must be securely and robustly fixed to the chassis of the vehicle, outside of the driver’s compartment. The fixing method must ensure that neither the accumulator nor the fastening device nor anchorage points can become loose, in any circumstance. The accumulator installation must ensure that in the event of accumulator cell leakage or explosion, debris is kept away from the driver/rider and does not interfere in any way with the driver’s/rider’s vision or the safe handling of the vehicle. Accumulator Firewall and Deflector Plate Accumulators must be completely sealed from the driver compartment by a firewall fabricated from 3.0mm Steel or 6.0mm Aluminium. An accumulator must not be located above the top of the rear or drive tires in open-wheeled cars, or outside the body line in bodied cars. All motorcycles must have a deflector plate installed between the accumulator(s) and the rider. The deflector plate must be a minimum of either 3mm gauge steel 6mm aluminium. The deflector plate must be without openings and be suitable for its intended application.

I 53

Battery Management system (BMS) A BMS is compulsory for all vehicles using batteries. The BMS must provide feedback to the charging system to disable charging in the event that a cell or group of parallel connected cells exceeds the charge voltage limit specified by the cell manufacturer. The BMS must provide a cell balancing function. Temperature monitoring of cell modules via the BMS or another supervisory control system is recommended. Ignition

Emergency Stop An Emergency Stop, acting as a General Circuit Breaker with a manual reset, must be located on the rear of the car and be positioned such that it can be operated if the vehicle is on one side. A motorcycle must be fitted with an Emergency Stop, acting as a General Circuit Breaker. The Emergency Stop must be in the form of a lanyard attached in-between the rider and the motorcycle which operates automatically in the event of the rider becoming detached from the motorcycle. General Circuit Breaker The General Circuit Breaker must be of sufficient specification to guarantee proper operation of the breaker at all times including under surge current conditions. Low power accumulators provided for low voltage circuits may not be isolated by the General Circuit Breaker or Emergency Stops, if they are isolated from the Power Circuit accumulators. Discharge of capacitors The voltage across a capacitor(s) belonging to the power circuit must fall below 65 Volts within 5 seconds after the main contactors or and Circuit Breaker are/is opened or the fuses/overcurrent trips of the capacitor(s) are blown. Electrical Insulation All electrical equipment must have a minimum insulation resistance between all live components and earth.



When the vehicle is in a powered-on state, there must be a clear visual indicator of this state. This must be a flashing (1-2 Hertz) red light which must be visible from both sides and the rear of the vehicle at a distance of 30m. The light must be immediately disabled when the General Circuit Breaker is operated.

I 54

1. For equipment with up to 300 Volts to earth, the insulation resistance must reach or exceed 250 k Ohms. 2. For equipment with more than 300 Volts to earth, the insulation resistance must reach or exceed 500 k Ohms. The measurement of the insulation resistance must be carried out using a dc voltage of at least 100 Volts. Recharging Recharging must only take place in the vehicle’s pit area. The charging system must be separate from the vehicle and comply with all applicable electrical safety requirements including a thermal overload trip and fusing and be equipped with an earth leakage protection breaker / ground fault circuit interrupter. All chargers must be properly fused for the voltage and current rating of the charger. All electrical charging system components must have a current electrical Inspection to AS/NZS 3760: 2010. Fire Extinguisher A fire extinguisher, of sufficient capacity to extinguish any accumulator fire, must be permanently present in each vehicle’s pit area. The extinguisher type must be as specified in the Power Circuit accumulator’s MSDS / SDS or dry powder.

IMAGE CREDITS Grant Stephens, cacklingpipes.com.au Darren Shaw Photography Jeremy Horvath, High RPM Yamaha Motor Australia

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