John Barksdale Get Your Vision Right

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John Barksdale is the founder of iAM Marketing. Known to his colleagues as a visionary and creative genius, he repeatedly demonstrated an ability to predict trends and to provide his clientele with innovative yet practical ideas.

He was raised in a large family that embraced individuality and creativity. By the age of nine, he decided that he wanted to bring his family wealth, but his parents insisted that he complete his education first. Aided by home schooling, he had his high school diploma by the age of thirteen.

He started a small tech He started a small tech company right away, and company rightwork away,and and through hard through hard work determination, madeand $100,000 determination, made $100,000 in profits his very first year. He in profits first year. He gave most his of itvery back to his gave most of it back to his parents. parents.

• He is convinced that there is nothing you can’t accomplish if you set your mind to it. “You see the man before you today,” John Barksdale said, in one of his frequent motivational talks. “It’s your decision to get into your mind to get your vision right, to set and make a decision to who you’re going to be. Hold that decision strong. Put the time and effort into it now. Do what others won’t do now so that you can have what others will never have later. It’s your choice.” Visit:

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