Axiological trajectories of our great traditions

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for example, of these journeys and associated practices, there is a broader thrust than merely the soteriological and that is the axiological trajectory, which has 4 subtrajectories -

ecclesiological (empowering),

eschatological (orienting),

sophiological (dedicating or sanctifying) &

soteriological (nurturing and healing & liberating or saving)

a lot of this goes on, implicitly even, in our secular order, abundantly even, as we are oriented by history's accumulated wisdom, empowered by our social engagements, nurtured & healed thru our economic exchanges, liberated through political operations and dedicated to the beautiful through our cultural activities, all animated by the Spirit, Who grows humankind, even unawares, consistent w/our 5-fold Christology

our great traditions gift us with a superabundance as we appropriate this giftedness, reality's donative nature, and we can inventory these gifts and the efficacies of various journeys and practices in terms of these categories ...

what I have suggested is that the more robustly relational and devotional strands of each tradition can better foster transformation (b/c lonergan's religious conversion precisely entails a being in love and those efficacies are widely known)

while there are both religiously pluralistic as well as polydoxic axiological trajectories amongst, between and across traditions, Christianity best accounts for them all with the most suitably balanced emphases, hitting the most consistently on the most cylinders

for example, zen's trajectories can be abundantly efficacious ... but, for those gifted via christophany, can be superabundantly so

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