How can buddhists be so happy if self is but an illusion

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How Can Buddhists be So Happy if Self is but an Illusion?

my reading of the east, in general, including buddhism, in particular, sees no threat to either personal identity or personal development (including a blissful afterlife) the denial of a self as an immortal soul does not necessarily (or even ordinarily) entail a lack of continuity for one's personal identity instead, it is the rejection of a synchronic substantival identity in favor of a diachronic processive identity, not terribly different, as i've always received it, from hartshorne's nonstrict identity or from the characteristically buddhist middle way of neither self nor no-self for the buddhist, ultimate reality, albeit impersonal, is still friendly and justice via karma remains in play - karma, in fact, is one element that helps provide continuity of personal identity in short, the practical implications of the monist account, in general, and even buddhist account, in particular, needn't be considered that much different from the perspective we take in our everyday phenomenal experience (and this is true for much of buddhist teaching which, characteristically, first encounters reality in everyday experience, then prescinds from any uncritical engagement of same, only to return to ordinary reality with renewed clarity of vision and purity of purpose in fact, the buddha truly honors the unfathomable depth dimensions of both ultimate reality and of our personhood, maintaining a respectful silence regarding much of their character (even while affirming unitary being) authentic buddhist practitioners are some of the happiest and most peaceful humans alive (consistent w/many neuroscientific studies) the nondual has epistemic and ontological meanings but also refers to phenomenal experiences, which, as 'realizations,' don't necessarily entail metaphysical conclusions but rather convey vague sensibilities of deep solidarity leading to profound compassion


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