Our transformative journeys secular sacred

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Our Transformative Journeys, secular & sacred We consider these journeys, along with their associated Lonerganian conversions, secular, which is to say that the Spirit's influence is experienced implicitly journey to individuation - experiences of our unified self lead to formal accounts of intrasubjective integrity journey to belonging - experiences of our unitive strivings lead to stories of intersubjective intimacy journey to enlightenment - experiences of the radically relational vis a vis unitary being lead to formal accounts of intraobjective identity (immanent & impersonal interconnectedness, reality's primitives & root metaphors) as articulated in our natural philosophies journey to transcendence - experiences of our primal ground vis a vis ultimate unicity lead to formal accounts of interobjective indeterminacy (transcendent & impersonal interconnectedness, axiomatic & law-like) as articulated in our natural theologies Via a contemplative integration, the journey to authenticity continues as we explicitly recognize the Spirit and respond, cooperating with grace in awareness, such that ...after experiences of being in love, religious conversions then transmute these, more or less, otherwise secular journeys into various polydoxic, sacred expressions of our primary encounters of the divine attributes (truth, beauty, goodness & unity) as our experience of our 1) unified self then further realizes our true self, a creature of a divine Creator ... an insight of Judaism and Islam, also revealed in our Christian paterology 2) unitive strivings then further realize our personal intimacy with a God of love ... an insight of Christianity, revealed in our christology 3) unitary being then further realizes the indwelling divine energies that animate and relate everything and everyone, everywhere ... an insight of Buddhism, also revealed in our Christian pneumatology 4) ultimate unicity then further realizes our radical ground ... an insight of Hinduism, also revealed in our Trinitarian mystery (ad intra)

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