Sun Safety After a Burn by John Brewer

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Burns can be serious injuries. Not only can such maladies be painful and leave unsightly marks but, if not properly treated, have the potential to cause significant illness requiring aggressive treatment. Therefore, shielding a burn from the sun is paramount in ensuring appropriate healing.

Sun Safety After a Burn

What to know

The Danger of Burns

Burn injuries can range from minor to potentially life-threatening. In minor instances, burns leave aesthetically unpleasing skin blemishes. More significant manifestations could render stricken individuals more susceptible to serious skin problems or possibly dangerous systemic infections.

Pay Close Attention To The Surroundings

What can you do?

Items such as sand and metal can reflect the sun’s rays. This occurrence can intensify the heat such forces emit and could potentially precipitate serious burns. Therefore, individuals with burn injuries should refrain from spending extensive durations in such locations during bright, sunny days.

Understand That Not All Shade Is Created Equal Many people assume that retiring to a perceived shady area will afford them adequate protection. However, there are differing degrees of shade. For example, remaining under a beach umbrella provides little, if no actual shade. That said, thicker shields such as dense foliage could yield more optimal protection.

What can you do?

Apply Sunscreen Sunscreen is an important sun-protection tool. Skin care experts recommend applying products containing an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 15. Moreover, these same professionals suggest the preparation be reapplied every two to three hours, especially if the individual in question has perspired or gone swimming.

What you can do


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