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Alumni Updates
Julie (Statler) ’97 and Greg Hornok ’97 were featured on the daily broadcast of Focus on the Family. The broadcast, which ran on Aug. 1, was titled “Don’t Give Up: Raising a Child with Autism.” 01
Bethany (Goll) Morgan ’12 and Heather (Tiller) Sudduth ’13 has opened their private practice called Counseling Nook for Trauma & Dissociation. They provide bilingual, trauma-informed counseling in Texas and aim to provide a safe, comforting and cozy place for individuals to grow and heal.

Steve Madsen ’11 and Emily Madsen-Ortiz ’11 are planting Triangle Fellowship Church in Morrisville, North Carolina. Madsen was on staff at Bay Leaf Baptist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, for the past eight years. 02
Mike Kankelfritz ’94 was promoted to chief broadcast engagement officer at Family Life Radio. Kankelfritz also hosts FLR’s “Kankelfritz and Friends Morning Show.” 03

Ronnette V. Smith ’10 was appointed as the chief executive officer of Future Foundation. Smith is a former Fortune 1 senior executive manager and has worked for top corporations AT&T, Walmart and Sam’s Club. 04

Seth Primm ’02 wrote “All Will Be Well,” a choral piece that was performed and recorded in collaboration between the University of Arkansas Inspirational Chorale and the JBU Cathedral Choir.
Melvin Edwards ’88 released his second book, “The Strength of a Thousand Sons” as a follow-up to his award-winning 2020 title, “The Eyes of Texans: From Slavery to the Texas Capitol.” The nonfiction book traces back Edwards’ family history almost 200 years. 06

Dave Johnson and Gary Guinn ’74 co-authored the book, “Midwatch in Verse: New Year’s Deck Log Poetry of the United States Navy, 1941-1946.” It is the first book-length treatment of an old U.S. Navy tradition in which the first log of the New Year is written in verse. 07

Be featured in the Brown Bulletin! Submit your professional and family news to jbu.edu/alumni/magazine/news/.