Diocesestrategicplan2020 final web

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Strategic Vision 2020

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools


DIOCESE OF PALM BEACH 9995 North Military Trail • P.O. Box 109650 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410-9650

Office of THE BISHOP

(561) 775-9595 Fax (561) 775-7035

September 1, 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord: Catholic school education is a priority in the life of the Diocese of Palm Beach. Through our Catholic schools, we are able to hand on the Catholic faith to our young people in a context that affects every aspect of their growth and development as persons. They are the future of our country and our Church. A parish which is blessed to have a school has a community that is an integral part of the life of the faithful not only for the parish but for the Diocese. Our Catholic schools are a gift for our young people and for all of us as they carry out their mission of forming young people in the mind of Christ Himself. It is Christ and a living encounter with Him that must be part of the soul of society. Firmly committed to our Catholic schools, I am pleased to present this Strategic Vision 2020: Charting the Course for Excellence which will be guiding our schools in the Diocese of Palm Beach for the coming years. This vision consists of nineteen goals to be reached by the year 2020 in the mission of our schools as well as the objectives that will enable implementation of the goals. Strategic Vision 2020 came about through the Leadership Summit on Catholic Schools that took place in our Diocese during the 2012-13 school year. The Summit was an extensive process, further explained in these pages, that included a wide consultation across the Diocese with the assistance of the professional guidance of the Alliance for Catholic Education of the University of Notre Dame. I am deeply grateful to Mr. Gary Gelo, our Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic schools, to his staff, and to all those who gave so much of their time and expertise to assist in the formation of this Vision. Theirs was a labor of love for the Church, the Catholic faith and our young people. Their work will truly bear much fruit for our Diocese and for our schools. As we move into the future, we do so with a great deal of hope which comes from our faith in the reality of the message of the Gospel. All of us must continue to build our lives on the sure foundation of the Word of God so that they will stand firm in the face of the storms and prevailing winds of our times. Catholic schools are a preeminent means of building the lives of our young people on this firm foundation. Let us continue to do all we can, as one family of Christ in the Diocese of Palm Beach, to spread our faith especially through our Catholic schools.

With gratitude for your support of this endeavor and with every prayerful wish, I am

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito Bishop of Palm Beach

Strategic Vision 2020

Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mission Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Principles to Guide the Work of the Summit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Strategic Plan 2020 Charting a Course for Excellence

• Mission and Catholic Identity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

• Academic Excellence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

• Governance and Leadership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

• Operational Vitality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

List of Participants

• Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

• Consultants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

• Speakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

• Pastoral Center Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

• Office of Catholic Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

• Superintendent’s Planning Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

• Summit Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

• Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

• Summit Participants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools



INTRODUCTION September 2013 It is notable that these strategic planning efforts occurred during the Year of Faith in our Church. I believe that our efforts were inspired by the Holy Spirit. As I was writing this introduction, the following quote from Pope Francis was delivered via Twitter, “Listen to Jesus, ‘Be not afraid,’ go forward in hope with God’s grace.” Throughout the 2012-13 school year, many people from across the Diocese of Palm Beach were involved in the development of the Strategic Vision 2020: Charting a Course for Excellence. The year marked the beginning of a process that we believe will provide direction and purpose for our work in Catholic education through the year 2020. I would like to express my deep appreciation to Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, for his support of Catholic schools and the planning process. The Bishop’s Guiding Principles for the Leadership Summit on Catholic Schools are significant in the formation of a plan for our future. The key points include: • Catholic Schools are a Priority in the Diocese and Must Continue • Our Schools Must be Mission-driven, Focusing on our Catholic Faith • Catholic Schools Promote Academic Excellence within a Safe Environment • All Parishes Must Support Catholic Schools • All are Welcome in Our Catholic Schools • We Must Broaden the Financial Support of our Schools


Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools

I am grateful to the three consultants from the Alliance for Catholic Education at the University of Notre Dame who guided us through this process. I would also like to express my appreciation to the Pastoral Center leadership and my colleagues in the Office of Catholic Schools for their efforts in making this plan a reality. In addition, we were blessed to have the support of corporate partners throughout the community for this process. A complete list of participants and sponsors is included. Our planning efforts are rooted in the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, published in 2012 by the Center for Catholic School Effectiveness, School of Education, Loyola University Chicago, in partnership with Roche Center for Catholic Education, School of Education, Boston College. With the National Standards and Benchmarks as our base document, many people across the Diocese of Palm Beach were engaged in determining the needs of the Catholic schools. School parents across the diocese were surveyed, with over 1,000 responses. School administrators met on several occasions to discuss the new standards. Pastors and priests of the diocese were involved via surveys and consultation meetings that were open to all priests of the diocese. A Leadership Summit on Catholic Schools was convened in February 2013. All 500+ teachers across the diocese reviewed the standards on Catholic Identity and Academic Excellence. Over 120 school, parish and community leaders gathered with principals and priests of the diocese to examine all four areas of the National Standards: Mission and Catholic Identity, Academic Excellence, Leadership

Strategic Vision 2020

and Governance and Operational Vitality. We are grateful to the late Bishop of Harrisburg, PA, Most Reverend Joseph P. McFadden, Chair of the Education Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, for his keynote address. He was joined by a panel of five nationally known speakers, who also wrote White Papers on their topics for the Summit participants. Prior to the Summit, a Superintendent’s Planning Team was appointed to use the information gathered throughout this process to develop the goals and objectives for the strategic plan. We are

grateful to this Planning Team and all those who participated in the strategic planning process. Our next step in the planning process will be to develop the timeline within which we will accomplish these goals and objectives. As we Chart a Course for Excellence in our Catholic schools, it is through the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God that our Strategic Vision 2020 will propel our Catholic schools into the next decade. Gary Gelo Superintendent of Schools

Mission Statement The Mission of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Palm Beach is to build learning communities, based on the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and rich in Catholic values and tradition. The schools have a commitment and responsibility to teach the “whole child” in mind, body, and spirit. In developing the gifts, talents, and uniqueness of their students, the schools seek to prepare leaders and Christian stewards as a beacon of hope for the Church of the future.

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools



Principles to Guide the Work of the Summit In preparation for the Leadership Summit on Catholic Schools, Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito offered the following principles that guided the work of those assembled for the Summit. Following each principle statement is a citation from Canon Law. While all of the education and formation ministries of the diocese are important, the focus of the Summit was on our Catholic schools.

Guiding Principles Catholic Schools are a Priority in the Diocese of Palm Beach and Must Continue • Our schools provide the Church with a great opportunity to educate young people and their families in our faith and must continue as a means of evangelization in our diocese. Through our schools, we nourish young people with Gospel values and a love of the Church. • Can. 796 §1 Among the means of advancing education, Christ’s faithful are to consider schools as of great importance, since they are the principal means of helping parents to fulfill their role in education. Our Schools Must be Mission-driven, Focusing on our Catholic Faith • Our schools must be institutions focused on the teaching mission of the Church. Our schools must be places where our faith is passed down to our students through classroom experiences, liturgy and worship, service to others, and the witness of religious, teachers and staff who live out the Gospel message. • Can. 794 §1 The Church has in a special way the duty and the right of educating, for it has a divine mission of helping all to arrive at the fullness of Christian life.


Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools

Catholic Schools Promote Academic Excellence within a Safe Environment • Our schools are to provide “an academically rigorous and doctrinally sound program of education” (Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium, 2005). Within a safe environment, students must be engaged in learning. We must utilize technology and current teaching methodologies to animate a core curriculum which is relevant, researchbased and infused with our Catholic faith. Our graduates should be prepared as leaders in their respective communities and globally, who are able to incorporate our Gospel values into their homes, relationships and workplaces. • Can. 806 §2 Those who are in charge of Catholic schools are to ensure, under the supervision of the local Ordinary, that the formation given in them is, in its academic standards, at least as outstanding as that in other schools in the area.

Strategic Vision 2020

All Parishes Must Support Catholic Schools • Every parish in our diocese, including those who have no students enrolled in a school, must be active supporters of Catholic schools. Educating our young people is integral to the Church’s mission of evangelization. It is the responsibility of all the faithful of the diocese to support the teaching mission of the Church. Support must be broadened across the diocese so that every parish supports Catholic education. • Can. 800 §2 Christ’s faithful are to promote Catholic schools, doing everything possible to help in establishing and maintaining them. All are Welcome in Our Catholic Schools • Our Catholic schools should be accessible to all families who desire a Catholic education for their children, regardless of socio-economic status, race, ethnicity or religious beliefs. Our Church has a long history of educating children from families of diverse traditions and background. We strive to provide these children with a Catholic education if they so desire it. All are deserving of a Catholic education. • Can. 797 Parents must have a real freedom in their choice of schools. For this reason Christ’s faithful must be watchful that the civil society acknowledges this freedom of parents and, in accordance with the requirements of distributive justice, even provides them with assistance.

We Must Broaden the Financial Support of our Schools • Our schools are currently funded primarily by the tuition paid by parents and the support of the parishes which have schools on their grounds. Our current development efforts must be extended. In addition to the support of the entire Catholic community, we must engage philanthropic organizations and individuals, as well as utilizing government resources available to us (E-Rate, federal funds, and state scholarships). Our individual parishes, which sponsor schools, can no longer bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost per pupil. Schools that continue in this current model will struggle to exist long-term. Increasing tuition closer to the actual cost per pupil will necessitate additional funds for tuition assistance to ensure accessibility to our schools for all families. We cannot turn our schools into elite private Catholic schools to the exclusion of the poor and middle class. Research clearly indicates that Catholic schools with well-established boards are more financially viable than other Catholic schools. • Can. 793 §2 Parents have moreover the right to avail themselves of that assistance from civil society which they need to provide a Catholic education for their children.

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools



Goals and Objectives Mission and Catholic Identity The Church’s teaching mission includes inviting young people to a relationship with Jesus Christ or deepening an existing relationship with Jesus, inserting young people into the life of the Church, and assisting young people to see and understand the role of faith in one’s daily life and in the larger society. “This unique Catholic identity makes our Catholic elementary and secondary schools ‘schools for the human person’ and allows them to fill a critical role in the future life of our Church, our country and our world” (The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, 1997).

1.5 All schools will support a culture that embraces Catholic intellectual thought through high academic standards and expectations for student achievement. 1.6 The Catholic school parents, staff, and students will actively engage in Christian giving and service that is consistent with Catholic values and traditions.

Excerpt from The National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools

1.7 The schools will encourage staff, students, and families to be integrated into parish life through service and ministerial opportunities.

Goal 1. The Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Palm

1.8 The priests of the diocese will be visible to the school community during the school day.

Beach will continue to be rooted in Gospel values, centered on the Eucharist, and committed to faith formation, academic excellence, and Christian service.

Objectives 1.1 The schools will adopt a Catholic world view into all aspects of instruction and faith formation. 1.2 The Gospel values of faith, hope, and love must be incorporated into all academic instruction and formation of the whole child. 1.3 The schools will provide Eucharistic adoration, weekly Mass, and celebration of the Holy Days of Obligation to the school community and actively invite participation from parishioners, parents, teachers, and the community at large.


1.4 The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with school leaders, will develop a diocesan rubric to measure the development of Catholic identity and faith formation at all schools.

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools

Goal 2. The Office of Catholic Schools will collaborate with the Office of Catechetical Leadership and Formation to continue to provide spiritual and catechetical opportunities for educators to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith and to be witnesses of the faith for their students.

Objectives 2.1 The Office of Catholic Schools will facilitate a day of reflection and learning for all educators on an annual basis. 2.2 The Office of Catholic Schools and the Office of Catechetical Leadership will re-evaluate the catechist certification program and promote all faith development programs for educators offered through the Office of Catechetical Leadership.

Strategic Vision 2020

2.3 Each school will designate a properly qualified catechetical leader to assist the principal in leading religious education.

Academic Excellence

3.1 The middle schools and high schools of the diocese will evaluate the effectiveness of their religious retreats.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops affirms the message of the Congregation on Catholic Education that intellectual development of the person and growth as a Christian go forward hand in hand. Rooted in the mission of the Church, the Catholic school brings faith, culture and life together in harmony. In 2005, the bishops noted that “young people of the third millennium must be a source of energy and leadership in our Church and our nation. And, therefore, we must provide young people with an academically rigorous and doctrinally sound program of education” (Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium, 2005). The essential elements of “an academically rigorous and doctrinally sound program” mandate curricular experiences – including co-curricular and extracurricular activities – which are rigorous, relevant, research-based, and infused with Catholic faith and traditions.

3.2 The schools will invite and encourage students to participate in evangelization and spiritual experiences at their respective parishes and those organized by the diocese.

Goal 4. Each Catholic school in the Diocese of

2.4 Each school will implement the national Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education (ACRE) and use its results to identify and strengthen the practice and knowledge of the Catholic faith within the school.

Goal 3. The Diocese of Palm Beach will continue to collaborate with the school leaders to provide and enhance a variety of spiritual experiences for its students that deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.


3.3 The schools of the Diocese of Palm Beach will create and implement a Theology Bee.

Excerpt from The National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools

Palm Beach will develop students who are career and college ready through the use of emerging technology.

Objectives 4.1 Local school leadership will provide teachers with continual and authentic professional development to become proficient in using emerging technology. 4. 2 Local school leadership will increase the school technology budget to provide for the technological needs of the school. 4.3 Local school leadership will establish a strong interactive technology support team.

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools



4.4 Local school leadership will evaluate curricular resources such as applications and materials to support the diversity of global student learning. 4.5 Local school leadership, in collaboration with technology specialists, will establish guidelines in order to create responsible, age appropriate digital citizenship. 4.6 The Office of Catholic Schools will develop a method of evaluation to measure the effectiveness of interactive technology in regard to curriculum, instruction and student engagement.

Goal 5. The Office of Catholic Schools will ensure that schools use diversified assessment methods and best practices to document and support student learning and program effectiveness.

Objectives 5.1 School faculty, in collaboration with local school leadership, will explore and evaluate age appropriate assessments that align with the curriculum and document the growth of each student. 5.2 Local school leadership will provide teachers with continual and authentic professional development in the administration of a variety of assessment tools. 5.3 Local school leadership will provide teachers time for collaboration to monitor, review, and evaluate data. 5.4 Local school leadership will ensure that teachers analyze and use data to drive and enhance instructional practices that will ultimately improve student performance.


Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools

Goal 6. Each Catholic school in the Diocese of Palm Beach will provide a rigorous academic program to ensure high academic standards and student academic expectations infused with Catholic values to ensure that all students are challenged to reach their full potential.

Objectives 6.1 Local school leadership will establish a school culture focused on high academic standards and student achievement expectations. 6.2 Local school leadership, in collaboration with the Office of Catholic Schools, will develop a metric to measure the quality of academic programs to ensure academic vitality for all students. 6.3 Local school leadership will ensure that teachers maintain a Catholic curriculum, while utilizing differentiated instruction and multiple resources from respected academic sources. 6.4 Local school leadership will create a school culture where educators will have an enthusiastic and vested interest in pursuing professional development that engages best practices to facilitate and enhance student learning. 6.5 Local school leadership will provide teachers opportunities to collaborate in aligning the curriculum horizontally (within a grade level) and vertically (with grades above and below the grade level taught). 6.6 Local school leadership will provide time, funding and support for on-going professional learning.

Strategic Vision 2020

Goal 7. Each Catholic school in the Diocese of Palm Beach will utilize multiple national, state, local and diocesan resources, including the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, to monitor and evaluate program design and effectiveness, as well as to measure academic excellence and improve student performance.

Goal 8. Each Catholic school will collaborate with parents and families to evaluate the effectiveness of co-curricular and support services in order to ensure that the expectations of students and families are being addressed.



8.1 Local school leadership will administer an annual stakeholders assessment as to the perceived needs of the school community.

7.1 The Office of Catholic Schools, through collaboration and research with national Catholic school leaders, will evaluate and select external assessments that will monitor and measure the design and effectiveness of Catholic school academic programs.

8.2 Local school leadership will create partnerships with community resources to assist families with support programs not available within the school.

7.2 Local school leadership will communicate and train the faculty in the purpose and use of the assessment tool. 7.3 Local school leadership and faculty will analyze assessment data and communicate results to the school stakeholders.

8.3 Local school leadership will research and implement programs that would best serve the needs of the school community. 8.4 Local school leadership will annually evaluate and communicate the effectiveness of the programs through follow up assessments with the school stakeholders.

7.4 Local school leadership will ensure that assessment data will be used to improve program design and student performance. 7.5 Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with local school leadership, will develop and implement evaluation instruments for teachers and administrators based on diocesan and national standards.

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools



Governance and Leadership Central to the mission of the Church is the work of Catholic school education. The success of this mission depends on the key components of effective governance, which provides direction or authority, and leadership, which ensures effective operations. Catholic school governance and leadership can be seen as a ministry that promotes and protects the responsibilities and rights of the school community. Governance and leadership based on the principles and practices of excellence are essential to insuring the Catholic identity, academic excellence, and operational vitality of the school. Although governance models vary based on the sponsorship of the school, those who serve on the governing body or leadership team in Catholic schools provide for an environment for the teaching of doctrine and Sacred Scripture, the building and experiencing of community, the serving of others, and the opportunity for worship. Excerpt from The National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools

Goal 9. In collaboration with the Office of Catholic Schools, the pastor of each school will establish a school advisory council to support the school’s mission and provide the leadership necessary to advance the mission of Catholic education.

Objectives 9.1 The role and responsibility of advisory council members will be clearly articulated through a common constitution and bylaws developed by the Office of Catholic Schools and approved by diocesan leadership and legal counsel. 9.2 Pastors, principals and advisory council members will be expected to participate in annual training, provided by the Office of Catholic Schools, related to advisory council responsibilities and effectiveness.


Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools

9.3 The Pastor/President/Principal will review their current school advisory council and transition to the new standard constitution and bylaws. 9.4 Advisory council members will regularly review and adhere to the roles and responsibilities as delineated by the bylaws. 9.5 Each Catholic school will have regularly scheduled Advisory Council meetings throughout the school year in accordance with the standard constitution and bylaws.

Goal 10. The Office of Catholic Schools will ensure that a leadership team (pastor, school administrators, and possibly lead teachers/ department chairpersons) is established and functioning within each school and empowered to develop and fulfill the vision and mission of the school.

Objectives 10.1 The Office of Catholic Schools will review the current leadership team at each local school and evaluate its effectiveness using the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools. 10.2 The Office of Catholics Schools will provide professional staff development for the leadership team in order to remediate any deficiencies and maintain as well as reinforce effective practices which embody the vision and mission of the school. 10.3 The Office of Catholic Schools will collaborate with diocesan leadership to offer educational opportunities for seminarians and new pastors regarding the leadership role pastors and priests have in Catholic schools.

Strategic Vision 2020

Goal 11. The Office of Catholic Schools will work with school leaders to identify, train, and mentor potential Catholic school administrators.

Goal 12. The Office of Catholic Schools will be adequately staffed to ensure effective support to schools.



11.1 The Office of Catholic Schools will establish partnerships with private and state universities to develop a program for recruitment and training of emerging Catholic school principals and leaders.

12.1 In addition to the two current positions, consideration shall be given to hiring an Information Technology Specialist, Marketing Director, and Development Officer to assist the Office of Catholic Schools in meeting the goals of the strategic plan.

11.2 The Office of Catholic Schools will provide new principals and principals new to the diocese an orientation and mentoring process. 11.3 Each principal will have a Professional Development Plan (PDP) in order to remain current regarding leadership initiatives and best practices in Catholic identity, instruction, enrollment, marketing, and development. School budgets will provide funding for conferences, training, and in-services to ensure that each PDP is implemented.

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools



Operational Vitality Catholic schools are temporal organizations committed to the Church and the mission of Catholic education including a commitment to a culture of excellence and rigor. These schools exist in a milieu of constant socioeconomic challenges grounded in continuous need for sustainable financial planning, human resource/personnel management and professional formation, facilities maintenance and enhancement, and the requirement for institutional advancement and contemporary communication. Catholic schools must adopt and maintain standards for operational vitality in these areas and define the norms and expectations for fundamental procedures to support and ensure viability and sustainability. When a school does not maintain standards for operational vitality, the continuation of academic excellence is in grave jeopardy. Over time, even an academically rigorous school with strong Catholic identity will not survive without operational vitality. Standards for operational vitality must focus on the “operation” of the school – how it works and how it is supported – in four key areas: finances, human resources/personnel, facilities, and institutional advancement. Excerpt from The National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools

Goal 13: The Office of Catholic Schools will establish a collaborative process with the administrators and lay leaders at each school to develop current and 3-year projected financial plans emphasizing faithful stewardship.

Objectives 13.1 The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with the diocesan Finance Office, will conduct semi-annual workshops for school leadership (pastors, presidents, and principals) and finance staff (business managers and bookkeepers) emphasizing best accounting practices and procedures, resources available to schools,


Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools

updates on the chart of accounts, and the tools needed to make reasonable financial projections. 13.2 The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with the diocesan Finance Office, will establish a calendar for the budgetary process and for annual school budget reviews. 13.3 The Catholic schools will provide the diocesan Finance Office with accurate and timely financial reporting. In turn, the diocesan Finance Office will provide quarterly reports to the Office of Catholic Schools.

Goal 14: The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with the Office of Human Resources, will develop human resource/personnel policies containing clarity of responsibilities, expectations, and accountability for all positions.

Objectives 14.1 The Office of Catholic Schools will establish a task force to review and integrate the current school and diocesan personnel handbooks. 14.2 The Office of Catholic Schools will work with Office of Human Resources staff to develop and implement a uniform job description template and annual performance review evaluation tools for all school related positions.

Strategic Vision 2020

Goal 15: The Office of Catholic Schools will collaborate with school leaders to develop comprehensive plans for facilities, equipment, and technology that continuously support its educational mission.

Goal 17: Each Catholic school will recognize the importance of a student population which is reflective of the community demographics and strive to make Catholic education accessible to all those who embrace our philosophy of education.



15.1 The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with the diocesan Building and Construction Office, will conduct an assessment of the current facilities of all schools with regard to structural integrity as well as building safety, security and equipment.

17.1 Pastors, presidents and principals will identify leaders within the Latino and Haitian communities to assist in the recruitment and retention of students in Catholic schools.

15.2 The Office of Catholic Schools will develop a diocesan template for technology plans which will include a needs assessment; implementation process; and a timeline to monitor, review and evaluate the plan. 15.3 The Office of Catholic Schools will establish a calendar for technology plan reviews, updates, and deadlines.

Goal 16: The Office of Catholic Schools will collaborate with school leadership to develop and implement comprehensive diocesan and school-based plans for the institutional advancement and future vitality of all schools through communication, marketing, enrollment management and development programs.


17.2 The Office of Catholic Schools will establish and fund a tuition assistance program to enable schools to better serve the demographics of their respective communities.

Goal 18: Schools will be valued as an important mission and responsibility of all parishes in the Diocese of Palm Beach. Every parish in the Diocese of Palm Beach must be an active supporter of Catholic schools.

Objectives 18.1 Pastors will enable and encourage parishioners to fulfill their obligation of supporting the educational ministry of the church through the annual second collection for Catholic schools as well as providing other opportunities for support. 18.2 Parish leadership will provide an annual opportunity for local schools to promote the value of Catholic schools.

16.1 The Office of Catholic Schools will establish and fund a position that will create and implement diocesan and school-based plans for communication, marketing, enrollment management and development programs.

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools



Goal 19: The Office of Catholic Schools will assist schools in developing an appropriate funding mix which utilizes revenue from tuition, all parishes, development (annual fund/fundraisers/galas), grants, and state and federal sources.

Objectives 19.1 The Office of Catholic Schools will work with pastors and school administrators to review the current tuition models used in the diocese in an effort to move towards a per pupil tuition that is more consistent with the actual cost per pupil at each school. Tuition assistance will be allocated to families based on financial need. 19.2 The Office of Catholic Schools, in conjunction with appropriate diocesan consultative bodies, will determine an equitable and just method for all parishes to assist in funding Catholic schools (grades PreK through 12).


Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools

19.3 The Office of Catholic Schools will continue to support development efforts (such as galas, carnivals, annual fund drives, endowments and capital campaigns) at the local schools as an important revenue for the operational budget. 19.4 The Office of Catholic Schools will continue to work on behalf of each Catholic school to optimize funding from the local public school districts, state and federal government sources (such as Federal Title programs, State scholarships, tax credit scholarships, etc.) through collaborative partnerships.

Strategic Vision 2020


Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach CONSULTANTS:

Sheila Gomez, Executive Director, Catholic Charities


Dianne Laubert, Director of Communications

Sr. Kathleen Carr, CSJ, Ph.D., Director of Planning and Operations Steven J. Virgadamo, Associate Director Brandy J. Ellison, Ph.D., Associate Director of Research

Ana Jarosz, Director of Insurance & Employee Services Dan Lewis, Lewis Realty Group, LLC; Real Estate Department Michael Lockwood, Director Building/Construction Anthony Marchica, Director of Catechetical Leadership, Youth & Young Adult Ministry Formation Deacon Michael Mintern, Director of Development


Deacon Jaime Zapata, Director of Hispanic Ministry & School of Christian Formation



Keynote Speaker: Most Reverend Joseph P. McFadden, Bishop of Harrisburg, Chairman of the Education Committee, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Gary Gelo, Superintendent

CATHOLIC IDENTITY AND MISSION Mr. Leland Nagel, Executive Director, National Conference of Catechetical Leadership

LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Sr. Carol Cimino, SSJ, National Consultant, William H. Sadlier Co., former Executive Director, Catholic School Administrators Association, New York State. In January 2013, Sr. Carol was named Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Buffalo, NY

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Sr. Mary Frances Taymans, SND, former Executive Director, Department of Secondary Schools, National Catholic Education Association

Marie Privuznak, Assistant Superintendent Louise Galgano, Administrative Assistant Lisa Gaynes, Certification/In-Service Coordinator


Kevin Hoeffner, Chairperson Debbie Armstrong, Chairperson Dianne Laubert Becky Isiminger Deacon Dennis Demes Pauline Jean-Simon

LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS iPADS SUPPORT 21ST CENTURY CURRICULUM Mr. Federico Padovan, Executive Director of Development and Technology, Immaculata-LaSalle High School, Miami, Apple Distinguished Educator

OPERATIONAL VITALITY Mr. Richard J. Burke, President, Catholic School Management, Inc.

PASTORAL CENTER STAFF: Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach Very Reverend Charles Notabartolo, Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia, Pastor of St. Jude Catholic Church Lorraine Sabatella, Chancellor Denis Hamel, Chief Financial Officer Deacon Dennis Demes, Academic Dean, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary Chris Grant, Controller

Vikki Delgado, Chairperson Patrice Scheffler, Chairperson Lorraine Sabatella Mary Jo Higgins Jim Rabideau


Christine Higgins, Chairperson Mary Preston, Chairperson Marie Privuznak Terry Fretterd

OPERATIONAL VITALITY Ben Hopper, Chairperson Denis Hamel Reverend Noel McGrath Very Reverend Charles Notabartolo

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools



SPONSORS: Platinum Level William H. Sadlier, Inc. Gold Level FACTS, Tuition Management Catholic School Management, Inc. Silver Level Catapult Learning Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Moya Photography Bronze Level Carpet MD E-Rate, LLC Expert Test Prep

VOLUNTEERS: Hospitality Donna Cocorullo & Margui Begin Cardinal Newman High School David Skantar; Terry Fretterd; Joan Gomez; Katie Kervi; Faculty & Staff; National Honor Society Gerstner Distinguished Scholars Tabitha Bavoso; Marissa Eckelkamp;Travis Hughes;Lauren Kenny; Emma McNamara; Stefan Panozzo; Ben Santangelo; Martin Salgado; Callie Seberg; Katelyn Widgerson

SPONSOR REPRESENTATIVES: William H. Sadlier, Inc. Mr. Frank Sadlier Dinger, Chairman of the Board Mr. William Sadlier Dinger, President Mr. John Bonenberger, Vice President, National Sales Manager Mr. Brian Murphy, Sales Representative Mr. Alan J. Paternoster, Sales Manager, Southern Region Catholic School Management, Inc. Mr. Richard J. Burke, President Catapult Learning, LLC Ms. Margaret Russell, Regional Director for Florida, Moya Photography Mr. Angelo Panozzo Expert Test Prep Mr. Ray Dass


Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools

With Grateful Appreciation to Rev. Tomasz Makowski, Pastor, and the staff of Mary Immaculate Parish for providing the Summit venue. Special thanks to Sylwester Buczek for all his help.

Strategic Vision 2020

SUMMIT PARTICIPANTS Ms. Deborah Armstrong, Principal, St. Jude Catholic School

Mr. Mark Freund, Principal, Pope John Paul II High School

Brother Daniel Aubin, F.S.C., President, Pope John Paul II High School

Ms. Ana Fundora, Director, Holy Cross Preschool & Center

Mr. Howard Avril, Principal, St. Helen School

Mr. Gary Gelo, Superintendent of Schools, Diocese of Palm Beach

Dr. Serena Brasco, Principal, St. Juliana School Mr. Rodney Brimlow, Palm Beach Diocesan Review Board

Reverend Richard George, Pastor, St. Anastasia Catholic Church & School

Mr. Davide M. Carbone, CEO, St. Mary’s Medical Center and the Palm Beach Children’s Hospital

Mr. John Glover, Vice President, Neuberger Berman, LLC; St. Vincent Ferrer Parish

Dr. John Carpenter, Dean of Academic Resources, St. Thomas University

Mrs. Sheila Gomez, Executive Director, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Palm Beach

Reverend David Carr, President, Cardinal Newman High School Dr. Mary Carter Waren, Associate Professor, School of Theology & Ministry, St. Thomas University Ms. Glynda Cavalcanti, CPA, Partner, McAlpin, Cavalcanti & Lewis CPAs; Treasurer, John Carroll High School Foundation Mr. John Clarke, Manager, Student Learning Center, Palm Beach State College Mr. Mark Cocorullo, CFO, Martin Health System

Sister Vivian Gonzalez, RMI, Director of Faith Formation, St. Juliana Catholic Church Mr. Chris Grant, Controller, Diocese of Palm Beach Mr. James Griffin, President, J. Griffin Development Company Mr. Denis Hamel, Chief Financial Officer, Diocese of Palm Beach Reverend Charles Hawkins, Pastor, Ascension Catholic Church; Chancellor Emeritus, Vicar General Emeritus, Diocese of Palm Beach

Mr. Tom Counihan, CFO, St. Ann Catholic School

Very Reverend Alfredo Hernandez, V.F., Pastor, St. Juliana Catholic Church

Mr. John Daniell, Student Government/Student Body President, Cardinal Newman High School

Mr. John D. Herrick, Chairman, Finance Committee St. Ann Parish

Mrs. Vikki Delgado, Principal, St. Vincent Ferrer School Deacon Dennis Demes, Academic Dean, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary Mr. Tim Devaney, Parent, All Saints Catholic School Ms. Virginia Devine, Principal, Rosarian Academy Mr. William Devine, Student, Pope John Paul II High School Mr. Frank Sadlier Dinger, Chairman of the Board, William H. Sadlier, Inc. Mr. William Sadlier Dinger, President, William H. Sadlier, Inc.

Ms. Mary Jo Higgins, Board Member, Holy Cross Preschool & Center; Board Member,Cardinal Newman High School Home and School Association/Development Committee; President, St. Clare Council of Catholic Women Dr. Christine Higgins, Principal, Cardinal Newman High School Dr. Kevin Hoeffner, Principal, St. Anastasia School Mr. Ben Hopper, Principal, John Carroll High School Ms. Becky Isiminger, President, Home and School Association, Cardinal Newman High School

Ms. Joanna Donohoe, Parent, All Saints Catholic School

Mrs. Ana Jarosz, Director of Insurance & Employee Services, Diocese of Palm Beach

Dr. Edith Donohue, National Certified Career Counselor, Career Services

Ms. Pauline Jean-Simon, Advisory Board Member, Sacred Heart School

Sister Mary Dooley, SSND, Director, Hope Rural School

Mr. Mark Kamp, Managing Member, Kamp Law Firm, P.L., St. Clare School

Mr. William Fenton, Jr., President, Notre Dame Club of Boca Raton Mrs. Vera Ferola, Frank and Vera Ferola Charitable Foundation

Ms. Denise Kenney, President, St. Helen PTO; Parent, John Carroll High School

Reverend Guy Fiano, O. Carm., Parochial Vicar, St. Jude Catholic Church, Boca Raton; Chaplain, Pope John Paul II High School

Sister Katherine Kinnally, SSND, Principal, Hope Rural School

Reverend Donald Finney, Pastor, St. Peter Catholic Church; Pastor Moderator, All Saints Catholic School

Ms. Dianne Laubert, Director of Communications, Diocese of Palm Beach

Ms. Irene Korf, Acting Principal, All Saints Catholic School

Very Reverend Richard Florek, OFM Conv., Pastor, St. Mark Catholic Church & School

Mr. Dan Lewis, Lewis Realty Group, LLC; Real Estate Department, Diocese of Palm Beach

Mrs. Connie M. Frankino, President, Samuel J. & Connie M. Frankino Foundation

Ms. Juliana Lewis, Literacy Coordinator, Holy Cross Preschool & Center

Ms. Domenica Frankland, Parent, St. Ann School

Ms. Mary G. Lewis, Vice President Resource Development, Charlotte Pelton & Associates, Inc.; Parent, Rosarian Academy

Ms.Theresa Fretterd, Assistant Principal, Cardinal Newman High School

Mr. Andre Lightbourn, Dean of Enrollment, St. Thomas University

Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools



Mrs. Linda Linsin, Lewis School Principal, Rosarian Academy

Mrs. Suzanne Sandelier, Principal, St. Luke School

Mr. Michael Lockwood, Director Building/Construction, Diocese of Palm Beach

Ms. Milka Santos, Board Member, Sacred Heart

Mr. John Long, Technology Program Specialist, Palm Beach Country School District

Dr. Patrice Scheffler, Principal, St. Ann School

Dr. Antonio Lopez, Professor of Theology & Philosophy, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary Mr. David Loyless, Secretary, Adviory Board, St. Ann Catholic School Mr. Anthony Marchica, Director of Catechetical Leadership, Youth & Young Adult Ministry Formation, Diocese of Palm Beach Reverend Noel McGrath, Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church & School Reverend Monsignor Michael McGraw, V.F., Pastor, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church & School Reverend Michael McNally, Pastor, St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Ms. Jennifer Michael, Assistant Professor, Physical Education/Internship, Palm Beach Atlantic University Deacon Michael Mintern, Director of Development, Diocese of Palm Beach Reverend Martin Mulqueen, Pastor, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Sister Ellen Murphy, RSM, Principal, St. Joan of Arc School Reverend James Murtagh, Pastor Emeritus, St. Ann Catholic Church & School Mr. Mark Nosacka, CEO, Good Samaritan Medical Center Very Reverend Charles Notabartolo, Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia; Pastor, St. Jude Catholic Church Dr. Charles O’ Malley, President, Charles J. O’Malley & Associates Reverend William O’Shea, Pastor, St. Clare Catholic Church & School Ms. Adriana Palazzi, Director, St. Thomas More Preschool Reverend Joseph Papes, Pastor, Sacred Heart Catholic Church & School Reverend Andre Dumarsais Pierre-Louis, Chaplain/Teacher, Cardinal Newman High School Ms. Judy Powers, President, National Council of Catholic Women Mrs. Mary Preston, Principal, St. Joseph Catholic School Mrs. Marie Privuznak, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Diocese of Palm Beach Mr. Greg Quattlebaum, Funeral Director/Owner, Quattlebaum Funeral & Cremation Services Mr. Jim Rabideau, Advisory Board, All Saints Catholic School Mrs. Patty Rabideau, Parent Liason, All Saints Catholic School Mr. Joseph Rauenhorst, CEO, Bay Court, Inc. Mr. Ricardo Reyes, Finance Committee, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church & School Dr. Barbara Ridener, Chairman, Department of Teaching & Learning, Florida Atlantic University Mrs. Kelly Ruiz, Principal, St. Mark School Mrs. Lorraine Sabatella, Chancellor, Diocese of Palm Beach


Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools

Ms. Carol Scott, Title I/II Administrator, Palm Beach County School District Ms. Lori Shekailo, Director of Finance & Operations, St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church Ms. Rachel Sherman, Cardinal Newman High School Mr. Joseph Silk, Sr. Vice President, U.S. Trust Mrs. Cathy Silk, Vice President, Home & School Association & Member Alumni Association, Pope John Paul II High School Mrs. Diane Simowitz, Finance Committee, All Saints Catholic School Very Reverend Canon Thomas Skindeleski, Pastor, St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church & School Reverend Elifete St. Fort, Parochial Vicar, St. Luke Catholic Church & School Ms. Danielle Sullivan, Student Council President, Pope John Paul II High School Reverend Mark Szanyi, O.F.M. Conv., Pastor, Saint Lucie Catholic Church; President Emeritus, John Carroll High School Ms. Candace Tamposi, Principal, Sacred Heart School Ms. Robin Tarashuk, Parent/Member of CSM, All Saints Catholic School Mrs. Amy Lopez, Principal, St. Clare School Mr. Jim Wollam, St. Jude Parish, Tequesta Mrs. Janice Wollam, St. Jude Parish, Tequesta Deacon Jaime Zapata, Director of Hispanic Ministry & School of Christian Formation, Diocese of Palm Beach

Strategic Vision 2020



Holy Cross Catholic Preschool & Center West Palm Beach St. Thomas More Preschool Boynton Beach

St. Joseph Catholic School Stuart

ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS PALM BEACH COUNTY All Saints Catholic School Jupiter Sacred Heart School Lake Worth St. Ann Catholic School West Palm Beach St. Clare School N. Palm Beach St. Joan of Arc School Boca Raton St. Jude Catholic School Boca Raton St. Juliana School A Ministry of St. Juliana and Holy Name of Jesus Parishes West Palm Beach

ST. LUCIE COUNTY St. Anastasia School Fort Pierce INDIAN RIVER COUNTY St. Helen School Vero Beach SECONDARY SCHOOLS PALM BEACH COUNTY Cardinal Newman High School West Palm Beach Pope John Paul II High School Boca Raton ST. LUCIE COUNTY John Carroll High School Fort Pierce

St. Luke School Palm Springs


St. Vincent Ferrer School Delray Beach

Rosarian Academy West Palm Beach www.diocesepb.org/schools Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic Schools


Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach 9995 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 www.diocesepb.org

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