verb. To perform, accomplish, put forth; to be the cause of something good.
We could offer you a big, “Welcome to The John Carroll School” and tell you what a great school you will find. But we would rather show you. After all, if you are going to be one of us, then you should get a firsthand look at what we do. As Patriots, we do a lot. Patriots do care about our community and our school. Patriots do take learning seriously, especially when it’s hands-on and with the help of our Tablet PCs. Patriots do play, sculpt, create, write, sing and dance. Patriots do take on challenges and stand up for what’s right. Patriots do travel the world. Patriots do reflect the essence of The John Carroll School — Compelling. Considerate. Uncompromising.
“At JC we don’t do things half way. When you’re involved in a
council or a club or a team, you put everything into it.” - Allison
Joe enjoys running throughout Bel Air, so
joining the cross country team seemed Who is John Carroll? An
natural. In the classroom, Joe enjoys the
original patriot, Archbishop
challenge of John Carroll’s academic studies
John Carroll served as America’s first Catholic bishop
and has earned membership to the National
and founded Georgetown
Honor Society.
University and St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore. The average class size at
Joe knows the curriculum at John Carroll will prepare him for college, where he plans to
John Carroll is 16.7 Patriots,
study engineering. With the new Advisory
so students receive all
Program, Joe and the rest of his classmates
the attention they need to
can complete their John Carroll experience
succeed and the opportunity
by being paired with an adult advisor, which
to be an individual.
gives him the opportunity to make stronger connections with peers and adults. Joe rounds out his John Carroll experience by participating in the Gold Program and Culture Shock clubs, and working on the school newspaper – The Patriot.
>> joe
“My favorite place on campus is the Fine Arts Wing. Besides being air conditioned,
the new addition to the school is always filled with great art and great teachers.” - Joe
QUICK FACTS: Joe and Allison work together as Editor-in-Chief
Allison had no trouble finding her niche, or should we say niches, at John Carroll and got deeply involved the minute she walked
and Chief of The Patriot,
through the doors. Allison serves as the
the school newspaper.
president of SAC, our student government, pursues her joy of writing as part of The
What is SAC?
Patriot school newspaper, and holds the honor of captain of the varsity field
SAC is the Student Affairs Council made up of approximately 50 students
hockey team.
from the student body.
Allison feels a true connection to her
The elected student body
English teachers, but mostly appreciates
representatives work
how her teachers push her and make her
together for the welfare of the John Carroll community.
think. When her Journalism class was run like a business, Allison and her classmates
SAC is made up of officers at large and class officers as well as other
had clients, were required to sell advertising and make payments, and meet deadlines.
representatives. Every
Allison learned responsibility and took
student is invited to join by
ownership of her work when her teacher
attending General Assembly meetings and serving on committees.
challenged her with questions as if she were a business partner.
>> allison
“Whether It’s by showing funny interpretations of King Lear, to having us act out a mock trial in class based on Catch-22, I don’t think I’ve ever had a teacher that pushed me so much.” – Allison, about English teacher Mr. Mark Ionescu
While Brian feels he can best be himself on
the football field, he holds on to the values he learned from his church and family and does not compromise those values. He strives to live his life according to the ‘golden rule’— to treat others the way you would like to be treated. For Brian, the tradition behind John Carroll athletics, and specifically the football program, influenced his decision to come here. The upward movement of the program, the quality athletes and the school’s conference all reflected positively when it came time for Brian to choose his future teammates. Other Patriot traditions at John Carroll: • Annual Ullman Golf Tournament • Homecoming Events • Class Retreats • Mr. Hughes’ Traditional Canoe Trip • Alumni Mass and Breakfast • Welcome JC Legacy Reception • Country Fair
brian >>
“An impressionable time in my life involved a mission trip to Louisiana several years ago where I helped to repair homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina. I enjoyed being able to help others less fortunate than myself. It gave me a sense of pride and
accomplishment.” - Brian
All John Carroll School students complete 60 hours of service or more prior to graduation.
A newbie to the private school world, Jonathan
joined John Carroll as a freshman, eager for what awaited him as a Patriot. No stranger to the athletic scene, he quickly became a part of the football team, while also joining the Spanish Honors Society and
The John Carroll School students attend a spiritual retreat each year where students explore and discuss challenges, choices and decision-making.
becoming involved with some of the school’s
John Carroll offers
community service projects.
over 30 varsity athletic teams and also over 20
With dreams to become a doctor or scientist,
extracurricular activities.
Jonathan believes that the best way to find success is to keep raising your goals. Because of this, and with the help of his teachers and peers at John Carroll, he continues to embrace his Cuban American ethnicity and learn from his culture in order to become a better person. Ultimately, Jonathan’s interpersonal involvement and John Carroll’s commitment to preparing him for a greater good continues to push him to find success in whatever he pursues.
jonathan >>
“The football program held a special significance in my decision to come to The John Carroll School because it embodied exactly what I was looking for: a school with a strong sense of community, family, pride and
excellence.” - Jonathan
QUICK FACTS: Students can participate in foreign exchange
With her passion for riding horses, Megan looked forward to joining John Carroll’s equestrian team — a big influence on her
opportunities at schools
decision to come to this school. Riding is
in France, Germany,
a huge part of Megan’s life, but The John
Russia and Spain.
Carroll School opened her eyes to new opportunities too, like the badminton team, acting and the foreign exchange program. Megan will travel to France in the spring as part of the exchange program, one of several opportunities for Megan and her classmates to receive a global experience at The John Carroll School. In addition to the foreign exchange program, many Patriots get the opportunity to travel to countries like England, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece, Canada and Costa Rica during spring break trips or after the close of the school year.
“I love history, but my favorite class so far at John Carroll was acting. We put on the play Father of the Bride for anyone who was able to attend and it was awesome!” - Megan
OH, THE PLACES YOU WILL GO on and off The John Carroll School campus... here are a few Patriot student favorites.
Claire enjoys both the art and theatre program where she expresses her creative
The John Carroll School offers a Fine Arts
side. She even plans on using her growth at
Distinction Diploma for
John Carroll to pursue art further in college,
students who wish to
along with a focus on dance and fashion.
pursue their creative side and graduate with an emphasis in the fine arts.
The fine arts program appeals to a wide range of interests and skills and its faculty inspires students to challenge and express themselves, while showing them how to carry art through to a career or lifelong passion. Patriots choose from a variety of art courses: VISUAL • Photography • Animation • Introduction to Drawing & Painting • Ceramics PERFORMING • Acting • Jazz Ensemble LITERARY • Creative Writing • Yearbook • Journalism
>> claire
“COURSES IN music, performance, visual arts, photography and literary
expression provide a creative outlet for all of us at John Carroll.” - Claire
The John Carroll School gives students the
chance to carve their own path. Adam started the Book Club his freshman year which allows students to share and discuss books they enjoy.
includes white or yellow dress shirt; polo style shirt
Already a member of the John Carroll band,
with John Carroll logo; tie;
Adam quickly discovered the Film Club and
khaki dress pants; black
immediately joined.
sport coat; belt; and belowthe-ankle leather shoes.
Adam discovered his true creative outlet with
About 15% of Patriots
the Theatre Department, where he and his
participate in two
Theatre classmates earned a spot to audition and perform at Disney World, enter backstage Disney and take a class with a professional Disney choreographer. Even with his extracurricular activities, Adam takes many advanced classes and likes the way his teachers always find a way to engage him and challenge him to continue to do better.
The boys’ dress code
adam >>
“My favorite place on campus is in the Music Department wing and the auditorium. It reminds me of all my performances, both on the trumpet and in the plays. I love the feeling I get after a good performance.” - Adam
major musical productions to more than 5,000 spectators.
Like Miranda, you may be nervous about the
first day of high school. And that’s only after making the important decision of choosing the high school to attend on that first day!
John Carroll prepares Patriots for college with 40 honors classes and 19 Advanced Placement
Miranda came from a public middle school and
(AP) classes.
only knew of about seven or eight students who planned to attend John Carroll. But after meeting some students prior to the beginning of school at band camp, she felt good about her first day. At camp, freshman learn marching essentials and veterans brush-up on their skills. Even though it was during the summer, Miranda formed most of her relationships at band camp, which grew into strong friendships. With a true passion for music, band is Miranda’s favorite class and where she can concentrate on something fun. Outside of school she is always listening, playing or watching music. Miranda rounds out her John Carroll experience by playing on the soccer and basketball teams.
miranda >>
“Music is something that drives me. There is a song for every mood that I’m in and it
can also get me out of bad moods. I don’t know how I would live without music.” - Miranda
While Trent feels most at home on the baseball field, he also develops his leadership
In 2010, 137 students reported $16,702,052
skills by participating in Student Advisory
in scholarship money,
Council, the Athletic Leadership Group,
the highest amount in
National Honor Society and the Fellowship
school history.
of Christian Athletes. As an athlete on the baseball, indoor track and outdoor track teams, and a leader in the school, Trent knows that teams must work together to succeed and always tries to make the best decision for everyone that will be affected. Trent knew as soon as he walked through the doors of John Carroll that he had made the best decision and it would be a great place for the next four years. After John Carroll, Trent plans to pursue the biology field and a career as a doctor.
>> trent
“I THOUGHT John Carroll was going to be the most intimidating experience in my life. That all changed when I walked into the doors on the first day of freshman year.” - Trent
When Maggie learned that she could be a part
of so many clubs, she knew that her time at this school would be filled with great experiences. Maggie takes part in the powderpuff, swimming
The dress code at John Carroll has always been an important part of the school’s effort to create an
and badminton teams and is also a member of
atmosphere conducive to
the National Honor Society, German National
learning. The girl’s uniform
Honor Society, Student Advisory Council and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
includes a black and white uniform kilt; John Carroll branded polo shirt; and socks or tights with
She appreciates how religion is present every day at John Carroll. Patriots pray before every class and learn how to use their Catholic teachings in their daily lives. This means a lot to Maggie as she strives to show respect and be considerate of others. Upon graduation, Maggie would like to pursue a major in business and double minor in marketing/advertising and sign language. Maggie’s passion for learning sign language began at age five as a way to communicate with her cousin.
maggie >>
“My favorite place on campus is probably the cafeteria. You can move from table to table talking with different people. A lot of funny things happen there so it is a good
place to hang out.” - Maggie
dress shoes.
paul barker >> PRINCIPAL With a passion for learning and modeling the Catholic traditions of The John Carroll School, Principal Paul Barker embodies the school tagline, “Compelling. Considerate. Uncompromising,” as a strong leader for his students, parents, faculty and staff. As part of the John Carroll family for more than 10 years, Principal Barker contributed to school tradition by starting The John Carroll School Rugby program in 2002. He continues to coach young men to be better athletes and stronger followers in their faith, while also modeling what
QUICK FACTS: Education: BA in English Language and Literature, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand MA in Liberal Arts, Saint
he seeks for all John Carroll students – a love of learning.
John’s College, Annapolis,
Q: How is the Catholic identity present at The John
Administration, Ursuline
Carroll School?
College, Pepper Pike, OH
MD, MA in Educational
A: You can see a lot of the outward signs of our Catholic identity – we pray and worship together. You’ll also experience it in the students, faculty and staff who witness to their Christian faith. The generous and kind way people care for one another makes John Carroll a special place.
Years at John Carroll: 14 (teacher for 4.5 years from 1990-1994; returned as
Principal in 2001)
“I love learning and I love this school. We look out for
Q: How does The John Carroll School community benefit from the co-educational setting? A: It’s the real world here. I love the way it is easy for students to relate to one another. There is no pressure, no distraction with being in a co-ed school. It helps us develop healthy relationships and attitudes. Q: What are you passionate about? A: Learning – I love going to school and being at this school. I never cease to be amazed at the curiosity of my colleagues and our students. Some of what happens is at the cutting edge; it’s a cool place to be.
one another here and we
clearly stand strong in the best traditions of Catholic
schooling.“ - Paul Barker
>> laura lang DIRECTOR OF ANNUAL GIVING AND CONSTITUENT RELATIONS With a long family history of John Carroll alumni, Laura Lang, Class of 1975, truly understands the importance of the arts and forming the entire individual through education. Since beginning singing lessons at the age of six, Lang continues to be passionate about both music and emphasizing the
John Carroll tradition.
“To be considerate of
Bringing out a student’s unique qualities and boosting his or
others — to treat everyone
her self-confidence has always been something she finds to
the way they wish to be
be important. Being unique is nothing new for Lang; after all,
treated — is not an option;
she is the only redhead on the staff! With a strong dedication
it’s our uncompromising way
to music and theater, her outgoing personality is a perfect
of life around here. You see
fit for leading John Carroll’s spring musicals.
it in the halls and classrooms
every single day of the
school year.” - Laura Lang
Q: What accomplishment makes you most proud? A: My experience with the annual school musicals have been so rewarding. It’s my favorite memory from when I was a student, and now to be able to share this with our students is icing on the cake. Q: What is something unique you notice about The John Carroll School community? A: Our Catholicity is who we are, as individuals, and as a school. It is present in every activity, game and classroom, and it is the foundation by which we live each and every day. My family has been associated with John Carroll since 1969 — that alone is pretty compelling! Q: What are you passionate about? A: I’m passionate about our students becoming individuals, and that’s why I love to work in theater. It’s not only about how you act, sing or dance; Getting up on stage in front of others builds a self-confidence that no one can ever take away. I’m also just passionate about John Carroll in general. It’s been a part of my life for so long...my husband says I’ll be buried here!
bob schick >>
HISTORY TEACHER With a creative talent and drive second to none, History teacher Bob Schick brings out the fire within all of his students. As a moderator of the Film Club and co-moderator of Forensics, Schick is amazed at the array of clubs and activities available to students. Schick is a former “show business” character having produced and directed his own small feature film. He keeps his artistic side in tune by jamming out on his electric guitar and drum set and listening to a wide variety of Pandora music. It should be of no surprise to learn that the TV Studio is Schick’s favorite room on The John Carroll School campus.
“He helped me learn in a way not many teachers would do. He
Q: What accomplishment makes you most proud? A: I have written, directed, and produced a small feature film. I am also a charter member of the Bazooka Joe Magic Circle Club. Top that! Q: What is something unique you notice about The John Carroll School community? A: When I first arrived at John Carroll, I was struck by the sense of family and community. A student had suddenly lost his father, and the outpouring of support for this student and his family was overwhelming. I have seen this kind of love, compassion, and support go out to students and faculty many, many times, and I find it one of the most impressive things about John Carroll. Q: What are you passionate about? A: I love movies. Before I came to John Carroll, I worked in “show business” on lots of films and TV shows. What I learned in all those years behind the scenes gives me a greater appreciation for well-made productions. I can’t think of a better way to spend time than to get lost in a really interesting film.
taught us in every way possible. He really got his students involved
with his lessons, which made it
so much more fun. He let us joke
around and talk to an extent that
was still appropriate for class and
we still learned so much.” – Megan
So what exactly DO Patriots do?
Patriots DO go to college:
More Quick Facts you might want to know.
ad e
with strengths ac
• fine arts
• 79% of the class was admitted to their first choice college
letically, theatri ath ca , y ll y ll
• 48% of the class will attend private schools and • 52% will attend public schools
• 45% have chosen to stay in Maryland
• foreign language • social studies • science
• 89% of JCS graduates report acceptance to a 4-year college
4: 3: 1: .5: +:
• english • mathematics • religious studies
Patriots DO become well-rounded young men and women
credits required for graduation
Patriots DO receive a versatile education:
Patriots DO carry our Tablet PC Laptops everywhere!
• physical education • health • electives • annual retreat participation • senior project completion • 60 hours of student service
We use them to read electronic textbooks and take notes in class.
Patriots DO work hard from 8:00 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. with a flexible modular schedule, independent study, individualized labs, and structured and unstructured time.
Patriots DO have quality one-on-one time with teachers:
Patriots DO stay connected!
The average student-teacher ratio is 12.8 Patriot students to 1 teacher Facebook Twitter: @ JCSchool
Soccer, Basketball, John Carroll Band Field Hockey, SAC, National Honors Society, The Patriot, H20, Travel Abroad to Greece & Italy
find something at The John Carroll School to fit their interests.
John Carroll Band, Theatre, Book Club, Film Club
Swimming, Badminton, FCA, SAC, National Honors Society, German National Honors Society
Equestrian, Badminton, Theatre, French Exchange 2011 Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track
Equestrian, Art, Theatre
Football, SAC
Cross Country, National Honors Society, Culture Shock, The Patriot
Baseball, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Volleyball, SAC
>> Find out what you can do to become a Patriot.
Visit www.johncarroll.org
The John Carroll School
703 E Churchville Road • Bel Air, MD 21014 (410) 838-8333 • (410) 879-2480 Fax: (410) 836-8514