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Introducing CINCO. The weekly newspaper that has everything your senses can handle. The window to feature Miami’s new coming artists and news in its art scene.


Cover Illustrations by Ana Pena & Juan C. Rodriguez Pictures by Ana Pena, Cynthia Niebles & Juan C. Rodriguez Welcome Spread Illustrations by Juan C. Rodriguez Pictures by Ana Pena, Cynthia Niebles & Juan C. Rodriguez

Album Reviews Artist to Watch: Black Kids Interview of the Week: Chris Martin from Coldplay HEARING pages 18-21

Concert List & Mix Tape

Art Basel - Map & New Faces in Art Basel TOUCH

South Florida: On the Cheap

Movies Reviews by Nivian Garcia

So-Me it’s So You

In Theaters

pages 7-11


Entertainment Guide

pages 22-25


pages 14-17

Stupid News Update

Cooking for Dummies

Mr. President

Bar & Restaurant of the Week TASTE

pages 26-29

Books & Culture

DECEMBER 2-7, 2008



A guide to Miami’s galleries, art fairs, museums, collections & events.

illustration by Juan C. Rodriguez

“I try to get in touch with every aspect of the environment.”

My name is Julien Vallée and I am a graphic designer

Julien Vallee will be exhibiting his work in Miami

based in Montréal, Canada. I am working on a range

Covention Center.

of projects including art direction, motion graphics,

This groundbreaking exhibition features 70

print design, art installation and video + design for the music industry.

important works by Vallee presented in series, revealing the artist’s creative process. The show

I try to get in touch with every aspect of the environment.

includes some of his most recent and elegant

I like to use manual art well endorsed by the various

works including, “The MTV One”, which was

technological tools available in order to make the

completed only weeks.

bridge between manual and virtual art.

For more information about this event visit:

Provided by

The subject has to capture my interest somehow: the way the colors and shapes play off each other, or the patterns of light and shadow. I try to find poetry in banality.

Could you tell us some more about your work? I mostly paint clutter. I like how objects cluster together on tabletops, in kitchen drawers, on my printer, etc. I try to take a documentary approach to the subject by painting things as I find them. Or, sometimes, I’ll just pile up a bunch of old tins and cigar boxes in a haphazard way until something interesting happens. As for the objects themselves, I’m more interested in their formal qualities (e.g. color, form, tone) than their everyday, functional use.

What famous artists have influenced you, and how? I like the simplicity of form and color in the works of the Italian Primitives. I like Morandi for the same reason. You can see the influences of Giotto, Piero della Francesca, and other early Italians in Morandi’s still lifes. There’s a tender sensitivity and calm in their works that makes them a joy to look at. Two other favorites are Rodrigo Moynihan and Avigdor Arikha. They have a directness and matter-offactness in their approach to painting that I find compelling.

by Juan C. Rodriguez

My name is Critiana Crouceiro, I was born in Portugal where I actually live and work. I was in my early twenties when I discovered that I was born to be a painter. The idea of doing anything else is abhorrent to me.

interview with CRISTIANA

What is it that inspires you to design ?


Tell me a little bit about yourself?

ANNA HAAS Says Hey Ho! Anna Haas (born 1948 in Washington D.C.) is an American graphic

have earned her four Grammy

career monograph Make It Bigger.

Award nominations.

In 2001 she received the profession’s

designer and artist. Haas studied at

As an artist she is known for her large-

highest honor, the AIGA Medal, in

the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia,

scale paintings of maps, covered

recognition of her distinguished

Pennsylvania, earning a Bachelor

with dense hand-painted labelling

achievements and contributions to

of Fine Arts, and was awarded a

and information. She was involved

the field. She is a member of the

Doctor of Fine Arts Honoris Causa

in the planning of a new multi-use

Alliance Graphique Internationale.

by the Corcoran College of Art and

“urban center” in the Mount Vernon

Design in Washington D.C.. In the

Square neighborhood of Washington

1970s she designed album covers for

D.C., and teaches at the School of

CBS Records and Atlantic Records,

Visual Arts in New York.

before moving into art direction for magazines. She worked at Time Inc. before forming her own design firm. Since 1991, she has been a principal at the New York office of the Anna Haas design consultancy.

Her work is represented in the per manent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design

Anna holds a BFA from the Tyler

Museum, New York; the Library of

School of Art and a Doctor of

Congress, Washington, D.C.; the

Fine Arts Honoris Causa from the

Museum für Gestaltung Zürich;

Corcoran College of Art and Design.

the Denver Art Museum; and

She has lectured and exhibited all

the Bibliothèque nationale de

over the world, and her teaching

France and the Centre Georges

Anna has been inducted into the Art

career includes over two decades

Pompidou, Paris.

Directors Club Hall of Fame (1998),

at the School of Visual Arts, along

received the Chrysler Design Award

with positions at the Cooper Union,

for Innovation in Design (2000), and

Yale University and the Tyler School

Anna Haas will be exhibiting his work

a Gold Medal from the American

of Art. She has authored numerous

in The Miami Covention Center.

Institute of Graphic Arts (2001). Some

articles on design-related subjects

of her work is in the permanent

for the AIGA Journal of Graphic

collection of the Museum of Modern

Design, PRINT, Graphis and other

Art and the Cooper-Hewitt, National

publications, and in 2002 Princeton

Design Museum. Her album designs

Architectural Press published her

For more information about this event visit:

-sigh- What is it about the holiday season that makes people get all crazy? I blame newspaper publishers who decide they want a brand new paper due one week before Christmas. That and ex-boyfriends. It’s weird how this weather really gets everyone riled up, and I’m beginning to think that those emotions rub off. Wintertime also has a way of making people more passionate. People love harder, they miss harder and they most definitely fight harder. What’s up with those psycho parents shooting each other over the last must have gifts? I really miss the good old days when Christmas was about spending time with you family and not what--- who am I kidding? I’m barely old enough to remember when the Tickle Me Elmo dolls where flying off the shelf, but you get my drift. So as we wrap up the first ever issue of CINCO, I just want to say a few things. Love your family, even if you can’t stand them. You’ll never know when you’ll need to borrow money from uncle Harry.

Hola! Como parte del equipo de “Cinco Newspaper” debo escribir lo que “pienso” acerca de el periódico. No sabía como comenzar asi que dije: “pues dejame hacerlo en español ya que es mi lengua materna, talvez es más fácil” Cinco… lo veo como una ventana, una puerta, o un agujero en una pared, para mi Cinco es eso. Un espacio en blanco para expresar mi pasión por el arte, el diseño y la ilustración. Hasta Luego, Juan C. Rodriguez

Now go buy yourself a drink. You deserve it! -Cyn

From the THREE guys of CINCO

CIELOS! Alex, que recio nos llevas! However, I can say today that after all the drama, the non-sleep days, the stress, the laughs, the changes...and do on; I ENJOYED THE PROJECT. We had unspected chages on our staff, of wich friendship had been develop as well as we learned A LOT about each other. CINCO is the product of a lot of sacrifices, late and early meetings, disagreements and agreements, jokes and brilliant ideas, creativity and inspiration, and so much more. Aunque este periodico, QUIZAS, no este en el nivel que todos ambicionamos, I can say that I love it and I’m proud that it isn’t perfect, because HUMANS ARE NOT PERFECT, and this newspaper was made 100% by humans...with a digital help!

Illustration by Ana Pena

Chao’ until next issue Ana Giselle


Now Hiring Full/Part Time

December 1st� 10am-5pm� At your local Urban Outfitters

South Florida: on the Cheap BY KATHRYN WEXLER

Want to look au courant but can’t afford to tax your credit cards? A bit of rummaging and imagination can go far. Granted, some seasonal trends are so distinctive that they’re impossible to fake -- handbags, for instance. But many other items, like shoes, are definitely worth strutting again if you clean, buff and repair them. Here’s a rundown of five fall/ winter trends and how to recycle your wardrobe to make your old clothes look like new. CARDIGANS This season’s ‘’new’’ cardigans look suspiciously like the old cardigans. OK, they are a bit leaner and longer than those staples of Northeasterners, but you can easily borrow an oversized cardigan from an uncle in a pinch. Just be sure to belt it and put it over skinny jeans or a pencil skirt. You never want to go bulky on top and on bottom.

PLAIDS This trend is just picking up steam. Stay ahead of the curve by dragging out your old work shirts and having them altered so they’re fitted. Make sure there’s enough material that they don’t end up too short for your torso. PURSES Although retailers had some trouble last spring enunciating a distinctive handbag for fall, they have since hit their mark by focusing on the rectangular bag, one that’s longer vertically, with ruching and smallish straps. If you don’t have one, you’re out of luck. But the good news is that other shapes also have their place this fall: the hobo, doctor’s bag and single-strap shoulder bag. If you have amassed a small collection of handbags over the years, sort through them and see if something fits the bill.

PURPLE Although currently the color of choice, purple hasn’t been as pervasive a seasonal hue as gray was last year. But if you want to look up-tothe-minute, don a berry tone more like eggplant than raspberry. Anything purple will do -- turtle neck, belt or necklace, for instance. The trick is keeping the rest of your look markedly hip, with fresh shoes and a modern hairstyle. MEN’S Macy’s list of fall trends included slim tailoring. Suits have shorter, two-button jackets and narrower pants. If you’ve outgrown an older, two-button suit, see if a tailor can let it out enough to make it wearable again. Color-wise, greens, browns and grays are now in play, and surely you have some of those in the closet.




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So-Me... It’s So-You BY VALERI DOWEL

"A MESSAGE OF PEACE IS BEHIND EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING DESIGNED BY SOMY ALI." The plantation resident creates socially conscious

wearing one of her shirt in Georgia led to another

college Ali noticed the vulgarities in words on

tanks, t-shirts and hoodies. Parts of the profits

contract with Blue Ridge and Trail in Atlanta. “ A

t-shirts worn by fellow students and got the idea

goes to No More Tears,her recently formed

few apprehensive people said it wouldn’t work

for her business, So-Me Designs. “If there’s a

organization to build schools, women’s shelters

but it has been completely the opposite,”

market for stupid t-shirts, I thought there was a

and clinics in impoverished locations around

she says.

market for intellectual, smart and sexy t-shirts,”

the world.

Ali’s colorful background may account for her

she says.

Combining different religious symbols for

global perspective. Born in Pakistan, this beautiful

Before she could get started in her design

Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism on

Muslim woman moved with her family to the

business, she directed a series of documentaries.

one shirt bearing the words “Human Being,” Ali

United States when she was eight years old. At

Her film “I Can Survive” was shown at a benefit

created her best seller on the line she launched

sixteen she left the country to act in Indian movies.

for Hilary Rodham Clinton.

on the web months ago.

“I did ten films in Bollywood,” she says of her Asian

Ambitious, talented and opinionated, she has

Apart from artist Ryan who executes her requests

movie career. “It was quite an experience.”

no patience for people who place too much

like “we need five anti-war designs,” Ali runs the

Returning to Florida in 1998, she earned a

emphasis on looks or who are apathetic about

business solo. By leaving postcards in Dunkin

bachelor’s degree in psychology from Nova

issues. Her role model is Gandhi. “There’s a lot

Donuts shops in Plantation and Miami, So-Me

Southeastern University. She also studied

I want to accomplish. I become a citizen next

Designs was picked up by Rag Trade Happy

journalism at the University of Miami and

year. Then I want to get into politics,” says Ali.

Clothing, a wholesale line in Miami. A costumer

filmmaking in New York and Connecticut. At

Stephanie at Rag Trade Happy Clothing Co. has contacted us

because we have the sweetest collection.

regarding their grand opening this weekend. In fact, we even

Owner of Rag Trade, Stephanie Spiegel, is a recent college grad

got to stop by the store “pre-opening” to meet her and check

with big ideas. Expect to see cool things come from her - she really

it out. The concept is simple, it’s like a vintage or second-hand

is trying to make Miami a greener place. Make sure you meet her

store, except that you can bring clothes to trade (or for cash). Rag

when you stop by the store.

Trade is your clothing store of funk & more! You and your friends


can bring in your awesome clothes and Rag Trade will buy them

All of the price tags are actually promotional flyers that were

from you while you shop for something new. Rag Trade believes

destined for the trash. The prices are super affordable. The location

in it’s ongoing recycling project, saving the environment one pant

is great, but the entrance is tough to find. Parking and entrance

leg at a time.

(2nd floor, #6) are in the rear of the building. Finally, when you go,

Rag Trade feels like going thru your best friend’s closets.

bring a bag of clothes to trade! Clothes should be clean and free

Rag Trade saves you the sifting you do at thrift stores,

of holes and sketchy stains.

DEC. 18, 2008

• 45-year-old Woman Accused of Bumping Uglies with 16-year-old Boy

Joplin, Missouri resident Jana Carter, 45, has turned herself in to the local authorities amid charges that she had consensual sex with a 16-year-old youth while working as a supervisor at the Scott Greening Dependency Center in Joplin. Carter is now charged with statutory rape. The offenses allegedly occurred from from October 10th through October 19th. The center where the incidents allegedly occurred houses all males and has no video surveillance. Director Larry Black told the media, “She came in very clean in terms of references and background checks,” noting that she no longer is employed at the facility. Carter is being investigated for similar incidents involving three others as well. Posted at 07:32 pm | Leave a comment at

• Students Warned Not to Participate in ‘Kick a Redhead’ Day Canada: St Peter’s Junior High School principal Tony Stack has issued a strong warning against participating in a kick a redhead day. His warning was echoed by Constable Kevin Foley who indicated the police were prepared to investigate incidents. Stack was tipped off that some students were planning the day in imitation of a South Park episode in which November 20 is “Kick a Ginger Day” and all redheads seen by the children are kicked. The controversial show’s satire has poked fun at many sensitive social issues. According to Stack sometimes students don’t separate the satire from reality. “These types of things can occur in a school-age population.” Posted at 09:14 am | Leave a comment at

DEC. 17, 2008 • Suri Cruise Tops Forbes List Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s toddler child Suri has topped Forbes. com’s “Hollywood’s 10 Hottest Tots” list, compiled using various news sources and online blogs. Three Jolie-Pitt children, Shiloh, Zahara and Pax, as well as Tiger Woods’s daughter Sam rounded out the top five. Included in the bottom five are Cruz Beckham, Matilda Ledger, Madonna’s son David Banda, Sean Preston Federline and Sam Sheen. Over 50 Hollywood tots were considered for the Forbes list, with it gradually being narrowed down in conjunction with polling company E-Poll Market Research. Consumer appeal rankings for the tots’ parents were also included. Posted at 11:45 am | Leave a comment at

• 14-Year-Old Lives 118 Days With No Heart Florida: 14-year-old D’Zhana Simmons has been released from hospital after spending 118 days without a heart. D’Zhana had a failed heart transplant and was placed on a pumping machine until a second transplant could be done almost four months later. During that time D’Zhana was able to take the occasional walk with the assistance of people to support her and push the machine which rivals a photocopier in size. Doctors say that with anti-rejection drugs she should lead a relatively normal life but may need another heart before age 30. Posted at 08:20 am | Leave a comment at

DEC. 16, 2008 • Woman Sues After Getting Transplanted Kidney With HIV and Hepatitis C A 33-year-old woman is suing a Chicago hospital after she contracted Hepatitis C and HIV from a transplanted kidney. The organ has been removed and the woman is undergoing dialysis again. The organs tested negative, suggesting that the infections were acquired not long before the donor, who was apparently gay, died in a car accident. Three other organ recipients have also been infected. Under federal law hospitals are required to notify organ donor recipients if their organs come from a homosexual donor due to higher risk of infections. The woman claims she would have refused the organ had she known this was the case Posted at 10:11 pm | Leave a comment at

• George Bush: Least Popular President

With just a few days left in office, George Bush has set a new record for being the most unpopular American President ever, according to data released by CNN. His approval rating is 24% and his disapproval rating is now 76%. A list of other disapproval ratings include: Clinton 54% (SEP 94), GW Bush 60% (JUL 92), Reagan 56% (Jan 83), Carter 59% (Jun 79), Ford 46% (DEC 75), Nixon 66% (AUG 74), Johnson 52% (AUG 68), Kennedy 30% (NOV 63), Eisenhower 36% (MAR 58). The closest any president has come to matching George Bush’s disapproval rating was Truman who registered a 67% disapproval rating in January of 52. Posted at 07:05 am | Leave a comment at

DEC. 15, 2008

• Mailman Who Hoarded 7 Years of His Route’s Junk Mail Evades Prison Steven “Mailman Steve” Padgett walked away with a $3,000 fine and community service after it was discovered that he buried and hoarded in his garage hundreds of thousands of pieces of junk mail from his postal delivery route for at least seven years. The North Carolina postal worker was found out after a utility worker saw all the mail. Not one complaint was ever received, and even when hundreds of residents were notified, there was only one response - and it was to honor Padgett for what he did. “Mr. Padgett did not mean harm to any person, rather he overcompensated by doing his job better than anyone,” said the letter. The Direct Marketing Assn. disagreed, saying 80% of the “direct advertising mail” is looked over by recipients. Posted at 11:42 pm | Leave a comment at

• Once Extinct Penguin Rediscovered after 500 Years While in New Zealand studying the rare yellow-eyed penguin, researchers accidentally rediscovered a lost species of penguin thought to have gone extinct 500 years ago when Polynesians first settled New Zealand. Waitaha penguin was initially identified by its DNA when researchers began testing the bones of yellow-eyed penguins, long associated with human settlement. That’s when they noticed that prior to humans, there was a totally different species present. Philip Seddon of Otago University, while testing the penguin bones, also noticed that there was a gap from 1200 to 1500. It was assumed that during that time the Waitaha became extinct, allowing the yellow-eyed penguin to get a foothold. Posted at 02:16 pm | Leave a comment at

•The One in a Million Two Faced Cat

Vets in Perth, Western Australia, were assisting with an awkward, but otherwise normal birth of healthy kittens. The vets were astonished when one of the new born that popped out was a little double faced kitty. Nurse Louisa Burgess, who delivered the kitten along with vet George Huber, said she had never seen a two-faced cat in 12 years of working in animal health.” I have seen cats with two tails and extra legs, but not this,” she said. The kitten meows alternatively out of both mouths but only eats from the one. According to an Australian website, his owners have a couple of ideas as to a name, Mr. Men or Quasi Modo. Posted at 8:55 am | Leave a comment at

cristiana couceiro to see more work go to pg8

A new page has been added to USA history. Barack Hussei Obama was elected the 44th president of the United State on Tuesday, sweeping away the last racial barrier in America politics with ease as the country chose him as its first blac chief executive. The election of Mr. Obama amounted to national catharsis — a repudiation of a historically unpopula Republican president and his economic and foreign policie and an embrace of Mr. Obama’s call for a change in th direction and the tone of the country. But it was just a much a strikingly symbolic moment in the evolution of th nation’s fraught racial history, a breakthrough that woul have seemed unthinkable just two years ago. Mr. Obama, 47, a first-term senator from Illinois, defeate Senator John McCain of Arizona, 72, a former prisoner of wa who was making his second bid for the presidency. To the very end, Mr. McCain’s campaign was eclipsed by a opponent who was nothing short of a phenomenon, drawin huge crowds epitomized by the tens of thousands of peopl who turned out to hear Mr. Obama’s victory speech in Gran Park in Chicago. Mr. McCain also fought the headwinds of a relentlessly hostil political environment, weighted down with the baggage le to him by President Bush and an economic collapse that too place in the middle of the general election campaign. “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if th dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still question the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer,” said M Obama, standing before a huge wooden lectern with a row of American flags at his back, casting his eyes to a crowd tha stretched far into the Chicago night. “It’s been a long time coming,” the president-elect added “but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this electio at this defining moment, change has come to America.” The focus shifted quickly on Wednesday to the dauntin challenges facing the president-elect, with his supporte offering sober reflections of what lies ahead.

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“We’re in deep trouble,” said Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and leader in the civil rights movement, on the Today show on NBC. “We’ve got to get our economy out of the ditch, end the war in Iraq and bring our young men and women home, provide health care for all our citizens,” Mr. Lewis said. “And he’s going to call on us, I believe, to sacrifice. We all must give up something.” Mr. McCain delivered his concession speech under clear skies on the lush lawn of the Arizona Biltmore, in Phoenix, where he and his wife had held their wedding reception. The crowd reacted with scattered boos as he offered his congratulations to Mr. Obama and saluted the historical significance of the moment. “This is a historic election, and I recognize the significance it has for African-Americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight,” Mr. McCain said, adding, “We both realize that we have come a long way from the injustices that once stained our nation’s reputation.” Not only did Mr. Obama capture the presidency, but he led his party to sharp gains in Congress. This puts Democrats in control of the House, the Senate and the White House for the first time since 1995, when Bill Clinton was in office. The day shimmered with history as voters began lining up before dawn, hours before polls opened, to take part in the culmination of a campaign that over the course of two years commanded an extraordinary amount of attention from the American public. As the returns became known, and Mr. Obama passed milestone after milestone —Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Iowa and New Mexico — people rolled spontaneously into the streets to celebrate what many described, with perhaps overstated if understandable exhilaration, a new era in a country where just 143 years ago, Mr. Obama, as a black man, could have been owned as a slave.

BJORK Bjork is the female Tom Waits. OK, slow down now, don’t scoff; just consider the following: 1. Esoteric arrangements. 2. Far-flung instrumentation (c’mon, foghorns?!?). 3. Vocals delivered in whispers and growls. 4. Ballads and bangers. 5. A deliberate lack of melody. All this in mind, we think Volta would be her

I’M FROM BARCELONA Summertime means lounging on a hammock with a tall glass of lemonade, the glass all sweaty with condensation. The perfect soundtrack for this leisurely pursuit is the 29-member I’m From Barcelona, who play pop so pure and sugary sweet it’ll make you want to kiss girls (or boys), kiss puppies, and maybe even kiss unicorns.

BATTLES In short, Battles play relentlessly technical mathrock. Blackbelts in the art of building and releasing tension, their skittering rhythms and zen-like repetition of phrases will have you scrambling for some mid-period King Crimson as well (Discipline anyone?).

ELECTRELANE We like flying in invisible planes like Wonder Woman. It’s empowering. Girl pop is empowering too and Electrelane bring the ruckus with soaring guitars, hopeful melodies and breathy vocal harmonies reminiscent of Stereolab circa 1994.

ILLINOIS If you’re not going to sit out on your front porch to pluck out some melodies on your banjo then you damn well better let Illinois do it. Who cares that they’re actually from Pennsylvania when they write hooks this sunny and earnest?

When you call your band Black Kids, fans remember your name. “We like that ‘Black Kids’ seems subversive,” says Reggie Youngblood, the Jacksonville, Florida, group’s lead singer and one of its two black members. (His younger sister, Ali, is the other.) But Youngblood admits the name is trickier for the quintet’s white kids. “For a while, when a stranger asked about the band, they’d just say, ‘Oh, you haven’t heard of us.’” SOUND That excuse no longer works, since Black Kids have gathered so much blog buzz over the past few months that they’re already playing sold-out gigs for fans such as the Beastie Boys’ Mike D. That acclaim is due mostly to the freewheeling indie-rock songs they posted on MySpace, earning

FIELDS This album has earned a spot on our makeshift altar, draped in crushed velvet, alongside our mushroom candles, J.R.R. Tolkien compendium, Dungeon Masters Guide and amethyst runes. Part prog and part majestic shoe-gaze, Fields’ swirling space-rock exists somewhere on the same plane as My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins, and latter-day King Crimson.

them comparisons to Arcade Fire and the Cure. But with coed harmonies and snatches of R&B, Black Kids have a more classic pop sound than your typical indierock band — and they’re more humble. Songs like “I’m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You” come from times Youngblood has had to keep his ego in check. “I’ve often had great chemistry with a girl on the dance floor,” he says. “And then she’d leave with her flat-footed boyfriend.” KEY TRACK “I’m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You” This danceable tune mixes arch lyrics with Cure-like vocals and a megacatchy chorus that exudes warmth.

Illustration by Juan C. Rodriguez




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FRANZ FERDINAND 12/20/08 BankAtlantic Center Sunrise, FL

RADIOHEAD 12/05/08 The Fillmore Miami Beach at The J...

YEAH YEAH YEAHS 01/23/09 Maxwell C. King Center For The Pe...

DEVENDRA BANHART 01/07/09 Parker Playhouse Fort Lauderdale, FL

SONIC YOUTH 12/14/08 AmericanAirlines Arena Miami, FL

WHITE RABBITS 01/23/09 AmericanAirlines Arena Miami, FL

VHS OR BETA 01/26/09 BankAtlantic Center Sunrise, FL

HONEY HONEY 12/06/08 Cruzan Amphitheatre West Palm Bea...

TV ON THE RADIO 12/20/08 BankAtlantic Center Sunrise, FL

YO LA TENGO 12/13/08 The Fillmore Miami Beach at The J...

ATERCIOPELADOS 12/06/08 City Limits Delray Beach, FL

SPOON 01/07/09 Parker Playhouse Fort Lauderdale, FL


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Illustration by Ana Pena



Someone once told me that a long, long time ago the Disney Company sat down and discussed all their future movie projects for the upcoming ten years. In the list that was compiled were The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and their final title on the list: Wall-E. After production for Wall-E wrapped up I am sure the Disney execs were scrambling for a movie idea. Why they chose to center a movie on quite possibly the yappiest breed of dog is beyond me. Not to offend any chihuahua owners out there, but I think a movie centered on a pack of wild Sugar Gliders could probably have held my attention a lot more. Who doesn’t love Sugar Gliders? The movie starts off with a montage of a shopping frenzy bestowed upon little Chloe, the light colored chihuahua belonging to Vivian who’s a businesswoman fronting a cosmetics giant, in Beverly Hills. This small dog puts on outfits that probably cost more than my rent, and wears a Harry Winston necklace that can very well get me shot - even in Coral Gables - which is a major part of the plot. All of the dogs in the film live in their own little universe filled with play dates, spa treatments and birthday parties. Remind me to come back as a schnauzer in my next life please. Not to give away the entire story, all of the shinanigans center on how Chloe gets lost in the vast and dangerous country of Mexico, getting caught up in a vicious dog fighting syndicate and obtaining the help of Delgado, an ex-K9 cop voiced by Andy Garcia…who no matter what he does will always sound CUBAN and not MEXICAN, in order to find her way home. All the while Papi, her unspoken love voiced by a hysterical Jorge Lopez, finds his way with his owner to his homeland to find the lost “princessa”. She meets numerous different characters that freak me out, made me chuckle and seriously had me reconsider buying pinatas from bodegas. Ugh. What really left a sour taste in my mouth were the overly dramatic scenes that had the kids in the audience scratching their heads and asking very strange questions that shouldn’t be answered in a movie theatre. To give you an example, I would never want to explain why a dog would like to be licked in the “hard to reach places” to my child. Also, the slow motion running scene involving the Doberman Pincher will probably give me nightmares for the rest of my life. All I can say about this film is, “No Mas”! I give Disney’s latest attempt at trying to rediscover Finding Nemo’s hilarity 2 out of 5 Snaps in a Circle.

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It’s no mystery to some of you that one of my greatest fears is Zombies. I know, I know…zombies aren’t real. Well people said the Chupacabra wasn’t real…and then we get hit by Amy Winehouse. So you tell me if a rabid person who bites strangers and reeks like death can’t walk around. Thought so. That brings me to my review on Resident Evil’s newest addition: Extinction. Mila Jovovich returns as Alice. A ruthless fighting machine created by the Umbrella Corporation that carries the cure to the T-Virus…plainly the reason why people now eat eachother and get dirty really, really fast. She’s a lone wolf wandering the barren wasteland that use to be Earth and crosses paths with that guy who was a Magi in The Mummy, the defunt singer Ashanti, and the schizophrenic character on Heroes and 30 other survivors. Nice line-up, right? This caravan of hope roams the US in search of a safe land where the infection isn’t running rampid, and due to their sucking small town’s dry of all resources for survival they are forced to enter Las Vegas. Keep in mind that during this entire adventure I recall seeing about 10 zombies in comparison to the 500 in the past Resident movies that still give me nightmares to this day. All the while the evil Dr. Isaacs from the last movie is on the hunt for Mila Jovovich, but in the interm creating a clone army of his creation…for either an epic war or a very sordid night filled with debauchery. Whatever the case may be, this movie in no way compares to the past Resident films. Not only did it confuse the hell out of me, it also left me hanging at the end. If you dare to see this movie, you’ll know why. I give this craptastic movie 1 out of 5 Snaps in a Circle…which says a lot because I gave Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2!

movie reviews n Garcia by Nivia

*Resident Evil: ExSTINKsion *Beverly Hills ChihuaWHAT?

For more movie reviews visit:



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The Vagabond (Downtown/Brickell ) 305.832.7469

Miami’s Top 5 Indie Havens

The Whitelaw (South Beach) 305.949.6722 Magnum Lounge (Wynwood/ Design District) 305.567.9078

There are people who live in Miami and don’t have tans. 1. The Vagabond (Downtown/Brickell ) - Among Miami's ostentatious club scene. Hipsters mingle with hip-hop and rock 'n roll lovers in the name of gin and dope beats. 2. The Whitelaw (South Beach) - Hotel Hip, social boutique hotel. Extreme minimalist décor, great bar scene. Peeps with personality, in; prima donnas, out. 3. Magnum Lounge (Wynwood/Design District) Shady backway entrance, schmaltzy piano bar, dimly lit, screw-the-Bush-administration vibe plus quality neighborhood dining. 4. Cafe Maurice (South Beach) - Perfect for wine after work and a non-greasy late-night bite. Lots of charm packed into a tiny red space. 5. Hotel St. Augustine (South Beach) - In-the-thick- of-it boutique feels blessedly out of the way. BYOB fun at Tangerine Bar.

THEATER Avenue Q Broward Center Au-Rene Theater January 16-18, 2009 Friday, Jan. 16 at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 17 at 2:00 p.m. Mamma Mia Actor's Playhouse (Miracle Theatre) December 5-7, 2008 Friday, Dec. 5 at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6 at 2:00 p.m. A Chorus Line Florida Shakespeare Theatre January 9-11, 2009 Friday, Jan. 9 at 8:00 p.m. Jersey Boys Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts Saturday, Jan. 10 at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 11 at 2:00 p.m. Annie Actor's Playhouse (Miracle Theatre) Sunday

Cafe Maurice (South Beach) 305.786.0987 Hotel St. Augustine (South Beach) 305.560.2084

BALLET Ballet Etudes Company: Nutcracker With NYC Ballet Stars Miami City Ballet Saturday 12.13.08 Starting at 8:00pm Holiday Show Miami City Ballet Saturday 12.20.08 Starting at 1:00pm The Nutcracker Miami City Ballet Sunday 12.21.08 Starting at 2:00pm Ziff Ballet Opera House Adrienne Arsht Center Friday, Jan. 9 at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 10 at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 11 at 2:00 p.m.

Actor’s Playhouse (Miracle Theatre) 280 Miracle Mile Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 444.9293 ext. 607 Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of MiamiDade County 1300 NE Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL Theater: 305.949.6722 Tickets: 877.929.7010 Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 S.W. Fifth Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL Theater: 954.462.0222 Tickets: 877.929.7010 Miami City Ballet Ophelia & Juan Js Roca Center 2200 Liberty Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 Florida Shakespeare Theatre 1200 Anastasia Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Box Office: (305) 445.1119 Web:

OPERA La traviata Dreyfoos Hall Kravis Center for the Performing Arts December 5-7, 2008 Friday, Dec. 5 at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6 at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7 at 1:00 p.m. Le nozze di Figaro Ziff Ballet Opera House Adrienne Arsht Center January 9-11, 2009 Friday, Jan. 9 at 8:00 p.m. Lakmé Broward Center Au-Rene Theater January 16-18, 2009 Friday, Jan. 16 at 8:00 p.m.

Way down south in Miami there’s a little record store that could. Sweat Records, is one of South Florida’s only indie record shops, and has been thriving among the glitz and price gouging of Miami culture since 2005. Run by Lauren (Lolo) Reskin, Sweat’s success can give a lot of its credit to the ambitiousness of its owner. When she’s not buying records for the store or promoting and managing local acts, Lauren also finds time to promote a weekly dance party in the design district, throw an 80s booty-skate night in Ft. Lauderdale, and run, a blog dedicated to the vegan/veggie lifestyle and that we feature in CINCO page 30. You can also check Sweat Records activities calendar at



illustration by Nayda Rosado




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he an t er fo wat ier th . h in lt tore ea s em s lot ery s ch h er th lu c u m o p m r , sim It's eg 20s r use oth. arly at th ys fo e br tuff a hey k s r t t a d d m be ke an pac e-cu ave in ic iumebi e, d h D t o r s Whit bro cto a e u r h h t t t s r n a ze n . tera ily, M Free uits. road t ve ite L n e h h a bisc r t W ( r n s o au s r f i' w u do est flo iam g, , re b tein at M oilin d) a -pro easy n ll Azul w a ire b a o B L u kip e r d q a e m. Sdemos across ly re classesreand la, R are cooking hey There it was: a raw, slimy, four-pound chicken ladio There c a s on e y l. ``T v o t a G r he pota sI ilk oall kinds of tastes, ages and e.'' -- wings, hed Florida mfor ult a legs, breast and all. I was in a sSouth a ic e f hom M if m so grab sd he n't a college and lass, who wants her . Tcafeteria s r is c kitchen-turned-classroom experience levels, from the mom e e n t a n bo but cke Find the you. kitchen skills to the amateur g lt. to learncsimple not in downtown n in a , s Miami, grabbing the bird in one child s a w n the t sa ndo , so kin , no do it n who coo lices hand and holding a knife in the other, unsure a s chef wants c k I get to expand his repertoire. If d n quic a : . ron stscut or whether the pieces would You that where n apdon’t have to enroll in culinary school eato r d a b e n r an gs th and intact. come apart to learn how to make cheese, bake tarts, ast le o bles r a t o e nd g a e y v a It wasaBasic Cooking Skills at Miami-Dade roll sushi or pair wines. Classes -- some singles of w w e bit thro e is w College’s Wolfson Campus, and though I had session and others weeks long -- take place at ther ht o



BY ALEXANDRA JIMENEZ wednesday sessions, Miami-Dade’s Basic Cooking Skills ($205) covered main courses such as pasta, churrasco and ribs, sides such as chayote salad, and sauces including barbecue, pesto and mojo. My fellow students were diverse: There was a car dealer in his late 20s who had relied on takeout most of his adult life, a speech therapist who was tired of cooking with

been cooking regularly for a year, I had never

schools, restaurants and private homes. Some

premade spice mixes, and a trio of best friends

brought myself to buy a whole chicken.

teachers will even come to your house.

in their late 30s and early 40s who just wanted a

Yet, one evening a few weeks ago, I broke

Most cost $75 or less, including ingredients and

fun girls’ night out.

down, seasoned and roasted that chicken,

a meal, so they won’t break the bank. And if

‘’I get lots of people in their early 20s, plus

made gravy, baked buttermilk biscuits from

you’re trying to rein in your dining-out budget,

lots of empty nesters; the kids leave and they

scratch and ate it all with creamy

they could even end up saving you money.

forget how to cook,’’ says instructor Debi

mashed potatoes.

Stretched over five weeks of three-hour

Hornbeck, a 15-year restaurant veteran whose

resume includes Azul at Miami’s Mandarin Oriental hotel. ``They are all

to make broth. Freeze the broth in ice-cube trays for use down

easy, simple recipes I do at home.’’

the road.

Breaking down a chicken isn’t as difficult as I thought: Cut the tendons,

• Low-protein flours (White Lily, Martha White, Gladiola, Red

not the bones. The knife should make quick slices, not sawing motions. I

Band) are best for biscuits.

also learned that:

• Mashed potatoes only require boiling, butter and some milk or

• It takes longer to roast legs than breasts. • It’s smart to save bits of vegetables and meat you might

heavy cream. Skip the salt. If I can do it, so can you. Find a class, grab an apron and get cooking!

otherwise throw away and simmer them in water for a few hours

BARS & RESTAURANTS OF THE WEEK Transit Lounge (305) 377-4628 | 729 SW 1st Ave Miami, FL 33130

Maca Taverna Bar (305) 856-4444 | 1400 SW 6th St # MA Miami, FL 33135

Joe’s (305) 374-8551 | 408 N Miami Ave Miami, FL 33128

Lillypad (305) 587-6342 | 1986 NW 7th St Miami, FL 33125

Moes Southwest Grill (305) 854-4797 | 229 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33130

Alba’s (305) 637-0340 | 5800 NW 32nd Ct Miami, FL 33142

Orchestra Bar (305) 372-5117 | 401 Biscayne Blvd Ste MS100 Miami, FL 33132

The Patio (305) 541-0049 | 8952 W Flagler St Miami, FL 33135

Red Bar (786) 316-0303 | 50 SW 10th St Miami, FL 33130

Small Daddys (305) 267-8345 | 7325 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33144

The Valley (305) 356-3569 | 7634 N Bayshore Dr Miami, FL 33132

Out of the Blue (305) 772-5689 | 211 SW 29th Ave Miami, FL 33135

Sharkeys Beer and Wine (305) 577-3333 | 401 Biscayne Blvd Ste Miami, FL 33132

Banana Jersey (305) 262-4455 | 8488 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33144

Atlantis (305) 466-4744 | 3750 NW 7th St Miami, FL 33125

Flannigan’s (305) 673-6048 | 1621 SW 37th Ave Miami, FL 33145

Fat Tuesday (305) 358-9555 | 401 Biscayne Blvd Ste S260 Miami, FL 33132

Mambo 5 (305) 267-8411 | 8488 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33144

Blue Martini (305) 350-5051 | 900 S Miami Ave Ste 250 Miami, FL 33130

Zaragozana Lounge (305) 267-5896 | 8488 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33144

Blue Parrot Grill (305) 374-7525 | 801 Brickell Bay Dr Miami, FL 33131

Instant Replay Sport and Grill (305) 226-3040 | 11865 SW 26th St Ste E1 Miami, FL 33175

Bal Tap Corp (305) 372-0763 | 25 SE 2nd Ave Miami, FL 33131

Club 45 (305) 442-6369 | 4545 NW 7th St Miami, FL 33126

Bursouth Mitha Cigar and Wine (305) 373-2659 | 207 N Miami Ave Miami, FL 33128

Circa 28 Inc (305) 722-1858 | 2826 N Miami Ave Miami, FL 33127

Lets Make A Daiquiri (305) 372-5117 | 401 Biscayne Blvd Ste MS100 Miami, FL 33132

The Corner Nightclub (305) 573-1791 | 3900 NE 1st Ave Miami, FL 33137

Venetia Bar (305) 374-3900 | 1633 N Bayshore Dr Miami, FL 33132

el Bajareque Bar (305) 576-5170 | 278 NW 36th St Miami, FL 33127

Night Owl (305) 649-4744 | 1750 NW 7th St Miami, FL 33125

Constitution (305) 573-0997 | 435 NE 23rd St Miami, FL 33137

Azucar Super Club and Restaurant (305) 642-9907 | 1971 NW 7th St Miami, FL 33125

Corbetts Sports Bar and Grill (305) 238-0823 | 12721 S Dixie Hwy Miami, FL 33156

Kendo Patio (305) 541-0049 | 1552 W Flagler St Miami, FL 33135

Little Hoolies (305) 252-9155 | 13135 SW 89th Pl Miami, FL 33176

el Palenque Nite Club (305) 644-7376 | 433 SW 19th Ave Miami, FL 33135

BBS Sports Bar (305) 253-2466 | 9240 SW 160th St Miami, FL 33157

Buda Bar and Lounge (305) 673-6048 | 1621 SW 37th Ave Miami, FL 33145

Bootylicious South (305) 256-9100 | 13045 SW 87th Ave Miami, FL 33176

Bushwhacker Lounge (305) 443-0873 | 1621 SW 37th Ave Miami, FL 33145

Coopers Bar and Grill (305) 232-4422 | 16701 S Dixie Hwy Miami, FL 33157

Catering Services 16701 NW 67th Ave T 305.654.5320

Miami, FL 33015

F 305.654.8905

DESIGN YOUR LIFE, BY ELLEN AND JULIA LUPTON Design Your Life, by Ellen and Julia Lupton, is forthcoming from St. Martin’s Press in Spring 2009. The book is a series of irreverent snapshots about design and everyday life. Design Your Life casts a sharp eye on everything from roller bags, bras, porches, and stuffed animals to parenting, piles, and potted plants. Illustrated throughout with original paintings of objects both ordinary and odd.

WHAT IS INDIE? Simply put, “indie” means independent from the mainstream. While some may say that a fan of indie culture, otherwise known as an “indie kid” or “hipster,” is merely a cultural elitist in an ironic t-shirt, others would argue that being indie means embracing a noble set of values--namely authenticity, experimentalism, anti-commercialism, DIY and appreciation of the world beyond American pop culture. While indie enthusiasts do sometimes adopt a “cooler than thou” posture when bragging about, er...discussing their obscure interests, the overall attitude is admirable--”it’s cool to be different.” Although the indie label has been applied to politics (the Green Party), fashion (, magazines (BUST) and even computer game companies (Rockstar Games), the label most likely originated in the music and film industries. Ostensibly, indie rock does not have the financial support and is therefore not subject to the control of a major record label. Whether or not indie music has a specific style: new wave revivalist, Britpop jangly guitars, etc., is not agreed upon. According to urbandictionary. com, indie rock, such as Modest Mouse, Le Tigre and Stellastar, evolved from “lofi” experimental 1960’s rock, the 1970’s

punk scene and the “alternative” rock movement of the early 90’s. After the mainstream adopted “alternative” music such as No Doubt and REM, indie rock became the new alternative. Like indie music, indie films are not tied to a major movie studio; therefore, they are typically more experimental and cutting edge. Independent movie making gained popularity in the late 1990’s when major advances in digital video technology made filmmaking more affordable, allowing individuals to finance their films without corporations. Not surprisingly, big chain stores like Barnes & Noble don’t typically carry music and films produced by independent artists, therefore fans must spread the indie gospel on their own. This may explain the borderline obsessive collecting and cataloging of hard to find records and videos that are so rampant in indie circles. In addition, fans rely heavily on the web to promote their favorite underground projects and artists. As you can imagine, with so many passionate fans of indie culture, who and what is truly “indie” is often in dispute. Musicians, such as Avril Lavigne and The Killers, are sometimes accused of being manufactured by record companies to look indie to capitalize on the credibility of the genre. Others who were once legitimately independent, such as The Strokes and Interpol, are later accused of selling out--trading artistic independence for commercial gain-when they sign with a major record label. Thankfully, not all indie artists sacrifice their reputation when they get rich and famous. Peter Jackson, for example, went from being a low-budget horror moviemaker to the acclaimed director of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy without losing the admiration of his indie fans.

HAND MADE THEORY REFLECTIONS & IDEAS ABOUT CONTEMPORARY CRAFT, PHYSICAL MAKING, AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH CULTURE, TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN. The collision between the seemingly separate worlds of Web 2.0 and craft is described in a recent article in The New York Times Magazine written by Rob Walker. The article begins by describing the Handmade Consortium an online project that seeks to get consumers to pledge to ‘buy handmade’. It’s a consortium that interestingly includes key movers in the DIY movement, and the American Crafts Council. It has a page of online resources for the Handmade Movement that includes this blog. Walker explains how the rise of the DIY/ Crafter movement has been intimately linked to Web 2.0. For example, the new Craft magazine which addresses the needs of “the new craft movement” was initiated by O’Reilly Media which itself has been behind all the analysis (and indeed the hype) that has led to the idea of Web 2.0. The article argues that the new handmade movement is an explicitly ideological movement that has profound implications for consumerism, and seeks to develop sustainable economies based on craft production. More than once the piece draws parallels with the Arts and Crafts Movement, and the examples cited demonstrate how a Web 2.0 enabled craft movement enables makers to overcome the Morris Dilemma. No “pandering to the swinish luxury of the rich” here - the hand felted ipod cocoons are very reasonably priced.

Labels are for products. We are Humans.


AN EVER-EVOLVING GUIDE TO VEGETARIAN + VEGAN DINING OPTIONS THROUGHOUT SOUTH FLORIDA Meatless Miami is all about spreading the gospel about how easy it is to find delicious, gourmet vegetarian cuisine in South Florida. There are loads of exceptional, progressive restaurants that cater to vegetarian and vegan palates, and MM intends to list as many of them as possible. Our secondary purpose, is to call out the behind-the-times restaurants who’ve yet to realize that there are thousands of vegetarians in South Florida with good taste (and money to spend). We like eating out, we all have meat-eating friends, and we’d like to eat with them at places where we can all be satisfied. Serving a little tofu or meat substitutes wouldn’t bankrupt you... Also, please feel free to leave comments or offer suggestions - nothing’s set in stone. Stay veg and tell your friends! Cheers,


KEEP CINCO Why you should keep this issue? CINCO is a newspaper you’ll want to keep FOREVER; because is a gallery of new art from your city, Miami. Although this is our first issue, we’re sure that CINCO will be part of your life from now on. If you are an art collector or just someone that appreciates art, CINCO will definetly be part of your library. We, the team of CINCO, encourage you to make a smart decision and keep this and all CINCO issues... we know our next generation will appreciate some art history.

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