John C. Lepore
P.O. Box 608, Bernardston, MA 01337
Education Conway School of Landscape Design Projects| 413.648.9485
Draw on lifelong skill sets to design sustainable landscapes in private and public sectors across scales • Project Development and Implementation • Baseline Regional and Local Land Assessment • Cooperative and Effective Teamwork Masters of Arts in Sustainable Landscape Planning, Design and Management, Conway School of Landscape Design, Conway, MA June 2011 Bachelor of Science Botany, University of Maine, Orono, ME May 1975
Keep Bloomfield Farming: A Farmland Preservation Plan, Bloomfield, CT
Twenty-four square miles with invaluable prime farm soil and quickly diminishing farmland Concerns • Sixty-percent loss of farmland to development in last 20 years • Needed plan to prioritize purchase by Wintonbury Land Trust and Town of Bloomfield from further loss Design • Cooperatively created a model that identified land suitable for farming and a scorecard method to prioritize existing farm parcels based on measurable community needs/interests • Provided a strategy for local food security planning • Integrated into Bloomfield’s 2011 Plan for Conservation and Development Skills • ArcGIS watersheds, slope, wetland, critical habitat, suitable soils, greenways, distances to open space and other farms analysis; public meeting process to direct decisions
Carolina Hill Reservation Conservation Land Management, Marshfield, MA
Town’s largest 750 acre water recharge land area with more then 10 local wells Concerns • Increasing demands for recreation, Natural Heritage Endangered Species Habitat • Unregulated trails used by hikers, runners, horses, mountain bikes • Illegal off-road motorized vehicles and ongoing conflict over deer control, Lyme disease and hunting • Oak-die back leaving forest fire fuels • Lack of a management plan framework Design • Three-person team met with stakeholders to determine potential strategies and solutions • Interviewed professional ecologists, planners, and foresters along with the local watershed association to determine management strategies and recommendations. • Resulting management framework serves as a template for Marshfield’s remaining 2200 acres of public land. Skills • ArcGIS wildlife corridor identification, trail analysis and importing/incorporating GPS data, erosion analysis, and forest fire potential assessment; using public meeting process to direct decisions
Residential Restorative Site Plan, Williamsburg, MA
Four-acres of heavily sloped, mismanaged and deeply disturbed rural landscape Concerns • Owner unknowingly disrupted a wetland. • Restorative actions on steeply eroded slopes Design • Mitigate wetland restoration • Sited passive solar home and greenhouse, personal food production and security with fruit, garden, and permaculture layout. Skills • Surveying, mapping, landscape drafting/design and site analysis of soils, slope, drainage, vegetation, and NHESP; public presentations, site engineering, and applying wetland regulations; proficiency in Google Sketch-Up Macintosh OsX and Windows XP, and Adobe Suite
Resilient Land Management Plan, Pioneer Valley Regional School,Northfield, MA
Pioneer’s 90 acre parcel makes it one of the largest land holdings of any public school in MA Concerns • Decreasing biodiversity; excessive runoff into BioMap2 Critical Landscape; high dependency on non-renewable energy sources; need for local food security education Design • Native plant rain gardens, rainwater capture, school/community permaculture gardens • Invasive management plan by students; pollinator habitats to reduce mowing/improve biodiversity • Designated wetland research areas with walkway/viewing platform; on-site sourced green roofed outdoor classrooms • Kiosk and trail system Skills • Facilitated hands-on community input meetings for over 200 participants • Developed alternative and preferred designs with pros/cons • Negotiated with the local snowsled association for trail and exotic invasive management along a wetland • Expanded ArcGIS and Adobe Suite skill set
Rural Residential Stewardship, Bernardston, MA
Heavily disturbed mostly forested 14 acre lot Concerns • Very poor soil conditions, two shallow wells and steep slopes. Design • Sited magnificent south facing mountain “viewscape” • Created several pollinator habitats; initiated invasive plant control on four species • Selected, cut and harvested/milled on-site trees for lumber for on-site construction • Major composting efforts to improve soil conditions • Developing and implemented permaculture practices; regenerative forest management plan. Skills • Selecting a building site for “view-scape” and solar gain, grading, building construction and logistics, harvesting lumber, on-site milling, and kilning; wetland and waterway conservation, soil health improvement through composting; mushroom farming and cultivation
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