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Communications Toolkit
We are the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai. Our brand fits within the overall Mount Sinai Health System brand, along with some guidelines specific to our department. Here are starter tools for branding, editorial, and design to ensure that we communicate with a common, clear, recognizable voice.
Our Voice:
We are the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai. We refer to ourselves as the Emergency Department, Emergency Medicine Team, or ED Team. We write in first person, using pronouns such as we, ours, us.
our team | our sites | our communities we are one department
We are a part of the Mount Sinai Health System or after first use, the Health System. Our service line is Emergency Medicine, which is a proper noun. Our writing is factual, energetic, passionate, and presents an expert voice.
Mount Sinai Brand Center: https://www.mountsinaibrandcenter.org/ • Writing and Editing for Mount Sinai • Mount Sinai Style Sheet and Spelling Guide • PowerPoint Templates • Zoom Backgrounds
Our Communications Structure:
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai communicates through a centralized infrastructure of email groups. These groups are tools to communicate internally at each site, across the site, and with Health System collaborators. Groups represent our departmental, clinical, divisional, educational, research, and administrative portfolios. Handy Departmental Groups for Email:
# EMFaculty # EMHR
# EMBillingTeam # EMDivisionalLeadership # EMResearchLeadership # EMEducationLeadership # EMClinicalOperations Emergency Medicine Faculty at Mount Sinai Emergency Medicine Faculty and Staff Affairs Emergency Medicine Billing Team (Rev Cycle) Emergency Medicine Division Leadership Emergency Medicine Research Leadership Emergency Medicine Education Leadership Emergency Medicine Clinical Operations Team
Emergency Medicine Communications Center: (Intranet) http://intranet1.mountsinai.org/epic/emcommunications.asp • Emergency Medicine Groups • Emergency Medicine Leadership and Team Directory • Emergency Medicine Broadcasts and Templates
EM Communications Broadcasts
Broadcasts focused for the Department of Emergency Medicine will come from “EM Communications” or leadership directly. These include departmental, clinical, and informational broadcasts. These will be flagged as important. Health System broadcasts will always come from “Broadcast Notifications.” There are also broadcasts that come from our Digital Technology Partners team, formerly IT.
Our Communication Tools
We use a variety of tools to communicate internally, both clinically and administratively. Here are some of these tools: • Outlook (Email) | Desktop or Online Based • Epic Secure Chat and Haiku • MyMountSinai (Patient Messaging) • Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and SharePoint • Zoom (By Request) • FirstUp App (Mount Sinai Daily) • Devices may include Zone Phones, Cisco Phones,
Rovers, iPhones
Good Practice:
• Use VPN and two-factor authentication to access the
Mount Sinai Health System network from home. • Always use corporate email or departmental tools to communicate about work. Never use personal email, and be aware when using personal devices.
Press and Media Inquires
The Press Office handles all matters related to the press and can assist you with a wide variety of needs. The Press Office is available 24/7 by phone (212-241-9200) or email (newsmedia@mssm.edu). Always communicate with Emergency Medicine Leadership about press involvement. The world of both traditional and social media is a complex one. The Mount Sinai Health System supports both a free press and the right of individual members of the Mount Sinai community to express themselves, and we believe that use of social media for professional purposes can be an important way to network and keep up with developments in your field. However, both traditional and social media can present traps for the unwary, so we have developed policies to help you navigate encounters with a reporter or media personnel, as well as to use social media without risking harmful or unprofessional behavior that may adversely affect your professional and personal image. For the sake of accuracy, patient confidentiality, and compliance with HIPAA and other laws and regulations, it is important that all faculty, staff, trainees, and students understand our policies, and follow them. Mount Sinai Newsroom: https://www.mountsinai.org/about/newsroom Mount Sinai Press Office: http://intranet1.mountsinai.org/marketing/home.asp
Social Media:
The Social Media Department strongly encourages all Mount Sinai Health System stakeholders to use social media for their marketing efforts and to actively participate online. Social media are internet-based applications that support and promote the exchange of user-developed content. Posting personal images, experiences, and information on these kinds of public sites poses a set of unique challenges for all members of the Mount Sinai community, including employees, faculty, house staff, fellows, volunteers, and students (collectively “personnel”). All personnel have a responsibility to the institution, regardless of where or when they post something that may reflect poorly on Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai Social Media HQ: https://socialmedia.mountsinai.org/ • Social Media Policy and Guidelines • Social Media Accounts and Requests • Social Media Learning