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Our Programs
All IAM practices provide a number of health care programs as well as support groups. Our goal is to provide diverse and comprehensive health care services to address the needs of all our patients. Each site can provide information to you about services and groups within your primary care practice.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is medicine to help prevent HIV. People who want to learn more or start PrEP can be referred to our PrEP or TelePrEP program. If you are uninsured, a social worker or our prevention staff can work with you to apply for insurance.
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
We provide 24/7 HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) services, through our PEP hotline, for people who may have been exposed to HIV in the past 72 hours. The hotline can be reached at 844-373-7692 (844-3-NYCPEP).
Hepatitis C (HCV)
We provide services for people who have hepatitis C, including: linkages to primary care; referrals to case management; integrative medicine; mental health and substance use treatment; ongoing adherence assessments; collaboration with an interdisciplinary team; health education including harm reduction; and completion of Hep-CAP applications for those who are underinsured.
Integrative Medicine
Integrative medicine includes massage, acupuncture, meditation and other stress reduction therapies to help address a variety of issues from pain, insomnia, and anxiety, to chronic disease management. Services from the Integrative Medicine program are available at the Morningside and Samuels Clinics, and acupuncture is offered at the Peter Krueger Clinic.
Food and Nutrition Services
The Food and Nutrition Services Program serves people with HIV and is located at the Morningside and Samuels Clinics. It provides nutrition assessments and plans, individual and group nutrition counseling, workshops, food voucher support, and trips to NYC neighborhoods to sample diverse healthy cuisines.
HIV/AIDS Clinical Research Program
The Infectious Diseases Clinical and Translational Research Center provides access to the most up-todate and current clinical research and trials for HIV treatment, prevention, and care for associated conditions. We also offer access to other clinical trials, which welcome and encourage the participation of people with HIV.
Care Coordination Program
The Care Coordination Program, available at all practices, works with people with HIV who would like extra support, home visits, accompaniment at medical visits, and additional assistance and education for their HIV care.
PlaySure Network 2.0 (PSN2.0)
The PSN2.0 program at IAM’s Comprehensive Health Program offers HIV prevention, care, mental health, substance use and supportive services. This includes PrEP, PEP, HIV/STI testing and treatment, outreach, and navigation services for individuals with HIV, including those who are uninsured or underinsured.
Harm Reduction
Project Safety, Harm Reduction, And Recovery for Everyone
(Project SHARE) provides harm reduction services for people with HIV to reduce the negative impact of drugs and/or alcohol use on their health. Offered at the Peter Krueger Clinic, services include individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, overdose prevention and education, and art/ recreational therapy.
Retention and Adherence Program (RAP)
RAP provides support and follow-up services for people with HIV who are having a hard time consistently taking their medications or attending medical appointments. Located at the Peter Krueger Clinic, the team provides outreach, home visits, and sessions around medical adherence and peer support to help support you to achieve and maintain good health.
Voices in Partnership (VIP)
The VIP Program, located at IAM's Comprehensive Health Program, provides affirming, quality care to transgender, intersex, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people with HIV including case management services, support groups and enhanced HIV and psychosocial services to improve overall health and well-being.
Beyond Diversity: Cultivating a Culture of Inclusivity in NYC Health Care
Beyond Diversity strives to address the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals by providing: (a) mental health services at IAM's Comprehensive Health Program; (b) job training at the Mount Sinai Health System to increase the number of LGBT individuals providing health-related services through an employment pathway program (LGBT Young Queer Urban Teens for Health in MEDicine (LGBT YQUTH
MED)) for high school and college age individuals; and (c) training to current providers to increase their ability to provide appropriate services in a safe space for LGBT individuals.
LGBTQIA+ Health Services
IAM provides comprehensive health care and social support services to those who identify as part of LGBTQIA+ communities, including, but not exclusive to those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and all other sexualities, sexes, and genders. A large percentage of our staff identify as LGBTQIA+, and we work to ensure that our practices are welcoming, affirming and safe spaces for everyone to receive care.
Coming Home Program (CHP)
CHP, located at our Morningside Clinic, complements our on-site medical services with supportive services for those who have a history of involvement with the criminal justice system. CHP staff, many of whom have also navigated the criminal justice system, work closely with each person to ensure that their needs are met through onsite clinical care, support services, individual and group counseling, and referrals as needed.
Pediatric/Adolescent Program
Our program offers comprehensive, primary medical care, case management services and health education to children born exposed to HIV or living with HIV, and their families. Our adolescent program provides primary medical care, case management services, health education, confidential HIV testing and counseling, and HIV prevention services.
Young Adult Sexual Services (YASS!)
Our YASS! program serves young men who have sex with men, ages 13-29. Services include HIV/STD/HCV prevention, screening and treatment services, prevention education, entitlement assistance, linkage to primary care, PEP, PrEP, mental health services, and social work.
People Aging With HIV
We have a full range of services for adults ages 55+ with HIV at IAM’s Peter Krueger Clinic. In addition to our team of providers and a geriatrician, nursing staff, social worker, pharmacist, and a community health worker, we offer a support group-style workshop series, which participants call the “OG Club.”
Health Home Program
The Health Home Program provides care coordination services for people with Medicaid who are living with a chronic illness, such as HIV, and would like assistance obtaining entitlements, attending and/or following up with medical and mental health care.
Enhanced Data-to-Care (eD2C) eD2C works with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) to identify people with HIV who are out of care, have never been in care, or are at risk of falling out of care. Linkage specialists reach out to bring them into care, and link them to appropriate services and programs for ongoing case management and primary care.
Clinical Education Initiative (CEI) program
IAM's two CEI programs provide clinical education and training to clinical providers throughout New York State. We address HIV prevention and care, and hepatitis C and drug user health.
If you are interested in any of these programs, please discuss this with your provider or social worker to receive a referral.
Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery (CTMS)
275 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, New York 10001
(212) 604-1730 | https://www.mountsinai.org/ctms
The Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery (CTMS) provides compassionate and comprehensive health care to transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals of all ages.
Our team is composed of experts in primary care, hormone therapy, behavioral health, and genderaffirming surgeries. Specialty care includes endocrinology, ENT surgery, gynecology, urology, and plastic surgery. CTMS also provides supportive services including:
• Social work
• Gender affirming vocal training
• Spiritual care
• Trauma services
• Individual and group therapy
Our providers and staff all work together to ensure that all medical needs are addressed, and that every individual feels supported and valued at our clinics.
Youth Gender Center—Pediatric and adolescent services for transgender youth and their families
The Youth Gender Center provides medical and mental health services for transgender youth and pediatric patients and their families, as well as supportive services such as social work, and case management.