J o h n D e T itta Independent Filmmaker, Director, Producer, and Writer
John De Titta is a well-known professional in the
music world and is celebrated for his work. His utmost talent and understanding of his work and
art allowed him to create award-winning projects.
John De Titta has developed a mechanism that includes advertisements and fundraising apparatuses that is more or less comparable to crowdfunding.
John Eric DeTitta has always preferred inventiveness and originality when it comes to developing artsrelated apps and he has six patents at present.
John De Titta endured several issues during his search for sponsors for his film, thus he presented a crowdfunding concept to planning something useful for all the artists.
In 2002, the whole mechanism of aiding artists was changed after John Eric DeTitta filed his first patent. John De Titta remained involved in the writings that were used and earned important academy awardwinning films.
THANK YOU To know more about him visit his official site https://johndetitta.us