John Douglas Steuart is a long-time entrepreneur and venture capitalist with a fascinating and eventful career Taking a look at his expansive and inspiring history can help provide young business people with the help that they need to feel better about their careers. Like many young investors, he worked up to the top over the years using excellent leadership skills and iron-tight instincts
John started his financial career at a young age when he earned a Bachelor's Degree in Economics in 1985 from the venerable UC Berkeley While there, he continually explored unique

business ideas and formed many concepts that helped him thrive today For example, he learned the importance of helping those who need it the most and fine-tuning a market to a specific share
After his hard work on his degree, he didn't stop to rest Instead, he marched into Golden State University and earned a Master's in Taxation. His hard work here helped teach him about essential tax laws and other factors that have influenced and affected his financial investments even today He wasted little time after finishing his well-regarded thesis and graduating
Instead, John Douglas Steuart started investigating different business opportunities and eventually met his future partner, Michael Karszulyak Like Steuart, this man had a drive toward business and a desire to help others. Together they formed their first business, one that helped them expand in different ways and become the substantial financial successes they were to become later.
Steuart and Karszulyak started their financial career by forming Savvy Properties together This company focuses on creating innovative student housing facilities with the latest technology and amenities This service focused on students who felt underrepresented in their housing market and provided them with the help that many needed to thrive and succeed in their studies
The success of this company helped John Steuart learn more about running businesses properly He was a quick learner, and it was clear that what he'd picked up in college was just the beginning of his future projects. The practical elements he learned running this company helped him move on to more student-centered organizations and businesses, which helped expand his portfolio even further.
These businesses included SmartZip and Sociogramics, companies that helped students in various ways. For example, they included innovative payment systems that predated ideas like Paypal and Venmo Later, Steuart would make an investment that could change his life forever:

buying into Alafi Capital Company, a life sciences company where he'd catch his proper big break.
After investing in Alafi, Steuart would serve as the CFO in the company's profitable investment division and form a joint venture with A/W Company and Washington University This venture focused on technological innovations that provided a unique insight into various fields. It helped fuel his success even further with new and innovative ideas that kept him focused on the future
Later, John Steuart could co-found Cybergold, an Internet payment and loyalty marketing company that further expanded his operating range He spent five years as a COO and CFO here, managing the Merges and Acquisitions department, investor relations, operations, marketing, sales, and financial reporting. Later, he served as a CFO and EVP of Strategic Relationship in My-Points United Airlines New Ventures

During his time here, he helped these companies merge, and his deal-making skills helped create multi-million dollar sales that took his companies to the next level. His growth trends continued to thrive as each company he worked at grew at record-setting rates They achieved this goal due to his intelligence, business savvy, personal skills, and ability to spot a great deal.
Over the last several years, John Steuart has served as the managing director and co-founder of Claremont Creek Ventures-Oakland. He led the team's profitable healthcare division (by far the company's most successful) and helped this company innovate and create new healthcare products His underlying goal with this company was to innovate and cut costs for the consumer Even now, he was looking to help people who needed it whenever possible.
One of his biggest successes here was creating a contract with Sigma Aldrich that increased investment by over 20%. He has also invested in various companies to help provide robust and innovative technology products These include the living tissue implant with electrical transponder market that has helped revolutionize the market and improve healthcare in many fields It has become one of the most trusted and respected tech companies of its type
While at CCV, he also helped raise millions in LP funding from blue-chip companies to give it even more operating capital These businesses included Vanderbilt, the University of Michigan, Harvard, and the University of California His ability to connect with the often challenging blue chip investors made him a critical part of the company's overall investment policy and continued growth He has helped continually push CCV to the top of its market, regardless of product
Furthermore, John Steuart took part in managing AssureRX and Natera, other innovative and vital companies within the CCV sphere Natera screens embryos to check for various medical conditions before implanting them. Its revolutionary method is less expensive and more effective than past options and helped Natera become a primary medical provider across many markets At this point in his career, it seemed that almost everything he touched turned to gold for him
AssureRx collects various genetic information and helps choose medications that fit each patient This fascinating idea has become a vanguard in the industry and has helped AssureRX rocket to the top of its market. Myriad Genetics purchased this company in 2016, giving John a significant payout Since then, he has remained interested in companies like GeneWeave and other multinational facilities, believing he can still make a difference in a crowded market.