John Vitti Design Portfolio

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John Vi tti Uni versi tyofHartford

Desi gn Portfoli o



EastHaddam Fi rehouse 5 Cambri dgeBookStore 7 Antal ya Expo Masterplan 9 JapaneseGarden 10 SteelFrameOffi ceBui ldi ng 11 Sustai nableMul ti Use 13

Haddam Fi re House EastHaddam,CT 2nd Year Studi o

Offi ces

Sun Room Dormi tori es

Locker Rooms

Ki tchen

Garage Recepti on Tower


Fi rstFloor

Di agram ofSpaces


Second Floor


Thi rd Floor

Bi rd’ s Eye


Cambri dge Bookstore Cambri dge,MA 3rd Year Studi o

Fi rstFLoor

Second FLoor


Thi rd Floor

Fourth Floor

Corner Perspecti ve


Features Abandoned Bui ldi ngs converted to research center

I nternati onal Botani cal Garden EXpo Antal ya,Turkey 3rd Year Studi o


Expo spaces throughoutwi ndi ng paths Trai n to transportpeoplearound edgeofexpo two amenti ti es centers Threelargegreenhouses,oneon edgeoflake Lakefed byexi sti ng ri vers Two sculpturegardens Open meadow spaces surroundi ng lake

Features Concealment.( mi egakur) : Featuresarehi dden behi nd hi lls,trees,orstructures, to bedi scovered when followi ng thewi ndi ng path. " Borrowed"Scenery ( Shakkei ) :Of O ten desi gned to i ncorporatethevi ew of featuresoutsi dethe garden,such asmount ai ns, aspartofthevi ew.Thi s makesthegarden seem largerthan i treall yi s. Asymmetry:Japanesegardensarenotlai d on strai ghtaxes,orwi th a si nglefeaturedomi nati ng thevi ew. Garden wi llbefeatured at Ant al yaBot ani calGarden Expo

Japanese Garden Expo Space 10

SteelDesi gn Offi ceBui ldi ng Hartford,CT 4th Year SteelDesi gn

Warren Truss Anal ysi s

Beam Si zi ng ( Fl410)

T=Tensi on

C=Compressi on

ZF=Zero Force

Column Si zi ng ( Fl410) W8x40


AllI nteri or Columns: W12x120




Mi xedUse Bui ldi ng

Mi ami ,Flori da 4th Year Sustai nable Course

Program Both theFi rst floor retai l spaces and the second floor apartments featureopen plans. Theoutdoor spacei s broken upbya wall i nto a pri vate i nteri or courtyard and publi c area near the

Natural Venti lati on

I nteri or Courtyard

Wi nd Di recti on

Largeevenl y spaced wi ndows on theEastand Westwalls of both wi ngs lets fresh ai r pass through 10 passi vel y coolthe bui ldi ng.The prevai li ng wi nds comefrom East.

Natural Li ght Clerestori es leti n natural li ghtbutnot di rectsunli ght. A curtai n wall on theNorth f acadeofeach wi ng lets i n addi ti onal naturalli ght.




Sustai nableMateri als Cypress Pi nei s a wood naturalto Flori da and i s consi dered sustai nablefor bei ng a local materi al.Allwood panels wi llbemadeof Cypress

Verti calAxi s Turbi ne Causes less vi brati on than standard turbi nes.Theycan also beplaced closer to gether and aremoreeasi l ymounted on a roof.

ArrayofSolar Panels Solar panels wi lbemounted to both clerestoryroofs and together wi th the turbi nes wi llaccountfor allenergyuse i n thebui ldi ng.


Ecodomo Floori ng i sa naturall ysoundabsorbi ng ti lethatwi llhelpkeep noi sefrom travelli ng from thepubli c retai lspaceto theapartments above.

Tabbyi s li me,sand, water,and crushed oyster shells. I thardens i nto a concreteand wi llbe used for allwalls i n thebui ldi ng and covered i n stucco.

Thank you.

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