Christian Religious Tesources

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Christian religious resources resources designed to learn and share our faith

for primary schools | 2012–2013 GP_Education Rep Catalogue 2012_TXT.indd 1

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Garratt Publishing offers a new look and new way to share and learn about faith!


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Contents Catholic resourcest Graduation book Breakthrough! series

3 3 4

Sacramental resources


Christian resources


Personal development resources


Coming in 2013 Big Books Promethean Planet

15 15 15

ABN: 28 076 537 623

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Catholic resources 4:51 PM

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Celebrating you for primary graduates celebrating you for primary graduates

Written by Juliette Hughes-Norwood Illustrated by Geoff Hocking

This little book is guaranteed to get into the hearts and minds of your students.

Celebrate! graduat ing students

Completing primary school and commencing secondary college is an important milestone in every child’s life. It is a time full of mixed emotions; excitement, anticipation, uncertainty and even some sadness. Celebrating You cleverly explains that graduating, is, in reality like opening and closing ‘doors’: the passing through the primary school door, and the ‘good-bye door’ allows students to open the new door of secondary school and the path to the rest of their lives.

Great Value & Ideally priced!

Underpinning the finality of primary school, Celebrating You cleverly touches the child’s need for ‘connectedness’ and illustrates that, despite the changes, the child remains steadfastly connected to God, the Church, family and friends. The final message in this wonderful book is a warm message of pride and optimism from the primary school and teachers. “You leave with our blessing!”

A very warm, special memento for every graduating primary school student. ISBN 9781921946011



atholics are not very different from anyone else in the community but we do hold ertain beliefs which affect the way we think about ourselves, about other people, about he world around us. Catholic upbringing has a strong influence on the way we lead our lives — even if we no onger go to church. If you are planning to send your child to a Catholic school this book is designed to help you appreciate a little better the culture you are coming into and what makes this school he place that it is, and something of the vision that caused it to be established in the first place. from The

Written by Tony Doherty

We know from surveys that less than 10% of parents sending their children to Catholic schools attend church regularly, this booklet will enable them to understand the rationale behind the programs in the school.


Ideal for families of new students

The So You’re series is an invitation to all who come in contact with the Catholic Church to look a little closer at this ancient, vibrant faith. As a ‘friendly introduction’ to Catholic life, Fr Tony Doherty explains the “basics” in an inspiring and accessible way.

Tony DoherTy baPTising Darcy o’brien

monsignor Tony DoherTy is currently the pastor of a Sydney parish. During four decades of pastoral ministry as a diocesan priest, he has been a hospital chaplain, adult ducator, contributed to ABC radio and television, ncluding the two TV series ‘Echo of a Distant Drum’ (the tory of the Irish in Australia) and the award winning Brides of Christ’. In 1995 he co-ordinated the visit of Pope ohn Paul II to beatify Australia’s first saint Blessed Mary MacKillop. While Dean of Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral, e received the 2004 Community Relations Commission medal for his contribution to Inter-Faith dialogue. His lifeime search is to find an appropriate language of faith for ontemporary adults.

A Friendly Guide jgp_logo_type.indd 1

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to the

CAtholiC trAdition

Tony DoherTy

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So You’re Sending Your Child to a Catholic School is intended for parents of children in Catholic schools - both those entering the system for the first time at Prep or Year 7 level and those who, beyond the school, have little contact with the wider Church community. ISBN 9781920721664

Contact your consultant today. Details on back cover.   > 3

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Breakthrough! The Bible for Young Catholics was created especially to make reading the Bible easier for young people, leaving childhood and entering adolescence.

upper primary 10-12 Yrs

Its ten special features were created to help young people learn about the great people of the Bible, and will see how God has been breaking through in human history and connecting with humanity for thousands of years. Most important, they will discover, in the Bible, how God’s messages to key people of faith have meaning for life today.

Hardcover & Paperback Editions Available

Hardcover ISBN 9780884898849

Paperback ISBN 9780884898627

BREAKTHROUGH! AN INTRODUCTION TO PEOPLE OF FAITH The teaching activities manual assists teachers to further engage and enrich students’ exploration of the Bible. Special focus of this manual is the biblical people who have important roles in salvation history. This manual provides a variety of ways to meet the needs of young people. The student workbook covers the same people as the teaching activity manual. Each biblical figure has a puzzle for the young person to work with that guarantees that they have the basics of the story down, encouraging them to read about each person.

Teachers’ Manual & Student Workbook Available

Teachers’ manual ISBN 9780884899082

Student workbook ISBN 9780884899389

BREAKTHROUGH! GETTING TO KNOW JESUS Getting to Know Jesus invites young people to get to know Jesus through his varied qualities and gifts during different times in his life. Each chapter in the teaching activities manual includes an overview, key scripture passages, related Breakthrough articles, correlations between the life of Jesus and the lives of young people and activities that familiarise them with stories from the Gospels and Jesus himself. Teachers’ Manual & Student Workbook Available

The student workbook contains 14 worksheets that explore the life of Jesus and his teachings. Teachers’ Manual ISBN 9780884899792

Student Workbook ISBN 9780884899785

BREAKTHROUGH BIBLE PEOPLE POSTERS Perfect for visual learners the Breakthrough posters feature key people from the Bible. Each 28cm x 43cm poster features a large image of the biblical figure, along with four or five facts central to that person’s role in the Bible. Posters are laminated on the front for durability.

Old Testament Set • • • •

Adam & Eve Abraham David Deborah

ISBN 9781599820361

New Testament Set • • • •

Ezra & Nehemiah Isaiah Moses Solomon

• • • •

Jesus the Christ John the Baptist Mary of Nazareth Mary Magdalene

• Paul • Peter • Priscilla & Aquila

ISBN 9781599820354

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Sacramental resources 25/7/11

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Supplementary classroom material available Illustrations by Geoff Hocking

2:17 PM

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A new and essential resource for Australian schools and parishes. ISBN 9781569290033


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ing are also availa Garratt Publish ia by John ve, Vic. 3170 in Austral t, Mulgra Published e Crescen 32 Glenval ing www.johngarra Garratt Publish ©2011 John Copyright 1946042 ISBN 978192 illustrations Design & Hocking by Geoff

The slides

Bestse lling Childr en’s Missal

Designed to introduce children across Australia to the new liturgy, The Australian Children’s Mass Book is a book that will delight and engage younger readers as they participate more fully in the Mass. With playful and inclusive illustrations and text approved for use in Australia, this missal for juniors has easy to read, well set out responses and explanations.

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to praise God

INTRODUCTORY RITES Entrance song and Procession Sign of the cross Greeting Penitential Rite The Gloria Opening Prayer WE LISTEN to God's word

in the Bible

THE LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading Responsorial Psalm Gospel Acclamation Gospel Homily Profession of Faith Prayer of the Faithful


WE GIVE THANKS for the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

Australian Children’s Mass Book CD

Priest Brothers and sisters let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries

THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Offertory Procession The Eucharistic Prayer Preface Holy Holy (Sanctus) Eucharistic Acclamation Doxology Great Amen The Communion Rite Our Father Sign of Peace Lamb of God

All I confess to almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words in what I have done and in what I have failed to do through my fault through my fault through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever Virgin all the Angels and Saints and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the Lord our God

WE RECEIVE the Body and

Blood of Jesus Christ in communion

Communion Procession Time of silent prayer Prayer after Communion WE GO out to be peacemakers and hope givers

ISBN 9781921946042


Australian Children’s Mass Book Laminated Poster Sets Prayers of the Mass Order of the Mass Design & illustrations by Geoff Hocking

ISBN 9781921946066

Design & illustrations by Geoff Hocking

ISBN 9781921946073

Sacramental books and certificates Books written by Kathy Horan

Popular author and educator Kathy Horan provides a brief introduction to the church’s teaching on, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. With a separate book for each sacrament, parents and children are provided with a practical workbook so that they can explore together, the importance of each sacrament, the meaning of the themes and symbols as well as space for personal and family reflection. Each workbook contains a scripture story, family reflection and prayer time. Illustrations clearly describe the ceremony itself.

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Jesus brings hope and healing We celebrate forgiveness Reviewing the day The shape of Reconciliation Building bridges — making peace

Eucharist aims to strengthen your relationship with your child and affirm your role as parents. It provides a brief introduction to the key teachings of the Catholic Church on the significance of the Eucharist, together with Baptism and Confirmation, in initiating people into full membership of the Church.

Kathy Horan is Campus Principal of Nazareth Catholic College, Flinders Park primary campus, and has worked extensively in leadership in Catholic schools within South Australia. She holds a Master of Theology degree, Master of Educational Leadership, and Graduate Certificate in Catholic studies. Kathy has worked for Catholic Education SA as a Religious Education Consultant and has a particular interest in supporting the faith formation of families.

She links your role to how the gospels portray the way that Mary and Joseph went about preparing Jesus to become a full member of their Jewish community. In doing so, Kathy links the gospel stories to everyday family events and provides an explanation of the meaning of the Mass and how we should approach reception of Eucharist. She provides material for ten sessions: The family at Nazareth Joseph and Mary took Jesus to the Temple Jesus with family and friends Jesus with Martha, Mary and Lazarus at Bethany The Last Supper Jesus continues to be present The Catholic community The shape of the Eucharist (Mass) Called to share Jesus’ mission to the world

The layout is family friendly and easy to follow. The thematic approach allows families to centre upon relevant biblical stories as the basis for discussion, prayer and reflection time together. Carmen Balales, Pastoral assoCiate, reC for Parish and family –Based CateChesis, flinders Park/hindmarsh, sa

A practical workbook sessions to facilitate your f o r p a r e n t s a n d discussions cKathy h iHoran lwithd provides ryourechildntenduring the preparation time.

Each session contains a scripture story, family reflection and a prayer time. With the help of Ian James’s illustrations, she clearly outlines the procedure for the different forms of the Rite. Kathy Horan has worked extensively in leadership positions in Catholic schools in South Australia. She is currently Deputy Principal and Religious Education Coordinator at Rosary School, Prospect. Kathy holds Masters degrees in Theology and Educational Leadership and a Graduate Certificate in Catholic Studies. She has been a Religious Education consultant for the Archdiocese of Adelaide and has a particular interest in supporting the faith formation of families.

Confirmation is one of the sacraments that have received particular renewal following the Second Vatican Council. It is now seen, along with Baptism and Eucharist, as part of the process of initiation into the Catholic Church. Reception of the sacrament varies from diocese to diocese: some offer the sacrament together with First Eucharist; others separately at the end of primary school.

A practical workbook for parents and children

Worksheets included! This is an excellent resource for parents. Attractively presented and written in very accessible language, the workbook provides just the right balance of theological information, gospel stories, prayers and practical suggestions to enable parents to accompany their children in their faith journey. Jenny O’Brien, Liturgy educatOr, Office fOr WOrship, adeLaide.

Each session includes a summary of the gospel passage, a reflection time, a prayer time, and a suitable prayer. You will also find an explanation of the symbols used and common prayers of the Church. In addition, you can download free children’s activity sheets, parish invitations and prayer services related to these themes. See and click on sacraments.

Kathy horan

Kathy Horan explains the changes that have taken place and points out that, whatever the diocesan practice, Confirmation is seen by all as the second formal step of initiation. She provides ten themes around relevant scripture passages to help parents explain the sacrament to their children: Jesus is baptised Baptism: the journey begins The Church: a community of disciples Pentecost The Spirit of Jesus is alive in us Confirmation: confirming Baptism


ISBN 9781920721732

ISBN 9781920721572

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A practical workbook for parents and children

Kathy Horan has worked extensively in leadership positions in Catholic schools in South Australia. She is currently Deputy Principal and Religious Education Coordinator at Rosary School, Prospect. Kathy holds Masters degrees in Theology and Educational Leadership and a Graduate Certificate in Catholic Studies. She has been a Religious Education consultant for the Archdiocese of Adelaide and has a particular interest in supporting the faith formation of families.

Kathy horan

K at h y h o r a n

Reconciliation eucharist cover.indd 1


Celebrating Confirmation Being a follower of Jesus Living as a Spirit-filled follower of Jesus Called to mission Each session contains a scripture story, family reflection and prayer time. With the help of Ian James’s illustrations, she clearly describes the ceremony itself. In addition, parents and teachers can download free children’s activity sheets related to the themes from .


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Confirmation 2/5/09 8:52:55 AM

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4/1/08 10:18:35 AM

Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

ISBN 978192072174

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.

luke 6.37

Galatians 5.25



celebrated for the first time the

S acrament


received the

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S acrament


c onfirmation




parish priest



As a result, the church now speaks of the ‘process of initiation’ and sees Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist as steps along the path to becoming full members of the church community.


sacra cert 09/07.indd 4

Becoming Catholic provides easy answers to why things are different now, what it means to be part of a Christian community, why Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are called the sacraments of initiation and the different ways to celebrate reconciliation. It also explains how parents can help in the preparation of their children, as well as providing assistance on how to participate in the different parts of the Mass.

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Reconciliation certificate

Eucharist certificate

Confirmation certificate

ISBN 9781920721701

ISBN 9781920721718

ISBN 9781920721725

ISBN 9781920721275

Contact your consultant today. Details on back cover.   > 5

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Catholic resources


lower primary 5-7 Yrs

Catholic Prayers With clear, simple language and sweet illustrations, these board books explain the meanings of two of the best loved Christian prayers, the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary. Brief explanatory text relates the words of the prayer to young children’s everyday lives and teaches them how to talk to God like a father. Rounded corners, padded covers, and sturdy board book pages ensure that youngsters can enjoy this book over and over.



ISBN 9781920721565

ISBN 9780802853127

25 Questions A clever, engaging series of books, excellent for building Catholic literacy and identity for children aged 11-14 while exploring, rites, rituals and traditions of the Catholic church. The series includes:

upper primary 10-12 Yrs

25 Questions about Virtues and Vices Answers questions about what Jesus taught about virtues and vices, the theological virtues, cardinal virtues, sin and pride. 9782896463985

25 Questions about Vocations Asks and answers questions such as what is said in the Bible about vocations, how to become a priest and how Christians bring vocations to their lives every day. 9782896463992

25 Questions about the Sacraments 97828963756

25 Questions about Prayer 9782896463763

25 Questions about Signs and Symbols of the Catholic Faith 9782896462360

25 Questions about the Pope 9782896462377

25 Questions about the Mass ISBN 9782896462193

25 Questions about Catholic Saints and Heroes ISBN 9782896463213

25 Questions about What We See in a Catholic Church ISBN 9782896463220

25 Questions about the Founders of the World’s Major Religions ISBN 978289646220

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Catholic resources Saints & Heroes

0 prayers written by Australian ohn Garratt Publishing and the tributions from every state by h is a treasure in all respects. g both innocence and wisdom, The pages are brought to life a by award winning artist and

for sacramental celebrations, isation of St Mary of the Cross


The Mary MacKillop Prayerbook for Children

es some of the many admirable ulness, care for others, trust in nce when facing challenge and


ia’s The Mary MacKillop Prayerbook for Children celebrates some first of the many admirable qualities of Australia’s first saint. The book saint is divided into chapters based on these themes depicting more than 80 prayers written by children from across Australia in the year of her canonisation. The final selection includes contributions from every state by children aged 5 to 12 and has resulted in a book which is a treasure in all respects. The pages are brought to life with original paintings of Australian flora and fauna by award winning artist and calligrapher Lynne Muir. A delightful read!

by the children of Australia Illustrated by Lynne Muir

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ISBN 9781920682118


Mary_Mac_A_Great_Australian.indd 1



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lower primary 5-7 Yrs

When Mary MacKillop exchanged her clothes for a simple black dress and dedicated her life to God in 1868, she embarked on a personal journey to bring the gospel message to the poor and underprivileged people across Australia and New Zealand. She founded schools, hospitals, aged care facilities and other charitable organisations, many of which still exist today. In October 2010, she was declared a saint by Pope Benedict . This book will delight and enthral younger readers and inspire to a greater awareness of the call to live the gospel message in their own lives. ISBN 9780859243957

LOYOLA SAINT’S KIT This popular kit contains 189 colourful cards, each featuring a picture of a Catholic saint and his or her life story, feast day, country, dates of birth and death, and date of canonisation. Through these fun and informative cards, kids come to know each Catholic saint as a real person while they learn their Christian values and discover role models within the Church. Each card also contains prayers and activities related to the Catholic saint being featured. ISBN 9780829408003


Suitable for ages 8–12

This delightful book asks who are the saints, why are the lives of saints important for children, and what can children learn from the saints? In Loyola Kids Book of Saints, the first in the Loyola Kids series, best-selling author Amy Welborn answers these questions with exciting and inspiring stories, reallife applications, and important information about these heroes of the church. More than 60 stories of saints for children are divided thematically and cover saints throughout history from all over the world. ISBN 9780829415346


Suitable for ages 8–12

In this book of saints for kids, best-selling author Amy Welborn tells the stories of devoted Christians, including Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day, and John the Baptist, who made significant contributions to people and the world around them. Christian role models are introduced who exemplify the seven cardinal virtues— faith, hope, charity, temperance, prudence, fortitude, and justice—and helps children grow in their love and admiration for the saints. ISBN 9780829415841

Contact your consultant today. Details on back cover.   > 7

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Christian resources GOSPELS: A FULL COLOUR ILLUSTRATED EDITION This is as beautiful an edition of the Good News translation of the Bible as you are ever likely to see. Each of the four Gospels has a different illustrator who brings a different interpretation and style to each Gospel . This beautiful hardcover volume in glorious full colour is the perfect gift for special occasions in the life of young Christians and their families: Baptism, First Communion, Primary School Graduation, Christmas and Easter. ISBN 9781920721329

365 CHILDREN’S PRAYER BOOK by Bethan James Illustrated by Heather Stuart


erfect for bedtime or anytime, this illustrated collection provides prayers to help children pray about all the different experiences they have day by day and to learn to share them all with God.




C H I LD R E N ’ S


Beautiful illustrated book with 365 prayers…one for each day!!! Grouped in topics and featuring extensive topical index, this book is an ideal resource for schools or for use in any liturgical celebration with children. A beautiful memento or gift. ISBN 9781920682323


Bethan James

Illustrated by

Heather Stuart


Bus • Deneux

Our Father

simply and clearly takes each phrase of this great prayer and shows children how they can pray to God like a father.

With clear, simple language and sweet illustrations, these board books explain the meaning of one of the best loved Christian prayers, the Lord’s Prayer. Brief explanatory text relates the words of the prayer to young children’s everyday lives and teaches them how to talk to God like a father. Rounded corners, padded covers, and sturdy board book pages ensure that youngsters can enjoy this book over and over.

Also available:

Written by Sabrina Bus • Illustrated by Xavier Deneux

ISBN 9781920721565

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Christian resources

978-0-7586-0880-2 978-0-7586-0880-2

59-1609YCO 59-1609YCO Luke 10:38–42 978-0-570-07548-6

Exodus 2:1–10; LukeLuke Exodus 2:1–10;

Wonderful Take Home Books 978-0-7586-0408-8 978-0-7586-0408-8

LukeLuke 2:41–52 2:41–52

Matthew 6:9–14; Matthew 6:9–14;

2:1–20; MarkMark 10:13–16; 2:1–20; 10:13–16; 11:1–4 11:1–4 Acts 8:26–40 Acts 9:1–22, 22: Luke 1–21Luke 1 Samuel 1 1 1 Samuel 978-0-7586-0619-8 978-0-7586-0868-0 978-0-7586-0590-0 978-0-7586-0590-0 59-1575YCO 59-1575YCO

59-1562YCO 59-1562YCO

978-0-570-07547-9 978-0-570-07547-9

Genesis 2–3 Genesis 2–3 Genesis 2–3 Genesis 2–3

Genesis 4:1–15 Genesis 4:1–15 Genesis 4:1–15 Genesis 4:1–15

978-0-7586-0618-1 978-0-570-07565-3 978-0-7586-0618-1 978-0-7586-0618-1 978-0-570-07565-3 978-0-570-07565-3 978-0-7586-0618-1 978-0-570-07565-3 Generations of children have learned the Bible from this best-selling book series. Each book includes a letter to adults that offers background to the story and suggestions for its application to effectively teach Matthew 4:18–22; Mark 4:18–20; 9:9–13; Acts 16:1–6 Mark 1:16–20; Luke 10:1–42; Luke 5:1–11 978-0-7586-0506-1 Bible stories to children. Told in 5:1–11; John 1:35–51 59-1574YCO 978-0-570-07542-4 ActsActs 9:1–22, 9:1–22, 22: 22: 1–21 1–21 978-0-7586-1611-1 easy-to-read rhyme and featuring 59-1515YCO 978-0-7586-0868-0 978-0-7586-0868-0 59-2222YCO engaging illustrations!Genesis Genesis 6:1–9:17 Genesis 1–2 Genesis 6:1–9:17 Genesis 1–2 Genesis 6:1–9:17 1–2 Genesis 6:1–9:17 Genesis 1–2 978-0-570-07538-7 978-0-570-07538-7 978-0-570-07538-7 978-0-570-07538-7

978-0-7586-0406-4 978-0-7586-0406-4 978-0-7586-0406-4 978-0-7586-0406-4

Bible Beginnings

Genesis 6:1–9:17

Genesis 1–2



Genesis 2–3 2–3 Genesis

Genesis 4:1–15 Genesis 4:1–15

978-0-7586-0618-1 978-0-7586-0618-1

978-0-570-07565-3 978-0-570-07565-3

Genesis 6:1–9:17 Genesis 6:1–9:17 Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis 17, 17,17, 17, 22 2222 22 978-0-570-07538-7 978-0-570-07538-7 978-0-7586-2580-9 978-0-7586-2580-9 978-0-7586-2580-9 978-0-7586-2580-9

Genesis Genesis 1–2 1–2 Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis 12:1–22:19 12:1–22:19 12:1–22:19 12:1–22:19 978-0-7586-0406-4 978-0-7586-0406-4 978-0-570-07529-5 978-0-570-07529-5 978-0-570-07529-5 978-0-570-07529-5

Genesis Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel 66 661–3:15 978-0-7586-2575-5 978-0-7586-1857-3 978-0-7586-1857-3 978-0-7586-1857-3 978-0-7586-1857-3

Judges 4–5 Judges 4–5 Judges 4–5 Judges 4–5 Genesis Genesis 1–3:15 1–3:15 978-0-7586-1457-5 978-0-7586-1457-5 978-0-7586-1457-5 978-0-7586-1457-5 978-0-7586-2575-5 978-0-7586-2575-5

1 1Kings Kings 11 Kings 17:1–16 17:1–16 17:1–16 Kings 17:1–16

978-0-7586-2580-9 978-0-7586-2580-9 18:1–19:37 22Kings 2Kings 18:1–19:37 18:1–19:37 2 Kings Kings 18:1–19:37

978-0-570 978-0 1 Samuel 1 Samu 3

978-0-570-07574-5 978-0-570-07574-5 978-0-570-07574-5 978-0-570-07574-5

978-0-570-07578-3 978-0-570-07578-3 978-0-570-07578-3 978-0-570-07578-3

978-0-758 978-0

Luke 18:35–19:9 978-0-7586-0866-6 59-1599YCO

Genesis 2–3 2–3 Genesis

Genesis Genesis 4:1–15 4:1–15

978-0-7586-0618-1 978-0-7586-0618-1

978-0-570-07565-3 978-0-570-07565-3

Old Testament

MarkMark 4:18–20; 4:18–20; 9:9–13; 9:9–13; 10:1–42; 10:1–42; LukeLuke 5:1–11 5:1–11

LukeLuke 18:35–19:9 18:35–19:9 978-0-7586-0866-6 978-0-7586-0866-6 59-1599YCO 59-1599YCO

978-0-570-07542-4 978-0-570-07542-4 59-1515YCO 59-1515YCO

Genesis Genesis 6:1–9:17 6:1–9:17 Genesis Genesis Genesis 17, 17, 2217, 2222 Genesis Genesis 1–3:15 1–3:15 Genesis Genesis 1–3:15 1–3:15 978-0-7586-2580-9 978-0-7586-2580-9 978-0-7586-2580-9 978-0-7586-2575-5 978-0-7586-2575-5 978-0-7586-2575-5 978-0-7586-2575-5

Genesis Genesis 1–2 1–2

Genesis Genesis 17, 22 17, 22

Genesis Genesis Genesis 12:1–22:19 12:1–22:19 12:1–22:19

978-0-570-07538-7 978-0-570-07538-7 Daniel Daniel Daniel 6 66

978-0-7586-0406-4 978-0-7586-0406-4 1 1Samuel Samuel 33 33 11 Samuel Samuel

978-0-570-07529-5 978-0-570-07529-5 978-0-570-07529-5

978-0-7586-1857-3 978-0-7586-1857-3 978-0-7586-1857-3

978-0-7586-0723-2 978-0-7586-0723-2 978-0-7586-0723-2 978-0-7586-0723-2

Genesis Genes 12

6 Daniel 3:1–30

Judges 6:1–7:25

1 Kings 18:16–39

2 Kings 5:1–19

2 Kings 6:8–23

Genesis 28:1–22

Joshua 5:13–21; 6:20






978-0-570-07569-1 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 3 3

978-0-570-07570-7 Judges Judges 4–5 4–5

Genesis Genesis 1–3:15 1–3:15 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 3 33

Judges 4–5 Judges Judges 4–54–5

1 Kings 17:1–16 1 Kings 1 Kings 17:1–16 17:1–16

978-0-7586-2575-5 978-0-7586-2575-5 2 Kings 18:1–19:37 2 Kings 2 Kings 18:1–19:37 18:1–19:37

978-0-7586-0723-2 978-0-7586-0723-2 978-0-7586-0723-2

978-0-7586-1457-5 978-0-7586-1457-5 978-0-7586-1457-5

978-0-570-07574-5 978-0-570-07574-5 978-0-570-07574-5

978-0-570-07578-3 978-0-570-07578-3 978-0-570-07578-3

978-0-7586-0723-2 978-0-7586-0723-2

978-0-7586-1457-5 978-0-7586-1457-5


Book of Jonah

Genesis 37, 39–45

2 Kings 22–23:25

1 Samuel 3



Genesis 37, 39, 41, 44–46 978-0-7586-1861-0

Book of Esther





Genesis 6:9–9:17

Numbers 21:4–9

Exodus 16–17, 32

Exodus 13:17–15:21

1 Samuel 1:1–28

Joshua 2

Book of Ruth








1 Kings 1 Kings 17:

978-0-570 978-0

Luke 2:1–20


Judges 13–16

1 Kings 5:1–8:66

Exodus 30:1–17

Exodus 7–12





Exodus 1:8–22; 2:1–10 978-0-570-07581-3

Book of Job

Ezra 3–6



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Christian resources


978-0-7586-0880-2 59-1609YCO

New Testament


38 0641-9

Acts 2:1–41

Galatians 5:22–23

Luke 1:5–80; Mark 1:1–8

Acts 16:16–40

Luke 2:41–52






Bright Illustrations!

6, Matthew 21:1–11; :1–10


Matthew 17:1–13, Mark 9:2–13; Luke 9:28–36

Acts 9:1–31 978-0-7586-1616-6

Luke 10:38–42 978-0-570-07548-6

Acts 8:26–40 978-0-7586-0619-8

Acts 9:1–22, 22: 1–21 978-0-7586-0868-0

Acts 27:1–44

Acts 6:8–7:60

Acts 16:1–6

978-0-570-07580-6 59-1549YCO

978-0-570-07576-9 59-1545YCO

978-0-7586-0506-1 59-1574YCO

Matthew 4:18–22; Mark 1:16–20; Luke 5:1–11; John 1:35–51

Mark 4:18–20; 9:9–13; 10:1–42; Luke 5:1–11


978-0-7586-1611-1 59-2222YCO

978-0-570-07542-4 59-1515YCO

Luke 18:35–19:9 978-0-7586-0866-6 59-1599YCO

Miracles Jesus performed

Mark 2

John 11:1–44

Luke 5:1–11




Mark 2

John 11:1–44

Luke 5:1–11




Matthew 8:23–27; Mark 4:35–41; Luke 8:22–25 978-0-7586-0637-2 Matthew 8:23–27; Mark 4:35–41; Luke 8:22–25

John 2:1–11 978-0-7586-0865-9 John 2:1–11 978-0-7586-0865-9

Matthew 20:29–34, Mark 10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43 978-0-7586-1858-0 Matthew 20:29–34, Mark 10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43

Matthew 8:5–13 978-0-7586-1864-1 Matthew 8:5–13 978-0-7586-1864-1



Luke 1:26–56, 2:1–20; Matthew 1:18–25 978-0-7586-0872-7 Luke 1:26–56, 2:1–20; Matthew 1:18–25 978-0-7586-0872-7

Matthew 8:23–27; Matthew 14:22–23; MarkMark 4:35–41; Luke 8:22–25 6:45–51

Luke 5:1–11


978-0-7586-0637-2 978-0-7586-0864-2 Matthew 14:22–23; 59-1597YCO Mark 6:45–51 Luke 2:1–20 978-0-7586-0640-2

978-0-7586-0864-2 59-1597YCO

John 2:1–11 Luke 17:11–19 978-0-7586-0865-9 978-0-7586-1284-7 59-2212YCO Luke 17:11–19 978-0-7586-1284-7 59-2212YCO

Matthew 20:29–34, Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 10:46–52; Mark 6:30–44;Luke Luke18:35–43 9:10–17

Matthew 8:5–13

Luke 7:11–17



978-0-7586-1858-0 978-0-570-07537-0 Matthew 14:13–21; 59-1510YCO Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17 978-0-570-07537-0 59-1510YCO

Luke 2:1–20

Matthew 9:18–19; Mark 5:22–24; Luke 8:41–42 978-0-7586-1615-9

John 4:1–42

Mark 10:13–16

John 10:1–18




John 4:1–42

Mark 10:13–16

John 10:1–18




John 13:1–12

Mark 10:13–16

Matthew 18:12–14; Luke 15:4–7




John 13:1–12

Mark 10:13–16

Matthew 18:12–14; Luke 15:4–7

978-0-570-07571-4 Matthew 6:25–34

978-0-7586-0873-4 Luke 4:14–30; Isaiah 61:1–2



10 <

Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17

978-0-570-07537-0 Luke 2 59-1510YCO 978-0-7586-1281-6

John 4:1–42

Mark 10:13–16

John 10:1–18




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5/09/12 9:19 AM

Luke 5:1–11

Christian resources


Matthew 8:23–27; Mark 4:35–41; Luke 8:22–25

John 2:1–11



Matthew 20:29–34, Mark 10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43

Matthew 8:5–13

Luke 7:11–17




Matthew 9:18–19; Mark 5:22–24; Luke 8:41–42 978-0-7586-1615-9

Parables & lessons from Jesus

Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17 978-0-570-07537-0 59-1510YCO

John 4:1–42

Mark 10:13–16

John 10:1–18

Matthew 6:25–34

Luke 4:14–30; Isaiah 61:1–2






John 13:1–12

Mark 10:13–16

Matthew 18:12–14; Luke 15:4–7

Luke 15:11–32

Matthew 25:14–30; Luke 19:12–27






Matthew 25

Matthew 13:1–9, 18–23

Matthew 22:34–40;

Matthew 3:13–4:11;

Mark 12:41–44; Luke 21:1–4

Matthew 7:24–27; Luke 6:47–49



Mark 12:28–31; Luke 10:25–37

Mark 1:9–13; John 1:31–34





Christmas Mark 2

oshua 5:13–21; 6:20



Luke 2:1–20

Luke 2:21–38

Luke 2:1–20

Matthew 1:18–25; Luke 2:1–7





Luke 1:26–56, 2:1–20; Matthew 1:18–25 978-0-7586-0872-7

Samuel 3


Beautifully written!

Matthew 14:22–23; Mark 6:45–51 978-0-7586-0864-2 59-1597YCO Genesis 3; Genesis 12:2; Isaiah 9:6–7; Luke 1:26– 38; Luke 2 978-0-7586-1614-2

Matthew 1:18–24; Luke 2:1–20 978-0-570-07577-6

Luke 2:1–20

Luke 1:5–2:18

Luke 2:1–20




Luke 2:1–20

Luke 2

Luke 2

Matthew 2:1–11

Matthew 2:1–12

Luke 2







ook of Ruth


zra 3–6


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Christian resources Easter

Matthew 27:15–26; Mark 15:6–15 978-0-570-07582-0

Matthew 27:45–54; Luke 23:44–47 978-0-7586-1260-1

Matthew 26:47–27:66; Mark 14:43–15:47; Luke 22: 47–23:56; John 18:1–19:42 978-0-570-07543-1

Matthew 26–28

Matthew 27:45–61; Luke 22:41–54, 24:50–51; John 20; Galatians 4:4–5 978-0-7586-2577-9

Matthew 21:1–27:61; Mark 11:1–15:47; Luke 19: 28–23:56; John 12:12–19:42 978-0-7586-0638-9


Genesis 3:15; 49:10; Matthew 1; 4:1–11; 10:1–4; 26–28; Luke 2; Hebrews 11 978-0-7586-1450-6

Matthew 27:32–28:10 978-0-570-07583-7

Luke 24:1–35 978-0-7586-1610-4

Matthew 21:1–11; Mark 11:1–11; Luke 19:28–38 978-0-7586-0641-9

Acts 2:1–41 978-0-7586-0636-5

Matthew 28:11–20;

Matthew 21:1–11;

John 20:10–18

Matthew 27:57–28:10

Acts 1:1–12

John 18:1–20:31





Isaiah 53:4–6, Matthew 21:1–11; 26; 27:27–28:1–10 978-0-7586-1859-7

Matthew 17:1–13, Mar 9:2–13; Luke 9:28–36 978-0-7586-1452-0

John 20 978-0-570-07544-8

Luke 24:13–35 978-0-570-07564-6

Matthew 26:17–75; Mark 14:12–72; Luke 22:7–71 978-0-570-07528-8

Matthew 21:1–28:10; Luke 19:29–24:12 978-0-570-07572-1

Acts 27:1–44 978-0-570-07580-6 59-1549YCO

12 <

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Personal development resources


The Resolving series

The books in the Resolving Series are simple, straightforward, but very clever tools. They work to help children realise how the characters in the books reflect their own situation. They explain why they are in the situation and aid them in working out ways of resolving the problems, normally with the help of their parents, teachers, guardians, counsellors and friends. The books also have a very useful toolbox section to help the child/children understand, practice and express their problem and themselves.

for ages 6-12 YRs

Resolving Bullying In recent years, bullying has come to the forefront of schools as a serious problem. This book looks at bullying as a relational issue and puts forward ideas and strategies for the individuals themselves to use. This story focuses on the effects bullying has on a boy called Dan. Dan becomes sad and withdrawn by the experience, his world changes completely. As the story continues, he finds support and learns helpful tips and ideas. He begins to regain his confidence and learns how to be happy again. ISBN 9781847302236

Resolving Anger Anger is probably the emotion most of us have the biggest difficulty with. This book shows how anger happens and helps readers understand how it affects the mind. ISBN 9781847302229

Resolving Sibling Rivalry Siblings squabble all the time. Sibling rivalry goes hand in hand with sibling love and, for parents, can be extremely wearing and confusing. This book tells the story from both sides and demonstrates strategies that families can use to turn sibling squabbles into healthy sibling negotiations. This story is about a brother and sister whose everyday niggles and rows, typical of those between brothers and sisters, eventually drive their friends and mum mad. It all comes to a head and they have to find another way of sorting out their differences. At the end of the story they are happier, and so is their mum! ISBN 9781847302243

Resolving Bereavement Death is something we all must experience as a part of life, even children, and this book helps them to deal with the acute loss and strong emotions that result from the death of a loved one. It is aimed at children (aged six to twelve), their parents/guardians, teachers and professionals who support children during times of bereavement. The story focuses on how loss affects Joe and Lisa in different ways, but how they both find support and learn how to talk about their feelings. They begin to regain confidence and learn how to be happy again. The story will help children understand and deal with grief and all the emotions that come with it, such as isolation, anger, depression, guilt, fear and insecurity. ISBN 9781847302540

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One in C

Personal development resources

hrist Bu $19.95 E


God, I Need to Talk to You Series


This delightful, 24 book series, helps children learn to pray about all things, especially everyday situations. These little books are written as prayers and focus on a specific behaviour. Each book points out the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness, while the supporting Scripture verse emphasises the point of each story. Topics Include:


Cheating Lying

ISBN 9780758607966

ISBN 9780758605160

Hurting Others

Disrespect My Bad Temper

ISBN 9780758605177

ISBN 9780758608109

ISBN 9780758605153

Bad Manners


Paying Attention

ISBN 9780758608130

ISBN 9780758607959

ISBN 9780758605184

Bad Words

Healthy Eating


ISBN 9780758607935

ISBN 9780758626608

ISBN 9780758605115

Being a Bad Sport



ISBN 9780758608116

ISBN 9780758626578

ISBN 9780758605092

ISBN 9780758605122

Vandalism One in Christ Bulletin Board S

Bedtime Laziness ISBN 9780758626585

ISBN 9780758608123

ISBN 9780758605108

Video Games

Whining Talking Back

ISBN 9780758626592

ISBN 9780758607942

$19.95 Each

ISBN 9780758634337

Feeling Sad My Parents


ISBN 9780758634344

ISBN 9780758634368

ISBN 9780758634351


Ite UP

Bulletin boards


Liven up your classroom with these brightly coloured learning boards. Made of cardboard with cut out pieces to use as a fun classroom activity.

C Bu

One in Christ Bulletin Board Sets

Ask your consultant for the complete title list. $19.95 Each

Christ Be My Leader Bulletin Board

Item UPC

32 pieces

32 pi

God Blesses Families Bulletin Board

God Blesses Families Bulletin Board  14 <

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103 pieces


Item No: 63-0121 UPC: 078777068097

Ite UP

103 pieces


God Cares for Us Bulletin Board

28 pieces

God Cares for Us Bulletin Board Item No: 63-0122 UPC: 078777068103

C B 5/09/12 9:19 AM

Coming in 2013 Big Books – most popular primary resources As big, bright and beautiful as a child’s imagination. Wow! factor

big & bright!

WRITTEN IN CONSULTATION WITH LEADING AUSTRALIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATORS AND THEOLOGIANS These poster-sized, colourful and informative books are as beautiful as they are interesting and are an excellent resource for any primary school classroom. They have been written specifically to introduce early religious learning in a way that intrigues as well as delights primary school aged children.

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All Big Books come with a CDROM with interactive teaching activities and assessment of learning worksheets.

Sacred objectS and SymbolS

Sacred Objects and Symbols by Kathy Horan

This large poster-sized book describes the sacred objects and symbols used in the Catholic tradition. It explains what they are, when, where and how they are used. ISBN 9781921946387

Kathy Horan

The Bible – God’s Great Book of Books by Kathryn Robinson

This large poster-sized book introduces children in the early years to the Bible. It explains the structure and people of the New and Old Testaments. Teachers are provided with key enquiry-based questions to encourage dialogue with their young students. Kathryn Robinson

ISBN 9781921946929

Wonderings Big Book Series The Wonderings Big Book series have been designed for shared reading and to provide teachers with key wonderings questions to encourage dialogue with their young students. derin gs Won

g carin for


god,s earth Maryanne Casanova

by Maryanne Casanova

This big book explains that God has given us the responsibility to be stewards of the earth. Each spread provides support on how we must care for each other and the environment so we can effectively cooperate in God’s creative plan. ISBN 9781921946936

Jesus and Justice

de r i n g s Won


Caring for God’s Earth

jesus and justice Luke Edwards

by Luke Edwards

This big book explains that the Gospels reveal to us how, when and where Jesus lived and carried out his ministry. Each spread focuses ways the students can live in the mission of Jesus by making justice real in their homes, schools and communities, and encourage them to reach out to those in need.

GARRATT PUBLISHING AT PROMETHEAN PLANET Garratt Publishing is delighted to announce that as from 2013 we will have a Religious Education resource bank of downloadable files for interactive whiteboards in the Promethean Planet Store. Themes will include Sacraments, The Bible, God, Jesus, Prayer and Scripture. Visit us at Promethean Planet in 2013. http://www.prometheanplanet. com/en/store/publishers/

ISBN 9781921946943

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