Muzaffar Shodmonov: Pilot program for climate resilience in Tajikistan

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Pilot Program for Climate Resilience in Tajikistan

Muzaffar SHODMONOV Huaraz, Peru 13 July 2013


Programme Objec7ves •  Objec7ves – demonstrate ways to integrate climate risk and resilience into core development planning •  Tajikistan – Partners include World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank of Reconstruc@on and Development


PPCR c onsistent with Government priori@es


• Na@onal Development Strategy •  Poverty reduc@on Strategy • Second Communica@on to UNFCCC • Other Strategies (e.g. Na@onal Disaster Risk Management Strategy) • Sector Plans

Interna7onal • Joint Country Partnership Strategy • Stock-­‐take of ongoing work by interna@onal organisa@ons, bilateral donors and IFIs

Iden7fica7on of Priority areas for Phase 1 evidence building ac7vi7es and Phase 2 investments

Program Ac7vi7es: Building Capacity for Climate Resilience Government of Tajikistan and Asian Development Bank

Improvement of Weather, Climate and Hydrological Service Delivery The State Agency for Hydrometeorology and World Bank

Climate Science and Modelling Programme

The State Agency for Hydrometeorology and Asian Development Ban

Enhancing the Climate Resilience of the Energy Sector Ministry of Energy and Industry, The European Bank of Reconstruc@on and Development

Agriculture and Sustainable Land Management Ministry of Agriculture, The World Bank

Building Climate Resilience in the Pyanj River Basin

Ministry of Meliora@on and Water Resources , The Asian Development Bank

Climate Resiliency for Natural Resources

Project Area

Changes in Mean Annual Precipita7on (LeO) And The Mean Annual Air Temperature (Right) between 1980-­‐2010 and Future Decades

Summary of Projected Climate Changes •  Annual mean air temperature is likely to increase from -­‐0.6 °C (2010) to 1.1°C (2050) in the Pyanj River basin, from 3.5 °C (2010) to 5.0 °C (2050) in the Vakhsh River basin and from -­‐2.6 °C (2010) to -­‐0.9 °C (2050) in the Pamir glacier zone; •  Maximum and minimum daily air temperatures are likely to increase; •  Annual poten7al evapo-­‐transpira7on is likely to increase due to the increase in air temperature; •  Annual rainfall is likely to increase and snowfall to decrease due to the increase in air temperature; •  Significant changes are likely in mean monthly rainfall and snowfall during the winter and spring seasons; •  The he frequency of local high precipita7on days may increase slightly; •  The magnitude of high daily precipita7on (e.g. the 50-­‐year storm) is likely to increase in many sub-­‐basins in the Pyanj and Vakhsh River basins.

Secretariat Contacts •  Office Adress : 47 Shevchenko Street, State Administra@on for hydrometeorology. •  E-­‐mail: •  hYps://

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