Animal And Translational Models For Cns Drug Discovery
Minimize the number of drug candidates that could later fail in human trials! These three volumes provide a unique examination of how animal models are evolving from behavioral gut baths to providing cross-species information relevant to human clinical responses. Each volume provides the views and experiences of leading pre-clinical and clinical investigators who are actively involved in translational research and experimental medicine. Each volume is devoted to specific disorders in three scientific fields: Psychiatric, Neurological, and Reward Deficit. - Clinical, academic, government and industry perspectives fostering integrated communication between principle participants at all stages of the drug discovery process - Critical evaluation of animal and translational models improving transition from drug discovery and clinical development - Emphasis on what results mean to the overall drug discovery process - Exploration of issues in clinical trial design and conductance in each therapeutic area - Each volume available for purchase individually EAN/ISBN : 9780080920412 Publisher(s): Elsevier Science & Technology, Academic Press Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): McArthur, Robert A. - Borsini, Franco
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