How to Step Boldly Into Your Leadership Role

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John J. Bowman, Jr. Accountant Oct 31 · 2 min read ·

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How to Step Boldly Into Your Leadership Role

Prior to stepping into a leadership role, it’s important to set yourself up for success. Leaders need to be bold, which is characterized by several traits contrary to popular belief. It’s more than just a firm, rigid set of rules. In a constantly changing world, achieving high performance can be challenging. Businesses face more uncertainty and volatility than ever before. In the past few years, there has been a growing movement calling for leaders to be more compassionate toward their employees while also being revenue-focused. Employees want leaders who can inspire and motivate in addition to managing them effectively. Boldness as a

leader is vital and needs to be shown from day one, but it must be a combination of soft and hard skills.

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From a business standpoint, leaders unafraid of failure or unpopularity are considered bold. They are individuals who are willing to take on a new project and risk their own reputation. They speak up on controversial topics. They are comfortable with setting ambitious goals and tackling large projects. They are not afraid to try new ideas. Instead of viewing mistakes as failures, bold leaders see them as opportunities to grow and learn. Another essential characteristic of leaders is that they can delegate. Recruiting and retaining top talent reflects their emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. They can also build strong relationships with their subordinates and other associates. These attributes allow them to effectively utilize their talents and create an environment where everyone is successful. Boldly stepping into a leadership role means being self-aware, having the necessary skills to make informed decisions, and committing to holding yourself accountable for your actions and decisions. There is nothing more validating and respectful than a boss who is able to apologize for a mistake. One of the important characteristics of a leader is constantly looking for new ways to improve and excel. Continuously challenging the status quo is very important. Leaders must accept that the journey to excellence is never over. However, it is also about being able to inspire and empower others to succeed. Successful leaders have higher levels of employee engagement, are more likely to retain top talent, and are more likely to encourage their employees and provide them with more discretionary effort. Exceptional leadership means providing guidance and mentorship. They serve as role models for others. They keep their egos in check, demonstrate humility, and look beyond their success. They take pride in being able to make a difference in the lives of others. This article was originally published on WordPress.

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