Department of Modern Languages and Literatures College of Liberal and Fine Arts
The University of Texas at San Antonio Downtown Cam pus
San Antonio, Texas February 23-25, 2006
PROGRAM Thursday, February 23. 5:00 pm: Registration (Buena Vista Bldg. 1.328) 6:00 pm: Inauguration (Buena Vista Bldg. 1.328) Dan Gelo, Dean College of Liberal and Fine Arts Welcome Marita Nummikoski, Chair Department of Modern Languages and Literatures Opening Remarks 6:30 pm: Lecture
Dr. Claudia Sullivan Professor of Theater and Communications Schreiner University
“Fest for Life: A Food Narrative” 7:00 pm: RECEPTION (Buena Vista Bldg. 1.338)
Friday, February 24 SESSION I: 8:30 am-9:45 am. PANEL 1: A Cultural Medley. Chair: 8:30 Glenn Sheldon. The University of Toledo . “Food in Contemporary Culture: A Case Analysis.” 8:50 María Teresa Martínez-Ortiz. Kansas State University. “La erudición sensual de la nueva narrativa gastronómica americana: la semiótica culinaria que descansa bajo el impulso literario contemporáneo”. 9:10 Oya Atalay Franck. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and Elli Mosayebi. Institut for History and Theory of Architecture . “Architecture and Eating under the Aspect of Temporality.” PANEL 2: El Consuelo de Comer Chair: 8:30 Ana María González. Texas Lutheran University. “‘Las penas con pan son buenas’: el Consuelo gastronómico de Caramelo”. 8:50 Araceli Esparza. Texas Tech University. “Sopa de piedra, sopa de hierbas y sopa de lombrices: los alimentos en la narrativa de García Márquez. 9:10 Barbara Blithe Ware. Keene State College. “Eduardo Galeano: Memory of Fire. Gastronomic Pleasures and Sensual Realities: The Reconstruction of the Heritage of Latin America.”
Friday, February 24 SESSION II 10:00 am-11:15 am. PANEL 3: Evocative flavors. Chair: 10:00 Carla M. González-Cobos. Tulane University “Une lecture ‘gourmande’ de Pays sans Chapeau”. 10:20 Santiago Daydi-Tolson. The University of Texas at San Antonio . “Food for a Famished Soul: Le dernier des Justes, a post-Holocaust novel.” 10:40 William Samelson. W riter and Independent Scholar. “Remembrances of a Lost Aroma: Memories of a pre-Holocaust Polish Shtetl.” PANEL 4: Film I. Chair: 10:00 Karin Egloff. W estern Kentucky University. “‘Si on se faisait une bouffe’? La fascination de l’abject, sauce Ferreri”.
10:20 10:40
Gerald Duchovnay. The University of Texas-Com m erce “Who Says Cannibalism Can’t Be Fun?: One Serving of Cuban Cinema.” Kenneth T. Rivers. Lam ar University. “To Die for: French Cuisine and the Politics of Appetite in the film Vatel.”
Friday, February 24 SESSION III 11:30 am-12:30 pm. PANEL 5: Film II. Chair: 11:30 Cynthia J. Miller. Em erson College . “The Reign of the Popcorn King: Worship, Horror, and Junk Food in Joe Lansdale’s The Drive In.” 11:50 David Sabrio. Texas A&M University-Kingsville “Wine as Protagonist in Sideways.” PANEL 6: Kitchen Identity. Chair: 11:30 Cathy Fussell. Colum bus State University “Rituals in the Sanctuary: Food and Kitchen in Carson McCullers’ The Member of the Wedding.” 11:50 Judy E. Perkins. University of North Florida . “Food,Southern Identity, and the Short Story in Popular Media.” 12:10 Timothy Dow Adams. W est Virginia University. “Private Parts: Food and Privacy in Sara Suleri’s Meatless Days.” LUNCH BREAK
Friday, February 24 SESSION IV. 2:00 pm-3:15 pm. PANEL 7: The Language of Food. Chair: 2:00 Jill Riepe. University of Texas at Arlington. “Whatcha Got Cookin’?” 2:20 Laurel Smith Stvan. University of Texas at Arlington. “Lexical Conflation and Edible Iconicity: Their Mnemonic Power in Vernacular Discussions of Food.” 2:40 Alberto Jorge Ameal-Pérez. University of Houston . “Noticias y reclamos publicitarios de la comida en la prensa hispana de los Estados Unidos (Siglo XIX): periódicos de la frontera sur”.
Friday, February 24 SESSION V 3:30 pm-5:15 pm Panel 8: Things French Chair: 3:30 Shirin Edwin. Sam Houston State University. “Social Scavenging: The Representation of Food in Three West African Francophone Novels.” 3:50 Jaqueline Thomas. Texas A&M University-Kingsville. “The Power of Food to Cut Across Class Lines: Renoir’s Le Déjeuner des canotiers and Maupassant’s ‘Boule de Suif’.” 4:10 Maryar Tebben. “Chocolate is for Drinking: French Literary Depictions of Hot Chocolate.”
PANEL 9: Culinary Performances Chair: 3:30 Ann Folino White. Northwestern University. “Onstage Scarcity: Triple-A Plowed Under Confronts the New Deal ‘Paradox’.” 3:50 Norma Cárdenas. The University of Texas at San Antonio . “From Tamales to the Panza and the Kitchen: Cooking a Chicana Feminist Theatrical Performative Space.” 4:10 Patricia Tomé. University of Kansas . “Performing el cuerpo femenino como menú gastronómico: Stuff de Coco Fusco y Nao Bustamante”. 4:50 Dianna Lipp Rivers. Lam ar University. “A Medical Interpretation of Food in Like Water for Chocolate.”
Friday, February 24 SESSION VI 5:45 Trinidad Sánchez, poet. Authentic Chicano Food A poetry reading
Saturday, February 25 SESSION VII 8:30 am-9:45 am.
PANEL 10: Asian Flavor Chair: 8:30 D. Brian Anderson. College of the Mainland. “Meat Eating and Communal Guilt in Li Ang’s The Butcher’s Wife.” 8:50 Muchelle E. Bloom. University of California, Riverside . “From ‘La Crèperie de Pékin’ to Chen Soleil-d’Est: Importing Cuisine, Resisting Fusion.” 9:10 Tomoko Nagaoka-Kozaki. University of Tokyo. “Eating in the Register of Imagination: Food Imagery in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Works.”
PANEL 11: Art I Chair: 8:30 Paula L. Martino. College of Suthern Maryland . “Ideas from Egypt: Evoking the Eternal Repast on a Minoan Sarcophagus.” 8:50 Elizabeth Morán. DePauw University. “The Sacred as Everydat: Food and Ritual in Aztec Art.” 9:10 Maite Gómez-Rejón. The Getty Villa in Malibu. “A Taste of the Ancient World: Petronious ‘Dinner with Trimalchio’”
Saturday, February 25 SESSION VIII 10:00 am-11:30 am. PANEL 12: The In/Satisfaction of Food. Chair: 10:00 Léa Roch. Texas Tech University. “Voyages entre potomanie, ‘surfaim’ et anorexie dans le roman d’Amélie Nothomb: Biographie de la faim.” 10:20 Kirsten Komara. Schreiner University. “Translating Images of Food in Bronte’s Villette: Satisfying the Hungry Heart of Skinny Woman, Lucy Snowe.” 10:40 Marie I. Drews. W ashington State University. “Writing Food, Writing Sex: The Convergence of Sexuality and Culinary Discourses in The Book of Salt.”
PANEL 13: Art II Chair 10:00 Lori Waxman. New York University. “The Banquet Years: Food, a SoHo Restaurant in the Early 70s.” 10:20 Merrianne Timko, Independent Scholar, and Amy Featherson Potts, Houston Museum of Natural Science . “Cultural Feasts: The Educational Dining Program at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.” PANEL 14: Del sabor al saber de las metáforas. Chair: Xiomara Campilongo . Organizer: Rita Martin . 10:00 María A. Salgado. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “The Magic Reality of Food in Pablo Neruda’s Odas.” 10:20 Xiomara Campilongo. Durham Technical Com m unity College . “Alimentarse de la esperanza: representación social y cinematográfica en Fresa y chocolate”. 10:40 Rita Martin. Davidson College . “Las comidas cubanas entre el gesto de lo imposible”.
Saturday, February 25 SESSION IX 11:30 am-1:00 pm. PANEL 15: Art III Chair: 11:30 Francisco Marcos-Marín. The University of Texas at San Antonio . “El huevo frito: Software, Arte, Hardware. A Bilingual Presentation.”. 11:50 Sue Erickson Nieland. Independent Scholar. “La sabrosa rebanada- la sandía: The Watermelon as Configured by Mexican and Chicano/a Artists in the Ninteenth and Twentieth Centuries.” PANEL 16: Comida en el Mundo Hispano Chair: 11:30 María Inés Ortiz. University of Cincinnati. “Discurso gastronómico, discurso del poder: crítica de la dictadura franquista en Nada de Carmen Laforet”. 11:50 Dale Alan Collins. Coastal Carolina University. “Images of Food and God in the Poetry of César Vallejo”. 12:15 Carla M. González-Cobos. Tulane University. “Tuntún, entrando por la cocina de Luis Palés Matos: Una lírica gourmande’”. 12:35 Martha García. University of Central Florida . “La comida como un metarretrato en La lozana andaluza de Francisco Delicado”.
PANEL 17: European Writing. Chair: 11:30 María Paz Moreno. University of Cincinnati. “Dulce venganza e intencionalidad múltiple en un recetario ilustrado: La cocina española antigua de Emilia Pardo Bazán”. 11:50 Connie Pedoto. Miles College . “Food Fantasies in Calvino’s Fiction: ‘Food for Touch (Thought)!’” 12:15 Heather McHale. University of Maryland . “’A Weirdly Voracious Aspect’: Consumption and Hunger in Heart of Darkness.”
The Second Issue of Convivium Artium, the electronic journal devoted to the Representation of Food in Literature, Film and the other Arts has been published in the web to coincide with the Conference dates. It is available at: http://flan.utsa.edu/conviviumartium