Signs you may have anxiety disorder

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Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder (And What You Can Do About It)

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Andy Zimmerman Brought to you by:

Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder (And What You Can Do About It)

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©Copyright 2013  Andy Zimmerman 

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Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder (And What You Can Do About It)

What Causes Anxiety? Do you struggle with anxiety? Do you feel like bolting during an interview? Do you cringe at the thought of being surrounded by a lot of people? Everybody gets nervous or anxious from time to time. Some people can have unusually strong feelings of just wanting to run away when faced with a challenging situation such as interviews, blind dates, examinations, or public speaking. Sometimes, people do run away from such situations. Our bodies have a fight-or-flight response that gets activated whenever we feel threatened, are under stress, or in a situation that is extremely new or strange to us that we feel threatened by facing it.

What Is Fight-or-Flight? The Genetic Science Learning Center of the University of Utah identified the fight-or-flight response as a:


omplicated orchestration by the body, a systemic reaction to prepare the body for extreme action.

It would be natural to react this way if indeed there was an immediate and clearly

©Copyright 2013  Andy Zimmerman 

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Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder (And What You Can Do About It) perceivable threat near us, or in front of us. But if the threat is just in our thoughts, and it is these very same thoughts that are making us feel threatened, then, it could be an anxiety disorder. There are different kinds of anxiety disorders, but don't be anxious, because there are also different kinds of effective treatments and self-help strategies that could help you deal with these disorders. But first, how would you know if you're suffering from one of these conditions?

Symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder Here are some highlights about anxiety disorders from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA):

 A Public Health Issue – Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (18% of U.S. population).

 An Under-treated Disorder – Anxiety disorders can be treated, yet only about a third of sufferers receive treatment.

 The Cost of Anxiety Disorders – Anxiety disorders cost the United States over $40B annually, almost a third of the country's $148B total mental health bill, according to "The Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders," a study commissioned by ADAA (The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 60(7), July 1999).

 A Burden Upon The Medical System – More than $22.84 billion of those costs are associated with the repeated use of health care services; people with anxiety disorders seek relief for symptoms that mimic physical illnesses. ©Copyright 2013  Andy Zimmerman 

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Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder (And What You Can Do About It)

 Predisposition For Other Mental Illnesses – People with an anxiety disorder are three to five times more likely to go to the doctor and six times more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric disorders than those who do not suffer from any anxiety disorder.

 A Complex Pathology – Anxiety disorders develop from a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events.

Physical and Psychological Signs Anxiety






psychologically. Of course, it doesn’t follow that anyone who shows these symptoms can be immediately said to have an anxiety disorder. It would take a series of tests administered by medical or health care professionals to determine whether or not someone does have an anxiety disorder. Still, it’s good to know the physical and psychological signs.

Physical Signs Some of the most common physical signs of a potential anxiety disorder include:

➔ Muscle Tension ➔ Chronic Indigestion ➔ Shortness of Breath

©Copyright 2013  Andy Zimmerman 

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Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder (And What You Can Do About It) ➔ Excessive Sweating ➔ Palpitations ➔ Dizziness ➔ Lethargy ➔ Palpitations ➔ Tremor ➔ Sweating ➔ Fatigue ➔ Insomnia or Sleeping Problems

Psychological Signs Psychological signs of a possible anxiety disorder are a bit more elusive but may include:

➔ Restlessness or excessive worrying ➔ Irrational Fears ➔ A Sense of Dread ➔ Irritability ➔ Self-consciousness ➔ Compulsive Behaviors ➔ Inner Tension ➔ Agitation ➔ Fear of Losing Control If you experience any of these symptoms on a day-to-day basis, help yourself out by seeing ©Copyright 2013  Andy Zimmerman 

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Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder (And What You Can Do About It) a doctor who may want to administer an anxiety disorder test as part of your examination.

Types of Anxiety Disorders People with anxiety disorders see the world differently. Life can have as many variegated colors that represent extreme emotional reactions, or it could be ruled by shades of gray which are a depiction of someone rendered weak and indecisive by an anxiety disorder.

To understand better, let’s take a look at some of the different kinds of anxiety disorders:

 Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – A common disorder generally characterized by persistent recurring fears or worries about anything. People who suffer from this disorder may have the sense that something bad is about to happen always. This may affect their concentration on daily tasks. In case you’re interested to read about it more, there are sites that describe what an anxiety disorder test is all about. However, it is best if you consult a medical professional to be more secure about information that you receive.

 Panic Disorder – This is when someone suffers from brief, intense feelings of terror and apprehension or dread. It is followed by trembling, shaking, difficulty in breathing, nausea, or dizziness. This may last anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours. Triggers may be fear or stress, although a specific cause is not always apparent. An example of a trigger is speaking in front of many people. ©Copyright 2013  Andy Zimmerman 

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Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder (And What You Can Do About It)

 Phobia – This is perhaps the largest of all categories of anxiety disorders. It includes irrational fear from specific objects, animals, people, or situations. Sufferers usually are aware that their amount of fear is mismatched to the object of their fear, but still, they have this feeling of being overwhelmed with terror. An example of this is Hierophobia, which is a fear of priests or sacred things.

 Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD or Social Anxiety) – SAD is an intense fear of public scrutiny, public humiliation, embarrassment and sociability. Those who suffer ultimately avoid the source of their fear which could lead to living in isolation. Taking a social anxiety disorder test would further help you find out if you are suffering from this disorder. Again, consult a medical professional for the applicability of such tests to your personal situation.

 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – This is characterized by having unwanted and uncontrollable obsessive thoughts, and doing repetitive gestures and compulsions. Sufferers have this insurmountable urge to perform specific acts or rituals believing that this could "prevent" certain situations from happening, or to get rid of unwanted thoughts. Often, the individuals are fully aware that what they're doing is illogical and try to prevent it; however, they can't stop their actions for fear of what might happen. A very common example of this is washing your hands excessively.

 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – This is an anxiety disorder which results from a traumatic experience, either physical or emotional trauma caused by an exceptionally threatening or catastrophic event. Thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns can be seriously affected by reminders of the traumatic event that may have happened months, or even years ago. Vivid memories of the events may petrify an individual and create an insurmountable feeling of wanting to escape or avoid the situation. Sometimes, violence ensues as a defensive mechanism, as in the case of war veterans who relive combat trauma and react accordingly.

©Copyright 2013  Andy Zimmerman 

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Signs You May Have An Anxiety Disorder (And What You Can Do About It)

You Are Not Alone Do you have some of the anxiety disorder signs mentioned above? Click on the yellow text if you'd like to take a social anxiety disorder test:


Social Anxiety Disorder Test


If this is how you feel, then you are not alone. There are millions of people out there, around the world, who are just like you. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you want to find the best treatment for your condition, start by seeking the help of medical professionals and getting the support you need from people who will understand.

©Copyright 2013  Andy Zimmerman 

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