How to maintain a healthy lifestyle regardless of your age?

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How to maintain a healthy lifestyle regardless of your age? You're less likely to get sick if you include healthy behaviours into your daily routine, whether it's diabetes, heart disease, or even cancer. Living a healthy lifestyle required you to be dedicated and consistent with a fitness schedule. Staying healthy is influenced by a variety of habits. Good health not only lowers the risk of diseases like cardiac blockage, stroke, cancer, traumas, etc., but it also helps in living a longer and more comfortable life. However, our favourite personal trainer from Twickenham, Niall of Niall Fitness has some good tips and suggestions to help you start living a healthy lifestyle:

1. Manage your Stress Health issue ranging from mental problems like migraines to severe conditions like heart problems, are commonly triggered by stress. Watching your favourite movie genres, pursuing your hobby, talking long walks, spending time with plants in your garden, listening to your tunes, or soaking your body in a hot tub with bubble bath can be some ways to reduce stress. Talking to your friends and family members about your problems has proven to be a great technique to relieve your mind of negative thoughts. Sharing how you're feeling with people you trust can help you live stress free. 2. Drink plenty of water Doctors and health experts recommend drinking a minimum of eight to ten glasses of water every day. Human body is about 80% water, which is a main ingredient for healthy bowel functioning, muscle performance, strong immunity, and better skin. Drinking less water can cause severe health disorders like dehydration, headaches, dry skin and more. Not only this, deficient of water in human body is tend to lead to a weakened immune system and thus inviting diseases and disorders in the organ system. 3. Exercise regularly Fitness experts have been recommending dedicating at least 3 hours a week for excersice or 30 minutes a day. The idea is to promote better physically activity. It can through morning walks or evening jogs, swimming, or through a guided Pilate session. Exercise not only keeps you in shape but also lowers your chances of getting ailments as a result of a sedentary lifestyle. Expert provides personal trainer in Richmond for fitness activities such as power yoga, Pilates, meditation and more. You can contact them to help you learn and practise your fitness routine. 4. Get rest The immune system and sleep have a tight connection. 7 to 9 hours of sleep is considered ideal for maintaining your body’s fitness and immunity. Getting sound sleep is important to lead a healthy physical and emotionally sound lifestyle.

5. Consume alcohol in moderation Excessive alcohol use might result in liver damage and possibly cancer in the long run. Alcohol addiction can also impair judgement, resulting in accidents and injuries. Men should understand that two alcoholic drinks a day should be the limit. In case of women, one drink per day is more than enough. 6. Quit smoking Smoking is one of the biggest causes of cancer development in various organs including the lung, throat, mouth and more. Smoking is damaging not only to your health but also to the health of those around you. Second-hand smoking harms the lungs and airways and is a primary cause of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 7. Sunscreen for Skin Regular exposure to sun exposure links to an increased risk of skin-related cancer. When outside, avoid lingering in the sun for lengthy periods and use sunscreen and long-sleeved clothing to protect you from the sun's rays. 8. Hand sanitiser Handwashing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based sanitiser regularly is a simple but effective technique to prevent the spread of infection. Always cleanse your hand before and after cooking or eating food, handling waste, using restrooms, or interacting with a sick person. 9. Hire a Fitness Trainer As cliché, as it may sound, hiring a fitness trainer, can not only help you lead a healthier life but can ensure that you stick to the routine as suggested in the aforementioned article. Niall from Niall Fitness is a fitness trainer, providing personal training in Chiswick, Twickenham, Richmond and other nearby areas of the UK. He has a 5-star rating from his past clients because of how he transformed many lives towards healthy living. Contact Niall and make him your guide to stop ageing and start living.

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