The Cross Canada Century Flight Guide

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“CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF POWERED FLIGHT IN CANADA” INSIDE: Behind the Scenes of the Century Flight: The largest group of aircraft to cross Canada ever Complete!listing of each aircraft on the flight by assigned number The entire coast to coast itinerary with flight plans Feature story: 100 years of flying in Canada Inside look at the TV production of the flight


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THE OFFICIAL STOPS While you’re there...

Cross Canada Discovery Canada is a land of diversity and so are the official destinations of the Cross Canada Century Flight. As our flight crews fly across the nation this summer, they will descend upon some of the country’s largest urban centers as well as some of the best-kept secrets and off-the-beaten-path communities. Here is a brief look at what to expect along the way.

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Situated along the St. Mary’s River in northern Ontario, this town is affectionately nicknamed “the sault” or “the soo”. This official stop is joined to it’s American counterpart, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan by the International Bridge. With a bush plane museum located in the heart of the downtown core, “the soo” is an ideal fit for our flight crews. Please visit http:// for more information.

Delta, British Columbia Our launch airport is Boundary Bay Airport on the shores of the Straight of Georgia in Delta, BC. Boundary Bay was created in WWII as a flight training centre for Canadian Air Force Pilots and still is a major flight training hub for local and international pilots. In fact, it is Canada’s 5th busiest airport! Some great resources for things to do while in the area are:

Brampton, Ontario Brampton is just a short drive from Toronto down the 401 and Hwy 10. Brampton boasts a strong heritage as a foundation for its now bustling economy. Visit for more information to help you plan your activities.

Calgary, Alberta We will arrive for our scheduled two-day stopover at Springbank Airport as the annual COPA Convention begins. Famous for the Calgary Stampede and a major urban centre in Canadian business, this city is full of fun activities downtown and in the great outdoors. Visit http:// to learn more about what you can do while in Calgary, Alberta. Brandon, Manitoba Located along the Assiniboine River Corridor, Brandon is the second largest city in Manitoba. Boasting a variety of heritage sites, outdoor activities and ethnic cuisine, Brandon makes for a relaxing and scenic prairie stopover. Please visit for more information to help you plan your activities. Marathon, Ontario As we enter Ontario, our journey takes us over the mixed boreal forest wilderness of the Canadian Shield. We will be staying in Marathon, known for its small town hospitality. You will witness their trademark “quality of life” and the spectacular beauty of the Lake Superior Circle Tour Route. Visit to learn more about this offthe-beaten-path destination.

Did you know? The Cross Canada Flight has a Twitter account here:

Fredericton, New Brunswick Welcome to the Maritimes! With three universities and several cultural institutions, Fredericton is bustling with creativity and cultural diversity. When traveling around town, keep in mind that Fredericton is bisected by the Saint John River. It has two distinct regions referred to as “the Northside” and “the Southside”. Visit for more information to help you plan your activities. Sydney, Nova Scotia Located on the east coast of Cape Breton Island, Sydney is the largest community on the island. Sydney is the urban core of Cape Breton and boasts a strong tourism industry. It offers short drives to surrounding communities such as the next official stop for the Cross Canada Century Flight crews. Visit for more information to help you plan your activities. Baddeck, Nova Scotia Home to the Alexander Graham Bell Museum and Estate, Baddeck is a charming little town nestled along the shores of the Bras d’Or Lakes. Baddeck is rich in heritage and celtic culture. Make sure you visit some of the heritage bed and breakfasts while you are in town. Visit for more information to help you plan your activities. Whether you make a coast to coast journey (and back home again!) or join up for a leg or two, fly safe, have fun and make this journey your own.

Have you seen our website? For up-to-date information please visit:


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“I decided!there could be no greater!tribute to the same spirit of adventure and achievement!than to organize!a coast to coast flight�.



Since the beginning of history humans have dreamed the dream of soaring on wings with the freedom of birds. 100 years ago, that dream became reality for the first time in Canada when the Silver Dart lifted off from a frozen lake surface near the Alexander Graham Bell home in Nova Scotia. While the technical achievement of this conquest is impressive, what struck me was the personal dimension of the flight. This magnificent!achievement!which would change Canada forever, was conceived and executed by ordinary people outside of government or military backing. The airplane they built was surprisingly simple. The wings were covered with silver Japanese silk; hence the name "Silver Dart". The engine!developed just 35 hp and the propeller was carved from a block of wood. In contrast, the Smithsonian Institute at the same time received a $50,000 grant to build a flying machine that never got off the ground.

What made the!difference!for!those Canadian pioneers that day was that they had something that money could not buy: the spirit of adventure and the passion to fly. Now 100 years later, I decided there could be no greater tribute to that first flight!than to organize a cross Canada!flight. This will be a coast-to-coast flight of 100 light aircraft made up of steel tubing, aluminum and flown mainly by private civilian pilots. This!has never been done and it will take a big commitment by a lot of pilots. We will need to share the same spirit of adventure and passion of flight to be!successful!and overcome the adversities of!mountains,!weather and the vast Canadian landscape. A hundred years ago the dream to get in the air inspired the people in Baddeck, Nova Scotia!to great adventure. Today that dream still inspires us.


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“SAFETY will be our primary goal. Please be current with your pilot skills so we all can have a great journey while we make aviation history”.



A message from CAPTAIN PETER LUBIG Greetings to all fellow crew members! I would like to introduce myself, my name is Peter Lubig and I will be your Chief Steward during this 100 year anniversary historical Cross Canada Flight. As a group traveling from coast to coast, we will not only be celebrating Canadian aviation, but writing Canadian Aviation history. This Cross Canada Flight has pilots, owners, and crew members who are gathering from every part of Canada, flying aircraft that have been and still are great icons in Canada’s aviation circles. My role as Chief Flight Steward has been to select key members from the aviation community as Stewards for each leg. Jointly we have contacted every ATC unit, aircraft refueling stations across Canada and we have their support for this great adventure. Presently, four of the Stewards plus myself are flying in this event. We will be helping to coordinate the movement of the aircraft in a safe and controlled environment and will be available to assist each pilot with any concerns. A special thanks for these Stewards: Bill Velle, Terry Jackson, Bob Cully, Paul Irwin and Andre Hoogendyk. Each person has volunteered their time and professional experience for the benefit for this special flight.


Carrying the legacy of more than 400 TV episodes! NEW for 2010 “The Aviators” Television Series “100 Airplanes: The Story of the Cross Canada Century Flight”

Call Signs: We have been granted the authority to use the call “CENTURY” as a prefix to our regular registration as a dedication not only to this event but to all of aviation across Canada. I’m sure that you will use this call sign as proudly as you can. Obstacles: Canada is a great country and has some of the most dynamic obstacles in the world. From mountains to vast prairies, great lakes, dense forests, and finally, major centers with detailed aviation terminal procedures. Weather is also a major obstacle, which will influence the daily operations. During this flight across Canada, we will be key witnesses to everything our country has to offer. Safety: This be our primary goal and your pilot skills will be tested each hour of flight - just like those of the great aviation pioneers in Canada’s aviation history. We not only rely on these skills but also will learn new ones. Collectively, we are writing Canadian history that we can all be proud of. I wish everyone a safe and great journey. PETER LUBIG Chief Flight Steward

Got any story ideas for aviation TV segments? Feel free to contact

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About the Official Stops


Welcome Page / Why Are We Doing It? - ARTICLE BY JOHN LOVELACE








Satellite Photos of Official Stops




The Inside Story on the Cross Canada Flight


The History of the Silver Dart








Father & Son Flyers - ARTICLE BY JOE LESLIE








An Impossible Dream - ARTICLE BY MEL REISTER


List of Sponsors


Thank You


This spring, our editorial department decided to give a voice to our passionate flight crews in this official event guide. Who better to share stories about their life-long love affair with aviation than those who have signed up for a 12 day cross country flight with a hundred or so other pilots? We would like to thank everyone who submitted their personal stories for this contest; we have a truly diverse and remarkable group flying together this summer. A group that will share their love of flight and make new relationships that will last for years to come. THE WINNERS ARE: PETER GODDARD (pg33), JOE LESLIE (pg32,34), MEL REISTER (pg38) & DAVE ZOPPA (pg38)

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- All Day Fly-in - Evening: Meet & Greet and Opening - Wine and Cheese Alpha Aviation Hangar Complimentary

CALGARY Friday, July 17, 2009

- Friday night Hangar Hoedown (two drinks/beef on a bun and entertainment) COPA Event $32.00

Saturday, July 18, 2009

- Airport activities/AGM luncheon/COPA-cabana $20.00 - COPA Dinner Banquet $70.00 (Pre-Registration Required)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

- Pancake breakfast – Complimentary


- Complimentary shuttle buses will be available to transport CF participants to and from hotel/airport


- Calaway Park (403-240-3822)

BRANDON Sunday, July 19, 2009

- Public/Media invited to watch landings - BBQ

Monday, July 20, 2009

- Free day to explore/rest - Complimentary admission to the Common Wealth Air Training Museum - Evening Dinner with dignitaries $20.00

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

- Fly-out pancake breakfast $5.00 - public invited to watch CF depart


- Complimentary shuttle buses will be available to transport CF participants to and from hotel/airport


- On field or Medowlark camp grounds (1-800-363-6434)

MARATHON Tuesday, July 21, 2009

- Evening "Fish Fry" at Penn Lake (shuttle will transport participants) $10.00 - Special ceremony will take place at dinner; speeches, music


- Complimentary shuttle buses will be available to transport CF participants to and from hotel/airport


- Penn Lake (807-229-1340, ext 2228)

SAULT STE. MARIE Wednesday, July 22, 2009

- Wine & Cheese reception at the Bush Plane Museum – Complimentary - Speeches, Mayor, Bush Plane employee and dignitaries - Private tours


- Complimentary shuttle buses will be available to transport CF participants to and from hotel/airport


- Point Des Chenes (705-779-2696)

Please visit for more up-to-date information


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FLIGHT ITINERARY & VENUES BRAMPTON!!! Thursday, July 23, 2009 Billy Bishop Night Pub night at the Wings Flight Grille at the Brampton Flight Centre. Enjoy a buffet dinner with other delicious treats and enjoy live presentations $14.95 Recreational Aircraft Association (RAA) Barbecue The RAA – Toronto Chapter clubhouse and hangar is located at the north end of the Brampton Airport. Come join in the fun. Great War Flying Museum Re-live the battles and dogfights of World War I. See aircraft from the era at the only museum of its kind in Canada.

Friday, July 24, 2009

- Free day to explore/rest - 100th Anniversary of Flight Hangar Dinner Party - Live music with Bob Parkins Jazz Band, presentation by historian Ted Barris, chicken barbecue $24.95 - The Silver Dart replica will be on display - WestJet & Air Canada Ticket Raffle Advanced registration is strongly recommended due to the expected response.

Saturday, July 25 , 2009

- Breakfast available - Press Gallery – Caledon Room

Bus Transportation:

- Shuttle buses will transport participants to and from Holiday Inn and Brampton Airport ($25.00 for all 3 days) (pre-registration is required)


- On field camping is available For more information, registration or assistance please call Luke Van Der Mark at 905-838-1400 Ext. 215. Event details will be posted on the website mid-June.

FREDERICTON Saturday, July 25, 2009

- Public invited to watch CF arrive/BBQ/History displays

Sunday July 26, 2009

- Free day to explore or rest - Sunday Concert at the Lighthouse Centre/Watch the Changing of the Guard or boutique shopping/Heritage Walking Tour and Beaverbrook Art Gallery Tour - Dinner, Speeches, Music (price TBA)


- Shuttle buses will be available to transport CF participants to and from hotel/airport (Price TBA)


- No camping on field

SYDNEY Monday, July 27, 2009

- Special Farewell Dinner with Cape Breton Music & Award Presentations (cost of dinner to be subsidized, price TBA)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

- Grand Finale! - Closing Ceremonies of the Cross Canada Century Flight


- Shuttle buses will be available to transport CF participants to and from Hotel/Airport/Baddeck (Cost of busses to be subsidized - Price TBA)


- Camping on the field (Contact


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John & Diane Grindon’s Glasair

Over 100 airplanes join the flight! The stars of this historic celebration By JOHN LOVELACE

There are 15,000 aircraft in Canada and by far the!majority!of them are light aircraft flown by private pilots. In fact there are more than 10,000 light aircraft in Canada and they fly almost a half a million hours each year. The planes that are flying in this historic Cross Canada Century Flight represent more than 50!different!aircraft types and the vast!majority!of the!aircraft fleet in Canada by model type. ! The typical light aircraft is powered by a 150 hp engine. Considering that planes fly in a straight line without traffic lights or intersections, they are

remarkably fuel efficient. !Some of these planes have smaller engines of less than 100 hp, with some of the high performance aircraft delivering more than 300 hp. ! Light aircraft can be made of wood and fabric, aluminum or plastic composite materials. Many of the aircraft that you see today have very basic flight instruments. Others have computers that provide moving map!technology, terrain!awareness,!traffic, digital weather and engine displays. In fact, a typical light aircraft can come equipped with!better

computers than the first spaceship that landed on the moon. Flying in a threedimensional!world without speed limits or traffic is a great way to get around for either pleasure or business. In fact 20,000 Canadians hold pilots!licenses!and the photographs on the following pages represent a cross-section of these pilots. They are weekend pilots or seasoned veterans who fly jet liners. Some are mechanics, farmers, doctors or lawyers regardless of their backgrounds, these pilots share a common love of flying their own airplanes.

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John Lovelace and his Piper Navajo PA-31-310

Dave Fitzpatrick and his Cirrus SR22

Anthony Nalli and his C-206




Kevin Psutka’s C-182

Gordon & Hanne Hindle’s VariEze

Anna Pangrazzi’s TT82T




Peter Graystone’s Challenger U/L

Steve Hindle’s C-182A

C&R Trachsel’s Van’s RV6


Lynn Steadman’s Seastar SP


Warner Koch’s C-172


John Maxfield’s C-172

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Ken Black’s C-182C

James Herbert’s C-L19

Brent Atkinson’s Piper PA 28-140




Greg Caswell’s C-182N

H&C Romani’s Glastar

John Smith’s 1959 C-172




John Nazarenko’s Beech H35

D&G Mockford’s Norseman

Gordon Huartson’s C-177RG


Tony Bates’ C-172


Larry Taylor’s Maranda Super 14


F Sytsma & A Spork’s CT206H

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Paul Rockwell’s Aero Commander 112A

A. Ole Larsen’s C-210B

Steve Greenwell’s Piper PA 28-140




Beech 60 piloted by Brent Lee

Cameron Fraser’s C-185/ Amphibian

Allan Snowie’s Nieuport Experimental




Melvin Reister’s Piper PA 28R-180

Bill Velie’s C-172

John MacGregor’s Piper PA-30


Larry Anschell’s Piper PA-28 140


Jack Maendel’s Cirrus SR22


John Mackenzie’s C-310Q

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Gerry Bakken’s Beech G33

Tim Cole’s C-172

J&B Van Halderen’s Stinson 108-3




Larry Buckmaster’s C-185

Joan & Dean Sandham’s Comanche 260B

Blake Farren’s C-210-5A(205A)




John Koning’s Daphne SD-1A

Irwin Carson’s C-182L

Ken Cathro’s Mooney M20K


Fred Carey’s C-172I


Dave Qualley’s C-182


K&C Pierce’s C-182

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Ron Wright’s C-177RG

J, S&L Eckert’s C-182

John Donaldson’s C-205




Ray Dechene’s PA-28 151

M&J Guidinger’s Vans RV6

Ted Strange’s C-172




James Harder’s Piper PA-30

Cameron Wood’s Maule MX7-180B

Randy England’s Cavalier 102.5


Frederick Sweet’s C-172


Dave Kirkeby’s Davis DA2A


Paul, Peter & James Irwin’s Piper PA-22

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Kevin Joe’s C-182T

Brian Vasseur’s Zenair CH-250

Kevin Palmer’s Piper Archer II




Guo Nan’s Diamond Eclipse DA20 C1

Dong Cheng’s Diamond Eclipse DA20 C1

Ma Zun’s Diamond Eclipse DA20 C1




Bai Xue Song’s Diamond Eclipse DA20 C1

Hua Xin’s Diamond Eclipse DA20 C1


D. Paul & Jacqueline Briggs’ Beechcraft V35A


J&D Grindon’s Glassair


Bob Pellow’s C-172

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Irvin Johannson’s Piper PA-28 161

Dennis Gaetz’s C-T210N

Bill & Armaine Neale’s Piper PA-24 260B




Bill Christmann’s Zodiac CH601

W.R Brent’s C-180K

Garnet Tomke’s C-180E




Kevin Thomson’s C-180K

Nick Ilchuk’s Piper PA-28 160

Peter & Collette Stupniski’s C-180H


Ernie Lanti’s C-180


Raymond Young’s Piper PA-23 250


Ron & Marlene Innes’ American Champion 7ECA

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Douglas & Lois Reetz’s C-177

Ron Townson’s Mooney M20C




Gary Peare’s Piper PA-28 140

Alan Dares’ Savage Classic

John de Ruiter’s C-350




Stephen Neal’s Piper PA-44 180

Hugh S. Gregory’s with P.F.C's 195hp C-172XP

Roman Rotach’s Vans RV9A



Jay & Janice Lanti’s Piper PA-24 260B


Bill Michael’s C-182J


Stanley Nelson’s RV7A

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Terry Dexter’s C-172R

Peter Edgar’s Aviat Husky

Jerry St Andre’s Piper PA-18-150




John Parkin’s C-172H

Ray McFeetors’ C-T182T

Peter Goddard’s Glasair III




Charles O’Dale’s C-177B

Kurtis Arnold’s Tiger Moth DH82


David Deuchar’s PA-32-R300


Douglas Thompson’s DA40XL


Dale Clarkson’s PA 22 Piper Tri-Pacer

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Audrey Kahovec’s C-172

George Porter’s C-120

Thomas Thomas’s Murphy Moose




Don Gottenberg’s C-T206H

David Zoppa’s C-140 (1947)

Robert & Della Kennett’s Vans RV-6A




Ken Cox’s Vans RV6A

Bob & Kit Ormsby’s Piper Cherokee 180


Joseph M. Leslie’s Fleet 80 (Canuck)

Darren & Trevor Batstone with their C-172



Hugh Shields’s 1950DHC-I Chipmunk

Jim Moffatt’s C-182

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Ben Ciantar’s C-182

Ed MacDonald’s Aerocon Dochody L-39 Albatros

Ed MacDonald’s Aerocodochody L-39 Albatros


Three early pilots: Oaks, Dickens and May lead the way!

! Having 100 airplanes flying coast to coast at the same time creates some big organizational challenges. In the early"planning sessions it was decided that the best way to handle the flight was to"divide"the aircraft into three operational flight groups. This way the dispatch times could be broken down into dedicated times for each group and"en route"refueling could be split into three airports, each"assigned"to a"different"flight group. The challenges would extend into other areas like parking and land transportation as well. A question was what to call the groups; the planning committee was split on this issue. The committee started first with the names of planes, like Beaver, Otter or Chipmunk,"until someone said that there would be complaints from pilots being called"Chipmunk. Then some contemporary flight instructors were suggested,"until"it was voiced that we might be"criticized"for picking one person and excluding someone else. Peter Lubig and the flight stewards"suggested"the names of the first three pilots to receive the McKee Trophy and that was the final decision. In mid-June, 120 pilots received email notification of the flight group they belong to. And now a little secret: the faster airplanes are in The Oaks group and the slower airplanes are in the WR May group. This was done so the flight stewards could dispatch airplanes in a manner that can spread out the planned arrival times.

Group 1 - OAKS, H.A. Oaks! Pioneer Bush Pilot; founder of Western Canada Airways (inaugural award). "For early flying endeavours which helped greatly in opening up the north country by air". Group 2 - DICKENS, !C.H. Dickens Pioneer Bush Pilot; awarded the O.B.E. in 1935. "For early bush flying and for his flight across the Barren Lands in 1928". Group 3 - MAY, W.R. May Pioneer Bush Pilot; awarded the O.B.E. in 1935. “Chiefly for his mid-winter flight carrying diphtheria antitoxin from Edmonton to Fort Vermilion in 1929".


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The first powered, heavier-than-air machine to fly in Canada! The Silver Dart was designed and built by the Aerial Experiment Association (Oct. 1907Mar. 1909) under Alexander Graham Bell, a flight enthusiast since boyhood. After several successful flights at Hammondsport, NY, the Silver Dart was dismantled, crated and brought to his home in Baddeck Bay, NS. The "aerodrome" had a 14.9 m wingspan and an all-up weight of 390 kg, pilot included. By the time the Silver Dart was constructed in late 1908, it was the Aerial Experiment Association's fourth flying machine.!J.A.D. McCurdy was the principle designer and pilot; Glenn H. Curtiss developed the water-cooled engine, an advance on the association's earlier experiments. Pulled onto the ice of Baddeck Bay by horse-drawn sleigh on Feb 23, 1909, the silver-winged machine rose on its second attempt after traveling about 30m and flying at an elevation from 3 to 9 m at roughly 65 km/hr for 0.8 km. Over 100 of Bell's neighbours witnessed the first flight of a British subject anywhere in the Empire.! The frame and structure of the Silver Dart were made of steel tube, bamboo, friction tape, wire and wood. The wings were covered with silver Japanese silk; hence the name the "Silver Dart". Its engine, supplied by Glenn Curtiss, was a reliable V-8 that developed 35 hp (26 kW) at 1,000 rpm. The propeller was carved from a solid block of wood. The aircraft had

what is now called a canard or an "elevator in front" design. Like most aircraft of its day, the Silver Dart had poor control characteristics. The first passenger flight in Canada was made in the Silver Dart on August 2nd, 1909.!The Canadian Army was unimpressed at JOHN"S TOP 10 the headway made by the group. The general Cliches for the Cross Canada Crews impression of the time was that aircraft would never amount to much in actual warfare. 10. The only thing that scares me Despite official skepticism, the Association was about flying is the drive to the airport. finally invited to the military base at Camp 9. It only takes two things to fly: airspeed and money. If God meant Petawawa to demonstrate the aircraft. The man to fly, he'd have given us bigger wallets. sandy terrain made a poor runway for an aircraft with landing wheels about two inches 8. The worst day of flying still beats the best day of real work. (50 mm) wide. The Silver Dart had great 7. Truly superior pilots are those who difficulty taking off. On its fifth flight, use their superior judgment to avoid McCurdy wrecked the craft when one wheel those situations where they might have to use their superior skills. struck a rise in the ground while landing and 6. An airplane will probably fly a little the Silver Dart never flew again. bit overgross but it sure won't fly " !In all, the Silver Dart flew more than without fuel. 200 times before its last flight at Petawawa. 5. Speed is life, altitude is life insurance. The engine was later retrieved and restored and is now on display at the National Museum 4. Never let the airplane take you somewhere your brain didn't get to of Science and Technology in Ottawa. A full- five minutes earlier. scale model of the Silver Dart may be found in 3. If it ain't broke, don't fix it; if it ain't fixed, don't fly it. Ottawa's National Aviation Museum.! !From this humble!beginning!on a frozen 2. Everyone already knows the definition of a 'good' landing is one lake surface in Nova Scotia, 100 years later from which you can walk away. But very few know the definition of a there are now 64,000 pilots in Canada flying 'great landing.' It's one after which over 3 million flights annually. you can use the airplane for the next flight leg.

1. There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots!


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Close Calls is a column detailing the “close call” experiences of fellow pilots By ANTHONY NALLI

Last February, on a cold day in Baddeck, Nova Scotia, Canadian astronaut Bjarni Tryggvason lifted off in a working replica of the legendary Silver Dart to commemorate the centennial of flight in Canada. We now gather throughout Canada so that as a mass the Century Flight may congregate on the historic maritime site to celebrate the time when 100 years ago J.A. McCurdy mounted the original Silver Dart and embarked upon the very first flight ever to take place in Canada. It was on February 23, 1909 on the property of inventor Alexander Graham Bell in Baddeck. Of course, several years earlier on December 17, 1903 Orville and Wilbur Wright made history in Kitty Hawk, NC when THE first flight occurred opening the era of powered flight. The past 100 years (or 106 for our American cousins) has seen some previously unimaginable achievements. As incredible as flight itself is, we’ve since broken the sound barrier, been to the moon, and are arguably within a generation of some form of commercial space travel. Generally, flight

is somewhat less mystical on the whole now as it was even 30 or 40 years ago. Today flying is as much a contemporary norm as is driving a car. This sentiment relates mostly, however, to commercial travel as we - the relative few who take command of the flight controls in GA aircraft know that sitting in seat 26B of an A320 is nothing at all like sitting in the left seat of a C172! But whether you fly the bigs, buzz around in something smaller, aspire to do either, or simply fashion yourself an enthusiast, 100 years of flight will without a doubt mean something very special to you. The Century Flight is one of many celebrations planned across the country throughout 2009 – some large and some small. This includes dedicated portions of major annual events such as the COPA Convention from July 17th to 19th in Calgary and EAA’s AirVenture from July 27th to August 2nd at Oshkosh. Both events will commemorate the Canadian centennial. Between these two aviation celebrations will be other parties from coast to coast in places like Boundary Bay, Brandon, Marathon, Sault Ste. Marie, Brampton, Fredericton, Sydney, and Baddeck itself – all welcoming the arrival of the

Anthony Nalli Executive Producer, "The Aviators" FourPoints Television Productions

Century Flight with pomp and circumstance. Our acclaimed host, television pilot John Lovelace, will be leading the charge across the country in his Piper Navajo, attending the COPA Convention as well as all of the specially selected official venues already mentioned. The plan was to get 100 pilots to accompany him (your writer included) but we now have greater the number in aircraft count alone! The entire journey will be filmed for a television special airing across North America late in 2009, with footage also being used for “The Aviators,” a new weekly television series that will premiere in the fall of 2010. Our 100+ aircraft from various official launch points across Canada will

take part in some or all of the historic coast to coast journey, making stops at venues along the way until our arrival at Baddeck for the grand closing ceremonies. Participants will be welcomed as celebrities at each of the official venues. Community members, pilots, and enthusiasts of all ages will be invited to join in on the many celebrations that will be planned. We’d like to extend our thanks to all Century Flight participants and volunteers across the country and would like to welcome those flying with us to the journey of a lifetime!

“Visit Online to view our line of Survival Kits” 406 ELT Sales & Service - Artex, Kannad, Pointer



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A weekly TV series covering the stories in the world of aviation By ANTHONY NALLI

An entirely new aviation-based TV series has begun shooting in Vancouver and Toronto. “The Aviators” is a new television series from “Close Calls” writer Anthony Nalli, in partnership with veteran aviation television producer John Lovelace (creator of “Wings Over Canada” and Global TV’s “Driving Television”). Nalli and Lovelace have been developing the project since last year while working on the John Lovelace Cross Canada Century Flight. “The Aviators is a completely fresh concept and something that the aviation industry really needs right now” said Executive Producer Anthony Nalli. “We wanted to feature a broad spectrum of aviation related stories and have opted for a weekly series that would allow for many more stories than a conventional host-driven series”. “Aviation today is a global business with global interests. To be successful we will have a strong presence across the United States and Canada in addition to crews in Europe, Australia, and elsewhere” added Nalli. “The series, shot completely in high definition, will feature correspondents from within the aviation community to add credibility to the reporting” Nalli continued. “The Aviators television series, in combination with its associated website and related print publication, will form a complete multimedia resource profiling the people, the places and the planes of the North American aviation industry”.

“The Aviators is a completely fresh concept and something that the aviation industry really needs right now.” - ANTHONY NALLI

“There are literally hundreds of stories that have never been told and people just can’t get enough of airplanes and pilots” said John Lovelace, the producer of 172 episodes of aviation related television. “I just thought if we could overhaul the TV product, put some new faces to it, and develop something that would work internationally it would be a sure fire winner”. Lovelace added, “When we took the new fastpaced magazine concept to advertisers and broadcasters the response was excellent right out of the gate”! John Lovelace has been involved with eight television series and 400 episodes that have aired in Canada, the United States, Europe, and Australia. Pre-production of The Aviators began with shooting in Toronto and Vancouver on April 25, 2009. The show will premiere across North America in 2010. For more information or to view the show trailer, visit The Aviators official website at


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# Have you ever found yourself trying to turn a bad landing into a good one? Like after several bounces down the runway? # Have you continued a flight into deteriorating weather conditions despite the potential risks and hazards? # Have you ever experienced an inappropriate gear setting and damaged your aircraft, such as a gear up landing on a retractable or gear down landing on an amphibious aircraft into water? " If you said yes, you have been guilty of a pilot decision-making error(s). These are the leading causes of the majority of aviation accidents and the resulting insurance claims.

" The one possibility Peter didn’t consider happened: he was unable to obtain his IFR clearance because of heavy IFR traffic. Peter was unable to maintain visual references to the ground. Just a few minutes after take-off the jet crashed into a mountain.



" There are, of course, hundreds of different pilot errors. But perhaps the worst problem is what we refer to as “the invulnerable pilot”. " The invulnerable pilot believes that they have the skills and expertise to overcome any situation that comes their way. They’ve usually been flying for years and nothing bad has ever happened to them. As a result, an undue sense of security and downright overconfidence can develop. This often leads to bad decisions and big trouble. " Here’s an example I’ve recently come across: Peter, a very experienced pilot, was captaining a Learjet owned by a large corporation. He was ready for take-off as soon as his passengers arrived. They were two company executives who had rushed in from a business meeting and were behind schedule for a meeting at their next stop—which was a twohour flight away. # The weather conditions at their airport of departure consisted of a 2000 foot ceiling with scattered layers at 500 and 800 feet. The airport was surrounded by mountainous terrain. An IFR clearance would take at least 30 minutes. Since his passengers were in such a rush, Peter decided to depart VFR and try to obtain an IFR clearance en route, flying at about 1500 feet AGL.

PARK AVIATION At Park Aviation we are a leading provider of aviation insurance to Canada’s Commercial and Private Aviation Industry. We focus extensively on the needs of commercial and private aviation and the design of aviation insurance solutions. At Park Aviation, our number one goal is service. Through that commitment to you comes our guarantee of excellent coverage, premium savings, knowledgeable industry expertise and the best aviation insurance for our clients.


# This story clearly shows that even a veteran pilot can make a fatal error when their decisions are based on something other than smart piloting. In this case time pressure was the culprit, but it can be any number of things. " Another problem was that Peter didn’t think the situation through very carefully. He just assumed he would get his IFR clearance. It never occurred to him that he might not. Had he thought about all the possibilities he would have realized the danger. The low visibility and dangerous terrain didn’t seem all that significant to Peter. # As the prototypical invulnerable pilot, he was confident that nothing could really go wrong for him. The trouble is that very often the first thing which goes wrong is also the last. # In the luckiest cases such pilots get a big scare which straightens them and their attitude out. But the best way to avoid the risk is to keep educating yourself about proper piloting decisions. " You have to realize that accidents can and do happen. Only by maintaining a healthy respect for safety and your own limitations can you minimize your risks. Keep learning, and keep on making good decisions.

Venture Aviation Inc. Venture Aviation Inc. is a Toronto based Aviation Maintenance Company (AMO 48-03). Venture is approved by Transport Canada for structures with ratings in sheet metal and composite aircraft repair. In 2005 we obtained manufacturing capabilities and are also becoming well known in the industry for aircraft painting. A satellite facility known as “Venture West” was established last year near Winnipeg Manitoba. The satellite shop mirrors the main base in facilities, tooling and capabilities. After six years of consistent growth, 2009’s ‘Venture’ is to expand our main base location. This will facilitate our expansion of composite and manufacturing capabilities in North America and Europe. Venture has submitted an application to EASA for approval this year. We hope to add dual certification to our capabilities list by early summer. Venture Aviation Inc. is approved by Transport Canada for structures with ratings in manufacturing and sheet metal and composite aircraft repair. LEGAL NAME: VENTURE AVIATION INC. ADDRESS: 6600 DAVAND DRIVE, UNIT 1 MISSISSAUGA, ON. L5T 2B3 TELEPHONE: (905) 670-1101 Local 1(888) 670-1101 Toll Free 24 Hour AOG 416-712-7109 FAX: (905) 670-3670 EMAIL: WEB:


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Joe and Jordan are father and son. Jordan’s aviation career began with the Flight Cadets in Abbotsford when he was 12 years old. There he was, privileged to have been given the opportunity to earn both a glider and a powered flight private license. He is enrolled in the Aviation Program at the University of the Fraser Valley and is now completing his Commercial Pilot’s License. This CrossCanada flight provides a tremendous opportunity to log the required crosscountry time for the Commercial Pilot License as well as the prospect of learning from the other pilots that he will meet and interact with on this tour. Jordan’s goal is to be involved in aviation design and test flying. He will be the Pilot-In-Command on our trek to Baddeck. Joe’s career began in the garden in a small town in Alberta when he was about 15 years of age. He and his brother were toiling in the family garden wishing they were elsewhere when it happened. There was almost no time between the noise and the apparition. There right in front of us, coming over MacDonald’s house and heading straight

for Sutherland’s was a small, fast, silver sliver. As it thundered over the garden just out of reach of the hoe I could see the helmet of the “dream-builder” through the canopy of the T33. Cold Lake Air Force base may have been 40 nautical miles north of our sleepy little town but silver airplanes were planted deep in the hearts of two prairie boys that afternoon. The trail to the dream was circuitous and entertaining. Joe joined the Mounties. A year later, so did his brother. The prairies produced a number of Mounties. Some say it was because the farm boys were too lazy to work and too dumb to steal. Williams Lake was the first posting and the flying school beckoned. The commercial and multi-engine ratings led to an invitation to join the RCMP Air Division. A year later his brother joined the Air Division. Two wonderful years of flying the Beaver - a huffing 600 Horsepower single Otter on skis - and a winter bush survival course led to an application to Air Canada. Turned out that Air Canada felt 1000 hours of flying with 200 hours of horseback riding was the

"Specialists in Aircraft Propellers, Governors & Components" 462 Brooklyn St, Wpg, MB R3J1M7! Toll Free & AOG Line 1-800-773-6853 kind of experience they were looking for. (OK, it was near the end of the hiring frenzy of 1973). A year later his brother came to Air Canada. The garden experience had gone deep. Thirty one years of airline flying was nothing short of fantastic. It all began in the right seat of a DC-9. Not a T33 but it was silver, slippery and made that wonderful sound! A litany of birds, courses and endorsements ensued; the DC-8, the B727, the L1011, the B767, the A320, and a ride into the sunset on the A330 and A340. Retirement was fine. But a week was plenty. I just didn’t seem to be cut out for gardening. Then one of life’s little coincidences played another card. Mike Krall said they were looking for just one Lear 45 Captain “off the street” but “I won’t check you out on the Challenger 604”. “Sounds fine to me”, I said. And thus a third chapter began. Now 42 years and 17,000 flight hours later, I confess I still relish the thought of the next flight. It has been a rare privilege to have been blessed with the opportunity to fly. The “dream-builder” and the silver thunder of the T33 had lasting impact; maybe even altered genetics. Three of our sons now fly and I see they don’t garden either. Ah well; maybe they will in retirement.


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I vividly remember 11:15 am, Sunday, September 3rd, 1939 near the city of Canterbury, Kent, UK. I was crouching beside my father under an oak tree, when all at once, every wireless within a 100 yards suddenly boomed at high volume. What we heard changed our lives forever. There was no mistake about it, as British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announced in a somewhat tremulous voice that a state of war now existed between England and Germany. I looked up, shielded my eyes from the brilliant sun and at almost the same moment heard both the scream of an air raid siren and the roar of a low flying aircraft. What had long been expected was now a reality. Excited? You bet! But scared, as all the thoughts my six year old brain could process came flooding into this peaceful Sunday morning. The future seemed unimaginable! Not fully grasping the dangers of war, my eyes were drawn to the skies. Here I watched with amazement as our heroes raced overhead in their powerful flying machines, Spitfires, Hurricanes. Back and forth across the English Channel and above the British countryside I watched with both pride and fear. Among those heroes of the sky was my uncle John Forbes. John was a gentleman pilot whose experience of war left him with an enduring demeanor of humility. A Bomber Pilot and Group Captain, uncle John had seen the city of Hamburg in flames and returned home the sole survivor aboard his Wellington Aircraft. Fast forward to September 19, 1947. The war has ended, and my fascination with all things airborne is at its peak. My uncle John offers me my first airplane ride aboard a DC3 from Dyce, Aberdeen, Scotland, to the Northolt Airport in London, England. It was on this first flight that my lifelong affair began. Uncle John sat me down and buckled me into the front passenger seat of a DC 3. What a thrill!! I could look right into the cockpit. No locked doors or Sky Marshals then. The next thing I remember hearing was “contact” as both radial engines, one after the other, roared to life. It then seemed no time before the floor of the aircraft became level and we were careening down the runway and into the air. I have often relived that moment as I pull back on the stick of my aircraft and feel the exhilaration of becoming airborne. Over the following seven decades my fascination

with flying has not faded. I spent seven years in the RCAF flying as a Maritime Patrol Navigator in The Lancaster, The 1.866.444.1946 Neptune, and The Argus Aircraft. I www.crowneplaza/fredericton earned my pilot wings in 1962, and in 1968 became a helicopter pilot. I graduated from medical school in 1967, and continue to enjoy the career of a rural Nova Scotian Physician to this day. The combination of doctor and pilot has allowed me some very unique experiences. One such experience found me as half-owner of a Brantley helicopter. As a rural doctor I had dreamed of being able to make house calls by helicopter. Yes, this actually did happen on many occasions. Then in 1971, airborne on my way to a house call, I heard a loud “click” and suddenly, at 400 feet, the aircraft yawed violently and I saw to my horror that one of the red and white blades of the tail rotor was 100 feet below me disappearing into the bushes. My ten year old (continued on page 35)


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CF-EAU was born in September of 1946 in Fort Erie, Ontario. The Fleet company had envisioned an improved trainer: one that would provide side-by-side seating for the instructor and student rather than the more common tandem seating where the instructor sat behind the student. The aircraft was designed and stressed to wartime standards at the time - plus or minus 7 G’s - and has been employed by many flight schools in Canada. Fleet made a total of 225 aircraft that sold for $3869.00. Then came the misfortune of a financial downturn and they ceased production of the Fleet 80 or the “Canuck” as it was fondly called. CF-EAU began her flying career in Victoria BC and has been posted in Chilliwack, Pitt Meadows, Quesnel, Powell River and now Abbotsford, in her venerable career of providing unparalleled joy to young aviators. She has logged over 12,500 hours of flight time and was completely re-built in 2003 by Werner Griesbeck of Langley, BC.

She is presently owned by the Leslie family of Abbotsford who acquired her to supplement the flight training of three of their sons. EAU has been equipped with an artificial horizon, a VOR, an ILS and a GPS receiver to facilitate limited instrument training. This Fleet Canuck has an 85 horsepower Continental Engine and cruises at a breath-taking 93 MPH. It has a service ceiling of 12,000 feet and a range of 2.5 hours with VFR reserves. EAU is more inclined to fly than chat but she has recorded a fascinating tale of flight training, cross country flights and breath-taking first-time solo flights. I have had the privilege of meeting a number of her former pilots, some of whom are now with Canada’s Armed Forces, some with Canadian airlines and one memorable lady from Victoria. She vividly recalls her airborne examination to acquire a flight instructor rating. Her examiner cut the fuel off when overhead the airport and she can still see clearly EAU’s pretty wooden propeller at a standstill, hear the silence in the air and feel the shudder in her chest as she realized that this forced landing was no drill.

Page 35 (continued from page 33) daughter who was with me kept saying “What’s happening It was in the early days of flight that inside such a hangar Dad, what’s happening”? At first, panic, and then okay, “lower one might have heard lengthy conversations about daring feats the collective, roll off the throttle and auto-rotate”. The nose of flight while surrounded by canvas covered bi-planes of the aircraft appeared to be straight down and rotating into a complete with tail wheels. Just imagine the chatter and talk meadow– “pull back the stick and level the aircraft”. Now level, with some forward speed giving some rudder effect, flair and then sudden silence and stillness - and a sea of faces seemed to surround the bubble canopy of the aircraft. The first thought I remember was “I wonder which one is St. Peter”? The aircraft had landed in a clump of alder bushes - effectively cushioning the impact - landing nose up, burying its tail cone into the side of a small river bank. The results of both these phenomena were that there were no injuries to either of us, nor any ensuing fire. The helicopter was written off and we both walked away unscathed!! Another experience began by answering an advertisement in the January 1980 edition of the Canadian Medical Journal that requested physician pilots interested in flying their own aircraft to conduct medical clinics in the outback of Queensland, Australia. All it took was one phone call and within a short time I was on my way to “Down Under”. I soon came to understand that flying in the outback was a whole different experience from the flying that I had done in Canada. In the outback there were no ground-based fixing aids, all navigation was done by dead reckoning and map reading. There were certainly moments of anxiety. On one particular evening my medical clinic had run late and twilight was approaching. The local kangaroo population were carrying out their nocturnal habit (which was their daily bent) of lying stretched out on the warm asphalt of the runway. Take-off to home base to me appeared therefore to be in question. Not to be outdone however, with a bit of Ausi-Canadian ingenuity, five cars were rounded up by the locals and made to form an inverted V on the threshold of the runway, behind the apex of which was my aircraft. At a given signal, all five cars started to accelerate, my Cessna 180 accelerating in unison between the arms of the V. The roo population, seeing this menacing armada of cars approaching with the cacophonic blaring of their horns, quickly fled the runway and when rotation speed was obtained by my aircraft, I gently lifted off the runway leaving the V formation of cars on the ground to decelerate and turn around for home. Today I find myself taking to the skies in a Glasair III, CFCNX. My son Tom and I own this aircraft together. Tom is a physician in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and was the prime mover and shaker in having the aircraft built. C-CFNX lives in Hanger #10 at the Waterville Municipal airport in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. This hanger and all hangars are such great places. All pilots know this. From Victoria to St. John’s you can find them. They come in all shapes and sizes. They are a pilot’s home away from home. Apart from keeping an aircraft warm and dry, they are friendly places where pilots gather to listen, to talk and to learn. This is our hangar, a place we always return. Lined up along the taxiway in a row with several others, #10 contains a piece of our hearts.

Page 36 that must have occurred inside the hangar of the “Silver Dart” one hundred years ago. “Do you think she will fly at all Mr. McCurdy”? might have been one quip. “Just you wait and see”! he may have replied; and fly she did, a whole half mile! Now we step forward in time to something that one hundred years ago would have sounded unbelievable. "I am descending in on an NDB instrument approach to runway 10 at Waterville. The weather is overcast and raining and the modern glass instrument panel in front of me shows a clear picture of the

path to the runway below. I pass the beacon and descend to minimums. As runway 10 miraculously appears in front of me I think of J.A.D. McCurdy, and how this scene with all of its electronic wizardry would have appeared to be in the realm of science fiction. But alas I have been dreaming – I am still in the hangar and as I look out through the window I see the sky is clearing and beckoning this little white, red and blue bird to shed its earthly bonds, and share the day where hawks and eagles soar. “So”, someone recently asked me “why do you want to be part of this

Centennial Flight”? My response to them is this: The dreams of Alexander Graham Bell, John Alexander Douglas McCurdy and his team, are the dreams that all pilots have. I want to honor the accomplishments of those men and what the many and varied pioneers who have followed in their footsteps have done for this great country and for me. I also want to be able to remember that during my lifetime, I physically took part in a Celebration of Canadian aviation history second to none. As we lift off on this coming July 17th 2009 from Boundary Bay, I will be accompanied by my eldest son Bill who flies for Northern Thunderbird Air in Vancouver. Many hearts will be racing as we pull back and gently lift into the air to once again, make history. Together we will climb high through the great Western Mountains, eastward over the long expanse of prairie and its array of golden fields. We will pass over the Canadian Shield and the myriad of water systems comprising the Great Lakes. The grand cities of commerce will follow in line, as up the St. Lawrence seaway and into French Canada our salute to history pursues its path of flight; until at last unfolds below us, our own Canadian Maritimes, Atlantic Canada and the lakes of Big Bras D’Or, the true home of our celebrated “Silver Dart”. I am privileged to be able to pilot our little bird over this great country on the Centennial Cross Canada flight with one hundred plus other General Aviation pilots and their aircraft. I am reminded too, of my first flight in a DC3 with my uncle John and I feel proud to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the flight of “The Silver Dart”, not only a Canadian first, but also a crowning Canadian achievement.


6005 Highway 17 (at Highway 99) Delta, BC , Canada V4K 5B8

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When I first met Cessna 140 CFEKU, I knew she was rough around the edges. Mechanically sound for the most part, but still pretty rough looking and clapped out. Not much to look at aesthetically. Bare corroded skins, no colors, save for black struts and gear. No love, no direction.! A machine used beyond it's time, held together but for legality's sake. Bare canvas on an easel.... Neither an engineer nor an artist, I'm just a regular guy, although there was something in this old 140 that I didn't realize at that time. An old spark? A history? A former life?!! EKU trained many pilots over the decades.! Friendships build over time. You learn a little as you go. Old timers with knowledge of history that you may never get to meet fade away much too soon.

You slowly learn about her when you don't have all the old logbooks. She was owned by the Michaud brothers, Al and Lloyd. Two gentlemen entrepreneurs who forged aviation history in BC with Vancouver U-Fly. Also the Cessna dealers for Western Canada, EKU was purchased (among other 140s) in August 1947. A surviving weight and balance document from Sept. '47 gives a clue, installed on floats by Brisbane Maintenance at South Terminal, telephone # 41.! EKU went into service for many student pilots at the capable hands of Lloyd, and then later presumably sold to Art Seller's Langley Skyway Services.! While visiting Pender Island’s Hasting’s Field last weekend, thumbing through Jack Schofield’s latest book “No Numbered Runways”, I came

The idea of this Cross Canada Flight first came to!me!four years ago. It was a hot July day and I was!standing on the shores of Baddeck, Nova Scotia gazing!at the exact spot where!a man first flew in Canada.! ! Now the trip is finally a!reality! This will be an!eclectic!mix of time-worn equipment and brand!new technology; some pilots using dog-eared maps, while others will depend on expensive!GPS!satellite!technology. We will be a mixture of young!and old, men and women, and we will be flying airplanes that are vastly!different!in size and speed. This!historic flight is a true reflection of general aviation in!Canada, 100 years after that first flight made it all possible. This July we will be returning to that same!shoreline where it all began to celebrate a Century of!flight in Canada.! - JOHN LOVELACE

So I contented myself with flying little control line airplane models. The balsa By MEL REISTER wood Wizard I built in Cub Scouts was Like most pilots, I suppose, I’ve very fast once the finicky .049 Cox engine dreamed of flying for as long as I can started and I got dizzy as the orange plane remember. I wanted to be an airline pilot whizzed in a circle around me. When I when I grew up, I thought, or a missionary was older I graduated to radio controlled pilot spreading the gospel to remote airplanes. I built and flew a couple of villages accessible only by flying into trainers but what I really wanted was to fly primitive airstrips. Even owning my own the real thing. airplane funded by a nine to five job would When I got my first job I decided to have been delightful. find out for myself whether or not I would But none of these dreams were be able to become a pilot. I made an possible because, as I was reminded by well appointment with the local aviation meaning adults whenever the topic arose, medical examiner and arrived early on the my eyesight simply wasn’t good enough to chosen day. be a pilot. Pilots must have excellent visual The first order of business was a acuity to perform their duties safely, I was vision test. The doctor stood me twenty told. They said there was nothing I could feet from the standard eye chart and said, do to change the eyesight I was born with. “Take off your glasses and read the



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across a picture of U-Fly’s fleet Circa 1947 – there shiny and new, is EKU. I’ve now owned EKU for thirteen years and I know that I am just a temporary steward of this airframe.! She is more than just an airframe – she is a member of my family, and my magic carpet.! With more of her history to learn and stories to tell, EKU has many more adventures to come.

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Page 39 smallest line you can see”. I didn’t understand why he wasn’t testing my vision with glasses since I had no intention of flying an airplane without them. I did as he said anyway and told him that I really couldn’t read anything on the chart at all. My heart sank when he told me that I would never be able to obtain any kind of pilot license and terminated the examination right then, no charge! I later learned that there are minimum uncorrected visual acuity standards that all pilots must meet. Life got busier and I forgot about flying for a while. I went to University where I earned my Bachelors Degree in Engineering and met my beautiful wife. As we started our lives together and settled into our routines, the flying bug started stirring in me again. I decided to attempt to obtain one of those medical “waivers” I’d heard about for pilots who don’t quite meet the licensing standards. I booked an appointment with the aviation medical examiner in the town I was now living in and the doctor sent the application off to Transport Canada for approval. A few weeks later a letter arrived in our mailbox. It stated simply, “We find you medically unfit for any kind of pilot licensing”. I was disappointed. My wife cried. I wrote a letter to Transport Canada asking them if there was any provision in

the licensing standards to The new Savage Classic will be touring across Canada both make an exception and ways in July, and hooking up with the Century Flight in Boundary grant me a “waiver” so I Bay to celebrate the 100 years of aviation in Canada. could obtain a private pilot license. The answer was a surprise to both my wife and me. Transport Canada said I may be found medically suitable for pilot licensing if I could be successfully fitted with contact lenses! They “Feel free to come out and visit with us on the long route, see the plane, and maybe go for a demo ride in it. !Blue skies and Tailwinds” - Alan Dares, President, Savage Aircraft. gave some reasons why contact lenses are better Savage Aircraft Sales Canada Ltd. than glasses for pilots but I 416-486-7662 didn’t care. I was going to cell 416-418-1415 do whatever I could to realize my dream of flying. medical constraints. Flying ultralight My optometrist couldn’t understand aircraft is another alternative with even why I wanted to get contact lenses. “It will more relaxed medical requirements. be expensive,” he said, “and there is a high The point of this story is never give probability that you won’t adapt to the up. I could have quit after that first partial lenses successfully”. But I did adapt to the medical examination but I wouldn’t have lenses and in 1992 I earned my private pilot met all the wonderful people in the world of license! general aviation. Nor would I be flying Seventeen years later I have a logbook across Canada with over 100 other full of flying adventures and stories. The airplanes to commemorate the 100th Canadian Aviation Regulations changed anniversary of powered flight in Canada! long ago and I fly with glasses now. There are also other pilot licenses available now that carry less stringent medical prerequisites. The recreational pilot license is one option that allows people to fly within certain restrictions but with less strict

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604-694-7601 John Lovelace loves the Canadian wilderness and he knows it!well. That’s why if you are looking to buy or sell a piece of it, he is the man to know. For lodges, ranches, timberland, raw!acreage! from the Atlantic to the Pacific!give him a call!

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Special thanks to all of our sponsors who helped make the CCCF possible!




GOLD SILVER Also: Firkus Aircraft Maintenance



THANKYOU The Cross Canada Century Flight could not have been possible without the help of literally hundreds of volunteers from coast to coast in Canada. We would like to thank all the members of the organizing team who have spent months of their time planning and coordinating. This included every detail from making sure there would be hand towels in the refueling destinations, to coordinating with hotels, planning parking and venue details. Special thanks go to Peter Lubig and his team of Stewards for organizing the routings and

Flight Marshal JOHN LOVELACE Registrar DAVE FITZPATRICK Location Manager ANTHONY NALLI Venue Coordinator LISA NALLI Marketing & Media Relations Consultant LISA VAN REEUWYK TV Production Coordinator BENI GAYDAROVA

coordinating with Transport Canada. Dave Fitzpatrick volunteered his time and that of his staff to look after the huge registration files. Cameron Fraser has worked tirelessly to organize the ramp and refueling details. But that is only the beginning. As we move across the country there will be a succession of 8 mini conventions. All of this has taken a lot of work by organizers and volunteers who are looking after the venues for our group of 250 happy aviators. Then there are the sponsors like Aviation World, who are

Electronic Media, Logo’s & Cross Canada Guide Design MARTIN DUDZIK First Officer & Assistant to John Lovelace RAELEEN RANGER Sales Manager JACK NEUFELD Chief Ground Marshall CAMERON FRASER ATC Specialist BOB CULLY

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providing the welcome kits; Sennheiser will be providing door prizes; Garmin is helping out with GPS navigation; West Jet for supplying buses at Calgary. Thanks to the Canadian Military for endorsing the flight. Special thanks to Nav Canada for becoming an official sponsor. Then there is the people at Canwest Global, Global TV, History Channel and KNME for the PBS Uplink. Lawrence Knight and Tiller’s Folly for the theme song and Turtle recording and audio studios. The list is endless but here is a partial list of the names:

Chief Flight Steward PETER LUBIG BC Flight Steward BILL VELLIE Alberta Flight Steward TERRY JACKSON Manitoba Flight Steward PAUL IRWIN Ontario Flight Steward ANDRE HOOGENDYK Coordinator LEIA HUTCHINGS

Cross Canada Flight Accounting NANCY LOVELACE

Please visit for the up-to-date list of our wonderful volunteers. Please join/view our Twitter page for the newest information by visiting

Thank you for joining us and making history! The Cross Canada Century Flight Guide is sponsored by the John Lovelace Corporation. The John Lovelace Corporation is western Canada's leading full-service multimedia marketing company. Copyright Š 2008 John Lovelace Corporation

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