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Oxbridge events
Cambridge Chemistry Challenge
Congratulations to Josh (U6PWM) who came in the top 0.7% of the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge – and earnt a place at the University of Cambridge “chemistry focused” residential camp this year.
This challenge, involving a 90-minute written paper, stretches students with an interest in chemistry and takes them significantly beyond the Sixth Form syllabus. The best performers are invited to a residential camp for the opportunity to meet other like-minded students and to hone their chemistry skills.
“The Cambridge Chemistry Challenge provided a taster into university style chemistry concepts, such as the idea of double bond equivalents. The questions posed both a mathematical and conceptual challenge, and we had to apply our current A-Level knowledge to more complex problems. During the summer camp for the Roentgenium award winners, I was given lectures by Dr Peter Wothers who introduced me to functional group levels, the Schrodinger equation and more. I was even able to undergo a series of practicals in the Cambridge Chemistry laboratories and had a tour of all the facilities. It was a great experience and I encourage future Lower Sixth students to take this opportunity as well.” Josh (U6PWM) n
Gore Lecture
On Thursday 3rd November, Jay (L6QAC) and Aayan (L6RSK) attended a Gore lecture at Harrow School delivered by the Regius Professor of Divinity at the University of Oxford. Professor Ward spoke about “Queers and colonialism: writing Christian theology today.” The talk was interesting and topical as the speaker discussed the enduring negative legacy of colonialism. He discussed this in the variety of contexts in which he had been invited to speak, including China and South Africa. He observed that inter-faith activities were key to recognising human commonalities and building more just communities. The students had the opportunity to meet with Professor Ward after the session and very much enjoyed the stimulating conversation. n