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School caterers achieve
School caterers achieve certificate of excellence
Holroyd Howe, our school caterers, had a surprise inspection from the European Safety Bureau on Wednesday 9th November. Following an extremely stringent audit, we are pleased to announce that they received 100% for allergen management, an overall 99% score and a 5-star hygiene rating. What a great outcome for the School and our Holroyd Howe team! Many thanks to them for keeping safety high on the list when serving up delicious and nutritious meals each and every day. n
Student Council
There are 41 students involved in the Student Council coming from all year groups in the Senior School. The Student Council is an important and valued way in which students contribute to the life of our school, developing their teamworking and leadership skills. The full council meets once a half-term to receive the reports from its three sub-committees: Student Experience, Sustainability and Charity (also meeting half-termly) providing all members with the opportunity to comment on and contribute to the plans of the committees.
The Student Experience Committee covers the general experience and wellbeing of pupils at the school, including catering, outdoor spaces, and any other changes that pupils wish to see.
The committee is currently working on proposals to put to the School Leadership on developing the Life Skills content of tutor time and student storage around the School. Looking at student wellbeing and fitness they are also exploring a proposal asking for the gym to open after school for students to use.
The Sustainability Committee covers ways in which the School can be made greener, reduce its carbon footprint and any issues to do with school facilities. Students are investigating the possibility of installing solar panels on the Lyon Building roof, the introduction of smart heaters and lights around school, and raising awareness among parents of the dangers of leaving their engines idling while parked outside of the School. Students are also working on a campaign to raise awareness of the issue of ‘fast fashion’ with the student body in February, encouraging students to buy clothes from sustainable sources and to recycle those that are unwanted in recycling bins sited at school.
The Charity and Events Subcommittee covers ideas for charitable initiatives as well as whole school and year group events. As the term draws to a close, we are at the end of a series of successful events to raise money for our school charities – St Luke’s Hospice in Harrow and the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Among them we have seen a Christmas Fayre run by Lower School students, a football tournament, Head Boy Smoothie events, our annual Macmillan Coffee morning and a collection for a local foodbank. n