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109th Old Lyonian Association Annual Dinner
It was wonderful to welcome back so many Old Lyonians to the School for the 109th Lyonian Association Annual Dinner. A wonderful evening was had by all, as OLs reconnected with fellow pupils, shared their fondest memories and reminisced about their times at John Lyon. The summer edition of the magazine will cover this highly popular event in a full feature. n e’re very grateful for the hard work of Asan and Marcus, both pupils from L6QAC, in helping us with this process – they’ve played an important role in getting us to this point.
We have been reviewing the School archives across both the Prep and Senior Schools – the collection contains material ranging from when both schools were founded to the present day. We are working on developing a database with the hope of digitising the material and creating a rich and comprehensive online offering for the benefit of the entire school community.

They’ve learned a great deal along the way – and here’s what Asan, with input from Marcus, had to say about the experience:
“I was eager to take the opportunity, when it arose, to volunteer in the school archive on a Friday afternoon each week as a part of my CCP. Marcus and I were given the task of sorting through various school documents: everything from Speech Day programmes to sports photos. At the moment, we’ve finished putting in order all available whole school photos. A daunting task, I admit, but through shrewd organisation, Marcus and I got through it well, while also taking time to look through and reflect on what the school was, is, and perhaps what it will be – and to notice some of the changes, the most significant being the number of boys!
We’ve also seen how instrumental Harrow School has been in the history of John Lyon, which really makes one realise how lucky we are to share such important values and links, even today, as two of the leading schools in the country.
This has been, and continues to be, an enjoyable experience for us both and it has given us valuable insights on the School’s