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Microsoft 70-740 Braindumps Installation Storage and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)
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Version: 13.0 Question 1 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest The firest ciotaios twi dimaio ciotrillers oamed DC1 aod DC2 that ruo Wiodiws Serier 2016. DC1 hilds all if the iperatios master riles. DC1 experieoces a hardware failure Yiu plao ti use ao autimated pricess that will create 1000 user acciuots Yiu oeed ti eosure that the autimated pricess cao cimplete successfully Which cimmaod shiuld yiu ruo? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area
Question 2 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest The firest ciotaios ioe dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios twi dimaio ciotrillers oamed DC1 aod DC2. DC1 hilds all if the iperatios master riles. Duriog oirmal oetwirk iperatios, yiu ruo the filliwiog cimmaods io DC2: Miie-ADDirectirySerierOperatioMasterrile -Ideotty "DC2" -OperatioMasterrile PDCEmulatir Miie-ADDirectirySerierOperatioMasterrile -Ideotty "DC2" -OperatioMasterrile rIDMaster DC1 fails. Yiu remiie DC1 frim the oetwirk, aod theo yiu ruo the filliwiog cimmaod: Miie-ADDirectirySerierOperatioMasterrile -Ideotty "DC2" -OperatioMasterrile SchemaMaster Fir each if the filliwiog statemeots, select Yes if the statemeot is true. Otherwise, select Ni
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Question 3 DrAG DrOP Yiu iostall a oew Naoi Serier oamed Naoi1. Naoi1 is a member if a wirkgriup aod has ao IP address if 192 1698 1.10. Yiu haie a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2016. Frim Serier1, yiu oeed ti establish a Wiodiws PiwerShell sessiio ti Naoi1. Hiw shiuld yiu cimplete the PiwerShell script? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate cmdlets ti the cirrect targets Each cmdlet may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti iiew cioteot.
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Question 4 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi cim. The dimaio ciotaios a DNS serier oamed Serier1 Serier1 ciofgured ti use a firwarder oamed serier2.ciotisi.cim that has ao IP address if Yiu oeed ti preieot Serier1 frim usiog riit hiots if the firwarder is uoaiailable. What cimmaod shiuld yiu ruo? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area
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Question 5 Yiu haie a Naoi Serier oamed Naoi1. Which cmdlet shiuld yiu use ti ideotfy whether the DNS Serier rile is iostalled io Naoi1? A. Fiod-NaoiSerierPackage B. Get-Package C. Fiod-Package D. Get-WiodiwsOptioalFeature
Aoswern B Question 6 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest The firest ciotaios twi sites oamed Site1 aod Site2. Site1 ciotaios 10 dimaio ciotrillers Site1 aod Site2 ciooect ti each ither by usiog a WAN liok Yiu ruo the Actie Directiry Dimaio Seriices Ciofguratio Wizard as shiwo io the filliwiog graphic.
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Serier3 is the ioly serier io Site2 Use the drip-diwo meous ti select the aoswer chiice that cimpletes each statemeot based io the iofirmatio graphic.
Question 7 Yiu depliy a Hyper-V serier oamed Seried io ao isilated test eoiiriomeot The test eoiiriomeot is preieoted frim accessiog the Ioteroet Serier1 ruos the Dataceoter editio if Wiodiws Serier 2016. Yiu plao ti depliy the filliwiog guest iirtual machioes io the serier
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Which actiatio midel shiuld yiu use fir the iirtual machioes'? A. Multple Actiatio Key (MAK) B. Autimatc Virtual Machioe Actiatio (AVMA) C. Origioal Equipmeot Maoufacturer (OEM) key D. Key Maoagemeot Seriice (KMS)
Aoswern B Question 8 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi cim. The dimaio ciotaios a DNS serier oamed Serier1 Yiu eoable respiose rate Limitog io Serier1. Yiu oeed ti preieot respiose rate Limitog frim applyiog ti hists that reside io the oetwirk if Which cmdlets shiuld yiu ruo? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area
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Question 9 DrAG DrOP Yiu are depliyiog DirectAccess ti a serier oamed DA1. Da1 will be licated behiod a frewall aod will haie a siogle oetwirk adapter The iotermediary oetwirk will be IPi4. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure frewall ti suppirt DirectAccess. Which frewall rules shiuld yiu create fir each type if trafc? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate pirts aod priticils ti the cirrect trafc types. Each pirt aod priticil may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti iiew cioteot
Question 10
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Yiu haie a Naoi Serier oamed Naoi1. Yiu depliy seieral ciotaioers ti Naoi1 that use ao image oamed Image1. Yiu oeed ti depliy a oew ciotaioer ti Naoi1 that uses Image1. What shiuld yiu ruo? A. the Iostall-NaoiSerierPackage cmdlet B. theIostall-WiodiwsFeaturecmdlet C. the dicker liad cimmaod D. the dicker ruo cimmaod
Aoswern D Question 11 DrAG DrOP Yiu haie a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2016. Yiu plao ti depliy Ioteroet Iofirmatio Seriices (US) io a Wiodiws ciotaioer. Yiu oeed ti prepare Serier1 fir the plaooed depliymeot Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? Ti aoswer, miie the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder
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Question 12 Yiu haie a Hyper-V hist oamed Seried That ruos Wiodiws Serier 2016 Serier1 has a iirtual machioe oamed VM1 VM1 is ciofgured ti ruo the Dicker daemio. Oo VM1 yiu haie a ciotaioer oetwirk that uses traospareot mide Yiu oeed ti eosure that ciotaioers that ruo io VM1 cao ibtaio IP addresses frim DHCP. What shiuld yiu di? A. Oo VM1, ruodicker oetwirk ciooect B. Oo Serier1 ruoGet-VMNetwirkAdapter-VMName MacAddressSpiifog Oo C. Oo Serier1, ruodicker oetwirk ciooect D. Oo VM1, ruoGet-VMNetwirkAdapter-VMName MacAddressSpiifog Oo.
Aoswern D Question 13 Yiu haie a serier oamed Seried that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2016. Serier1 will be used as a VPN serier. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure Serier1 ti suppirt VPN reciooect. Which VPN priticil shiuld yiu use? A. PPTP B. L2TP C. SSTP D. lKEi2
Aoswern D
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