==== ==== HEALTH NOTE: Prolonged heartburn and acid reflux can lead to abnormal cell growth in your esophagus, a condition called Barrett's syndrome. The medical significance of Barrett’s esophagus is its strong association with esophageal adenocarcinoma, a particularly lethal cancer. ( See Wikipedia, and see a doctor right away if you get frequent heartburn!) ==> Take immediate action to eliminate Heart Burn, Acid Reflux and their associated health problems. Click This Link: http://528b78ptygve4vbinpucyt7mcl.hop.clickbank.net/ ==== ====
Millions of people worldwide suffer an occasional bout of heartburn. Many of those suffer frequently, and try one product after another to gain heartburn relief. Products range from simple over-the-counter indigestion relievers to prescription drugs for heartburn relief. But is heartburn relief possible without drugs of any kind? It has been said that only about 1 out of 100 people who take drugs for heartburn relief really need them. Heartburn, like every other pain in your body, is a warning signal. It is telling you that something must be changed. If the warning light in your car tells you to check your engine, you do not ask a mechanic to disconnect the light so it will not bother you. That is asking for a bigger problem! You ask the mechanic to check the engine, and correct the root problem that causes the light to come on. Heartburn relief should not be a matter of turning off the "warning light" so you don't see it. Heartburn relief should address the root cause of the warning light. Cause of Heartburn In simple terms, heartburn is a muscular problem. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a specialized ring of muscle located at the end of the esophagus, opens when you swallow to let food pass into the stomach. It then closes quickly to keep things in the stomach. When the LES doesn't close quickly enough, or reopens at the wrong time, stomach acid flows back into the esophagus. The acid on the sensitive lining of the lower esophagus causes a burning sensation. True heartburn relief must make the LES operate properly. It must keep the LES from relaxing inappropriately, or it must strengthen the LES. How can that be done? How can you get true heart relief without drugs? 1. Diet Heartburn relief must obviously pay attention to the food that is moving from the esophagus into the stomach. We are all different. Our stomachs produce differing amounts of gastric juices, with
differing degrees of acidity. The food you eat must be digestible by your individual system. Returning to our vehicle illustration, what happens when you use improper fuel? It isn't long until the engine lets you know! If the fuel contains water or sediment, or if the octane level is wrong, you will know. All you have to do is listen to your engine. Heartburn relief requires listening to your body. The next time you have heartburn, think back to what "fuel" you just put into your body. What did you eat? Write it down and forget it for now. Do this each time you have heartburn. After a month, look over the list. Does the same "fuel" always demand heartburn relief? Avoiding that fuel may be your answer. 2. Actions The failure of your muscle to keep the door closed between stomach and esophagus may be as simple a matter as your actions. You may be doing things that make the door open. Eating too fast, eating too much, or not chewing food well can all contribute to heartburn. Bending at the waist after eating is commonly connected to heartburn, as is tight clothing. Allowing yourself to become overweight puts undue pressure on that area of the body, an action best corrected by losing weight. Going to bed on a full stomach or exercising too soon after eating will also call for heartburn relief. Your heartburn relief may be as simple as changing your actions. Try eating more slowly, and chewing every bite thoroughly before swallowing. This incorporates more saliva, which helps the stomach digest the food. Stop eating before you are too full. Wait at least 2 hours after eating before exercising - at least 3 hours before going to bed. Addressing other actions that put pressure on the lower esophagus may also bring heartburn relief. 3. Water Another factor in heartburn relief is the consumption of adequate amounts of clean water. If you suffer heartburn during or after exercise, you may simply be dehydrated. Every muscle, including the LES that prevents backflow of stomach juices, needs sufficient water to function well. Be sure you drink plenty of water daily, with extra when exercising. 4. Garlic Garlic provides heartburn relief for many, especially those who have H. Pylori. H. pylori is a bacterium found in the stomach. It works with acid secretion to damage stomach tissue, causing inflammation and contributing to heartburn. For heartburn relief, try eating 1 or 2 cloves of fresh, raw garlic daily until the H. pylori is eliminated. 5. Oxygen Have you considered whether you are breathing deeply and regularly? As noted above, the root cause of heartburn is muscular. Muscles demand oxygen for efficient functioning. If, because of stress or poor habits, you fail to breathe deeply and regularly, you deprive the LES of the oxygen it needs to be strong and operate properly.
Heartburn relief for you may be as simple as deep, regular breathing during and after eating. It will help you relax, and will send adequate oxygen to the sphincter muscle that prevents or permits heartburn. If you experience heartburn on a frequent basis, please contact your physician to be sure other underlying causes are not involved. Once you have ruled out more serious concerns, try the above tips for heartburn relief. Disclaimer: The author is not a professional health care provider, and intends the above for educational purposes only.
©2007, Anna Hart. Anna herself lives with a husband who used to suffer heartburn frequently, and she empathizes with your problem. She invites you to read more of her articles about heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD at http://www.heartburnreliefblog.com. Anna continues to research and post additional weekly information on that site. If you are eager to get more information about the causes of heartburn and heartburn relief, please visit Anna now.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Hart
==== ==== HEALTH NOTE: Prolonged heartburn and acid reflux can lead to abnormal cell growth in your esophagus, a condition called Barrett's syndrome. The medical significance of Barrett’s esophagus is its strong association with esophageal adenocarcinoma, a particularly lethal cancer. ( See Wikipedia, and see a doctor right away if you get frequent heartburn!) ==> Take immediate action to eliminate Heart Burn, Acid Reflux and their associated health problems. Click This Link: http://528b78ptygve4vbinpucyt7mcl.hop.clickbank.net/ ==== ====