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The Way to the Heaven

Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa

The Way to the Heaven


By heaven, oh! Lazarus, the chosen one, Tell us, your tenure of seven, In that dark paradise underneath, The way to Eden and Fire, And the merriments and pleadings, So that, all shall be quick, For the judgment day to fare.

Predicate, the great deed of Nazareth, Upon you, for your comeback, Truly, his intention who are on the earth.

And about his second coming, For those chosen ones, still living, Then shall they strive to act upon, Before facing the golden throne.

Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Yell from the top of the highest mountain, To show the sole way, where angels pray, So that, all shall repent with tears of regret, In the manner Saul became Paul by grace, Then shall, peace be the option for all, And the land shall be heaven forever, Free from envy, fight, jealousy and egotism.

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